changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/uigraphicsutils/gulsrc/GULALIGN.CPP	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <gulalign.h>
+#include <gulpanic.h>
+#include "GULSTD.H"
+#if No_Compiler_Bug
+#if (EHLeft!=ELeft || EHCenter!=ECenter || EHRight!=ERight)
+#error "GDI enum values have changed"
+/** Gets the (absolute) alignment value as @c TGulAlignmentValue.
+Note that this has the absolute horizontal alignment. I.e. left and right 
+horizontal alignment will not be swapped depending on language directionality.
+EXPORT_C TGulAlignment::operator TGulAlignmentValue() const
+	{return static_cast<TGulAlignmentValue>(iValue&(EHMask|EVMask));}
+Return whether horizontal alignment will be treated as an absolute value, 
+or relative the specified language directionality. In the latter case, 
+left and right will be swapped (by @c TGulAlignment methods for which a 
+@c TBidiText::TDirectionality is provided) for languages with RightToLeft 
+EXPORT_C TBool TGulAlignment::HasAbsoluteHAlignment() const
+	{
+	return (iValue&EHAbsoluteFlag);
+	}
+Set the current horizontal alignment to be used as an absolute value. 
+If set to true, this means that the alignment will NOT be swapped depending 
+on language directionality when calling e.g. @c HAlignment(TBidiText::TDirectionality).
+Note that the default is false (i.e. relative alignment), and calling any 
+of the setters on the @c TGulAlignment object will reset it to relative alignment 
+(i.e. always call this method after the horizontal alignment has been set).
+Also note that support for absolute horizontal alignment was added to TGulAlignment
+late in Symbian OS release 9.1. Hence if this method is called on an object that is 
+passed to a client compiled against an earlier release (or if the client does not yet
+support absolute alignment) then the resulting alignment may be incorrect. 
+EXPORT_C void TGulAlignment::SetAbsoluteHAlignment(TBool aAbsoluteHAlignment)
+	{
+	if(aAbsoluteHAlignment)
+		iValue |= EHAbsoluteFlag;
+	else
+		iValue &= ~EHAbsoluteFlag;
+	}
+Return the horizontal alignment, relative to the language directionality specified. 
+Calling this method will return a horizontal alignment where left and right has 
+been swapped for any language with RightToLeft directionality, UNLESS the 
+alignment has been set as being absolute, by calling @c SetAbsoluteHAlignment().
+@param aLanguageDirectionality The language directionality to consider when swapping left and right.
+@return The horizontal alignment, taking language directionality into account.
+EXPORT_C TGulHAlignment TGulAlignment::HAlignment(TBidiText::TDirectionality aApplicationLanguageDirectionality) const
+	{
+	if((aApplicationLanguageDirectionality == TBidiText::ERightToLeft) && !(iValue&EHAbsoluteFlag) && ((iValue&EHMask) != EHCenter))
+		return ((iValue&EHMask) == EHLeft ? EHRight : EHLeft);
+	else
+		return static_cast<TGulHAlignment>(iValue&EHMask);		
+	}
+Return the horizontal alignment, relative to the language directionality specified. 
+Calling this method will return a horizontal alignment where left and right has 
+been swapped for any language with RightToLeft directionality, UNLESS the 
+alignment has been set as being absolute, by calling @c SetAbsoluteHAlignment().
+@param aLanguageDirectionality The language directionality to consider when swapping left and right.
+@return The horizontal alignment, taking language directionlity into account.
+EXPORT_C CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign TGulAlignment::TextAlign(TBidiText::TDirectionality aLanguageDirectionality) const
+	{
+	return static_cast<CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign>(HAlignment(aLanguageDirectionality));
+	}
+Return the horizontal alignment as a @c CParaFormat::TAlignment object. Note that the 
+@c CParaFormat::TAlignment class supports the concept of horizontal absolute alignment, 
+so left and right alignment will not be swapped.
+@return The horizontal alignment, including whether it's absolute or not.
+EXPORT_C CParaFormat::TAlignment TGulAlignment::ParaAlign() const
+	{
+	if(HAlignment() == EHLeft)
+		return (HasAbsoluteHAlignment() ? CParaFormat::EAbsoluteLeftAlign : CParaFormat::ELeftAlign);
+	else if(HAlignment() == EHRight)
+		return (HasAbsoluteHAlignment() ? CParaFormat::EAbsoluteRightAlign : CParaFormat::ERightAlign);
+	else 
+		return CParaFormat::ECenterAlign;
+	}
+/** Sets the vertical alignment.
+@param aVAlign The vertical alignment. */
+EXPORT_C void TGulAlignment::SetVAlignment(TGulVAlignment aVAlign)
+	{
+	const TInt allButVAlign = iValue&(~EVMask);
+	iValue = (allButVAlign|aVAlign);
+	}
+/** Sets the horizontal alignment. Alignment will be reset to relative. I.e. when calling
+@c HAlignment() with a @c TBidiText::ERightToLeft argument, left and right will be swapped.
+Calling @c HAlignment() without argument will always return the alignment in absolute terms.
+@param aHAlign The horizontal alignment. */
+EXPORT_C void TGulAlignment::SetHAlignment(TGulHAlignment aHAlign)
+	{
+	const TInt allButHAlign = iValue&(~EHMask);
+	iValue = (allButHAlign|aHAlign);
+	SetAbsoluteHAlignment(EFalse);	// Reset the horizintal alignment to relative app language
+	}
+/** Sets the horizontal alignment. Alignment will be reset to relative. I.e. when calling
+@c HAlignment() with a @c TBidiText::ERightToLeft argument, left and right will be swapped.
