changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/uiklaf/src/LAFMENUP.CPP	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "LAFMENUP.H"
+#include <eiksfont.h>
+#include <gulfont.h>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <gulutil.h>
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <coeinput.h>
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+#include "uikon.hrh"
+#include "LAFSCRLB.H"
+#include "LAFSTD.H"
+#include "lafcommn.h"
+const TInt KLafMenuItemRadio = (EEikMenuItemRadioStart|EEikMenuItemRadioMiddle|EEikMenuItemRadioEnd);
+// Margin Values for the menu pane
+const TInt KLafLeftMargin	= 2; // it is used to be KLafLeftHighlightGap
+const TInt KLafRightMargin	= 2; // it is used to be KLafRightHighlightGap
+const TInt KLafTopMargin	= 2; // it is used to be KLafTopHighlightGap
+const TInt KLafBottomMargin	= 2; // it is used to be KLafBottomHighlightGap
+// Margin Values for the cascade menu
+const TInt KLafCascadeLeftMargin	= KLafLeftMargin;
+const TInt KLafCascadeRightMargin	= KLafRightMargin;
+const TInt KLafCascadeTopMargin		= KLafTopMargin;
+const TInt KLafCascadeBottomMargin	= KLafBottomMargin;
+// Margin Values for the scroll bar
+const TInt KLafTopScrollBarMargin = 0;		//TopGapForArrowHead	=10;
+const TInt KLafBottomScrollBarMargin = 0;	//KLafBottomGapForArrowHead=10;
+const TInt KLafLeftScrollBarMargin = 0;
+const TInt KLafRightScrollBarMargin = 0;
+// These values are added to font height. They do not have any effect if the icon height is bigger.
+const TInt KLafMenuPaneTextTopSpace	= 3;
+const TInt KLafMenuPaneTextBottomSpace = 3;
+// Separator
+const TInt KLafMenuPaneSeparatorMargin = 4; // offset from the margin for the seperator
+const TInt KLafMenuSeparatorYOffset = 2;
+//	Left Adornment width
+const TInt KLafLeftAdornmentSpace = 8;
+// Pre and Post adornment widths
+const TInt KLafPreLeftAdornmentSpace = 3;
+const TInt KLafPostLeftAdornmentSpace = 3;
+//	Right Adornment width
+const TInt KLafRightAdornmentSpace = 10;
+// Pre and Post adornment widths
+const TInt KLafPreRightAdornmentSpace = 3; // it can be used as gap between hotkey and cascade symbol.
+const TInt KLafPostRightAdornmentSpace = 3;
+const TInt KLafSpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey	= 6;
+const TInt KLafMenuPaneDefaultShadowHeight			= 3;
+const TInt KLafOffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle= 0;
+// Pre and Post widths around the Icon
+const TInt KLafPreIconSpace = 0;
+const TInt KLafPostIconSpace = 0;
+const TInt KLafExtraBaselineOffset	=1;
+const TInt KLafMenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace=6;
+const TInt KLafMenuCascadeOverlap=8; // + value reduces the gap between the cascade menu and its owner
+// Class LafMenuPane::TMenuPaneAttributes
+EXPORT_C LafMenuPane::TItemAttributes::TItemAttributes()
+	: iBaseLine(0), iFlags(0), iInternalFlags(0), iHeight(0), iHighlightType(SLafMenuPane::ENoHighlight),
+	iHPosition(0)
+	{
+	}
+// Class LafMenuPane
+ * Returns the left or right adornment width determined by aItemAttributes internal flags.
