changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/cone/src/coetextdrawer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <coetextdrawer.h>
+// class XCoeTextDrawer
+const TInt KDefaultLineGap = 1;	
+// class CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt 
+This extension block is used to to avoid BC breaks in adding to the
+main data structures.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt) : public CBase
+	{
+	static CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt* New();
+	~CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt();	
+	void SetAppLanguage(TLanguage aAppLang);
+	TBidiText::TDirectionality DirectionalityToConsider(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor& aText) const;
+	CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt();
+	TInt	 Construct();	
+	enum TScriptDirectionality
+		{
+		EScriptDirUndefined,
+		EScriptDirLeftToRight,
+		EScriptDirRightToLeft
+		};	
+	TScriptDirectionality iAppScriptDirectionality;
+	};
+Create a CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt object.
+CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt* CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt::New()
+	{
+	CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt* self = new CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt();
+	if(self->Construct() != KErrNone)
+		{
+		delete self;
+		self = NULL;
+		}
+	return self;
+	}
+	{}
+	{}
+Second-phase object construction.
+TInt CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt::Construct()
+//lint --e{1762} Suppress member function could be made const
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Set the application language directionality based on the TLanguage passed as argument.
+Passing ELangNone will set the application language directionality to "undefined".
+void CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt::SetAppLanguage(TLanguage aAppLang)
+	{
+	if(aAppLang == ELangNone)
+		iAppScriptDirectionality = EScriptDirUndefined;
+	else if (TBidiText::ScriptDirectionality(aAppLang) == TBidiText::ELeftToRight)
+		iAppScriptDirectionality = EScriptDirLeftToRight;
+	else
+		iAppScriptDirectionality = EScriptDirRightToLeft;
+	}
+Return the language directionality to consider when deciding whether to swap left and right alignment
+(for non-absolute horizontal alignment, left and right shall be swapped for scrips with RightToLeft 
+directionality, such as Arabic).
+If the application language has been set using SetAppLanguage(), the directionality of the languange that the
+application is currently running in will be used. If not, the directionality of the actual text being printed
+at the moment will be used.
+TBidiText::TDirectionality CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt::DirectionalityToConsider(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor& aText) const
+	{		
+	TBidiText::TDirectionality textDirectionality = TBidiText::ELeftToRight;
+	if(iAppScriptDirectionality == EScriptDirRightToLeft)
+		textDirectionality = TBidiText::ERightToLeft;
+	else if(iAppScriptDirectionality == EScriptDirUndefined)
+		textDirectionality = (aText.HasRightToLeftDirectionality() ? TBidiText::ERightToLeft : TBidiText::ELeftToRight);
+	return textDirectionality;
+	}
+// Class XCoeTextDrawer
+Use this constructor to create a XCoeTextDrawer object on the stack, inside your control's
+Draw() method. The XCoeTextDrawer object will work as a smart-pointer to the CCoeTextDrawerBase
+object, managing its life. Get the CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived object to use by calling 
+CCoeControl::TextDrawer(). Do not create a new CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived object inside the
+Draw() method. If you want to change the text drawer used by the control or any of the control's
+children, override the CCoeControl::GetTextDrawer() method. Inside it you can create a new 
+CCoeTextDrawerBase object or change the properties of the CCoeTextDrawerBase object passed to it.
+EXPORT_C XCoeTextDrawer::XCoeTextDrawer(CCoeTextDrawerBase& aTextDrawer) 
+	: iTextDrawer(&aTextDrawer) 
+	{
+	iClipRect = TRect();	
+	}
+Destructor. The XCoeTextDrawer object work as a smart-pointer object to the CCoeTextDrawerBase
+object actually performing the text drawing. The XCoeTextDrawer object shall be allocated on
+the stack (i.e. not using "new") in the CCoeControl's Draw() method. Once the XCoeTextDrawer object 
+goes out of scope, this destructor will be called. It will call Reset() on the CCoeTextDrawerBase
+object, if it was been set to be resuable by its owner. If not, the CCoeTextDrawerBase object
+will be deleted. Note that it is up to the creator/owner of the CCoeTextDrawerBase to decide 
+whether it shall be reusable or not. A user of the XCoeTextDrawer must not change the re-use'ness
+of the CCoeTextDrawerBase.
