--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/graphicseffects/ClientSrc/transitionparticipant.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "TransitionParticipant.h"
+#include <graphics/remotegc.h>
+// Utility function
+void DrawControl(const CCoeControl *aControl, CTransitionParticipant::TCaptureType aCaptureType, CRemoteGc* aGc)
+ {
+ const TRect rect = aControl->Rect();
+ if(aControl->Background())
+ {
+ aControl->DrawBackground(rect);
+ }
+ aControl->DrawForeground(rect);
+ if(aCaptureType == CTransitionParticipant::EDeep)
+ {
+ TInt count = aControl->CountComponentControls();
+ for(TInt i = 0 ; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CCoeControl *child = aControl->ComponentControl(i);
+ if(child->OwnsWindow())
+ child->SetGc(aGc); //Set gc for each WO child control.
+ //Is it correct to check if windowowning? maybe not... :)
+ if(child->IsVisible()/* && !child->OwnsWindow()*/)
+ {
+ DrawControl(child, aCaptureType, aGc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DrawControl(const CCoeControl *aControl, CTransitionParticipant::TCaptureType aCaptureType)
+ {
+ const TRect rect = aControl->Rect();
+ if(aControl->Background())
+ {
+ aControl->DrawBackground(rect);
+ }
+ aControl->DrawForeground(rect);
+ if(aCaptureType == CTransitionParticipant::EDeep)
+ {
+ TInt count = aControl->CountComponentControls();
+ for(TInt i = 0 ; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CCoeControl *child = aControl->ComponentControl(i);
+ //Is it correct to check if windowowning?
+ if(child->IsVisible() && !child->OwnsWindow())
+ {
+ DrawControl(child, aCaptureType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ResetRemoteGc(const CCoeControl* aControl)
+ {
+ aControl->SetGc(NULL);
+ for(TInt i = aControl->CountComponentControls() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(aControl->ComponentControl(i));
+ }
+ }
+TInt DrawUptoControlRec(CWindowGc& aGc, const CCoeControl* aCurrent, const TRect& aRect,const CCoeControl* aUpto)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if(aCurrent != aUpto)
+ {
+ CWindowGc* oldGc = aCurrent->GetGc();
+ err = aCurrent->SetGc(&aGc);
+ if(!err)
+ {
+ if(aCurrent->Background())
+ {
+ //if we have a background, draw it
+ aCurrent->DrawBackground(aRect);
+ }
+ else if(aCurrent->OwnsWindow())
+ {
+ // try to find background
+ const CCoeControl* bgOwningParent = aCurrent;
+ do
+ {
+ if(const MCoeControlBackground* bg = bgOwningParent->Background())
+ {
+ bg->Draw(aGc,*aCurrent,aRect);
+ break; // mission complete
+ }
+ bgOwningParent = bgOwningParent->Parent();
+ } while(bgOwningParent);
+ }
+ //draw foreground
+ aCurrent->DrawForeground(aRect);
+ // draw component controls
+ for(TInt i=0; (i < aCurrent->CountComponentControls()) && !err; i++)
+ {
+ const CCoeControl* child = aCurrent->ComponentControl(i);
+ if(child->IsVisible() && !child->OwnsWindow())
+ {
+ TRect childRect = child->Rect();
+ if(childRect.Intersects(aRect))
+ {
+ childRect.Intersection(aRect);
+ err = DrawUptoControlRec(aGc,child,childRect,aUpto);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //set back the old gc
+ err = const_cast<CCoeControl*>(aCurrent)->SetGc(oldGc);
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+TInt DrawUptoControl(CWindowGc& aGc,const CCoeControl* aControl)
+ {
+ const CCoeControl* aWindowOwningParent = aControl;
+ //find the windowowing parent
+ while(!aWindowOwningParent->OwnsWindow() && aWindowOwningParent->Parent())
+ {
+ aWindowOwningParent = aWindowOwningParent->Parent();
+ }
+ return DrawUptoControlRec(aGc, aWindowOwningParent, aControl->Rect(), aControl);
+ }
+// Construct/Destruct
+CTransitionParticipant *CTransitionParticipant::New(const CCoeControl *aKey,
+ CTransitionControl *aTransControl,
+ TUint aFlags)
+ {
+ CTransitionParticipant *participant = new CTransitionParticipant(aTransControl);
+ if(!participant)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(NULL == (participant->iData = new CParticipantData()))
+ {
+ delete participant;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ participant->iData->iKey = aKey;
+ participant->iData->iBeginZ = -1;
+ participant->iData->iEndZ = -1;
+ participant->iData->iBeginCapture = 0;
+ participant->iData->iEndCapture = 0;
+ participant->iData->iLayerType = TUid::Uid(0);
+ participant->iData->iFlags = aFlags;
+ //create remote gc
+ TRAPD(err, participant->iRemoteGc = CRemoteGc::NewL(aTransControl->ScreenDevice()));
+ if(err < KErrNone || !(participant->iRemoteGc))
+ {
+ delete participant;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ participant->iRemoteGc->SetCommandBufferObserver(participant);
+ return participant;
+ }
