changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/AknGlobalUI/AknCapServer/src/AknCapServer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  AknCapServer Server and Session implementation 
+#include <AknNotifierWrapperDefs.h>
+#include <aknconsts.h>
+#include <aknanimdllstd.h>
+#include <AknCapServerClient.h>
+#include <baclipb.h>
+#include "AknCapServerDefs.h"
+#include "AknCapServerEntry.h"
+#include "AknCapServer.h"
+#include "AknMemoryCardDialogImpl.h"
+#include "AknCapServerShutdown.h"
+#include "akndynamicsoftnoteeventmanager.h"
+#include <AknNotifierControllerPlugin.h>
+#include <aknlongtapanimation.h>
+#include <AknDef.h>
+#include "akncapserverdiscreetpopuphandler.h"
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknAlarmInterface): public CAknAppServiceBase, public MAknAlarmServiceStartup
+    {
+    };
+const TInt KEikonServerSecureId = 0x10003A4A;
+TBool  CAknCapServerSession::AllowClientL(const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/)
+    {
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+void  CAknCapServerSession::HandleMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {   
+    switch (aMessage.Function())
+        {
+        case EAknSLaunchView:
+            {
+            // completes the message
+            iServer->CreateActivateViewL(aMessage);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknSKillApp:
+        case EAknSKillAllApps:
+            iServer->KillAppL(aMessage);
+            break;
+        case EAknSUnlockMedia:
+            iServer->HandleMMCRequestL(aMessage, REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt,this));          
+            break;
+        case EAknSEnableTaskList:
+        case EAknsLaunchTaskList:
+        case EAknSRefreshTaskList:
+            iServer->DoTaskListCommandL(aMessage);
+            break;
+        case EAknSSuppressAppsKey:
+            if (aMessage.SecureId() != KEikonServerSecureId)
+                {
+                // WriteDeviceData required if client is not eiksrv.                    
+                aMessage.HasCapabilityL(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData); 
+                }
+            iServer->SuppressAppsKeyL(aMessage,this);
+            break;
+        case EAknSHideApplicationFromFWS:
+            iServer->HideApplicationFromFWSL(aMessage);
+            break;        
+        case EAknSSetStatusPaneFlags:
+            {
+            iServer->SetStatusPaneFlags(aMessage.Int0());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknSSetStatusPaneLayout:
+            {
+            iServer->SetStatusPaneLayoutL(aMessage.Int0());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknSBlankScreen:
+            {
+            iBlankCount++;
+            TRAPD(err, iServer->BlankScreenL());
+            aMessage.Complete(err);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknSUnblankScreen:
+            {
+            iBlankCount--;
+            iServer->UnblankScreenL();
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiSetSgcParams:
+            {
+            TPckgBuf<SAknCapServerSetSgcParams> paramsBuf;
+            aMessage.ReadL(0, paramsBuf);
+            const SAknCapServerSetSgcParams& params = paramsBuf();
+            iServer->SetSgcParamsL(
+                params.iWgId, 
+                params.iAppFlags, 
+                params.iSpLayout, 
+                params.iSpFlags, 
+                params.iAppScreenMode);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiBlockServerStatusPaneRedraws:
+            {
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiRedrawServerStatusPane:
+            {
+            CAknSgcClient::RedrawServerStatusPane();
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiPrepareForAppExit:
+            {
+            iServer->PrepareForAppExitL(aMessage.Int0());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiSetSystemFaded:
+            {
+            TBool isFaded(aMessage.Int0());
+            CCoeEnv *env = CCoeEnv::Static();
+            CAknAppUi *appUi = static_cast<CAknAppUi*>(env->AppUi());
+            if (!isFaded 
+                && appUi->IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog() 
+                && env->RootWin().OrdinalPriority() >= ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront
+                && env->RootWin().Identifier() == env->WsSession().GetFocusWindowGroup())
+                {
+                // Don't unfaded the sytem, because in this case the requesting client application
+                // already go back to the background just after staying in the foreground
+                // for quite few moment, and the cap server return to the foreground again
+                // when a sleeping dialog poped up in global note.
