changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/uikon/test/tmultiplealarm/TMultipleAlarmStep.h	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include <e32msgqueue.h>
+#include <asshddefs.h>
+#include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
+#include "TRemoteControl.h"
+#include "TAlarm.h"
+#include "appfwk_tmsteststep.h"
+needed classes
+class RASAltClientSession;
+constants and definitions
+const TInt KInvalidAlarmId = -1;
+Test step utility class, contains test methods.
+class TAlarmData
+	{
+	TAlarmData(TAlarmId aId, TPtrC aData) :	iAlarmId(aId), iData(aData)
+			{	
+			}
+	TAlarmData(TAlarmId aId) : iAlarmId(aId)
+			{	
+			}
+	static TInt Compare(const TAlarmData& aD1, const TAlarmData& aD2)
+		{
+		return (aD1.iAlarmId - aD2.iAlarmId);
+		}
+	TAlarmId iAlarmId;
+	TBuf<256> iData;
+	};
+Test step utility class, contains test methods.
+Test step base class, contains test methods.
+class CTMultipleAlarmStep : public CTmsTestStep
+	{
+	CTMultipleAlarmStep();
+	~CTMultipleAlarmStep();
+	virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
+	virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
+	virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
+	void LaunchServerL(const TInt aMaxAlarms, const TBool aReplies, const TAlarmId aId, const TInt aResponse, const TTime& aTime, TInt aSnoozeTime, TBool aUpdateSnooze,TInt aInitialState);
+	void StartAlertServerL(const TInt aMaxAlarms);
+	void StartAlertServerL(const TInt aMaxAlarms, const TAlarmId aId, const TInt aResponse);
+	void StartAlertServerL(const TInt aMaxAlarms, const TAlarmId aId, const TInt aResponse, const TTime& aTime);
+	void StartAlertServerL(const TInt aMaxAlarms, const TAlarmId aId, const TInt aResponse, const TTime& aTime, TInt aSnoozeTime, TBool aUpdateSnooze, TInt aInitialState);
+	void StopAlertServer();
+	void SendInt(const TInt aValue);
+	void SendBool(const TBool aValue);
+	TInt ReadInt();
+	TInt ReadIntL();
+	void ReadData(TDes8& aBuffer);
+	void ResetConfigValues();
+	void MaxAlarmTestL();
+	void AddAlarmTestL();
+	TInt AddAlarmsL(RASAltClientSession& aSession);
+	TInt AddAlarmL(RASAltClientSession& aSession, const TAlarmId aId, const TDesC8& aData);
+	void DelAlarmTestL(const TInt aDeleteAll = 0);
+	void SoundTestL();
+	void VisibleTestL();
+	void StateTestL();
+	void QuietTestL();
+	void NotifyTestL();
+	void ServerDeathTestL();
+	void SwitchEventTestL();
+	void SessionTestL();
+	void DoMaxAlarmTestL();
+	void DoAddAlarmTestL();
+	void DoDelAlarmTestL();
+	void DoSoundTestL();
+	void DoVisibleTestL();
+	void DoStateTestL();
+	void DoQuietTestL();
+	void DoNotifyTest1L();
+	void DoNotifyTest2L();
+	void DoNotifyTest3L();
+	void DoNotifyTest4L();
+	void DoServerDeathTestL();
+	void DoSwitchEventTestL();
+	void DoSessionTestL();
+	RMsgQueue<TRemoteMsg> iMsgQ;
+	RProcess iServer;
+	TInt iMaxAlarms;
+	TInt iAlarmCount;
+	TInt iInitialState;
+	TAlarmId iId;
+	TInt iState;
+	TInt iQuietTime;
+	RArray<TAlarmData> iDataArray;
+	// Notify tests	
+	TInt iResponse;
+	TInt iSnoozeTime;
+	TBool iQueueResponse;
+	TBool iCancelNotify;
+	TBool iNoResponse;
+	TBool iWaitForUpdate;
+	TTime iTime;
+	TInt iPauseTime;
+	TInt iExpectedSnoozeTime;
+	TInt iAction;
+	class RTestSession : public RSessionBase
+		{
+		public:
+		TInt Connect(TInt aVersion);
+		TInt SendOpCode(TInt aOpCode);
+		};
+	TInt iSessionCount;
+	TInt iSessionVersion;
+	TBool iInvalidOpCode;	
+	};
+_LIT(KTMultipleAlarm, "TMultipleAlarm");