+EXPORT_C XCoeTextDrawer::~XCoeTextDrawer()
+	{
+	if(iTextDrawer && iTextDrawer->IsReusable())
+		iTextDrawer->Reset();
+	else
+		delete iTextDrawer;
+	}
+Assignment operator for CCoeTextDrawerBase objects.
+Due to compiler defect/feature, this method may not work.
+I.e. if
+<code> XCoeTextDrawer textDrawer = TextDrawer(); </code>
+does not compile, restate as 
+<code> XCoeTextDrawer textDrawer(TextDrawer()); </code>
+@param aTextDrawer A text drawer.
+EXPORT_C void XCoeTextDrawer::operator=(CCoeTextDrawerBase& aTextDrawer)
+	{
+	// The currently owned CCoeTextDrawerBase object may be reusable and should just
+	// be reset rather than deleted.
+	if(iTextDrawer && iTextDrawer->IsReusable())
+		iTextDrawer->Reset();
+	else
+		delete iTextDrawer;
+	iTextDrawer = &aTextDrawer;
+	} 	//lint !e1539 Suppress Member 'XCoeTextDrawer::iClipRect' not assigned by assignment operator
+EXPORT_C CCoeTextDrawerBase * XCoeTextDrawer::operator ->() 
+	{	
+ 	return iTextDrawer;
+ 	}
+An XCoeTextDrawer object should not be copied as only one handle should exist to a CCoeTextDrawer.
+Therefore this copy constructor is private and just contains a panic statement.
+XCoeTextDrawer::XCoeTextDrawer(const XCoeTextDrawer& /*aTextDrawer*/)
+	{  
+	ASSERT(0);
+	} //lint !e1744 Suppress Member 'XCoeTextDrawer::iTextDrawer' possibly not initialized by private constructor
+Call this method to draw text contained i a TBidiText object. This is the 
+recommended way of drawing any widget text, as it will manage both left-to-right 
+scripts like English as well as right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew.
+Before calling this method, be sure to set the text alignment, margins, clip rect, 
+etc using the XCoeTextDrawer methods SetAlignment(), SetMargins(), and SetClipRect().
+Note that before a TBidiText text can be drawn, it has to be line-broken using 
+TBidiText::WrapText() with a wrap width that match the text rect minus margins.
+@param aGc 			The graphics context.
+@param aText 		TBidiText reference containing the text to be drawn.
+@param aTextRect 	Rectangle text will be drawn in
+@param aFont 		Font to be used.
+EXPORT_C void XCoeTextDrawer::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TBidiText& aText, const TRect& aTextRect, const CFont& aFont) const
+	{
+	ASSERT(iTextDrawer);
+	iTextDrawer->DrawText(aGc, TCoeTextTypeAdaptor(aText), aFont, aTextRect, iClipRect);	
+	}
+Call this method to draw vertical text contained in a TBidiText object. This is the 
+recommended way of drawing any widget text, as it will manage both left-to-right 
+scripts like English as well as right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew.
+Before calling this method, be sure to set the text alignment, margins, clip rect, 
+etc using the XCoeTextDrawer methods SetAlignment(), SetMargins(), and SetClipRect().
+Note that before a TBidiText text can be drawn, it has to be line-broken using 
+TBidiText::WrapText() with a wrap width that match the text rect minus margins.
+Also note that the margines are relative to the orientation of the text.
+@param aGc 	    	The graphics context.
+@param aText 		TBidiText reference containing the text to be drawn.
+@param aTextRect 	Rectangle text will be drawn in
+@param aFont 		Font to be used.
+@param aUp 			ETrue, text is rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise; EFalse, text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
+@see 				XCoeTextDrawer::SetClipRect
+EXPORT_C void XCoeTextDrawer::DrawTextVertical(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TBidiText& aText, const TRect& aTextRect, const CFont& aFont, TBool aUp) const
+	{
+	ASSERT(iTextDrawer);
+	iTextDrawer->DrawTextVertical(aGc, TCoeTextTypeAdaptor(aText), aFont, aTextRect, iClipRect, aUp);	
+	}
+Low level text drawing is always performed left-to-right on the screen. This 
+means that for any script with right-to-left directionality (like Arabic), 
+the in-memory order of the glyphs has to be changed (reordered) from the 
+logical order (start of sentence first, before end of sentence) to the 
+display order (end of sentence before (i.e. left of) start of sentence). 
