changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/uigraphicsutils/tef/t_addressstringtokenizer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code  
+#include "t_addressstringtokenizer.h"
+static const TInt KReadBufSize(256);
+static const TInt KFullBufSize(10000);
+_LIT(KTextToBeParsed, " 23). 9p=71 jee  07/00-123123? (123 45678910?) 127.0555.0555 roskaa laatikos ( a (0802345... ad (+0821898 (*02 +#098");
+_LIT(KTextToBeParsedForPhNoWithMin15Nos, "tekstii... jeba jee 0700-12w312312345 habaha 123 45p1234678910 a 127.052355.052355 roskaa laatikos a");
+_LIT(KTextToBeParsedToCheckPositions, "tekstii... rtsp:// jeba jee 0700-123123 123 45678910? lapalaa roskaa");
+_LIT(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL, "tekstii... jeba jee roskaa ad!d#$?%&c*+-/");
+_LIT(KTextToBeParsedForInvalidEMail, "tekstii... adsadf akjdl adf@.$ jeba jee 127.*.0.1 roskaa@");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo1, "07/00-123123");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo2, "123 45678910");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo3, "127.0555.0555");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo4, "");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo5, "0802345");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo6, "+0821898");
+_LIT(KPhoneNo7, "#098");
+_LIT(KEMail, "");
+_LIT(KEMail1, "");
+_LIT(KEMail2, "");
+_LIT(KEMail3, "ad!d#$?%&c*+-/");
+_LIT(KURL1, "");
+_LIT(KURL2, "");
+_LIT(KURL3, "");
+_LIT(KURL4, "rtsp://");
+_LIT(KURL5, "");
+   Constructor
+ */	
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging*/
+	SetTestStepName(KT_AddressStringTokenizerStep);
+	}
+   Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+TVerdict CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Started"));
+	RunTestCases();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Finished"));
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::RunTestCases()
+	{
+	TInt err;
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0001"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search URLs"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchURLsL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0002"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search EMailAddresses"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchEMailAddressesL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0003"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search PhoneNumbers"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchPhoneNumbersL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0004"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Tests for PhoneNos with Min. 3 nos. in a string \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t when the string is considered as a phone no.\n"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchPhoneNumbersWithMin3NosL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0005"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Tests for PhoneNos with Min. 8 nos. in a string \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t when the string is considered as a phone no.\n"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchPhoneNumbersWithMin8NosL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0006"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Tests for PhoneNos with Min. 15 nos. in a string \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t when the string is considered as a phone no.\n"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchPhoneNumbersWithMin15NosL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0007"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search URL's, EMailAddresses, PhoneNumbers"));
+	TRAP(err, SearchAllL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0008"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to check the positions"));
+	TRAP(err, CheckPositionsL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0009"));
+ 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to Parse URI file"));
+	TRAP(err, ParseURIFileL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestOOMForAddressStringTokenizer();
+	SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-ETUL-0024"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Phone Search Separators"));
+	TRAP(err, TestPhoneSearchSeparatorsL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	}
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0001
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for 2 URLs present in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs the CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin\n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the URL's found in the string.\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. 2 URL's found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. Returns zero URLs when text with Invalid URL's is used for parsing.
+   3. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::addressString->ItemCount() returns two when the text with 2 valid URL's is parsed 
+   		and returns zero when text with Invalid URL's is parsed.
+   4. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item() returns EFalse when there are no found items in the addressString.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchURLsL()
+    {
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL);
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin);
+	// Get count of found URL's
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 2);
+	// Get currently selected URL
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 url(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(url.Compare(KURL3) == 0);
+	// Get next found URL
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	url.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(url.Compare(KURL2) == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search the text with Invalid URLs"));
+	_LIT(KTextToBeParsedForInvalidURL, "tekstii... htsp:\\ adsadf akjdl httls:// jeba jee 127.*.0.1 roskaa");
+	addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForInvalidURL, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin);
+	// Get count of found URL's
+	count = addressString->ItemCount();
+	TEST(count == 0);
+	TEST(!addressString->Item(item));
+	delete addressString;
+    }
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0002
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for Email Addresses in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs the CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin\n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the Email Addresses found in the string.\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. 2 email addresses found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem() returns EFalse when no more email addresses are found in the addressString.
