--- a/uiutils/Findutil/src/FindUtilChinese.cpp Thu Jul 15 18:56:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/uiutils/Findutil/src/FindUtilChinese.cpp Thu Aug 19 10:11:06 2010 +0300
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@
haschineseword = ETrue;
ret = IncludeString(aItemString, tempBuf);
- if (ret || ChineseWord( tempBuf ))
+ if (ret)
return ret;
@@ -905,45 +905,50 @@
if (haschineseword)
TInt ii=0;
- TBuf<KMaxWordLength> tmpBuf;
- tmpBuf.Zero();
- ////translate the whole searchstring to spelllist
+ TBool leftDifferentChinese = EFalse;
+ //this is used for fixing for the issue of search string including Chinese characters
while (ii< tempBuf.Length())
- //if it is a valid chinese character
if ((TInt)tempBuf[ii]>= KMinUnicodeHz && (!InputMethodStroke
||(InputMethodStroke && !IsStrokeSymbol(tempBuf[ii]))))
- RPointerArray<HBufC> spellList;
- //translate the chinese charater to spellList( pinyin or stroke )
- if( DoTranslationL(TInt16(tempBuf[ii]), spellList)
- && ( tmpBuf.Length() + spellList[0]->Length() < KMaxWordLength) )
- {
- tmpBuf.Append( spellList[0]->Des() );
+ TInt Findcursor = itemString.Locate(tempBuf[ii]);
+ if (Findcursor != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if ((Findcursor == itemString.Length()-1)&& (ii
+ ==tempBuf.Length()-1))
+ {
+ if ( leftDifferentChinese || IsChineseWord(
+ itemString.Left( Findcursor ) ) )
+ {
+ //if the different Chinese character at the left or middle, return false.
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ itemString.Delete(0, Findcursor+1);
+ tempBuf.Delete(0, ii+1);
+ ii=0;
+ else
+ {
- spellList.ResetAndDestroy();
- spellList.Close();
- ii++;
+ if ( IsChineseWord( tempBuf.Left( ii + 1 ) ) )
+ {
+ //flag the different Chinese character at the left.
+ leftDifferentChinese = ETrue;
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }
- //if not, just append it
- if( tmpBuf.Length() + 1 < KMaxWordLength )
- {
- tmpBuf.Append( tempBuf[ii] );
- }
- tempBuf.Zero();
- tempBuf.Copy(tmpBuf);
// Array for item string
@@ -1481,32 +1486,6 @@
return IsChineseSearchStr;
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// Find pane text is just Chinese word
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CFindUtilChinese::ChineseWord(const TDesC& aWord)
- {
- TBool isChineseWord = ETrue;
- const TInt len = aWord.Length();
- TBool InputMethodStroke = EFalse;
- if(iLanguage == ELangHongKongChinese && iCurInputMode == 0x0020)
- {
- InputMethodStroke = ETrue;
- }
- for( TInt i = 0; i < len; i++ )
- {
- if( ( ( TInt )aWord[i] < KMinUnicodeHz ) || ( InputMethodStroke && IsStrokeSymbol(aWord[i]) ) )
- {
- isChineseWord = EFalse;
- break;
- }
- }
- return isChineseWord;
- }
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Find pane text is including stroke symbol