--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/AvKon/tsrc/bc/bctestlauncher/src/bctestlaunchercontainer.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:16:19 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of application container class.
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <aknappui.h>
+#include <eikprogi.h>
+#include <aknenv.h>
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+#include <akntitle.h>
+#include <aknquerydialog.h>
+#include <bctestlauncher.rsg>
+#include <stringloader.h> // StringLoader
+#include <f32file.h> // link against efsrv.lib
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
+#include "bctestlauncherdefs.h"
+#include "bctestlaunchercontainer.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::CBCTestLauncherContainer()
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBCTestLauncherContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
+ {
+ CreateWindowL();
+ Window().SetShadowDisabled( EFalse );
+ CEikStatusPane *sp =
+ ( ( CAknAppUi* )iEikonEnv->EikAppUi() )->StatusPane();
+ iTitlePane = ( CAknTitlePane * )sp->ControlL(
+ TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) );
+ iCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
+ SetRect( aRect );
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::~CBCTestLauncherContainer
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::CountComponentControls() const
+// amount of component controls
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CBCTestLauncherContainer::CountComponentControls() const
+ {
+ return 0; // return nbr of controls inside this container
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
+// Returns ptr to component controls
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CBCTestLauncherContainer::ComponentControl(
+ TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
+// Draw function
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBCTestLauncherContainer::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
+ {
+ CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+ gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen );
+ gc.SetBrushColor( KRgbWhite );
+ gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+ gc.DrawRect( aRect );
+ gc.Clear();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::HandleControlEventL(
+// CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBCTestLauncherContainer::HandleControlEventL(
+ CCoeControl* /*aControl*/,TCoeEvent /*aEventType*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::ClearScreen()
+// Clears the screen.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBCTestLauncherContainer::ClearScreen()
+ {
+ CEikStatusPaneBase* sp =
+ ( ( CAknAppUi* )iEikonEnv->EikAppUi() )->StatusPane();
+ sp->MakeVisible( EFalse );
+ iCba->MakeVisible( EFalse );
+ DrawNow();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::RestoreScreen()
+// Makes status pane and cba labels visible which ClearScreen() hides.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBCTestLauncherContainer::RestoreScreen()
+ {
+ CEikStatusPaneBase *sp =
+ ( ( CAknAppUi* )iEikonEnv->EikAppUi() )->StatusPane();
+ sp->MakeVisible( ETrue );
+ iCba->MakeVisible( ETrue );
+ DrawNow();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBCTestLauncherContainer::SetSdkVersion
+// Set the SDK version.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void CBCTestLauncherContainer::SetSdkVersion()
+ {
+ TBuf<8> sdkVer;
+ CAknTextQueryDialog* verQuery = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL( sdkVer );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(verQuery);
+ verQuery->SetMaxLength( 2 );
+ //EAknEditorSecretAlphaInputMode EAknEditorNumericInputMode
+ verQuery->SetDefaultInputMode( EAknEditorNumericInputMode );
+ HBufC* prompt;
+ // Pushes prompt onto the Cleanup Stack.
+ prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_BCTESTLAUNCHER_QUERY_CAPTION);
+ verQuery->SetPromptL(*prompt);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prompt);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(verQuery);
+ {
+ // write sdk version into file
+ RFs fs;
+ User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
+ CleanupClosePushL( fs );
+ RFileWriteStream writeStream;
+ writeStream.Replace( fs, KSdkVerFile, EFileWrite );
+ CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
+ //writeStream.WriteL( sdkVer );
+ TInt verNum;
+ TLex lex(sdkVer);
+ lex.Val(verNum);
+ TBuf<120> buf;
+ if ( verNum<MinVersionValue || verNum >MaxVersionValue )
+ {
+ verNum = 0;
+ CAknInformationNote* tInfoNote = new( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote();
+ buf.Format( _L( "The value should between %d and %d" ),
+ MinVersionValue, MaxVersionValue );
+ tInfoNote->ExecuteLD( buf );
+ }
+ writeStream.WriteInt32L(verNum);
+ writeStream.CommitL ();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
+ fs.Close();
+ }
+ }