+ * The internal flags are set so that it is possible to know which adornments the menu pane has and
+ * which one, between left and right adornment, has to be taken in consideration in order to evaluate
+ * the returning value.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt LafMenuPane::AdornmentSpace(const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes)
+	{
+	const TInt& internalFlags = aItemAttributes.iInternalFlags;
+	TInt adornment = 0;
+	if (internalFlags&EMenuIsLeftAdornment)
+		{
+		adornment = KLafPreLeftAdornmentSpace + KLafPostLeftAdornmentSpace;
+		if (internalFlags&EMenuHasLeftAdornment)
+			adornment += KLafLeftAdornmentSpace;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		adornment = KLafPreRightAdornmentSpace + KLafPostRightAdornmentSpace;
+		if (internalFlags&EMenuHasRightAdornment)
+			adornment += KLafRightAdornmentSpace;
+		}
+	return adornment;
+	}
+ * Returns the keypresses menu pane is interested in from a FEP
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt LafMenuPane::InputCapabilities()
+	{ // static
+	return TCoeInputCapabilities::ENavigation;
+	}
+ * Returns ETrue if the first item on a menu pane should be selected by default.
+ * Returning EFalse signifies that nothing should be selected initially.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool LafMenuPane::SelectFirstItemOnConstruction()
+	{
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt LafMenuPane::DefaultCbaResId()
+	{ // static
+	return 0;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix<TCoeColorUse>& aColorUseList)
+	{ // static
+	TInt commonAttributes = TCoeColorUse::ENormal|TCoeColorUse::ENeutral;
+	TCoeColorUse colorUse;
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneText);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EFore|TCoeColorUse::EActive|TCoeColorUse::ESurrounds|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneBackground);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EBack|TCoeColorUse::EActive|TCoeColorUse::ESurrounds|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneTextHighlight);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EFore|TCoeColorUse::EActive|TCoeColorUse::EHighlights|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneHighlight);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EBack|TCoeColorUse::EActive|TCoeColorUse::EHighlights|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedTextHighlight);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EBack|TCoeColorUse::EDimmed|TCoeColorUse::EHighlights|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedHighlight);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EFore|TCoeColorUse::EDimmed|TCoeColorUse::EHighlights|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	colorUse.SetLogicalColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedText);
+	colorUse.SetUse(TCoeColorUse::EBack|TCoeColorUse::EDimmed|TCoeColorUse::ESurrounds|commonAttributes);
+	aColorUseList.AppendL(colorUse);
+	}
+ * Returns the keycode to use with menus for the given event.  Intended primarily to allow custom
+ * device hardware keys to map to standard Epoc functions.
+ *
+ * @since App-Framework_6.1
+ */ 
+EXPORT_C TUint LafMenuPane::MapKeyCode(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode /*aType*/)
+	{ // static
+	return aKeyEvent.iCode;
+	}
+ * Returns a constant value according to aConstantType.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt LafMenuPane::Constant(TConstantType aConstantType)
+	{//static
+	TInt retValue = 0;
+	switch (aConstantType)
+		{
+	case EPostRightAdornmentSpace:
+		retValue = KLafPostRightAdornmentSpace;
+		break;
+	case EMenuPaneTextTopSpace:
+		retValue = KLafMenuPaneTextTopSpace;
+		break;
+	case EMenuPaneTextBottomSpace:
+		retValue = KLafMenuPaneTextBottomSpace;
+		break;
+	case ESpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey:
+		retValue = KLafSpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey;
+		break;
+	case EOffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle:
+		retValue = KLafOffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle;
+		break;
+	case EMenuPaneSeparatorMargin:
+		retValue = KLafMenuPaneSeparatorMargin;
+		break;
+	case EShadowHeight:
+		retValue = KLafMenuPaneDefaultShadowHeight;
+		break;
+	case EPreIconSpace:
+		retValue = KLafPreIconSpace;
+		break;
+	case EPostIconSpace:
+		retValue = KLafPostIconSpace;
+		break;
+	case EExtraBaselineOffset:
+		retValue = KLafExtraBaselineOffset;
+		break;