+   3. Returns zero email addresses when text with Invalid email addresses is used for parsing.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchEMailAddressesL()
+    {
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin);
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL);
+	// Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 2);
+	// Get currently selected email
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 emailAddress(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(emailAddress.Compare(KEMail) == 0);
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	emailAddress.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(emailAddress.Compare(KEMail3) == 0);
+	// Try to get next email address, should fail
+	TEST(addressString->NextItem(item) == EFalse);
+	delete addressString;
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search the text with Invalid EMail addresses"));
+	addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForInvalidEMail, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin);
+	// Get count of found EMail Addresses
+	count = addressString->ItemCount();
+	TEST(count == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+	}
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0003
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for phone numbers in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs the CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin \n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the phone numbers found in the string.\n
+   3 is the minimun count of numbers in a string that the string is considered as a phone number when phone numbers are 
+   searched.API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ItemArray(); \n
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. 7 Phone numbers found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ItemArray() returns correct array of phone numbers.
+   3. Returns zero phone numbers when text with Invalid phone numbers is used for parsing.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchPhoneNumbersL()
+    {
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin);
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsed);
+	const CArrayFixFlat<CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem>* itemArray = addressString->ItemArray();
+		// Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 7);
+	// Get currently selected phone number
+	TPtrC16 phoneNos(str.Mid((*itemArray)[0].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[0].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo1) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[1].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[1].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo2) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[2].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[2].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo3) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[3].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[3].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo4) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[4].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[4].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo5) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[5].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[5].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo6) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[6].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[6].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo7) == 0);
+	// Get last found number again
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid((*itemArray)[5].iStartPos, (*itemArray)[5].iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo6) == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test to search the text with Invalid Phone nos."));
+	_LIT(KTextToBeParsedForInvalidPhoneNos, "jeba jee 070@0-1231#23 habaha 123 456^78910? roskaa laatikos a");
+	addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForInvalidPhoneNos, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin, 8);
+	count= addressString->ItemCount();
+	TEST(count == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+    }
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0004
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for phone numbers containing minimum 3 numbers, in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs the CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin\n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the phone numbers containing minimum 3 numbers, found in the string.\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases, TInt aMinNumbers);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. 7 Phone numbers found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchPhoneNumbersWithMin3NosL()
+    {
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin, 3);
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsed);
+	// Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 7);
+	// Get currently selected phone number
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 phoneNos(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo1) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo2) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo3) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo4) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo5) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo6) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo7) == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+    }
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0005
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for phone numbers containing minimum 8 numbers, in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs the CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin\n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the phone numbers containing minimum 8 numbers, found in the string.\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases, TInt aMinNumbers);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::PrevItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. 4 Phone numbers found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::PrevItem() returns EFalse when called for the first time on addressString 
+   		array(ie., when addressString is pointing to the first item in the array).
