--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/psln/Src/PslnUi.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:16:19 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: UI class of Psln.
+#include "PslnUi.h"
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+// Navi pane, Title Pane & Tab groups
+#include <aknnavi.h>
+#include <aknnavide.h>
+#include <akntitle.h>
+// Notes & Dialogs
+#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
+#include <AknWaitDialog.h>
+// DRM.
+#include <DRMHelper.h>
+#include <DRMRights.h>
+// Psln specific.
+#include <psln.rsg>
+#include "PslnModel.h"
+#include "PslnSkinEntry.h"
+#include "PslnFeatures.h"
+#include "PslnSoundActivator.h"
+#include "pslntaskactivatesounds.h"
+#include "pslntaskgenericupdate.h"
+#include "pslnidletaskcreateviews.h"
+#include "PslnConst.h"
+#include "PslnDebug.h"
+#include "PslnModel.h"
+#include "PslnPropertySubscriber.h"
+// Views
+#include "PslnMainView.h"
+#include "PslnGeneralThemeView.h"
+#include "PslnScreenSaverView.h"
+#include "PslnWallpaperView.h"
+// Framework
+#include "PslnPluginHandler.h"
+#include <pslnfwplugininterface.h>
+#include <pslnfwbaseview.h>
+// Help texts
+#include <hlplch.h>
+#include <csxhelp/skins.hlp.hrh>
+#include <UsbWatcherInternalPSKeys.h> // KPSUidUsbWatcher
+#include <usbpersonalityids.h> // Usb Personality Ids
+// Sets internal state correctly when leave occurs in skin changing.
+// Handles application exit correctly when leave occurs in exiting.
+void HandleExitLeave( TAny* aPtr )
+ {
+ CPslnUi* psln = static_cast<CPslnUi*>(aPtr);
+ psln->HandleCmdExitLeave();
+ }
+// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPslnUi::CPslnUi() : iPslnUiStatus ( EPslnCreated )
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian two-phased constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ConstructL()
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ConstructL, Start:%d", User::NTickCount() );
+ BaseConstructL( EAknEnableSkin | EAknEnableMSK | EAknSingleClickCompatible );
+ EnableExternalViewSwitches(ETrue);
+ // Create ECOM plugin loader.
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructL PluginHandler");
+ iPluginHandler = CPslnPluginHandler::NewL( this );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructL Model");
+ // Force creation of model, since it is anyway created when ANY view is
+ // activated.
+ CreateModelL();
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructL StatusPane");
+ // Show tabs for main views from resources
+ CEikStatusPane* sp = StatusPane();
+ if ( sp )
+ {
+ // Fetch pointer to the default navi pane control
+ iNaviPane = (CAknNavigationControlContainer*)sp->ControlL(
+ TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidNavi));
+ }
+ // New main view
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructL View-Main");
+ CPslnMainView* view = CPslnMainView::NewLC();
+ AddViewL( view ); // transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi
+ CleanupStack::Pop( view ); // the view has to be popped from cleanupstack here
+ iMainView = view;
+ SetDefaultViewL( *view );
+ iIdleActivateSkin = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
+ iIdleUpdateSkin = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructL OK");
+ User::LeaveIfError( iEnableUSBWatchProperty.Attach(
+ KPSUidUsbWatcher, KUsbWatcherSelectedPersonality) );
+ iUSBWatchSubscriber = new (ELeave) CPslnPropertySubscriber(
+ TCallBack(USBCallBackL, this), iEnableUSBWatchProperty );
+ iUSBWatchSubscriber->Subscribe();
+ TInt value = KErrNone;
+ iEnableUSBWatchProperty.Get(value);
+ if (value == KUsbPersonalityIdMS)
+ {
+ iUSBAttached = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iUSBAttached = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::Destructor");
+ HideProgressBar();
+ // Reset skin info when exiting normally. This prevents model class
+ // from trying to revert back to previous skin.
+ if ( iView && iView->Id().iUid == KPslnMainView2.iUid )
+ {
+ // It is possible that Model is not created, if exiting immediately after
+ // application launch. So first check that Model is created.
+ if ( iModel )
+ {
+ TInt currentlySelected = iModel->ActiveSkinIndex();
+ iModel->SetCurrentSelectedSkinIndex( currentlySelected );
+ }
+ }
+ delete iModel;
+ // This nullification is needed, since external DLL's may try to access
+ // model through view framework and it might succeed even if model and UI
+ // classes are already deleted, but external DLLs aren't.