+This operation is performed by TBidiText.
+However, sometimes text is reordered through some other means than the TBidiText 
+class. In these cases, this method can be used to draw the text contained in a 
+descriptor object in the same order (left-to-right) as it appears in the descriptor 
+memory. I.e. this method assumes that the text has already been changed into the
+display order. If this is not the case, and the text is in a right-to-left script,
+it will come out backwards.
+@param aGc 			The graphics context.
+@param aText 		TDesC reference containing the text to be drawn.
+@param aTextRect 	Rectangle text will be drawn in
+@param aFont 		Font to be used.
+EXPORT_C void XCoeTextDrawer::DrawDisplayOrderedText(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aTextRect, const CFont& aFont) const
+	{
+	ASSERT(iTextDrawer);
+	iTextDrawer->DrawText(aGc, aText, aFont, aTextRect, iClipRect);	
+	}
+Low level text drawing is always performed left-to-right on the screen. This 
+means that for any script with right-to-left directionality (like Arabic), 
+the in-memory order of the glyphs has to be changed (reordered) from the 
+logical order (start of sentence first, before end of sentence) to the 
+display order (end of sentence before (i.e. left of) start of sentence). 
+This operation is performed by TBidiText.
+However, sometimes text is reordered through some other means than the TBidiText 
+class. In these cases, this method can be used to draw the text contained in a 
+descriptor object in the same order (left-to-right) as it appears in the descriptor 
+memory. I.e. this method assumes that the text has already been changed into the
+display order. If this is not the case, and the text is in a right-to-left script,
+it will come out backwards.
+Note that the margines are relative to the orientation of the text.
+@param aGc 			The graphics context.
+@param aText 		TDesC reference containing the text to be drawn.
+@param aTextRect 	Rectangle text will be drawn in
+@param aFont 		Font to be used.
+EXPORT_C void XCoeTextDrawer::DrawDisplayOrderedTextVertical(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aTextRect, const CFont& aFont, TBool aUp) const
+	{
+	ASSERT(iTextDrawer);
+	iTextDrawer->DrawTextVertical(aGc, aText, aFont, aTextRect, iClipRect, aUp);	
+	}
+Return the clip rect that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
+Any text falling outside this rectangle will not be visible. This is used to crop text.
+@return The clipping rect.
+EXPORT_C TRect XCoeTextDrawer::ClipRect() const
+	{
+	return  iClipRect;
+	}
+Set the clip rect that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
+Any text falling outside this rectangle will not be visible. This is used to crop text.
+@param aClipRect TRect value to set iClipRect to.  
+EXPORT_C void XCoeTextDrawer::SetClipRect(const TRect& aClipRect)
+	{
+ 	iClipRect = aClipRect;
+	}
+// class CCoeTextDrawerBase
+EXPORT_C CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase()  
+	{
+	Reset();	// N.B. This will always call local implementation, never derived overrides
+ 	} //lint !e1506 Supress Call to virtual function 'Reset(void)' within constructor
+This method is called from the destructor of the XCoeTextDrawer object managing the
+life of the CCoeTextDrawerBase object, if the CCoeTextDrawerBase object has been set
+to be reusable (by its owner calling SetReusable()). 
+Any derived class must override this method to reset its drawing parameters to their 
+defaults, so that the object is ready to be used again. Any overriding implementation 
+must call the base implementation as well.
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset() 
+	{ 
+ 	// Don't change iIsReusable! 
+    iAlignment = EHLeftVTop; 
+    iMargins = TMargins8(); 
+    iLineGap = KDefaultLineGap; 
+	} 
+EXPORT_C CCoeTextDrawerBase::~CCoeTextDrawerBase()  
+	{ 
+  	delete iExtension;
+	}
+Second phase object construction.
+Note that this method is non-leaving as it may be called indirectly from a Draw() 
+method, which must not leave.
+@return returns KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrNoMemory.
+EXPORT_C TInt CCoeTextDrawerBase::Construct()
+	{
+	// allocate extension block
+	iExtension = CCoeTextDrawerBaseExt::New();
+	if (!iExtension)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	else
+		return KErrNone;
+	} 
+Unless absolute horizontal aligment has been selected (see TGulAlignment), the actual 
+horizontal text alignment used when drawing text depends on whether the directionality 
+of the scrip is left-to-right or right-to-left. In the latter case left and right 
+is swapped. By default, the directionality of the actual text being drawn will define 
+whether the horizontal alignment will be swapped or not. However, if (as recommended) the 
+directionality of the application's main language shall be considered instead (rather 
+than the directionality of the text being printed at the moment), then call this method. 