+	case EMenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace:
+		retValue = KLafMenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace;
+		break;
+	case EMenuCascadeOverlap:
+		retValue = KLafMenuCascadeOverlap;
+		break;
+	case EMenuSeparatorYOffset:
+		retValue = KLafMenuSeparatorYOffset;
+		break;
+	case ENumberOfItemsInView:
+		retValue=-1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELafPanicConstantNotKnown)); // should never be reached
+		break;
+		}
+	return retValue;
+	}
+ * Returns the font corresponding to aFontType.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+EXPORT_C const CFont* LafMenuPane::Font(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, TFontType aFontType)
+	{ // static
+	TLogicalFont logicalFont;
+	switch (aFontType)
+		{
+	case EAnnotation:
+		logicalFont.iFontId=TUid::Uid(EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont);
+		break;
+	case ENormal:
+		logicalFont.iFontId=TUid::Uid(EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont);
+		break;
+	case ESymbol:
+		logicalFont.iFontId=TUid::Uid(EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont);
+		break;
+	default:
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELafPanicFontIndexOutOfRange)); // should never be reached
+		break;
+		}
+	return aLafEnv.Font(logicalFont);
+	}
+ * Gets the default border for the matched control in aBorder. Called from the constructor of the matched control.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::GetDefaultBorder(TGulBorder& aBorder)
+	{
+	aBorder=TGulBorder(TGulBorder::EThickDeepRaisedWithOutline);
+	}
+ * Gets the set of border colors for the matched control in aBorderColors. The RGB values of the colors obtained
+ * may depend on the the display mode, the environment color list and the instance of the
+ * matched control aMatchedControl. Called by the matched control from its Draw() method and passed on to the
+ * Draw() method of TGulBorder. 
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::GetBorderColors(TGulBorder::TColors& aBorderColors, const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMatchedControl)
+	{
+	LafCommonUtils::GetRgbDerivedBorderColors( aBorderColors,
+			EColorMenuPaneBackground, aLafEnv,aMatchedControl );
+	}
+ * Returns the default flags for the scroll bar for orientation aOrientation.
+ * Called when the matched control creates its scroll bar frame..
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt LafMenuPane::DefaultScrollBarFlags(TInt /*aOrientation*/)
+	{
+	return 0;
+	}
+ * Draws the joints between menu pane and menu pane title into the graphics
+ * context aGc, in the rectangle aRect.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawTitlePaneJoint(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const CCoeControl* aMenuPaneTitle, const TRect& aInnerRect)
+	{
+	PrepareGcForDrawingItems(aLafEnv, aMenuPane, aGc);
+    aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+    aGc.DrawRect(aInnerRect);
+	if (aMenuPaneTitle)
+		{// pane has title, so make sure they are joined up correctly
+		const TPoint titlePos = aMenuPaneTitle->Position();
+		const TInt width = aMenuPaneTitle->Size().iWidth;
+		const TPoint position = aMenuPane.Position();
+		// left straight join
+		aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+		aGc.SetPenColor(aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneBackground, aMenuPane));
+		// get rid of the gray bit of border
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+5,4),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-5,4));
+		// get rid of the black bit of border
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+4,0),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-4,0));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+4,1),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-4,1));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+5,4),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-5,4));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+MenuPaneSeparatorMargin() ,0),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-MenuPaneSeparatorMargin(),0));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+MenuPaneSeparatorMargin() ,1),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-MenuPaneSeparatorMargin(),1));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+MenuPaneSeparatorMargin() ,2),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-MenuPaneSeparatorMargin(),2));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+MenuPaneSeparatorMargin() ,3),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-MenuPaneSeparatorMargin(),3));