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                CAknSgcClient::SetSystemFaded(isFaded);
+                }
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiIsSystemFaded:
+            {
+            TBool fade = CAknSgcClient::IsSystemFaded();
+            TPckg<TBool> pckg(fade);
+            aMessage.WriteL(0, pckg);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiRelinquishPriorityToForegroundApp:
+            {
+            iServer->RelinquishPriorityToForegroundAppL(aMessage);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiLayoutConfigSize:
+            {
+            TInt size = CAknSgcClient::LayoutConfigBuf().Size();
+            TPckg<TInt> pckg(size);
+            aMessage.WriteL(0, pckg);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiGetLayoutConfig:
+            {
+            const TDesC8& buf = CAknSgcClient::LayoutConfigBuf();
+            aMessage.WriteL(0, buf);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknEikAppUiMoveAppInZOrder:
+            {
+            CAknSgcClient::MoveApp(aMessage.Int0(), (TSgcMoveAppToWhere)aMessage.Int1());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+            break;
+        case EAknSSetKeyboardRepeatRate:
+            {
+            CAknSgcClient::SetKeyboardRepeatRate((TAknDefaultKeyboardRepeatRate)aMessage.Int0());    
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSUpdateKeyBlockMode:
+            {
+            CAknSgcClient::SetKeyBlockMode((TAknKeySoundOpcode)aMessage.Int0());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSShowLockedNote:
+            {
+            CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
+            RWsSession& wsSession = env->WsSession();
+            TInt myWgId = env->RootWin().Identifier();
+            // if keylock is active, we have special wg priority
+            if (wsSession.GetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority(myWgId) == ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront+1)
+                {
+                TKeyEvent key;
+                key.iCode=EKeyCBA2;
+                key.iModifiers=0;
+                key.iRepeats=0;
+                env->SimulateKeyEventL(key, EEventKey);
+                aMessage.Complete(ETrue);               
+                }
+             else
+                {
+                aMessage.Complete(EFalse);                  
+                }   
+            break;    
+            }
+        case EAknSShutdownApps:
+            {
+            if (aMessage.SecureId() != KEikonServerSecureId)
+                {
+                // PowerMgmt required if client is not eiksrv.                    
+                aMessage.HasCapabilityL(ECapabilityPowerMgmt); 
+                }
+            //Empty clipboard here
+            RFs& fs = CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession();
+            CClipboard* cb=0;
+            TRAPD(err, 
+                { 
+                cb = CClipboard::NewForWritingLC(fs);
+                CleanupStack::Pop();
+                }); // end of trap
+            if (!err)
+                {
+                cb->Clear(fs);
+                }
+            delete cb;
+            iServer->ShutdownAppsL(aMessage);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSCancelShutdownApps:
+            {
+            if (aMessage.SecureId() != KEikonServerSecureId)
+                {
+                // PowerMgmt required if client is not eiksrv.                    
+                aMessage.HasCapabilityL(ECapabilityPowerMgmt); 
+                }
+            iServer->CancelShutdownAppsL();
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSStatusPaneResourceId:
+            {   
+            TInt id = CAknSgcClient::CurrentStatuspaneResource();
+            TPckg<TInt> pckg(id);
+            aMessage.WriteL(0, pckg);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSStatusPaneAppResourceId:
+            {   
+            TInt id = iServer->CurrentAppStatuspaneResourceIdL();
+            TPckg<TInt> pckg(id);
+            aMessage.WriteL(0, pckg);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSSetStatusPaneAppResourceId:
+            {   
+            iServer->SetCurrentAppStatuspaneResourceIdL(aMessage.Int0());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSetFgSpDataSubscriberId:
+            {   
+            iServer->SetFgSpDataSubscriberIdL(aMessage.Int0());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSRotateScreen:
+            {
+            iServer->RotateScreenL();
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSAppsKeyBlocked:
+            {
+            iServer->DoAskAppsKeyStatusL(aMessage);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSShowLongTapAnimation:
+            {
+            iServer->ShowLongTapAnimationL(aMessage.Int0(), aMessage.Int1());
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSHideLongTapAnimation:
+            {
+            iServer->HideLongTapAnimation();
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknGetAliasKeyCode:
+            {
+            TUint code = 0;
+            TPckgBuf<TKeyEvent> keyEvent;
+            aMessage.ReadL(1,keyEvent);
+            iServer->GetAliasKeyCodeL(code, keyEvent(), (TEventCode)aMessage.Int2());
+            aMessage.WriteL(0,TPckg<TUint>(code));
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;    
+            }
+        case EAknSGetPhoneIdleViewId:
+            {
+            TPckgBuf<TVwsViewId> id;
+            aMessage.ReadL(0, id); 
+            iServer->GetPhoneIdleViewId(id());
+            aMessage.WriteL(0, id);