+ // This is due to that model reference is passed as a pointer due to delayed
+ // construction - it is not available at the time when view is constructed.
+ iModel = NULL;
+ delete iDecoratedTabGroup;
+ if ( iPluginHandler )
+ {
+ delete iPluginHandler;
+ }
+ delete iIdleTask;
+ delete iIdleActivateSkin;
+ delete iIdleUpdateSkin;
+ if( iUSBWatchSubscriber )
+ {
+ iUSBWatchSubscriber->Cancel();
+ }
+ iEnableUSBWatchProperty.Close();
+ delete iUSBWatchSubscriber;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles event when focus loss or gain.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HandleWsEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent, CCoeControl* aDestination )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::HandlwWSEvent");
+ if ( iView )
+ {
+ TInt eventType = aEvent.Type();
+ TUid currentView = iView->Id();
+ // do this everytime when foreground gained.
+ if ( ( currentView.iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid ) &&
+ ( eventType == EEventFocusGained ) &&
+ ( GetStatus( EPslnListUpdateNeeded ) ||
+ GetStatus( EPslnProtectedSkinInList ) ) && IsForeground() )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::HandlwWSEvent Update list");
+ SetStateOff( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ DoCreateWaitNoteL();
+ }
+ }
+ CAknViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL( aEvent, aDestination );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles commands directed to this class.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::HandleCommand %d", aCommand );
+ switch ( aCommand )
+ {
+ //both exit commands should do the same thing
+ case EEikCmdExit:
+ case EAknCmdExit:
+ case EAknSoftkeyExit:
+ HandleCmdExitL();
+ break;
+ case EPslnCmdAppActivate:
+ {
+ if (!iIdleActivateSkin->IsActive())
+ {
+ iIdleActivateSkin->Start(TCallBack( DoActivateSkinL, this ));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EPslnCmdAppDownload:
+ DownloadSkinL();
+ break;
+ case EAknCmdHelp:
+ case EPslnCmdAppHelp:
+ {
+ HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL(
+ iEikonEnv->WsSession(), AppHelpContextL());
+ }
+ break;
+ case EAknSoftkeyBack:
+ // If General view is active and Back key is
+ // pressed and there is skin activation ongoing
+ // set internal state off.
+ if ( iView && GetStatus( EPslnSkinChangeRequested ) &&
+ ( iView->Id().iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ }
+ ActivateLocalViewL( KPslnMainView2 );
+ break;
+ default:
+ CAknViewAppUi::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::HandleResourceChangeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::HandleResourceChangeL");
+ if ( iView && !GetStatus( EPslnSkinChangeRequested ) &&
+ iView->Id().iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid &&
+ aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+ {
+ iGeneralThemeView->UpdateSkinListItemsDColumnOnlyL();
+ }
+ CAknViewAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL( aType );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::ActivateLocalViewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ActivateLocalViewL( TUid aViewId )
+ {
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnListUpdateNeeded ) &&
+ ( aViewId.iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid ) )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateLocalViewL update list");
+ SetStateOff( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ DoCreateWaitNoteL();
+ }
+ CAknViewAppUi::ActivateLocalViewL( aViewId );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::SkinContentChanged
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SkinContentChanged()
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::SkinContentChanged");
+ if ( !iView || iView->Id().iUid != KPslnGeneralView.iUid )
+ {
+ SetStateOn( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChanged
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChanged(
+ const TAknsSkinStatusConfigurationChangeReason aReason )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChanged");
+ TRAPD( err, SkinConfigurationChangedL( aReason ) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iGeneralThemeView->UpdateSkinListItemsL() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::SkinPackageChanged
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SkinPackageChanged(
+ const TAknsSkinStatusPackageChangeReason aReason )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::SkinPackageChanged");
+ if ( aReason == EAknsSkinStatusPackageListUpdate )
+ {
+ if ( !iView || iView->Id().iUid != KPslnGeneralView.iUid )
+ {
+ SetStateOn( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::SkinPackageChanged update list");
+ //To Fix Defect:ESNN-7CXCT2:Themes: Layout is incorrect
+ //when removing memory card which the active theme is installed in.
+ //DoCreateWaitNoteL take too much time and stop the skin refresh.
+ //Need to wait for the Skin Server finish its work,so we use CIdle.
+ //Also we need User::After to delay some time to make sure
+ //iIdleUpdateSkin start late enough.