+		// draw in black line seperator
+		aGc.SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX +MenuPaneSeparatorMargin(),0),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-3-MenuPaneSeparatorMargin(),0));
+		TGulBorder::TColors borderColors;
+		GetBorderColors(borderColors, aLafEnv, *aMenuPaneTitle);
+		aGc.SetPenColor(borderColors.iMidlight);
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+1,0),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+4,0));
+		aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+1,1),TPoint(titlePos.iX-position.iX+4,1));
+		if (aMenuPaneTitle->Rect().iBr.iX==aMenuPane.Rect().iBr.iX)
+			{// right straight join
+			aGc.SetPenColor(borderColors.iMid);
+			aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(aInnerRect.iBr.iX,0),TPoint(aInnerRect.iBr.iX,5));
+			aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(aInnerRect.iBr.iX+1,0),TPoint(aInnerRect.iBr.iX+1,4));
+			aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(aInnerRect.iBr.iX+2,0),TPoint(aInnerRect.iBr.iX+2,3));
+			}
+		else
+			{// right corner join
+			TInt xPos=titlePos.iX-position.iX+width-4;
+			aGc.SetPenColor(borderColors.iMid);
+			aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(xPos,0),TPoint(xPos,4));
+			aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(xPos+1,0),TPoint(xPos+1,3));
+			aGc.DrawLine(TPoint(xPos+2,0),TPoint(xPos+2,2));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * Draws the aHotKeys text into the graphics context aGc, in the rectangle aRect. By defalut the
+ * text is right aligned.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawHotKeyText(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& /*aMenuPane*/, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aHotKeysText, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes)
+	{
+	aGc.UseFont(AnnotationFont(aLafEnv));
+// Left alignment
+	aGc.DrawText(aHotKeysText, aRect, aItemAttributes.iBaseLine, CGraphicsContext::ELeft,KLafSpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey);
+	aGc.UseFont(NormalFont(aLafEnv));
+	}
+ * Draws the left adornment to the graphics context aGc, in the rectangle aRect. The menu pane
+ * flags determines the type of adornment to be drawn.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawLeftAdornment(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& /*aMenuPane*/, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes)
+	{
+// Brush the background of the rect.
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	aGc.DrawRect(aRect);
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+	const TInt itemFlags = aItemAttributes.iFlags;
+	if (itemFlags&EEikMenuItemSymbolOn)
+		{
+		if (itemFlags&EEikMenuItemCheckBox)
+			{
+			TRect rect = aRect;
+			rect.iTl.iY += aItemAttributes.iBaseLine;
+			TBuf<1> buf;
+			buf.Append(TChar(ESymFontTick));
+			aGc.UseFont(SymbolFont(aLafEnv));
+			aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+			// as the tick is big, ignore KPreLeftAdornment and steal 1 pixels from left.
+			aGc.DrawText(buf,TPoint(rect.iTl.iX-1, rect.iTl.iY));
+			aGc.UseFont(NormalFont(aLafEnv));
+			}
+		else if (itemFlags&KLafMenuItemRadio)
+			{
+			TUid bmpUid(TUid::Uid(KLafUidEikonOptiVal));
+			const CFbsBitmap* bitmap = aLafEnv.Bitmap(bmpUid);
+			TSize bitsize = bitmap->SizeInPixels();
+			TRect butRect(TPoint(0,0), TPoint(bitsize.iWidth,bitsize.iHeight));
+			TInt yoffset = (aRect.Size().iHeight - bitsize.iHeight) / 2;
+			TInt xoffset = KLafPreLeftAdornmentSpace;
+			TPoint offset(xoffset,yoffset);
+			if (aItemAttributes.iHighlightType == SLafMenuPane::EDrawHighlight)
+				{
+				bmpUid=TUid::Uid(KLafUidEikonOptihVal);
+				bitmap = aLafEnv.Bitmap(bmpUid);
+				}
+			bmpUid=TUid::Uid(KLafUidEikonOptimVal);
+			const CFbsBitmap* mask = aLafEnv.Bitmap(bmpUid);
+			aGc.BitBltMasked((aRect.iTl+offset), bitmap, butRect, mask,ETrue);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * Draws the cascade symbol into the graphics context aGc, in the rectangle aRect and sets
+ * the pen color depending on whether the menu item is dimmed or focused.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawRightAdornment(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& /*aMenuPane*/, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes)
+	{
+	const TInt cascadeSize=Min(KLafRightAdornmentSpace,aItemAttributes.iHeight);
+// Brush the background of the rect.