+            aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSPreAllocateDynamicSoftNoteEvent:
+            {
+            iServer->DynamicSoftNoteEventManager()->RegisterEventL(this, aMessage);            
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSNotifyDynamicSoftNoteEvent:
+            {
+            iServer->DynamicSoftNoteEventManager()->NotifyEvent(this, aMessage);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSCancelDynamicSoftNoteEventNotification:
+            {
+            iServer->DynamicSoftNoteEventManager()->CancelEvent(this, aMessage);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSDiscreetPopupAction:
+            {
+            CAknCapServerDiscreetPopupHandler::HandleDiscreetPopupMessageL( aMessage );
+            break;
+            }
+        case KDoNotifierControllerCommand:
+            {
+            if (aMessage.SecureId() != KEikonServerSecureId)
+                {
+                User::Leave(KErrPermissionDenied);
+                }
+            CAknCapAppServerAppUi* appUi = (CAknCapAppServerAppUi*) CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi();
+            if (appUi && appUi->iGlobalNotesController)
+                {
+                switch(aMessage.Int0())
+                    {
+                case CAknNotifierControllerUtility::EDoAllow:
+                    appUi->iGlobalNotesController->KeyLockStatusChange(EKeyLockAllowNotifications);
+                    break;
+                case CAknNotifierControllerUtility::EDoStop:
+                    appUi->iGlobalNotesController->KeyLockStatusChange(EKeyLockStopNotifications);
+                    break;
+                case CAknNotifierControllerUtility::DoCancelAll:
+                    appUi->iGlobalNotesController->KeyLockStatusChange(EKeyLockCancelNotification);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }            
+            } // fall through
+        case ECancelNotifier:   // check if cancel (from TNotifierMessage)
+            {
+            RThread t;
+            aMessage.ClientL(t);
+            // store client information to appui
+            CAknCapAppServerAppUi* appUi = (CAknCapAppServerAppUi*) CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi();
+            appUi->iClientId = t.Id();
+            t.Close();
+            } // fall through
+        default:
+            iServer->CheckAndLoadLibrariesL();
+            // base call
+            CAknNotifierServerAppService::HandleMessageL(aMessage);
+            break;      
+            }
+    }
+CApaAppServiceBase* CAknCapServer::CreateServiceL(TUid aServiceType) const
+    {
+    // We provide place alarm library that can't run with eikon server capabilities.
+    if (aServiceType == KAknAlarmServiceUid)
+        { // There can't be more than one instance of this service running
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG(iLibrary.Handle() == 0, User::Invariant());
+        RLibrary& library = MUTABLE_CAST(RLibrary&, iLibrary);
+        User::LeaveIfError(library.Load(KAknAlarmServiceLibrary));
+        TLibraryFunction constructor = library.Lookup(1);
+        MAknAlarmServiceStartup* alarm = (MAknAlarmServiceStartup*)((*constructor)());
+        User::LeaveIfNull(alarm);
+        alarm->StartupNewSessionL();
+        return (CAknAlarmInterface*)alarm;
+        }   
+    else if ( aServiceType == KAknCapServiceUid || aServiceType == KAknNotifierServiceUid )
+        {
+        return new (ELeave) CAknCapServerSession(this);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        return CAknNotifierAppServer::CreateServiceL(aServiceType); 
+        }   
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::KillAppL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->KillAppL(aMessage);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::DoTaskListCommandL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->DoTaskListCommandL(aMessage);   
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::SuppressAppsKeyL(const RMessage2& aMessage, CAknCapServerSession* aClient )
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->SuppressAppSwitchingL(aMessage.Int0(),REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt,aClient));
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::HandleClientExit(CAknCapServerSession* aClient)
+    { // not allowed to leave 
+    if (iAppUi)
+        { // can't leave when aAddCount == 0
+        TInt clientId = REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt,aClient);
+        TRAP_IGNORE(iAppUi->SuppressAppSwitchingL(EAknAppsKeyBlockRemoveClient, clientId));
+        iAppUi->MMCUnlock()->ClientExit( clientId );
+        }
+    if (iDynamicSoftNoteEventManager)
+        {
+        iDynamicSoftNoteEventManager->ClientExit(aClient);
+        }
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::EnsureAppUiValidityL()
+    {
+    if (!iAppUi)
+        {
+        iAppUi = (CAknCapAppServerAppUi*) CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi();
+        }
+    if (!iAppUi)
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrNotReady);      
+        }
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::HideApplicationFromFWSL(const RMessage2& aMessage )
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->HideApplicationFromFswL(aMessage.Int0(),aMessage.Int1());
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::HandleMMCRequestL(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aClientId )
+    {
+    if (aMessage.Int0() == 0) // not cancel
+        { // owner ship of message to dialog
+        EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+        iAppUi->MMCUnlock()->StartL(aMessage.Int1(), aMessage.Int2(), aMessage, aClientId);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TRAPD(err,  EnsureAppUiValidityL())
+        if (!err)
+            {
+            iAppUi->MMCUnlock()->Cancel(aClientId);
+            }
+        aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+        }
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::SetSgcParamsL(TInt aWgId, TBitFlags aAppFlags, TInt aSpLayout, TInt aSpFlags, 
+    TInt aAppScreenMode)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->SgcServer()->HandleWindowGroupParamChangeL(
+        aWgId, 
+        aAppFlags, 
+        aSpLayout, 
+        aSpFlags, 
+        aAppScreenMode);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::PrepareForAppExitL(TInt aWgId)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->SgcServer()->PrepareForAppExitL(aWgId);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::RelinquishPriorityToForegroundAppL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->SgcServer()->RelinquishPriorityToForegroundAppL(aMessage);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::SetStatusPaneFlags(TInt aFlags)
+    {
+    if (iAppUi && iAppUi->StatusPane())
+        {
+        iAppUi->StatusPane()->SetFlags(aFlags);
+        }
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::SetStatusPaneLayoutL(TInt aResourceId)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    if (iAppUi->StatusPane())
+        {
+        iAppUi->StatusPane()->SwitchLayoutL(aResourceId);
+        }
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::BlankScreenL()
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    iAppUi->BlankScreenL(ETrue);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::UnblankScreenL()
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    iAppUi->BlankScreenL(EFalse);
+    }
+    {
+    delete iDynamicSoftNoteEventManager;
+    delete iShutdown;
+    iLibrary.Close();
+    delete iLongTapAnimation;
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::ShutdownAppsL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {
+    delete iShutdown;
+    iShutdown = 0;
+    iShutdown = new(ELeave) CAknCapServerShutdown;
+    iShutdown->ConstructL();
+    TUid uid = { aMessage.Int0() };
+    TInt timeout = aMessage.Int1();
+    iShutdown->ShutdownAppsL(uid, aMessage, timeout);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::CancelShutdownAppsL()
+    {
+    if (iShutdown)
+        {
+        iShutdown->CancelShutdownAppsL();
+        }
+    }
+// For applications that do not have CCoeAppUI ready or available.
+void CAknCapServer::CreateActivateViewL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    TInt messageLength = aMessage.GetDesLengthL(3);
+    TInt appUid = aMessage.Int0();
+    TInt viewUid = aMessage.Int1();
+    TInt customUid = aMessage.Int2(); 
+    if (messageLength > 0)
+        {
+        HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(messageLength);        
+        TPtr8 ptr = buf->Des();
+        aMessage.ReadL(3, ptr);
+        iAppUi->CreateActivateViewEventL(
+            TVwsViewId(TUid::Uid(appUid), TUid::Uid(viewUid)),
+            TUid::Uid(customUid),
+            *buf);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iAppUi->CreateActivateViewEventL(
+            TVwsViewId(TUid::Uid(appUid),TUid::Uid(viewUid)),
+            TUid::Uid(customUid),
+            KNullDesC8());        
+        }
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::SetCurrentAppStatuspaneResourceIdL(TInt aResourceId)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    iAppUi->SetCurrentAppStatuspaneResourceIdL(aResourceId);
+    }
+TInt CAknCapServer::CurrentAppStatuspaneResourceIdL()
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    return iAppUi->CurrentAppStatuspaneResourceIdL();
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::SetFgSpDataSubscriberIdL(TInt aId)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL(); 
+    iAppUi->SetFgSpDataSubscriberIdL(aId);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::RotateScreenL()
+    {
+    iAppUi->RotateScreenL();
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::DoAskAppsKeyStatusL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    aMessage.Complete(iAppUi->IsAppsKeySuppressed());    
+    }           
+void CAknCapServer::ShowLongTapAnimationL( const TInt aX, const TInt aY )
+    {    
+    if ( !iLongTapAnimation )
+        {
+        iLongTapAnimation = CAknLongTapAnimation::NewL();
+        }
+    iLongTapAnimation->ShowAnimationL( aX, aY );
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::HideLongTapAnimation()
+    {
+    if ( iLongTapAnimation )
+        {
+        iLongTapAnimation->HideAnimation();
+        }
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::GetAliasKeyCodeL(TUint& aCode, const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
+    {
+    EnsureAppUiValidityL();
+    iAppUi->GetAliasKeyCodeL(aCode,aKeyEvent,aType);
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::GetPhoneIdleViewId( TVwsViewId& aViewId )
+    {
+    AknDef::GetPhoneIdleViewId( aViewId );
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::RefreshLongTapAnimation()
+    {
+    delete iLongTapAnimation;
+    iLongTapAnimation = NULL;
+    }
+void CAknCapServer::CreateDynamicSoftNoteEventManagerL()
+    {
+    if(!iDynamicSoftNoteEventManager)
+        {
+        iDynamicSoftNoteEventManager = CAknDynamicSoftNoteEventManager::CreateUniqueInstanceL();
+        }
+    }
+CAknDynamicSoftNoteEventManager* CAknCapServer::DynamicSoftNoteEventManager()
+    {
+    return iDynamicSoftNoteEventManager;
+    }
+// End of file