+If ELangNone is specified, the text drawer will be reset to swap horizontal alignment 
+depending on the directionality of the text being printed.
+@param aAppLang The application language (e.g. from CEikonEnv::ApplicationLanguage()).
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetAppLanguage(TLanguage aAppLang)
+	{
+	if(iExtension)
+		iExtension->SetAppLanguage(aAppLang);
+	}
+This method returns the actual (absolute) horizontal text alignment to be used 
+when drawing text in any CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived DrawText() implementation. 
+The actual alignment depends on the application language directionality if the 
+application language has been set calling CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetAppLanguage(), 
+or otherwise on the directionality of the actual text being printed. If the 
+directionality is right-to-left (and the horizontal alignment has not been set 
+to be absolute, using TGulAlignment::SetAbsoluteHAlignment()), left and right 
+alignment (set using XCoeTextDrawer::SetAlignment()) will be swapped.
+EXPORT_C TGulHAlignment CCoeTextDrawerBase::ActualHorizontalAlignment(const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor& aText) const
+	{
+	if(iAlignment.HasAbsoluteHAlignment())
+		return iAlignment.HAlignment();
+	if(iExtension)
+		{
+		const TBidiText::TDirectionality directionalityToConsider = iExtension->DirectionalityToConsider(aText);
+		return iAlignment.HAlignment(directionalityToConsider);
+		}
+	else
+		return iAlignment.HAlignment();
+	}
+// Accessor/Set Methods
+Returns whether the CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived text drawer object has been set 
+to be reusable or not. If reusable, the text drawer is assumed to have an owner 
+that will delete it when appropriate. If not reusable, the XCoeTextDrawer will 
+delete it in its destructor.
+@return bool value of iIsReusable data member
+EXPORT_C TBool CCoeTextDrawerBase::IsReusable() const
+	{
+	return iIsReusable;
+	}
+Set whether the text drawer is reusable or not. A reusable text drawer will be
+reset (through a call to Reset()) rather than deleted when the XCoeTextDrawer
+referring to it is deleted. This decision has to be made by the creator of the 
+CCoeTextDrawerBase object. I.e. this method must not be called by a mere user 
+of the XCoeTextDrawer.
+@param aIsReusable Boolean indicating whether the text drawer can be re-used.
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetReusable(TBool aIsReusable)
+	{
+	iIsReusable = aIsReusable;
+	}
+Returns the text alignment that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
+Note that left and right alignment will be swapped for right-to-left scripts, unless
+the alignment has been set to be absolute (see TGulAlignment).
+A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.
+@return TGulAlignment value of iAlignment data member
+EXPORT_C TGulAlignment CCoeTextDrawerBase::Alignment() const
+	{
+	return  iAlignment;
+	}
+Set the text alignment that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
+Note that left and right alignment will be swapped for right-to-left scripts, unless
+the alignment has been set to be absolute (see TGulAlignment).
+A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.
+@param aAlignment TGulAlignment value.  
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetAlignment(const TGulAlignment& aAlignment)
+	{
+	iAlignment = aAlignment;
+	}
+Returns the text margins that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
+A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.
+@return The margins between the text rect and the actual text, in pixels.
+EXPORT_C TMargins8 CCoeTextDrawerBase::Margins() const
+	{
+	return iMargins;
+	}
+Set the text margins that will be used by DrawText() and DrawDisplayOrderedText().
+A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.
+@param aMargins The margins between the text rect and the actual text, in pixels.
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetMargins(const TMargins8& aMargins)
+	{
+ 	iMargins = aMargins;
+	}
+Returns the gap (in pixels) between lines of text. Default gap is 1 (one) pixel.
+A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.
+@return The gap between lines of text, in pixels.
+EXPORT_C TInt CCoeTextDrawerBase::LineGapInPixels() const
+	{
+	return iLineGap;
+	}
+Set the gap (in pixels) between lines of text. Default gap is 1 (one) pixel.
+A typical user of the text drawer mechanism will use the XCoeTextDrawer version of this API.
+@param aLineGapInPixels The gap between lines of text, in pixels.
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetLineGapInPixels(TInt aLineGapInPixels)
+	{
+ 	iLineGap = aLineGapInPixels;
+	}
+Any text drawer implementation must override this method, returning the "margins" 
+that the text effect will add to the text extent. I.e. a one-pixel drop-shadow
+to the lower right will add an effect margin of TMargins8(0,0,1,1), while a 
+one-pixel all-around outline will add an effect margin of TMargins8(1,1,1,1).
+EXPORT_C TMargins8 CCoeTextDrawerBase::EffectMargins()
+	{
+	return TMargins8();
+	}
+Draws the vertical text provided as parameter.
+@param aGc The graphics context.
+@param aText The TCoeTextTypeAdaptor text object to draw. 
+@param aFont Font to be used for drawing the text.
+@param aTextRect The rectangle to draw the text in.
+@param aClipRect The clipping rectangle.
+@param aUp ETrue, text is rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise; EFalse, text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::DrawTextVertical(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor& aText, const CFont& aFont, 
+			const TRect& aTextRect, const TRect& aClipRect, TBool aUp) const
+	{
+    const TInt lineSpacing = aFont.FontMaxHeight() +  LineGapInPixels();
+	const TInt textHeightInPixels = (aText.NumberOfLines() * lineSpacing) -  LineGapInPixels(); // Center the ascent
+	// Calculate the text's "left point", i.e. the point on the baseline where the text starts
+	TPoint leftPoint =  Margins().InnerRect(aTextRect).iTl + TPoint(0,aFont.FontMaxAscent());
+	const TInt deltaHeight = aTextRect.Width() - Margins().SizeDelta().iHeight - textHeightInPixels;
+	if (deltaHeight > 0)
+		{
+		switch(Alignment().VAlignment())
+			{
+			case EVTop:
+				break;
+			case EVBottom:
+				leftPoint.iY +=  deltaHeight;
+				break;
+			case EVCenter:
+				leftPoint.iY +=  deltaHeight >> 1;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	// Set up the GC
+	aGc.UseFont(&aFont);
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(CBitmapContext::ENullBrush);
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CBitmapContext::ESolidPen);
+	aGc.SetPenColor(TextColor());
+	// Compensate textRect for ClipRect
+   	TRect textRect = aTextRect;
+    if(!(aClipRect.IsEmpty()) && aClipRect != aTextRect)
+    	{   	
+    	textRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+    	}
+	// Use leftMargin and baseline to position each text line correctly, 
+	// taking margins, alignment, and line spacing into account
+	TInt baseline = leftPoint.iY - textRect.iTl.iY;
+	// Draw the lines
+	const TInt lines = lineSpacing == 0 ? 1 : aText.NumberOfLines();
+	const TGulHAlignment actualHorizontalAlignment = ActualHorizontalAlignment(aText);
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < lines; ++i)
+		{
+		TInt width = 0;
+		TPtrC textLine = aText.LineOfText(i, width, aFont);
+		TInt margin = leftPoint.iX - textRect.iTl.iX;
+		 if (actualHorizontalAlignment != EHLeft)
+			{
+			const TInt wrapWidth = aTextRect.Height() -  Margins().SizeDelta().iWidth;
+			const TInt excess = wrapWidth - width;
+			margin += actualHorizontalAlignment != EHCenter ? excess : excess >> 1;	
+			}
+		aGc.DrawTextVertical(textLine, textRect, baseline, aUp, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, margin);
+		baseline += lineSpacing;
+		}
+	aGc.DiscardFont();	
+	}
+// For future use	
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved3() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved4() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved5() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved6() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved7() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved8() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved9() { }
+/** @internalComponent */
+EXPORT_C void CCoeTextDrawerBase::CCoeTextDrawerBase_Reserved10() { }
+// class CCoePlainTextDrawer
+Created a new plain text drawer on the heap. This shall typically be done in the
+CCoeControl::GetTextDrawer() method, or better, in the constructor of the owner
+of the text drawer.
+Do not call this method from within a CCoeControl::Draw() method. If all you want
+is access to a text drawer, call CCoeControl::TextDrawer().
+@param aTextColor The color that will be used to draw text.