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	aGc.DrawRect(aRect);
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+	if (aItemAttributes.iInternalFlags&EMenuIsRightAdornment)
+		{
+		//Sort out rect for cascade symbol
+		TRect cascadeRect=TRect(TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX-cascadeSize-PostRightAdornmentSpace(),aItemAttributes.iHPosition),
+					TSize(cascadeSize,aItemAttributes.iHeight));
+		cascadeRect.iTl.iY+=((aItemAttributes.iHeight-cascadeSize)/2);
+		cascadeRect.iBr.iY-=((aItemAttributes.iHeight-cascadeSize)/2);
+		TBuf<1> cascade;
+		cascade.Append(TChar(ESymFontMenuCascade));
+		aGc.UseFont(SymbolFont(aLafEnv));
+		aGc.DrawText(cascade,cascadeRect,cascadeRect.Height(),CGraphicsContext::ERight);
+		aGc.UseFont(NormalFont(aLafEnv));
+		}
+	}
+ * Draws a line seperator between two items into the graphics context aGc, in the rectangle aRect.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawSeperator(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TItemAttributes& /*aItemAttributes*/)
+	{
+	aGc.SetPenColor(aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneText, aMenuPane));
+	aGc.DrawLine(aRect.iTl, aRect.iBr);
+	}
+ * Draws aText into the graphics context aGc, in the rectangle aRect. By default aText is
+ * left aligned
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawText(const MLafEnv& /*aLafEnv*/, const CCoeControl& /*aMenuPane*/, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aText, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes)
+	{
+	aGc.DrawText(aText, aRect, aItemAttributes.iBaseLine, CGraphicsContext::ELeft);
+	}
+ * Returns ETrue when the window behind the menu bar should be faded.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool LafMenuPane::FadeBehind()
+	{ // static
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+ * Returns the margins for the cascade menu.
+ */
+EXPORT_C const TMargins8 LafMenuPane::CascadeMargins()
+	{ // static
+	TMargins8 cascadeMargins;
+	cascadeMargins.iLeft = KLafCascadeLeftMargin;
+	cascadeMargins.iRight =KLafCascadeRightMargin;
+	cascadeMargins.iTop = KLafCascadeTopMargin;
+	cascadeMargins.iBottom = KLafCascadeBottomMargin;
+	return cascadeMargins;
+	}
+ * Returns the menu pane margins.
+ */
+EXPORT_C const TMargins8 LafMenuPane::Margins()
+	{ // static
+	TMargins8 margins;
+	margins.iLeft = KLafLeftMargin;
+	margins.iRight =KLafRightMargin;
+	margins.iTop = KLafTopMargin;
+	margins.iBottom = KLafBottomMargin;
+	return margins;
+	}
+ * Returns the menu pane margins.
+ */
+EXPORT_C const TMargins8 LafMenuPane::ScrollBarMargins()
+	{ // static
+	TMargins8 margins;
+	margins.iLeft = KLafLeftScrollBarMargin;
+	margins.iRight = KLafRightScrollBarMargin;
+	margins.iTop = KLafTopScrollBarMargin;
+	margins.iBottom = KLafBottomScrollBarMargin;
+	return margins;
+	}
+ * Prepares the graphics context aGc for drawing the items by setting the pen and brush.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::PrepareGcForDrawingItems(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc)
+	{
+	const CFont* font = NormalFont(aLafEnv);
+	aGc.UseFont(font);
+	aGc.SetPenColor(aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneText, aMenuPane));
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	aGc.SetBrushColor(aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneBackground, aMenuPane));
+	}
+ * Prepares the graphics context aGc according of aHighlightType before drawing an item. At the
+ * same time it determines and returns the text color to be used during the drawing of all components
+ * of an item.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::PrepareGcForHighlight(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes)
+	{
+	TRgb textColor = aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneText, aMenuPane); //KEikMenuPaneTextColor;
+	switch (aItemAttributes.iHighlightType)
+		{
+	case SLafMenuPane::EDrawHighlight:
+		aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+		textColor = aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneTextHighlight, aMenuPane);
+		if (aMenuPane.IsFocused())
+			{
+			aGc.SetBrushColor(aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneHighlight, aMenuPane));
+			if (aItemAttributes.iFlags&EEikMenuItemDimmed)
+				textColor = aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedTextHighlight, aMenuPane);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			aGc.SetBrushColor(aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedHighlight, aMenuPane));
+			textColor = aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedTextHighlight, aMenuPane);
+			}
+		break;
+	case SLafMenuPane::ERemoveHighlight:
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+		if (aItemAttributes.iFlags&EEikMenuItemDimmed)
+			textColor = aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedText, aMenuPane);
+		break;
+	case SLafMenuPane::ENoHighlight:
+		aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+		if (aItemAttributes.iFlags&EEikMenuItemDimmed)
+			textColor = aLafEnv.ControlColor(EColorMenuPaneDimmedText, aMenuPane);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	aGc.SetPenColor(textColor);
+	}
+ * Returns ETrue if the menu pane can show the hotkeys, otherwise it returns EFalse.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool LafMenuPane::ShowHotKeys()
+	{ // static
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+// class LafMenuPaneItem
+ * Draws the icon for the item to the graphics context aGc, in the middle of the rectangle aRect
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPaneItem::DrawIcon(const MLafEnv& /*aLafEnv*/, const CCoeControl& /*aMenuPane*/, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const CGulIcon* aIcon, SLafMenuPane::THighlightType aHighlightType)
+	{
+	if (aIcon)
+		{
+		if (aHighlightType == SLafMenuPane::EDrawHighlight)
+			aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+		// Determine the rect available for the bitmap
+		TRect rect = aRect;
+		// put the image in the middle of available rect
+		const CFbsBitmap* bitmap = aIcon->Bitmap();
+		const TSize bmpSize(bitmap->SizeInPixels());
+		const TSize rectSize(aRect.Size());
+		const TPoint offset(((rectSize.iWidth - bmpSize.iWidth) / 2), ((rectSize.iHeight - bmpSize.iHeight) / 2));
+		const CFbsBitmap* mask = aIcon->Mask();
+		if (mask)
+			{
+			const TRect bmpRect(0, 0, bmpSize.iWidth, bmpSize.iHeight);
+			aGc.BitBltMasked(rect.iTl+offset, bitmap, bmpRect, mask, ETrue);
+			}
+		else
+			aGc.BitBlt(rect.iTl+offset, bitmap);
+		if (aHighlightType == SLafMenuPane::EDrawHighlight)
+			aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+		}
+	}
+ * Gets the default attributes for the scroll bar for orientation aOrientation in aAttributes.
+ * Called when the matched control creates its scroll bar frame..
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::GetDefaultScrollBarAttributes(TInt aOrientation, LafScrollBarFrame::TScrollBarAttributes& aAttributes)
+	{
+	aAttributes = LafScrollBarFrame::TScrollBarAttributes();
+	if (aOrientation == SLafScrollBar::EVertical)
+		{
+		aAttributes.iControlType = EEikCtScrollBar;
+		aAttributes.iSide = SLafScrollBarFrame::EBottomOrRight;
+		aAttributes.iManagement = SLafScrollBarFrame::EComponent;
+		aAttributes.iBreadth = LafScrollBar::DefaultBreadth();
+		}
+	}
+ * Draws visual feedback for a menu item to indicate that it has been selected. This is shown for
+ * the brief interval between the item being selected and the menu being dismissed. Uses the
+ * environment aLafEnv for setting up the context aGc for the menu pane aMenuPane and draws inside
+ * the item rectangle aRect.
+ *
+ * @since App-Framework_6.1
+ */
+EXPORT_C void LafMenuPane::DrawVisualFeedback(const MLafEnv& /*aLafEnv*/, const CCoeControl& /*aMenuPane*/,
+												CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	aGc.SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+	aGc.DrawRect(aRect);
+	}