+Calling @c HAlignment() without argument will always return the alignment in absolute terms.
+@param aHAlign The horizontal alignment. */
+EXPORT_C void TGulAlignment::SetHAlignment(CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aHAlign)
+	{
+	SetHAlignment(static_cast<TGulHAlignment>(aHAlign));	// CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign has the same values as TGulHAlignment
+	// Abosolute alignment flag set to false by the call above.
+	}
+/** Sets the horizontal alignment. Alignment will be set to absolute for @c EAbsoluteLeftAlign 
+and @c EAbsoluteRightAlign, otherwise relative the language directionality (if specified).
+@param aHAlign The horizontal alignment. */
+EXPORT_C void TGulAlignment::SetHAlignment(CParaFormat::TAlignment aHAlign)
+	{
+	const TInt allButHAlign = iValue&(~EHMask);
+	switch(aHAlign)
+		{
+	case CParaFormat::ELeftAlign:
+		iValue = (allButHAlign|EHLeft);
+		SetAbsoluteHAlignment(EFalse);
+		break;
+	case CParaFormat::ERightAlign:
+		iValue = (allButHAlign|EHRight);
+		SetAbsoluteHAlignment(EFalse);
+		break;
+	case CParaFormat::EAbsoluteLeftAlign:
+		iValue = (allButHAlign|EHLeft);
+		SetAbsoluteHAlignment(ETrue);
+		break;
+	case CParaFormat::EAbsoluteRightAlign:
+		iValue = (allButHAlign|EHRight);
+		SetAbsoluteHAlignment(ETrue);
+		break;
+	default:
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, Panic(EEgulPanicCParaFormatAlignementValueNotSupported));
+		}
+	}
+/** Gets the co-ordinates of the top left corner of an object of size @c aInnerSize, 
+which is placed in the area of the rectangle @c aOuter according to the current 
+Note that horizontal alignment is always treated as being in absolute terms.
+@param aOuter The outer rectangle.
+@param aInnerSize The size of the inner rectangle.
+@return The inner top left point. */
+EXPORT_C TPoint TGulAlignment::InnerTopLeft(const TRect& aOuter,const TSize& aInnerSize) const
+	{
+	return InnerTopLeft(aOuter, aInnerSize, TBidiText::ELeftToRight);
+	}
+/** Gets the co-ordinates of the top left corner of an object of size @c aInnerSize, 
+which is placed in the area of the rectangle @c aOuter according to the current 
+Note that if RightToLeft language directionality is specified, left and right horizontal 
+alignment for the inner object will be swapped.
+@param aOuter The outer rectangle.
+@param aInnerSize The size of the inner rectangle.
+@param aLanguageDirectionality The language directionality to consider when swapping left and right.
+@return The inner top left point. */
+EXPORT_C TPoint TGulAlignment::InnerTopLeft(const TRect& aOuter, const TSize& aInnerSize, TBidiText::TDirectionality aLanguageDirectionality) const
+	{
+	TSize delta = aOuter.Size()-aInnerSize;
+	switch (HAlignment(aLanguageDirectionality))
+		{
+	case EHLeft:
+		delta.iWidth=0;
+		break;
+	case EHCenter:
+		delta.iWidth>>=1; 	// div 2
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	switch (VAlignment())
+		{
+	case EVTop:
+		delta.iHeight=0;
+		break;
+	case EVCenter:
+		delta.iHeight>>=1;	// div 2
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	return(aOuter.iTl+delta);
+	}
+/** Gets the rectangle occupied by an object of size @c aInnerSize, which is placed 
+in the area of the rectangle @c aOuter according to the current alignment.
+Note that horizontal alignment is always treated as being in absolute terms.
+@param aOuter The outer rectangle.
+@param aInnerSize The size of the inner rectangle.
+@return The rectangle. */
+EXPORT_C TRect TGulAlignment::InnerRect(const TRect& aOuter, const TSize& aInnerSize) const
+	{
+	return InnerRect(aOuter, aInnerSize, TBidiText::ELeftToRight);
+	}
+/** Gets the rectangle occupied by an object of size @c aInnerSize, which is placed 
+in the area of the rectangle @c aOuter according to the current alignment.
+Note that if RightToLeft language directionality is specified, left and right horizontal 
+alignment for the inner object will be swapped.
+@param aOuter The outer rectangle.
+@param aInnerSize The size of the inner rectangle.
+@param aLanguageDirectionality The language directionality to consider when swapping left and right.
+@return The rectangle. */
+EXPORT_C TRect TGulAlignment::InnerRect(const TRect& aOuter, const TSize& aInnerSize, TBidiText::TDirectionality aLanguageDirectionality) const
+	{
+	const TSize outerSize = aOuter.Size();
+	TSize clippedInner = aInnerSize;
+	if (clippedInner.iWidth > outerSize.iWidth)
+		clippedInner.iWidth = outerSize.iWidth;
+	if (clippedInner.iHeight > outerSize.iHeight)
+		clippedInner.iHeight = outerSize.iHeight;
+	return(TRect(InnerTopLeft(aOuter,clippedInner,aLanguageDirectionality), clippedInner));
+	}