+CTransitionParticipant::CTransitionParticipant(CTransitionControl *aTransControl)
+ {
+ iTransControl = aTransControl;
+ iInvalidated = EFalse;
+ iCaptureState = ENoCapture;
+ iCaptureEndCalled = EFalse;
+ iCoordRefBegin = CTransitionParticipant::EWindowOwning;
+ iCoordRefEnd = CTransitionParticipant::EWindowOwning;
+ }
+ {
+ if(iData)
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ delete iData;
+ }
+ if(iRemoteGc)
+ {
+ delete iRemoteGc;
+ }
+ }
+// Capture
+TInt CTransitionParticipant::CaptureBegin(const CCoeControl *aControl, TCaptureType aCaptureType, TInt aZDepth)
+ {
+ if(iTransControl->Policy() == ESupported)
+ {
+ //capture begin
+ iRemoteGc->ResetCommandBuffer();
+ if(KErrNone != aControl->SetGc(iRemoteGc))
+ {
+ return KErrAbort;
+ }
+ iCapturedGc = ETrue;
+ iInCapture = ETrue;
+ iRemoteGc->BeginDraw(aControl->Rect());
+ DrawControl(aControl, aCaptureType, iRemoteGc);
+ DrawControl(aControl, aCaptureType);
+ iRemoteGc->EndDraw();
+ iInCapture = EFalse;
+ if(NULL == (iData->iBeginCapture = new RWsGraphicMsgBuf()))
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ return KErrAbort;
+ }
+ TRAPD(err, iRemoteGc->ExternalizeL(*(iData->iBeginCapture), ETrue));
+ if(err < KErrNone)
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ return err;
+ }
+ iRemoteGc->ResetCommandBuffer();
+ }
+ //capture begin rect
+ iData->iBeginRect = aControl->Rect();
+ iCaptureState = (TCaptureState)(iCaptureState | EBeginCapture);
+ //set z depth
+ iData->iBeginZ = aZDepth;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CTransitionParticipant::CaptureEnd(const CCoeControl *aControl, TCaptureType aCaptureType, TInt aZDepth)
+ {
+ if(iTransControl->Policy() == ESupported)
+ {
+ // check if we need to capture image
+ if(!HaveImageCapture() || Invalidated())
+ {
+ // Capture End image
+ iRemoteGc->ResetCommandBuffer();
+ if(KErrNone != aControl->SetGc(iRemoteGc))
+ {
+ return KErrAbort;
+ }
+ iCapturedGc = ETrue;
+ iInCapture = ETrue;
+ iRemoteGc->BeginDraw(aControl->Rect());
+ DrawControl(aControl, aCaptureType, iRemoteGc);
+ DrawControl(aControl, aCaptureType);
+ iRemoteGc->EndDraw();
+ iInCapture = EFalse;
+ if(NULL == (iData->iEndCapture = new RWsGraphicMsgBuf()))
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ TRAPD(err, iRemoteGc->ExternalizeL(*(iData->iEndCapture), ETrue));
+ if(err < KErrNone)
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(iCommandsReceived)
+ {
+ // Draw commands received between begin and end.
+ if(NULL == (iData->iEndCapture = new RWsGraphicMsgBuf()))
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ TRAPD(err, iRemoteGc->ExternalizeL(*(iData->iEndCapture), ETrue));
+ if(err < KErrNone)
+ {
+ ResetRemoteGc(Control());
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iData->iEndCapture = iData->iBeginCapture;
+ }
+ iRemoteGc->ResetCommandBuffer();
+ }
+ //check if we need to capture end rect
+ if(!(iCaptureState & EEndCapture))
+ {
+ iData->iEndRect = aControl->Rect();
+ iCaptureState = (TCaptureState) (iCaptureState | EEndCapture);
+ }
+ iData->iEndZ = aZDepth;
+ iCaptureEndCalled = ETrue;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Demarcations
+void CTransitionParticipant::SetBeginDemarcation(TRect& aBeginRect, TCoordinateRef aCoordRef)
+ {
+ iCoordRefBegin = aCoordRef;
+ iData->iBeginRect = aBeginRect;
+ iCaptureState = (TCaptureState)(iCaptureState | EBeginCapture);
+ }
+void CTransitionParticipant::SetEndDemarcation(TRect& aEndRect, TCoordinateRef aCoordRef)
+ {
+ iCoordRefEnd = aCoordRef;
+ iData->iEndRect = aEndRect;
+ iCaptureState = (TCaptureState)(iCaptureState | EEndCapture);
+ }
+void CTransitionParticipant::ModifyCoordinates(TPoint& aBeginRef, TPoint& aEndRef)
+ {
+ if(iCoordRefBegin == CTransitionParticipant::EScreen)
+ {
+ iData->iBeginRect.iTl-=aBeginRef;
+ iData->iBeginRect.iBr-=aBeginRef;
+ }
+ if(iCoordRefEnd == CTransitionParticipant::EScreen)
+ {
+ iData->iEndRect.iTl-=aEndRef;
+ iData->iEndRect.iBr-=aEndRef;
+ }
+ }
+// MCommandBufferObserver functions
+void CTransitionParticipant::CommandBufferUpdated(const TRect& aDrawRect, const TRect& aBoundingRect)
+ {
+ if(!iInCapture)
+ {
+ if(!iCaptureEndCalled)
+ {
+ iCommandsReceived = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if(iListensForUpdates)
+ {
+ RWsGraphicMsgBuf* commandbuffer = new RWsGraphicMsgBuf;
+ if(commandbuffer)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, iRemoteGc->ExternalizeL(*(commandbuffer), ETrue));
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTransControl->ParticipantUpdated(this, commandbuffer, aDrawRect, aBoundingRect);
+ }
+ commandbuffer->Close();
+ delete commandbuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }