--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/clockanim/inc/CLOCK.H Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__CLOCK_H__)
+#define __CLOCK_H__
+#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
+#include <e32std.h>
+#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#if !defined(__W32STD_H__)
+#include <w32std.h>
+//exported due to dependancies
+#include <graphics/clock/displayaddition.h>
+ */
+/** Horizontal alignment options for text in a digital clock's display.
+@see TDigitalDisplayTextSection
+@released */
+enum TDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignment
+ {
+ /** Left align text. */
+ EDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignmentLeft,
+ /** Centre align text. */
+ EDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignmentCenter,
+ /** Right align text. */
+ EDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignmentRight
+ };
+/** Vertical alignment options for text in a digital clock's display.
+@see TDigitalDisplayTextSection
+@released */
+enum TDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignment
+ {
+ /** Top align text. */
+ EDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignmentTop,
+ /** Centre align text, including the character descent. */
+ EDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignmentCenterInclDescent,
+ /** Centre align text, excluding the character descent. */
+ EDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignmentCenterExclDescent,
+ /** Bottom align text, including the character descent. */
+ EDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignmentBottomInclDescent,
+ /** Bottom align text, excluding the character descent. */
+ EDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignmentBottomExclDescent
+ };
+/** Special characters that can be used in a digital clock display.
+@see TDigitalDisplayTextSection
+@released */
+enum TDigitalDisplayLayoutChar
+ {
+ /** A flashing block to delimit different sections of the display.
+ */
+ /** A flashing block to delimit different sections of the display. */
+ EDigitalDisplayLayoutCharFlashingBlockDelimiter=1
+ };
+/** Different types of hand for an analogue clock.
+@released */
+enum TAnalogDisplayHandType
+ {
+ /** A hand that performs one revolution every 12 hours. */
+ EAnalogDisplayHandOneRevPer12Hours,
+ /** A hand that performs one revolution every hour. */
+ EAnalogDisplayHandOneRevPerHour,
+ /** A hand that performs one revolution every minute. */
+ EAnalogDisplayHandOneRevPerMinute
+ };
+// miscellaneous structs
+/** Determines how shadows are added to the clock display.
+@released */
+struct STimeDeviceShadow
+ {
+ /** True if shadows should be displayed, else false. */
+ TBool iIsOn;
+ /** Colour of the shadows. */
+ TRgb iColor;
+ /** Offset of shadows from foreground. */
+ TPoint iOffset;
+ };
+/** Defines the display parameters of the AM/PM display for an analogue clock.
+@see RAnalogClock
+@released */
+struct SAnalogDisplayAmPm
+ {
+ /** Position relative to the clock face. */
+ TPoint iPositionRelativeToFace;
+ /** Size. */
+ TSize iSize;
+ /** Shadow settings. */
+ STimeDeviceShadow iShadow;
+ /** Background colour. */
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ /** Handle to the font to use. This can be obtained using CFbsFont::Handle().
+ @see CFbsFont::Handle() */
+ TInt iFontHandle;
+ /** Colour for text. */
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ };
+// display-addition classes
+/** A text section for a digital clock.
+@see RDigitalClock
+@released */
+class TDigitalDisplayTextSection : public TDisplayAddition
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TDigitalDisplayTextSection(TInt aFontHandle, TRgb aTextColor, TDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignment aHorizontalAlignment,
+ TDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignment aVerticalAlignment,
+ TInt aHorizontalMargin, TInt aVerticalMargin, const TDesC& aFormat);
+ // N.B. the font passed in to aFontHandle cannot be destroyed until the
+ // RDigitalClock has been completely constructed, including all necessary
+ // calls to RDigitalClock::AddTextSectionL()
+ };
+/** A hand for an analogue clock.
+A hand is a vector drawing made from a number of features (lines, circles,
+polylines). These are specified with the hand assumed to be in the 12 o'clock
+position, with TPoint(0,0) being the center of the clock.
+@see RAnalogClock
+@released */
+class TAnalogDisplayHand : public TDisplayAddition
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TAnalogDisplayHand(TAnalogDisplayHandType aType);
+ IMPORT_C void AddLine(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle, TRgb aPenColor, const TSize& aPenSize,
+ const TPoint& aStartPoint, const TPoint& aEndPoint);
+ IMPORT_C void AddPolyLine(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle, TRgb aPenColor, const TSize& aPenSize,
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle aBrushStyle, TRgb aBrushColor,
+ TBool aClosed, const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPointList); // aPointList is not destroyed
+ IMPORT_C void AddCircle(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle, TRgb aPenColor, const TSize& aPenSize,
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle aBrushStyle, TRgb aBrushColor,
+ const TPoint& aCircleCenter, TInt aRadius);
+ inline TInt NumFeatures() const
+ /** Gets the number of features added to the hand. */
+ {return *iNumFeaturesPtr;}
+ void AppendType(TAnalogDisplayHandFeatureType aType);
+ TInt* iNumFeaturesPtr;
+ };
+// utility class
+/** Utility class to support clock animation.
+class RAnimWithUtils : public RAnim
+ {
+ RAnimWithUtils(RAnimDll& aAnimDll, const RWindowBase& aWindow);
+ void AppendToConstructorBufL(const TDesC8& aData);
+ void SendConstructorBufIfCompleteL(TInt aAnimatedObjectType);
+ void SendConstructorBufL(TInt aAnimatedObjectType);
+ TBool ConstructorBufExists() const;
+ TBool ConstructorBufAlreadySent() const;
+ TConstructorBuf8& ConstructorBuf() const;
+ void SetNumAdditionsStillExpected(TInt aNumAdditionsStillExpected);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Close();
+ TConstructorBuf8* iConstructorBuf; // on the heap as it is only required for construction
+ TBool iConstructorBufAlreadySent;
+ const RWindowBase& iWindow;
+ TInt iNumAdditionsStillExpected;
+ };
+// time-device abstract classes
+/** Sets display parameters for clocks.
+class RTimeDevice : public RAnimWithUtils
+ {
+ RTimeDevice(RAnimDll& aAnimDll, const RWindowBase& aWindow);
+ void AppendDisplayTypeL(TDisplayType aType);
+ void AppendDigitalDisplayConstructorArgsL(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow,
+ TRgb aBackgroundColor, TInt aNumTextSections);
+ void AppendAnalogDisplayConstructorArgsL(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow,
+ TInt aFaceHandle, TInt aFaceMaskHandle, TInt aNumHands, const SAnalogDisplayAmPm* aAmPm);
+ IMPORT_C void SetVisible(TBool aVisible); // can only be called after full construction - by default clocks are invisible
+ IMPORT_C void SetPositionAndSize(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize); // can only be called after full construction
+ IMPORT_C void SetPosition(const TPoint& aPosition); // can only be called after full construction
+ IMPORT_C void SetSize(const TSize& aSize); // can only be called after full construction
+ IMPORT_C void UpdateDisplay(); // can only be called after full construction
+ IMPORT_C void Draw(); // can only be called after full construction
+ };
+/** Sets the time for clocks.
+@released */
+class RClock : public RTimeDevice
+ {
+ RClock(RAnimDll& aAnimDll, const RWindowBase& aWindow);
+ void AppendClockConstructorArgsL(TTimeIntervalSeconds aUniversalTimeOffset);
+ IMPORT_C void SetUniversalTimeOffset(TTimeIntervalSeconds aUniversalTimeOffset); // can only be called after full construction
+ };
+// time-device concrete classes
+/** A digital clock.
+A digital clock is composed of one or more text sections, which define
+how the time information is displayed.
+@released */
+class RDigitalClock : public RClock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C RDigitalClock(RAnimDll& aAnimDll, const RWindowBase& aWindow);
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TTimeIntervalSeconds aUniversalTimeOffset, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins,
+ const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TRgb aBackgroundColor, TInt aNumTextSections);
+ IMPORT_C void AddTextSectionL(const TDigitalDisplayTextSection& aTextSection);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aBackgroundColor, TRgb aShadowColor); // can only be called after full construction
+ IMPORT_C void SetTextColor(TRgb aTextColor);
+ };
+/** An analogue clock.
+@see CFbsBitmap::Handle()
+@released */
+class RAnalogClock : public RClock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C RAnalogClock(RAnimDll& aAnimDll, const RWindowBase& aWindow);
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TTimeIntervalSeconds aUniversalTimeOffset, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins,
+ const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TInt aFaceHandle, TInt aFaceMaskHandle, TInt aNumHands, const SAnalogDisplayAmPm* aAmPm=NULL);
+ // N.B. the bitmap(s) passed in to aFaceHandle and aFaceMaskHandle in these
+ // ConstructL functions cannot be destroyed until the RAnalogClock has been
+ // completely constructed, including all necessary calls to
+ // RAnalogClock::AddHandL() - aFaceMaskHandle may be 0
+ IMPORT_C void AddHandL(const TAnalogDisplayHand& aHand);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aBackgroundColor, TRgb aShadowColor); // can only be called after full construction
+ IMPORT_C void SetTextColor(TRgb aTextColor);
+ IMPORT_C void SetPenColor(const TRgb aPenColor);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBrushColor(const TRgb aBrushColor);
+ };
+// message-window class
+/** A configurable window that appears for a brief time to display a message to
+the user and then disappears.
+This is the basic class that is used by classes such as CEikonEnv and CEikMsgWin
+to provide information and message windows. Such higher-level classes would
+normally be used by client applications rather than RMessageWindow. This class
+can be used though to implement specialist new classes.
+Note that this class is in the same library as the Clock API for implementation
+reasons only.
+@see CEikMsgWin
+@see CEikonEnv
+@released */
+class RMessageWindow : public RAnimWithUtils
+ {
+ /** Defines the maximum length of text in the message. */
+ enum
+ {
+ /** Maximum length of text in the message. */
+ EMaxTextLength=80
+ };
+ IMPORT_C RMessageWindow(RAnimDll& aAnimDll, const RWindowBase& aWindow);
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TInt aBaselineOffset, TInt aFontHandle, TRgb aBackgroundColor, TRgb aTextColor);
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TInt aBaselineOffset, TInt aFontHandle, TRgb aBackgroundColor, TRgb aTextColor, TRgb aBorderColor);
+ IMPORT_C void StartDisplay(TBool aFlash, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay, const TDesC& aText);
+ IMPORT_C void StartDisplay(TBool aFlash, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration, const TDesC& aText);
+ IMPORT_C void CancelDisplay();
+ IMPORT_C void GetBorders(TMargins& aBorders);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aBackgroundColor);
+ IMPORT_C void SetTextColor(TRgb aTextColor);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBorderColor(TRgb aBorderColor);
+ IMPORT_C void SetPlinthColors(TRgb aTl,TRgb aBr);
+ };