+   3. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::PrevItem() returns correct phone number if it is called after accessing 
+   		the last item in the addressString array.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchPhoneNumbersWithMin8NosL()
+    {
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin, 8);
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsed);
+	// Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 4);
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	// Try to get a previous item
+	TEST(!addressString->PrevItem(item));
+	// Get currently selected phone number
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 phoneNos(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo1) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo2) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo3) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo4) == 0);
+	// Get last found number again
+	addressString->PrevItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNo3) == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+    }
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0006
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for phone numbers containing minimum 15 numbers, in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs the CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin\n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the phone numbers containing minimum 15 numbers, found in the string.\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases, TInt aMinNumbers);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. 4 Phone numbers found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::PrevItem() returns correct phone number if it is called after accessing 
+   		the last item in the addressString array.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchPhoneNumbersWithMin15NosL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KPhoneNoWithMin15no1, "0700-12w312312345");
+	_LIT(KPhoneNoWithMin15no2, "123 45p1234678910");
+	_LIT(KPhoneNoWithMin15no3, "127.052355.052355");
+	_LIT(KPhoneNoWithMin15no4, "");
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForPhNoWithMin15Nos, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin, 15);
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsedForPhNoWithMin15Nos);
+	  // Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 4);
+	// Get currently selected phone number
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 phoneNos(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNoWithMin15no1) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNoWithMin15no2) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNoWithMin15no3) == 0);
+	// Get next found number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNoWithMin15no4) == 0);
+	// Get last found number again
+	addressString->PrevItem(item);
+	phoneNos.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(phoneNos.Compare(KPhoneNoWithMin15no3) == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+    }
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0007
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for Phone numbers, Email addresses and URL's in the string.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs three CTulAddressStringTokenizer objects with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin and CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin,
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the Phone numbers, Email addresses and URL's \n
+   respectively found in the string.\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::DoNewSearchL( const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases); \n
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. Phone numbers, Email addresses and URL's found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::DoNewSearchL() returns correct addressString array.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::SearchAllL()
+    {
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin);
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsed);
+	// Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 1);
+	// Get currently selected email
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 result(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KEMail) == 0);
+	//make a new search - search for URL
+	addressString->DoNewSearchL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin);
+	count = addressString->ItemCount();
+	TEST(count == 3);
+	// Get currently selected URL
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KURL1) == 0);
+	// Get next selected URL
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KURL5) == 0);
+	// Get next selected URL
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KURL2) == 0);
+	//make a new search - search for phone number
+	addressString->DoNewSearchL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin);
+	count = addressString->ItemCount();
+	TEST(count == 7);
+	// Get selected phone number
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo1) == 0);
+	// Get next selected phone number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo2) == 0);
+	// Get next selected phone number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo3) == 0);
+	// Get next selected phone number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo4) == 0);
+	// Get next selected phone number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo5) == 0);
+	// Get next selected phone number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo6) == 0);
+	// Get next selected phone number
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KPhoneNo7) == 0);
+	delete addressString;
+	}
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0008
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to search for email addresses in the string and verifies their positions.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin|EFindItemSearchURLBin \n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the Email addresses and URL's\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ResetPosition();\n
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. Phone numbers, Email addresses and URL's found by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+   2. CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ResetPosition() resets the position of the addressString array to zero.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::CheckPositionsL()
+    {
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedToCheckPositions, (CTulAddressStringTokenizer::TTokenizerSearchCase)(CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin | CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin));
+	TBufC<512> str(KTextToBeParsedToCheckPositions);
+	//Get count of found email addresses
+	TInt count(addressString->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count == 4);
+	// Get currently selected email
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 result(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result.Compare(KURL4) == 0);
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	TPtrC16 result1(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result1.Compare(KEMail) == 0);
+	//move to next item
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	TPtrC16 result2(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result2.Compare(KEMail1) == 0);
+	//check that position is correct
+	TEST(addressString->Position() == 2);
+	//move to next item
+	addressString->NextItem(item);
+	result2.Set(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(result2.Compare(KEMail2) == 0);
+	//Resets the position to zero 
+	addressString->ResetPosition();
+	//get the first item
+	addressString->Item(item);
+	TPtrC16 reset_result1(str.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+	TEST(reset_result1.Compare(KURL4) == 0);
+	//verify that we are in first item
+	TEST(result == reset_result1);
+	delete addressString;
+	}
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0009
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test to Parse for URI's, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers and URL's in a file and to verify them
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions Constructs CTulAddressStringTokenizer object with CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin \n
+   which parses the given string and creates an item array consisting of all the Email addresses\n
+   API Calls:\n	
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases);\n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item(SFoundItem& aItem); \n
+   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem(SFoundItem& aItem); \n   
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults The test checks whether 
+   1. Phone numbers, Email addresses, URL's and URI's  parsed by CTulAddressStringTokenizer are the correct ones.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::ParseURIFileL()
+    {
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test begins"));
+    __UHEAP_MARK;
+    //load test case text to string
+    RFs rfs;
+    User::LeaveIfError(rfs.Connect());
+    CleanupClosePushL(rfs);
+ 	_LIT(KParesTextFile, "z:\\system\\data\\addressstringtokenizertestappdata.txt");
+	_LIT(KParesTextFileRef, "z:\\system\\data\\addressstringtokenizertestappdataref.txt");
+    RFile file;
+    HBufC* fullBuf = HBufC::NewMaxLC(KFullBufSize);
+    TPtr fullBufPtr = fullBuf->Des();                  
+    fullBufPtr = KNullDesC;
+	TFileText reader;
+    TBuf<KReadBufSize> fileBuffer;
+	if ((file.Open(rfs, KParesTextFile, EFileStreamText|EFileRead|EFileShareAny)) == KErrNone)
+		{
+		CleanupClosePushL(file);
+        // use TFileText for reading file. There is probably better ways to do this tho.
