changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/uilaf/inc/lafmain.h	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __LAFMAIN_H__
+#define __LAFMAIN_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <gulbordr.h>
+#include <gulcolor.h>
+#include <frmtlay.h>
+class CCoeControl;
+class CFont;
+class TLogicalFont;
+class MLafEnv;
+class CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase : public CBase, public MFormCustomDraw
+/** LAF support for custom drawing of Edwins.
+This class is used by CEikEdwin to draw lines in plain text editors. It does 
+not work in rich text editors, as it assumes the line spacing is constant.
+The custom drawing interface is defined by the MFormCustomDraw class. 
+@released */
+	{
+	/** Allocates and constructs the custom drawer.
+	@param aEnv LAF environment functions
+	@param aControl The Edwin control
+	@return New custom drawer */
+	IMPORT_C static CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase* NewL(const MLafEnv& aEnv,const CCoeControl& aControl);
+public: // from MFormCustomDraw
+	/** Implements MFormCustomDraw::DrawBackground() to draw the Edwin background. 
+	See that function for a full description.
+	@param aParam Drawing parameters
+	@param aBackground Default background colour
+	@param aDrawn On return, the rectangle to which the function has drawn */
+	IMPORT_C void DrawBackground(const TParam& aParam,const TRgb& aBackground,TRect& aDrawn) const;
+	/** Gets the physical colour that maps to a specified logical colour.
+	@param aColorIndex Logical colour
+	@param aDefaultColor The default physical colour. This is the colour to be 
+	used if no translation is performed. This allows translation to change certain 
+	indices but not others ( by passing the default colour back unchanged).
+	@return Physical colour */
+	IMPORT_C TRgb SystemColor(TUint aColorIndex,TRgb aDefaultColor) const;
+	/** Notifies the drawer that a MEikEdwinObserver::EEventFormatChanged event has 
+	occurred for the Edwin. */
+	IMPORT_C virtual void LineSpacingChanged();
+	/** Constructor that initialises data members.
+	@param aEnv LAF environment functions
+	@param aControl The Edwin control */
+	IMPORT_C CLafEdwinCustomDrawBase(const MLafEnv& aEnv,const CCoeControl& aControl);
+	/** LAF environment functions
+	This is initialised by the constructor. */
+	const MLafEnv& iEnv;
+	/** The Edwin control. 
+	This is initialised by the constructor. */
+	const CCoeControl& iControl;
+	/** Unused. */
+	TInt iSpare;
+	};
+class CLafEdwinCustomWrapBase : public CBase, public MFormCustomWrap
+/** LAF support for custom line breaking in Edwins.
+This class is used by CEikEdwin to determine how to place line breaks.
+The custom line breaking interface is defined by the MFormCustomWrap class. 
+@released */
+	{
+	/** Allocates and constructs the custom line breaker.
+	@param aControl The Edwin control
+	@return The new line breaker */
+	IMPORT_C static CLafEdwinCustomWrapBase* NewL(const CCoeControl& aControl);
+	/** Destructor. */
+	IMPORT_C ~CLafEdwinCustomWrapBase();
+public: // from MFormCustomWrap
+	/** Gets the line break class for a Unicode character.
+	This implements MFormCustomWrap::LineBreakClass().
+	@param aCode The Unicode character code
+	@param aRangeStart On return, contains the Unicode character code at the start 
+	of the range including aCode that shares the same line break class as aCode.
+	@param aRangeEnd On return, contains the Unicode character code at the end 
+	of the range including aCode that shares the same line break class as aCode
+	@return The line break class assigned to the character. Line break classes 
+	are enumerated with MTmCustom::EOpLineBreakClass etc. */
+	IMPORT_C TUint LineBreakClass(TUint aCode,TUint& aRangeStart,TUint& aRangeEnd) const;
+	/** Tests whether a line break is possible between two characters.
+	This implements MFormCustomWrap::LineBreakPossible().
+	@param aPrevClass The line break class of the previous non-space character. 
+	@param aNextClass The line break class of the next non-space character. 
+	@param aHaveSpaces True if there are one or more space characters (with a line 
+	break class of MTmCustom::ESpLineBreakClass) between aPrevClass and aNextClass; 
+	false if not.
+	@return ool True if a line break is possible between characters with the two 
+	line break classes, false if not */
+	IMPORT_C TBool LineBreakPossible(TUint aPrevClass,TUint aNextClass,TBool aHaveSpaces) const;
+	/** Gets the position of the first or last possible line break position in a text 
+	string.