+@return A new CCoePlainTextDrawer instance or null if the creation of a new instance failed.
+EXPORT_C CCoePlainTextDrawer* CCoePlainTextDrawer::New(TRgb aTextColor)
+	{
+	CCoePlainTextDrawer* self = new  CCoePlainTextDrawer(aTextColor);
+ 	if(self && self->Construct() == KErrNone)
+ 		return self;	// Successful allocation
+	else 
+		{
+		delete self;
+		return NULL;	// Error in allocation
+		}
+	}
+Second-phase construction. This method is non-leaving as it will have been called indirectly 
+from a control's draw method which cannot leave.
+@return KErrNone if the function executed without errors, any other standard error code if the
+function failed.
+TInt CCoePlainTextDrawer::Construct()
+	{
+	return CCoeTextDrawerBase::Construct();	
+	//lint --e{1762} Suppress member function could be made const
+	}
+See CCoeTextDrawerBase::TextColor().
+@see CCoeTextDrawerBase
+EXPORT_C TRgb CCoePlainTextDrawer::TextColor() const
+	{
+	return iTextColor;
+	}
+See CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetTextColor().
+@see CCoeTextDrawerBase
+EXPORT_C void CCoePlainTextDrawer::SetTextColor(TRgb aTextColor)
+	{
+	iTextColor = aTextColor;
+	}
+CCoePlainTextDrawer::CCoePlainTextDrawer(TRgb aTextColor) : 
+	iTextColor(aTextColor)
+	{
+	}
+This function is defined by the MObjectProvider class. 
+It allows the actual type of text drawer to be identified.
+@param aId The type of the desired object.
+@return A pointer to an object.
+@see MObjectProvider
+EXPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr CCoePlainTextDrawer::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
+	{
+	if (aId.iUid == ETypeId)
+		return aId.MakePtr(this);
+	else
+		return TTypeUid::Null();
+	}
+See CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset().
+void CCoePlainTextDrawer::Reset()
+	{
+	CCoeTextDrawerBase::Reset();
+	iTextColor = KRgbBlack;
+	}
+Draws the text provided as parameter.
+@param aGc The graphics context.
+@param aText The TCoeTextTypeAdaptor text object to draw. 
+@param aFont Font to be used for drawing the text.
+@param aTextRect The rectangle to draw the text in.
+@param aClipRect The clipping rectangle.
+@return void
+@see CCoeTextDrawerBase
+void CCoePlainTextDrawer::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TCoeTextTypeAdaptor& aText, const CFont& aFont, 
+			const TRect& aTextRect, const TRect& aClipRect) const
+	{
+	const TInt lineSpacing = aFont.FontMaxHeight() +  LineGapInPixels();
+	const TInt textHeightInPixels = (aText.NumberOfLines() * lineSpacing) -  LineGapInPixels(); // Center the ascent
+	// Calculate the text's "left point", i.e. the point on the baseline where the text starts
+	TPoint leftPoint =  Margins().InnerRect(aTextRect).iTl + TPoint(0,aFont.FontMaxAscent());
+	const TInt deltaHeight = Margins().InnerRect(aTextRect).Height() - textHeightInPixels;
+	if (deltaHeight > 0)
+		{
+		switch(Alignment().VAlignment())
+			{
+			case EVTop:
+				break;
+			case EVBottom:
+				leftPoint.iY += deltaHeight;
+				break;
+			case EVCenter:
+				leftPoint.iY += (deltaHeight >> 1);	// /2
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	// Set up the GC
+	aGc.UseFont(&aFont);
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(CBitmapContext::ENullBrush);
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CBitmapContext::ESolidPen);
+	aGc.SetPenColor(iTextColor);		
+	// Compensate textRect for ClipRect
+    TRect textRect = aTextRect;
+    if(!(aClipRect.IsEmpty()))
+    	textRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+	// Use leftMargin and baseline to position each text line correctly, 
+	// taking margins, alignment, and line spacing into account
+	TInt baseline = leftPoint.iY - textRect.iTl.iY;
+	const TGulHAlignment actualHorizontalAlignment = ActualHorizontalAlignment(aText);
+	// Draw the lines
+	const TInt lines = lineSpacing == 0 ? 1 : aText.NumberOfLines();
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < lines; ++i)
+		{
+		TInt width = 0;
+		TPtrC textLine = aText.LineOfText(i, width, aFont);
+		TInt leftMargin = leftPoint.iX - textRect.iTl.iX;
+		if (actualHorizontalAlignment != EHLeft)
+			{
+			const TInt wrapWidth = aTextRect.Width() -  Margins().SizeDelta().iWidth;
+			const TInt excess = wrapWidth - width;
+			leftMargin += actualHorizontalAlignment != EHCenter ? excess : excess >> 1;
+			}
+		aGc.DrawText(textLine, textRect, baseline, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, leftMargin);
+		baseline += lineSpacing;
+		}
+	aGc.DiscardFont();	
+	}
+// TCoeTextTypeAdaptor
+Constructor taking a plain descriptor as parameter. The directionality of the text separated with '\n'
+must always be left-to-right display order.