+        reader.Set(file);
+        if (reader.Seek(ESeekStart))
+			{
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("File corrupted"));
+            User::Leave(KErrGeneral); // not cleaning up properly
+            }
+        while (!reader.Read(fileBuffer))
+		    {
+		    fullBufPtr.Append(fileBuffer);
+		    fullBufPtr.Append('\n');   
+		    }
+		CleanupStack::Pop(&file);    
+        file.Close();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("z:\\system\\data\\addressstringtokenizertestappdata.txt not found"));
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+  	   }
+	if (file.Open(rfs, KParesTextFileRef, EFileStreamText|EFileRead|EFileShareAny) == KErrNone)
+		{
+		CleanupClosePushL(file);
+        // use TFileText for reading file. There is probably better way to do this tho.
+        reader.Set(file);
+        if (reader.Seek(ESeekStart))
+			{
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("File corrupted"));
+            User::Leave(KErrGeneral); // not cleaning up properly
+            }
+		}
+    else
+        {
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("z:\\system\\data\\addressstringtokenizertestappdataref.txt not found"));
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+        }
+    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start searching..."));
+    // Create an instance of Address String Tokenizer and search for URL's.
+    CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(fullBufPtr, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin);
+    TestAddressStringTokenizers(addressString, reader, fullBufPtr);
+    delete addressString;
+    // find phone numbers from same text
+    addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(fullBufPtr, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin);
+    TestAddressStringTokenizers(addressString, reader, fullBufPtr);
+    // test do new search with same instance
+    TInt count = addressString->DoNewSearchL(fullBufPtr, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin);
+  	TEST(count > 0);
+  	TestAddressStringTokenizers(addressString, reader, fullBufPtr);
+    delete addressString;
+    // find schemed URIs from same text
+    addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(fullBufPtr, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchScheme);
+	TestAddressStringTokenizers(addressString, reader, fullBufPtr);
+    delete addressString;
+    // find everything from same text
+    addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(fullBufPtr, (CTulAddressStringTokenizer::TTokenizerSearchCase)(CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin | CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin | CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin | CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchScheme));
+	TestAddressStringTokenizers(addressString, reader, fullBufPtr);	
+    delete addressString;
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &rfs);
+	}
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0010
+   @SYMREQ 7736
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc OOM test for CTulAddressStringTokenizer's NewL() and DoNewSearchL() methods.
+   @SYMTestPriority High 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions  Calls CTulAddressStringTokenizer's NewL() and DoNewSearchL() methods.
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults Tests should complete without any memory leaks.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::TestOOMForAddressStringTokenizer()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start OOM test for Address String Tokenizer"));
+	CTulAddressStringTokenizer* addressString = NULL;
+	TInt count;
+	TInt fail;
+	//OOM test for CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL() method.
+	for (fail = 1;; fail++)
+		{
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, fail);
+		TRAPD(err, addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin));
+		TEST((err == KErrNone) || (err == KErrNoMemory));
+		if (err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			// Get count of found URL's
+			count = addressString->ItemCount();
+			TEST(count == 2);
+			delete addressString;
+			addressString = NULL;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	//OOM test for CTulAddressStringTokenizer::DoNewSearchL() method.