+ User::After(KPslnUpdateSkinDelay);
+ if (!iIdleUpdateSkin->IsActive())
+ {
+ iIdleUpdateSkin->Start(TCallBack( DoCreateWaitNoteL, this ));
+ }
+ SetStateOff( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return model pointer.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPslnModel* CPslnUi::Model() const
+ {
+ return iModel;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Updates tab group to current tab index
+// The parameters are optional.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::UpdateTabIndex( const TInt aMyId, const TInt /*aMyTabIndex*/ )
+void CPslnUi::UpdateTabIndex( const TInt /*aMyId*/, const TInt aMyTabIndex )
+ {
+ if ( aMyId != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ if ( iMainView )
+ {
+ iMainView->SetActiveFolder( TUid::Uid( aMyId ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aMyTabIndex != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ if ( iTabGroup )
+ {
+ iTabGroup->SetActiveTabById( aMyTabIndex );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( iView == iMainView ) && iTabGroup && iMainView )
+ {
+ iTabGroup->SetActiveTabByIndex( iMainView->ActiveView() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates given view.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::CreateViewL( TUid aViewUid )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::CreateViewL, Start:%d", User::NTickCount() );
+ TBitFlags views = ViewSupport();
+if ( aViewUid == KPslnWallpaperView &&
+ !GetStatus( EPslnWallpaperViewCreated ) )
+ {
+ if ( views.IsSet( EPslnWallpaperView ) )
+ {
+ CAknView* view = CPslnWallpaperView::NewLC();
+ AddViewL( view ); // transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi
+ CleanupStack::Pop( view );
+ SetStateOn( EPslnWallpaperViewCreated );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::CreateViewL - Wallpaper");
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::CreateViewL, End:%d", User::NTickCount() );
+ }
+ }
+ // Screensaver view.
+ else if ( aViewUid == KPslnScreenSaverView &&
+ !GetStatus( EPslnScreenSaverViewCreated ) )
+ {
+ if ( views.IsSet( EPslnScreensaverView ) )
+ {
+ CAknView* view = CPslnScreenSaverView::NewLC();
+ AddViewL( view ); // transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi
+ CleanupStack::Pop( view );
+ SetStateOn( EPslnScreenSaverViewCreated );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::CreateViewL - ScreenSaver");
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::CreateViewL, End:%d", User::NTickCount() );
+ }
+ }
+ // General view.
+ else if ( aViewUid.iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid &&
+ !GetStatus( EPslnGeneralViewCreated ) )
+ {
+ CAknView* view = CPslnGeneralThemeView::NewLC();
+ AddViewL( view ); // transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi
+ iGeneralThemeView = static_cast< CPslnGeneralThemeView* >( view );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( view );
+ SetStateOn( EPslnGeneralViewCreated );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::CreateViewL - General");
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::CreateViewL, End:%d", User::NTickCount() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return navi control container pointer.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknNavigationControlContainer* CPslnUi::NaviContainer() const
+ {
+ return iNaviPane;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return tab group pointer.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknNavigationDecorator* CPslnUi::PslnTabGroup()
+ {
+ if ( !GetStatus( EPslnTabGroupCreated ) )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( ConstructTabGroupL() );
+ }
+ return iDecoratedTabGroup;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return plugin handler pointer.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPslnPluginHandler* CPslnUi::PluginHandler() const
+ {
+ return iPluginHandler;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Adds new view to UI class, if the UI class is not already completed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::AddNewViewL( CAknView* aNewView )
+ {
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnCreated ) )
+ {
+ if ( aNewView && !View( aNewView->Id() ) )
+ {
+ AddViewL( aNewView );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// When this method is called, UI class considers itself to be complete.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::AllViewsDone()
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnCreated );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles errors that occur when handling images.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HandleImageErrorsL( TInt aError )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::HandleImageError %d", aError );
+ if ( aError == KErrNoMemory || aError == KErrTooBig )
+ {
+ // Show information note
+ HBufC* prompt = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_PSLN_IMAGE_TOO_LARGE );
+ CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
+ note->ExecuteLD( *prompt );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
+ }
+ else if ( aError == KErrCancel || aError == KErrCouldNotConnect )
+ {
+ // Other error codes are ignored; as not real errors (i.e. KErrCancel),
+ // or such errors that Psln cannot react to them (KErrCouldNotConnect)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Show information note
+ HBufC* prompt = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_PSLN_IMAGE_CORRUPTED );
+ CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
+ note->ExecuteLD( *prompt );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Indicate that tab group has been changed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::TabChangedL( TInt aIndex )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::TabChangedL 1" );
+ // If it is one of the dynamically created views, check if the view is
+ // already created. If view is not created, create it.
+ if ( aIndex == KPslnGeneralView.iUid )
+ {
+ if ( !GetStatus( EPslnGeneralViewCreated ) )
+ {
+ CreateViewL( KPslnGeneralView );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aIndex == KPslnWallpaperView.iUid )
+ {
+ if ( !GetStatus( EPslnWallpaperViewCreated ) )
+ {
+ CreateViewL( KPslnWallpaperView );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aIndex == KPslnScreenSaverView.iUid )
+ {
+ if ( !GetStatus( EPslnScreenSaverViewCreated ) )
+ {
+ CreateViewL( KPslnScreenSaverView );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( iMainView )
+ {
+ iMainView->SetActiveFolder( aIndex );
+ ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( iMainView->ActiveFolderUid() ) );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Loads views when application is idle.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::LoadViewsWhenIdleL()
+ {
+ if ( !iIdleTask )
+ {
+ iIdleTask = CPslnIdleTaskCreateViews::NewL( this );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructs the Tab group.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL()
+ {
+ return;
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnTabGroupCreated ) )
+ {
+ // Tabgroup has already been created.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Tabgroup has been read from resource and it were pushed to the navi pane.
+ // Get pointer to the navigation decorator
+ // and set this to be a MAknTabObserver.
+ if ( iNaviPane )
+ {
+ iDecoratedTabGroup = iNaviPane->ResourceDecorator();
+ }
+ if ( iDecoratedTabGroup )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL DecoTabGrp");
+ iTabGroup = static_cast <CAknTabGroup*>
+ ( iDecoratedTabGroup->DecoratedControl() );
+ iTabGroup->SetObserver( this );
+ }
+ TInt tabCount = 1; // index 0 = general view
+ TBitFlags views = ViewSupport();
+ // Update Tab group to contain default plugins.
+ if ( iPluginHandler )
+ {
+ CPslnFWPluginInterface* plugin =
+ iPluginHandler->GetPlugin( KPslnASPluginUid );
+ if ( plugin )
+ {
+ AddPluginToTab( *plugin );
+ static_cast <CPslnFWBaseView*>
+ (plugin)->SetNaviPaneDecorator( iDecoratedTabGroup );
+ tabCount++; // index 1 = AS plugin
+ }
+ plugin = iPluginHandler->GetPlugin( KPslnAIPluginUid );
+ if ( plugin )
+ {
+ AddPluginToTab( *plugin );
+ static_cast <CPslnFWBaseView*>
+ (plugin)->SetNaviPaneDecorator( iDecoratedTabGroup );
+ tabCount++; // index 2 = AI plugin
+ }
+ }
+ // Add tabs for screen saver and wallpaper.
+ if ( iTabGroup )
+ {
+ if ( views.IsSet( EPslnWallpaperView ) )
+ {
+ TResourceReader reader;
+ iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_PSLN_WALLPAPER_TAB );
+ iTabGroup->AddTabL( reader );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader - AppUi now owns this tab,
+ tabCount++; // index 3 = Wallpaper view
+ }
+ if ( views.IsSet( EPslnScreensaverView ) )
+ {
+ TResourceReader reader2;
+ iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader2, R_PSLN_SCREENSAVER_TAB );
+ iTabGroup->AddTabL( reader2 );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader2 - AppUi now owns this tab,
+ tabCount++; // index 4 = Screensaver view
+ }
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL Default Tabs added to TabGrp");
+ }
+ // Add rest of the plugins to tabs.
+ if ( iPluginHandler )
+ {
+ // Fetch the plugin array.
+ CArrayPtrFlat<CPslnFWPluginInterface>* pluginArray =
+ iPluginHandler->GetPluginArray();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( pluginArray );
+ TInt pluginCount = pluginArray->Count();
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL Plugin count=%d", pluginCount );
+ // Go through all the plugins and add plugins to tab group.
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < pluginCount; i++ )
+ {
+ CPslnFWPluginInterface* plugin = pluginArray->operator[]( i );
+ if ( !plugin )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL Plugin fails");
+ }
+ // Default plugins can be skipped.
+ else if ( plugin->Id().iUid == KPslnASPluginUid.iUid ||
+ plugin->Id().iUid == KPslnAIPluginUid.iUid )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL Plugin skipped");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL Plugin Id=%d", plugin->Id().iUid );
+ AddPluginToTab( *plugin );
+ static_cast <CPslnFWBaseView*>
+ (plugin)->SetNaviPaneDecorator( iDecoratedTabGroup );
+ // Inform to the plugin which tab index it is using.
+ static_cast <CPslnFWBaseView*>
+ (plugin)->SetTabIndex( tabCount++ );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ConstructTabGroupL Plugin added to tab");
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop( pluginArray ); // plugin handler owns plugin array
+ }
+ // Push empty navi pane, so that tab group is not shown with default item (first),
+ // if other than main view is activated externally.
+ iNaviPane->PushDefaultL();
+ SetStateOn( EPslnTabGroupCreated );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Is this class able to handle a new skin activation related command.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPslnUi::IsReadyToHandleCommands()
+ {
+ return !GetStatus( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Ensure that Exit() is called when trying to exit and leave occurs.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HandleCmdExitLeave()
+ {
+ Exit();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sets title pane back to default text.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SetTitleToDefaultL()
+ {
+ // Set default title back. But do not change title when application is about
+ // to die.
+ if ( iCoeEnv && Model() )
+ {
+ TResourceReader rReader;
+ iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( rReader, R_PSLN_SKIN_LIST_VIEW_TITLE );
+ if ( iAvkonAppUi )
+ {
+ CEikStatusPane* sp = iAvkonAppUi->StatusPane();
+ if ( sp )
+ {
+ CAknTitlePane* title = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>(
+ sp->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
+ if ( title )
+ {
+ title->SetFromResourceL( rReader );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // rReader
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Checks if a view has been created.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBitFlags CPslnUi::ViewSupport()
+ {
+ // Initially all views are 'on'.
+ TBitFlags viewFlags;
+ viewFlags.SetAll();
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnViewSupportChecked ) )
+ {
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnNoScreenSaverView ) )
+ {
+ viewFlags.Clear( EPslnScreensaverView );
+ }
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnNoWallpaperView ) )
+ {
+ viewFlags.Clear( EPslnWallpaperView );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBool noWallpaperView = PslnFeatures::IsSupported( KPslnRemoveWallpaper );
+ TBool noScreenSaverView = PslnFeatures::IsSupported( KPslnRemoveScreensaver );
+ if ( noWallpaperView )
+ {
+ SetStateOn( EPslnNoWallpaperView );
+ viewFlags.Clear( EPslnWallpaperView );
+ }
+ if ( noScreenSaverView )
+ {
+ SetStateOn( EPslnNoScreenSaverView );
+ viewFlags.Clear( EPslnScreensaverView );
+ }
+ SetStateOn( EPslnViewSupportChecked );
+ }
+ return viewFlags;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SetDRMProtectedSkinInSkinList(
+ const TBool& aProtectedSkinInList )
+ {
+ if ( aProtectedSkinInList )
+ {
+ SetStateOn( EPslnProtectedSkinInList );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnProtectedSkinInList );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Callback - USB status change.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPslnUi::USBCallBackL(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ CPslnUi* self = static_cast<CPslnUi*>(aPtr);
+ if ( self )
+ {
+ self->HandleUSBCallBackL();
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ /**
+ * USB Attach State.
+ * @return ETrue when USB already attached, otherwise EFalse,
+ */
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// USB Attach State.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPslnUi::USBAttachState()
+ {
+ return iUSBAttached;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Called when a key is pressed and no other class has catched the event.
+// Handles only key events that are meant to control the tab group.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CPslnUi::HandleKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/, TEventCode /*aType*/ )
+TKeyResponse CPslnUi::HandleKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::HandleKeyEventL");
+ // If tab group is not yet created, create it.
+ if ( !GetStatus( EPslnTabGroupCreated ) )
+ {
+ ConstructTabGroupL();
+ }
+ iTabGroup = static_cast<CAknTabGroup*>
+ ( iDecoratedTabGroup->DecoratedControl() );
+ // Only forward key events to tabgroup when:
+ // 1) TabGroup has been created (and is not NULL)
+ // 2) Active view is not MainView (there is no tab group in Main)
+ // 3) key event is either left key or right key
+ if ( iTabGroup && iView && iView->Id().iUid != KPslnMainView2.iUid &&
+ ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow ||
+ aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow ) )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::HandleKeyEventL forward event to Tab");
+ // If preview is about to activate, cancel it.
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnSkinChangeRequested ) &&
+ iView->Id().iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ }
+ return iTabGroup->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
+ }
+#endif // !RD_CONTROL_PANEL
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChangedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChangedL(
+ const TAknsSkinStatusConfigurationChangeReason aReason )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChangedL internal state before: %d", iPslnUiStatus );
+ HBufC* errorBuf = NULL;
+ switch( aReason )
+ {
+ // Skin activation failed due to OOM.
+ // Set skin activation user activity off, so that subsequent attempts can be made.
+ // Also, set error note text.
+ // Finally, set skin activation attempt off and update skin list.
+ case EAknsSkinStatusConfigurationFailedOOM:
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ errorBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_PSLN_QTN_MEMLO_RAM_OUT_OF_MEM );
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnSkinActivated ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinActivated );
+ HideProgressBar();
+ DoCreateWaitNoteL();
+ }
+ break;
+ // Skin activation failed due to skin being corrupted.
+ // Set skin activation user activity off, so that subsequent attempts can be made.
+ // Also, set error note text.
+ // Then set skin activation attempt off and update skin list.
+ // Finally, activate default skin.
+ case EAknsSkinStatusConfigurationFailedCorrupt:
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ iGeneralThemeView->HightlightDefaultSkin();
+ errorBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_PSLN_QTN_SKINS_ERROR_CORRUPTED );
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnSkinActivated ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinActivated );
+ HideProgressBar();
+ DoCreateWaitNoteL();
+ }
+ SetStateOn( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ break;
+ // Skin activation was success.
+ // Set skin activation user activity off.
+ // Show confirmation note about the skin change and set activation
+ // request state off. Finally, check if there are sounds in the skin.
+ case EAknsSkinStatusConfigurationDeployed:
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnSkinActivated ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinActivated );
+ HideProgressBar();
+ SkinDeployedL();
+ }
+ else // Theme changed by other app, update view.
+ {
+ iModel->PerformCompleteUpdateL();
+ iGeneralThemeView->UpdateSkinListItemsL( iModel->ActiveSkinIndex() +
+ PslnFeatures::IsEnhancedEmbeddedLinksSupported() );
+ }
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnSoundActivationPending ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSoundActivationPending );
+ ActivateSoundsL();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if( errorBuf )
+ {
+ ShowErrorNoteL( *errorBuf );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errorBuf );
+ }
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::SkinConfigurationChangedL internal state after: %d", iPslnUiStatus );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Activate a Skin.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL()
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL");
+ TInt skinIndex = iModel->CurrentSelectedSkinIndex();
+ CPslnSkinEntry* entry = iModel->VisibleSkin( skinIndex );
+ if( !entry )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ return;
+ }
+ TBool showWaitNote = EFalse;
+ TInt drmError = KErrNone;
+ HBufC* errorBuf = NULL;
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL entry->Protection: %d", entry->Protection() );
+ switch ( entry->Protection() )
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvNoRights:
+ drmError = CDRMRights::ENoRights;
+ showWaitNote = ETrue;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvFutureRights:
+ drmError = CDRMRights::ERightsExpired;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvExpiredRights:
+ drmError = CDRMRights::ERightsExpired;
+ showWaitNote = ETrue;
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ // DRMHelper handles the error.
+ if ( drmError )
+ {
+ RAknsSrvSession skinsrv;
+ User::LeaveIfError( skinsrv.Connect() );
+ CleanupClosePushL( skinsrv );
+ TInt fileserverhandle;
+ TInt filehandle;
+ fileserverhandle = skinsrv.OpenBitmapFile( entry->FullName(), filehandle );
+ RFile file;
+ User::LeaveIfError( file.AdoptFromServer( fileserverhandle, filehandle ) );
+ CleanupClosePushL( file );
+ TInt returnCode = KErrNone;
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL use DRMHelper to show the error note");
+ CDRMHelper* drmhelper = CDRMHelper::NewLC( *CCoeEnv::Static() );
+ returnCode = drmhelper->HandleErrorL(
+ drmError,
+ file );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL DRMHelper returns: %d", returnCode );
+ if ( returnCode && showWaitNote )
+ {
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnListUpdateNeeded ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnListUpdateNeeded );
+ DoCreateWaitNoteL();
+ }
+ }
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // drmHelper, skinsrv, file
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( entry->Protection() == EAknsSrvCountBased )
+ {
+ errorBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_PSLN_QTN_DRM_PREV_RIGHTS_SET );
+ }
+ // Check for corruption.
+ if ( entry->IsCorrupted() )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL corrupt skin!");
+ errorBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_PSLN_QTN_SKINS_ERROR_CORRUPTED );
+ }
+ // Non-DRMHelper error handling.
+ if ( errorBuf )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ ShowErrorNoteL( *errorBuf );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errorBuf );
+ }
+ // No errors, activate the skin.
+ else
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL 2");
+ // Start changing active skin.
+ iModel->GuardActivationLC();
+ TBool shownote = EFalse;
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL directly");
+ shownote = iModel->ActivateSkinL( skinIndex );
+ if ( shownote )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL skin activated");
+ SetStateOn( EPslnSkinActivated );
+ ShowProgressBarL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If user declined to activate protected skin, re-initialize status
+ // flag.
+ if ( GetStatus( EPslnSkinChangeRequested ) )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSkinL decline DRM activation");
+ SetStateOff( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // activation guard
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::ActivateSoundsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ActivateSoundsL()
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::ActivateSoundsL");
+ // Is sounds are not supperted, ignore.
+ if ( !PslnFeatures::IsSoundsInSkinsSupported()
+ // If sounds are supported, but general view is not active, ignore.
+ || iView && iView->Id().iUid != KPslnGeneralView.iUid )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TPath skinPath;
+ CPslnSkinEntry* entry = iModel->VisibleSkin( iModel->ActiveSkinIndex() );
+ if( entry )
+ {
+ entry->GetSkinPath( skinPath );
+ skinPath.Append( KPslnPathSeparator );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
+ }
+ // Find sound files.
+ CPslnSoundActivator* activator = CPslnSoundActivator::NewLC();
+ TInt numberOfSounds = 0;
+ activator->CollectSoundsL( skinPath, numberOfSounds );
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ActivateSoundsL num of tunes %d", numberOfSounds );
+ if ( numberOfSounds <= 0 )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activator );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Launch profile settings loader.
+ CPslnTaskActivateSounds* activateTask = new (ELeave)
+ CPslnTaskActivateSounds( *activator );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( activateTask );
+ CreateAndShowWaitWrapperL(
+ *activateTask,
+ KNullDesC() );
+ HBufC* noteText = NULL;
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::ActivateSoundsL error %d", activateTask->iActivationErr );
+ if( activateTask->iActivationErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ if ( numberOfSounds == 1 )
+ {
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+ }
+ CAknConfirmationNote* note =
+ new (ELeave) CAknConfirmationNote( ETrue );
+ note->ExecuteLD( *noteText );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( activateTask->iActivationErr == KErrPermissionDenied )
+ {
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+ }
+ CAknErrorNote* note =
+ new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote( ETrue );
+ note->ExecuteLD( *noteText );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, activator );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::DownloadSkinL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::DownloadSkinL()
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::DownloadSkinL");
+ iModel->DownloadSkinL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::CreateAndShowWaitWrapperL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::CreateAndShowWaitWrapperL( MAknBackgroundProcess& aTask,
+ const TInt aResourceID, const TDesC& aString,
+ const TBool aShowImmediately )
+ {
+ HBufC* noteText = NULL;
+ if ( aString.Length() == 0 )
+ {
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceID, iEikonEnv );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceID, aString, iEikonEnv );
+ }
+ CAknWaitNoteWrapper* wrapper = CAknWaitNoteWrapper::NewL();
+ CleanupDeletePushL( wrapper );
+ if ( wrapper )
+ {
+ wrapper->ExecuteL(
+ R_PSLN_GENERAL_WAIT_NOTE, aTask, *noteText, aShowImmediately );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, noteText ); // noteText, wrapper
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::AddPluginToTabL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::AddPluginToTabL( CPslnFWPluginInterface& aPlugin )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::AddPluginToTabL Start");
+ HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( KPslnItemLength );
+ TPtr ptrBuf = buf->Des();
+ aPlugin.GetTabTextL( ptrBuf );
+ TInt pluginUid = aPlugin.Id().iUid;
+ if ( iTabGroup )
+ {
+ iTabGroup->AddTabL( pluginUid, ptrBuf );
+ }
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG("CPslnUi::AddPluginToTabL Default Plugin added to tab");
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles Exit command.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HandleCmdExitL()
+ {
+ Exit();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Shows error note.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ShowErrorNoteL( HBufC& aErrorBuf ) const
+ {
+ // Display global note.
+ CAknGlobalNote* errorNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
+ errorNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalErrorNote, aErrorBuf );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errorNote );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Callback when idle time occurs for skin update.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPslnUi::DoCreateWaitNoteL( TAny* aAny )
+ {
+ static_cast< CPslnUi* >( aAny )->DoCreateWaitNoteL();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::DoCreateWaitNoteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::DoCreateWaitNoteL()
+ {
+ CPslnTaskGenericUpdate* updateTask =
+ new (ELeave) CPslnTaskGenericUpdate(
+ *this, &CPslnModel::PerformCompleteUpdateL, ETrue );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( updateTask );
+ CreateAndShowWaitWrapperL( *updateTask,
+ User::LeaveIfError( updateTask->iCallErr );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( updateTask );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This operation needs to be atomic. If it leaves, set state back to previous.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPslnUi::ActivateSkin( const TInt aPslnStatus )
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ if ( !GetStatus( aPslnStatus ) )
+ {
+ SetStateOn( aPslnStatus );
+ TRAPD( err, ActivateSkinL() );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ SetStateOff( aPslnStatus );
+ error = err;
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Non-leaving version of AddPluginToTabL.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPslnUi::AddPluginToTab( CPslnFWPluginInterface& aPlugin )
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, AddPluginToTabL( aPlugin ) );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ PSLN_TRACE_DEBUG1("CPslnUi::AddPluginToTab plugin fails: ", aPlugin.Id().iUid );
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Show skin activated note.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::SkinDeployedL()
+ {
+ // Only set sound state - no conf note anymore.
+ SetStateOn( EPslnSoundActivationPending );
+ HBufC* skinName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxName );
+ TPtr skinNamePtr = skinName->Des();
+ TInt skinIndex = iModel->ActiveSkinIndex();
+ iModel->GetSkinNameByIndex(
+ skinIndex,
+ skinNamePtr,
+ EPslnSkinNameTypeTitle );
+ // Show confirmation note about skin change.
+ HBufC* noteTxt = StringLoader::LoadL(
+ skinNamePtr,
+ iEikonEnv );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( noteTxt );
+ SetStateOn( EPslnSoundActivationPending );
+ CAknConfirmationNote* note =
+ new (ELeave) CAknConfirmationNote( ETrue );
+ note->ExecuteLD( *noteTxt );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, skinName ); // skinName, noteTxt
+ iGeneralThemeView->UpdateSkinListItemsL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Creates model class.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::CreateModelL()
+ {
+ if ( !GetStatus( EPslnModelCreated ) )
+ {
+ iModel = CPslnModel::NewL( this );
+ SetStateOn( EPslnModelCreated );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Callback when idle time occurs for skin activation.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPslnUi::DoActivateSkinL( TAny* aAny )
+ {
+ static_cast< CPslnUi* >( aAny )->DoActivateSkinL();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Callback when idle time occurs for skin activation.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::DoActivateSkinL()
+ {
+ TInt error = ActivateSkin( EPslnSkinChangeRequested );
+ if ( error == KErrNoMemory )
+ {
+ HBufC* errorBuf = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+ // Display global note.
+ CAknGlobalNote* errorNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewLC();
+ errorNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalErrorNote, *errorBuf );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // errorNote & errorBuf
+ }
+ }
+* Handle USB Callback.
+void CPslnUi::HandleUSBCallBackL()
+ {
+ if ( iView && iView->Id().iUid == KPslnGeneralView.iUid )
+ {
+ TInt value = KErrNone;
+ iEnableUSBWatchProperty.Get(value);
+ if (value == KUsbPersonalityIdMS )
+ {
+ iUSBAttached = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iUSBAttached = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::ShowProgressBarL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::ShowProgressBarL()
+ {
+ if ( iWaitDialog == NULL )
+ {
+ iWaitDialog = new (ELeave) CAknWaitDialog(
+ ( REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**, &iWaitDialog ) ), ETrue );
+ iWaitDialog->PrepareLC( R_PSLN_GENERAL_WAIT_NOTE );
+ HBufC* noteText = NULL;
+ noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_PSLN_QTN_GEN_NOTE_PROCESSING, iEikonEnv );
+ iWaitDialog->SetTextL( *noteText );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
+ iWaitDialog->RunLD();
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPslnUi::HideProgressBar
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPslnUi::HideProgressBar()
+ {
+ if( iWaitDialog )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iWaitDialog->ProcessFinishedL() )
+ delete iWaitDialog;
+ iWaitDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// End of File