+@param aText The text wrapped by the TCoeTextTypeAdaptor.
+EXPORT_C TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::TCoeTextTypeAdaptor(const TDesC& aText)	// text separated with '\n'
+	{
+	iTextType = ENewlineSeparated;
+	iText = static_cast<const void*>(&aText);
+	}
+Constructor taking a TBidiText object as parameter.
+@param aText The text wrapped by the TCoeTextTypeAdaptor.
+EXPORT_C TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::TCoeTextTypeAdaptor(const TBidiText& aText)	// TBidiText object
+	{
+	iTextType = EBidiText;
+	iText = &aText;
+	}
+const TText KCharacterLF = 0x0a;
+const TText* FindEndOfThisLine(const TText* aStart, const TText* aEnd)
+	{
+	while (aStart != aEnd && *aStart != KCharacterLF)
+		++aStart;
+	return aStart;	
+	}
+Calculates the number of lines in the text.
+@return TInt number of lines in the object
+EXPORT_C TInt TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::NumberOfLines() const
+	{
+	switch(iTextType)
+		{
+		case ENewlineSeparated:
+			{
+			const TText* startText = static_cast<const TDesC*>(iText)->Ptr();
+			const TInt length = static_cast<const TDesC*>(iText)->Length();
+			const TText* endText = startText + length; 
+			TInt num = 0;
+			while (startText < endText)
+				{
+				startText = FindEndOfThisLine(startText, endText);
+				if (*startText == KCharacterLF && startText < endText)
+					{
+					++startText;
+					}
+				++num;
+				}
+			return num;
+			}
+		case EBidiText:
+			return static_cast<const TBidiText*>(iText)->NumberOfLinesInDisplayText();
+		default:
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+Extracts a line of text. The width (in pixels) of the line is returned in aWidthInPixels.
+@param  aLineNumber Zero-based line number.
+@param  aWidthInPixels The width of the line of text.
+@param  aFont The font that will be used to draw the text.
+@return TPtrC line of text
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::LineOfText(TInt aLineNumber, TInt& aWidthInPixels, const CFont& aFont) const
+	{
+	switch(iTextType)
+		{
+		case ENewlineSeparated:
+			{
+			const TText* startText = static_cast<const TDesC*>(iText)->Ptr();
+			const TInt length = static_cast<const TDesC*>(iText)->Length();
+			const TText* endText = startText + length; 
+			for (; aLineNumber != 0; --aLineNumber)
+				{
+				startText = FindEndOfThisLine(startText, endText);
+				if (*startText == KCharacterLF)
+					++startText;
+				}
+			const TText* endOfLine = FindEndOfThisLine(startText, endText);
+			TPtrC textInLineNumber(startText, endOfLine - startText);
+			// Calculate the width of the line according to the font used.
+			aWidthInPixels = aFont.TextWidthInPixels(textInLineNumber);
+			return textInLineNumber;
+			}
+		case EBidiText:
+			return static_cast<const TBidiText*>(iText)->LineOfDisplayText(aLineNumber, aWidthInPixels);
+		default:
+			return KNullDesC();
+		}
+	}
+This function checks the directionality of the text.
+@return ETrue if the text has right-to-left directionality, EFalse if it has left-to-right directionality.
+EXPORT_C TBool TCoeTextTypeAdaptor::HasRightToLeftDirectionality() const
+	{
+	switch(iTextType)
+		{
+		case EBidiText:
+			return (static_cast<const TBidiText*>(iText)->Directionality() == TBidiText::ERightToLeft);
+		default:
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	}