+	for (fail = 1; ; fail++)
+		{
+		TRAPD(err, addressString = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(KTextToBeParsedForEmailAndURL, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchURLBin));
+		TEST(err == KErrNone);
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, fail);
+		TRAP(err, count = addressString->CTulAddressStringTokenizer::DoNewSearchL(KTextToBeParsed, CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin));
+		TEST((err == KErrNone) || (err == KErrNoMemory));
+		if (err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			// Get count of found URL's
+			count = addressString->ItemCount();
+			TEST(count == 1);
+			delete addressString;
+			break;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			delete addressString;
+			}
+		}
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("OOM test for Address String Tokenizer Completed"));
+	}
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::TestAddressStringTokenizers(CTulAddressStringTokenizer* aAddressStringTokenizer, TFileText& aReader, TDes& aText)
+	{
+    TBuf<KReadBufSize> fileBuffer;
+    // Get count of found items.
+    TInt count(aAddressStringTokenizer->ItemCount());
+	TEST(count > 0);
+	TPtrC result;
+    // SFoundItem instance
+    CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem item;
+    TBool found = aAddressStringTokenizer->Item(item);
+    TEST(found);
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+		{
+        result.Set(aText.Mid(item.iStartPos, item.iLength));
+		aReader.Read(fileBuffer);
+		//Comparing parsed result to what read buffer reads from the file.
+		TEST(!fileBuffer.Compare(result) );
+		if (fileBuffer.Compare(result))
+			{
+			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Buffer : %S"), &fileBuffer);
+			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Result : %S"), &result);
+			}
+        aAddressStringTokenizer->NextItem(item);
+        }
+	}
+   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-ETUL-0024
+   @SYMREQ DEF114388
+   @SYMTestCaseDesc Test of CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchPhoneNumberL( const TDesC& aText )
+                    with all the phone number separators.
+   @SYMTestPriority Normal 
+   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+   @SYMTestActions There should be 5 phone numbers separators:
+                      - KCharLinefeed = 0x000A 
+                      - KCharFormfeed = 0x000C
+                      - KCharCarriageReturn = 0x000D
+                      - KCharLineSeparator = 0x2028
+                      - KCharParagraphSeparator = 0x2029
+                   With a simple string _LIT16(KTestPhoneSeparator, "11111%c22222")
+                   and with all the separators above, we apply the tested function:
+                   CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchPhoneNumberL( const TDesC& aText )
+   @SYMTestExpectedResults On the 5 cases, the function should find 2 phone numbers
+                           i.e: multiSearch->ItemCount() should be equal to 2
+                           otherwise the test fail.
+ */
+void CT_AddressStringTokenizerStep::TestPhoneSearchSeparatorsL()
+	{
+	TInt KCharLinefeed = 0x000A;
+	TInt KCharFormfeed = 0x000C;
+	TInt KCharCarriageReturn = 0x000D;
+	TInt KCharLineSeparator = 0x2028;
+	TInt KCharParagraphSeparator = 0x2029;
+	TInt KSeparators[5]={KCharLinefeed,KCharFormfeed,KCharCarriageReturn,KCharLineSeparator,KCharParagraphSeparator};
+	_LIT16(KTestPhoneSeparator, "11111%c22222");
+	TBool succeed=ETrue;
+	TBuf16<16> str;
+	for (TInt k=0;k<5;k++)
+		{
+		str.Format(KTestPhoneSeparator,KSeparators[k]);
+		CTulAddressStringTokenizer* multiSearch = CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(str,
+				CTulAddressStringTokenizer::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin);
+		 if (multiSearch->ItemCount()!=2)
+			 {
+			 succeed=EFalse;
+			 }
+		 delete multiSearch;
+		 if (succeed==EFalse)
+			 {
+			 break;
+			 }
+		}
+	TEST(succeed);	
+	}