+	This implements MFormCustomWrap::GetLineBreakInContext().
+	@param aText A string containing characters of class MTmCustom::ESaLineBreakClass. 
+	@param aMinBreakPos A position within aText at which to begin searching for 
+	a possible line break position. 
+	@param aMaxBreakPos A position within aText at which to stop searching for 
+	a possible line break position. 
+	@param aForwards If ETrue, the function gets the first possible line break 
+	position (searches forwards from aMinBreakPos); if EFalse, gets the last one 
+	(searches backwards from aMaxBreakPos). 
+	@param aBreakPos On return, the position of the first or last possible line 
+	break within aText. This must be greater than zero and less than aText.Length() 
+	- 1, and must also be in the range aMinBreakPos to aMaxBreakPos. 
+	@return True if a possible line break position is found, false if not */
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetLineBreakInContext(const TDesC& aText,TInt aMinBreakPos,TInt aMaxBreakPos,TBool aForwards,TInt& aBreakPos) const;
+	/** Tests whether a character can overhang the right margin.
+	@param aChar The Unicode character code of interest
+	@return True if the character specified can overhang the right margin, false 
+	if not */
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsHangingCharacter(TUint aChar) const;
+	/** Unused. */
+	IMPORT_C void MFormCustomWrap_Reserved_1();
+	/** Unused. */
+	IMPORT_C void MFormCustomWrap_Reserved_2();	
+	/** Constructor.
+	@param aControl The Edwin control */
+	IMPORT_C CLafEdwinCustomWrapBase(const CCoeControl& aControl);
+	/** The Edwin control, initialised by the constructor. */
+	const CCoeControl& iControl;
+	/** Unused. */
+	TInt iSpare;
+	};
+class MLafEnv
+/** LAF interface to access the current system environment settings.
+It is implemented by the Uikon Core, and effectively allows the LAF 
+limited access to the current thread's CEikonEnv.
+	{
+	/** Gets the environment's nearest match to the specified logical font.
+	The return value is never NULL.
+	@param aLogicalFont Logical font to match.
+	@return The font that most closely matches aLogicalFont. */
+	virtual const CFont* Font(const TLogicalFont& aLogicalFont) const=0;
+	/** Gets an environment bitmap specified by UID. 
+	@param aBmpUid The UID of the bitmap to retrieve.
+	@return The bitmap. */
+	virtual const CFbsBitmap* Bitmap(TUid aBmpUid) const=0;
+	/** Gets the physical (TRgb) colour that corresponds to the specified 
+	logical colour, for a specified control.
+	@param aLogicalColor Logical colour.
+	@param aControl Control for which to get the mapping. Note controls can override 
+	the system mappings.
+	@return Physical colour. */
+	virtual TRgb ControlColor(TLogicalColor aLogicalColor, const CCoeControl& aControl) const=0;
+	/** Gets the environment's physical (TRgb) colour that corresponds to 
+	the specified logical colour.
+	@param aLogicalColor Logical colour.
+	@param aColorListUid UID of the colour list from which to get the mapping. The default 
+	value is the environment's list.
+	@return Physical colour. */
+	virtual TRgb Color(TLogicalColor aLogicalColor, TUid aColorListUid=KNullUid) const=0;
+	/** Gets the environment setting for the default display mode.
+	@return Display mode. */
+	virtual TDisplayMode DefaultDisplayMode() const=0; 
+	};
+class MLafClientRectResolver
+/** Interface that works out how screen furniture reduces the available screen area 
+for applications.
+The interface is implemented by the UI and can be called by the LAF to get information 
+on the areas of screen furniture.
+@see LafAppUi::ClientRect() 
+@released */
+	{
+	/** Flags for types of screen furniture. */
+	enum TScreenFurniture
+		{ 
+		/** Menu bar. */
+		EMenuBar, 
+		/** Button group. */
+		EButtonGroup, 
+		/** Tool band. */
+		EToolBand, 
+		/** Title band. */
+		ETitleBand, 
+		/** Status pane. */
+		EStatusPane,
+		/** Command Button Array */
+		ECba
+		};
+	/** Calculates how a specified type of screen furniture reduces the application 
+	area of a specified screen rectangle. 
+	@param aScreenFurniture Type of screen furniture.
+	@param aRect Screen rectangle from which to remove area of specified furniture. 
+	On return, the modified rectangle. */
+	virtual void ReduceRect(TScreenFurniture aScreenFurniture,TRect& aRect) const=0;
+	};
+#endif //__LAFMAIN_H__