// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <coemain.h> // CBase etc
#include <e32cmn.h> //RPointerArray
#include "GfxTransEffect.h"
#include "GfxTransAdapter.h"
#include "TransitionControl.h"
#include "RegisteredControl.h"
#include "PolicyHandler.h"
Implementation of the GfxTransEffect API, one instance is createed per thread
using transitions.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CGfxTransEffect) : public CCoeStatic,
public MGfxTransClient,
// construction/destruction
TInt Construct();
static CGfxTransEffect* Static(const CCoeControl* aControl);
static CGfxTransEffect* StaticNoCreate(const CCoeControl * aControl);
static CGfxTransEffect* Static();
static CGfxTransEffect* StaticNoCreate();
// registration
void Register(const CCoeControl* aKey,const TVwsViewId &aView,TUid aType);
void Register(const CCoeControl* aKey,TUid aType,TBool aNLayered);
TBool IsRegistered(const CCoeControl* aKey);
void Deregister(const CCoeControl* aKey);
// stack
void Begin(const CCoeControl* aKey,TUint aAction);
void BeginLC(const CCoeControl* aKey,TUint aAction);
void End(const CCoeControl* aKey);
void NotifyExternalState(TInt aState, const TDesC8* aArg);
inline TBool InTransition() const;
void Abort(const CCoeControl* aKey);
void AbortCleanup(const CCoeControl* aControl);
void Abort();
// hints
void SetHints(const CCoeControl* aControl,TUint aFlags);
TUint GetHints(const CCoeControl* aControl);
void SetHints(const CCoeControl* aControl,TUid aLayerType);
void Invalidate(const CCoeControl* aControl);
// demarcation
void SetDemarcation(const CCoeControl* aControl,TPoint const &aDemarcation);
void SetDemarcation(TVwsViewId const &aView,TPoint const &aDemarcation);
void SetDemarcation(const CCoeControl* aControl,TRect const &aDemarcation);
void SetDemarcation(TVwsViewId const &aView,TRect const &aDemarcation);
void SetDemarcation(const CCoeControl* aControl,const CCoeControl* aSrc,TRect const &aDemarcation);
void SetDemarcation(TVwsViewId const &aView,const CCoeControl* aSrc,TRect const &aDemarcation);
//Engine state
void Enable();
void Disable();
inline TBool IsEnabled() const;
//API additions
void SetEndDemarcation(const CCoeControl* aControl, const TRect& aDemarcation);
void SetBeginDemarcation(const CCoeControl* aControl, const TRect& aDemarcation);
TInt BeginGroup(); //returns an id for the group.
void EndGroup(TInt aGroupId);
void SetTransitionData(TUint aType, const TDesC8& aData);
void SetTransitionObserver(MGfxTransEffectObserver* aObserver);
//Draw item controls
void RegisterDrawItemControl(const CCoeControl* aControl, TUid aType);
void BeginDrawItem(const CCoeControl* aControl, TUint aId, TUid aType,TRect &aDrawRect,const TRect* aFromRect, const TRect* aToRect);
void EndDrawItem(const CCoeControl*aControl);
//full screen effects
void BeginFullScreen(TUint aAction, const TRect &aEffectArea);
void BeginFullScreen(TUint aAction, const TRect &aEffectArea, TUint aType, const TDesC8& aParams);
void EndFullScreen();
void AbortFullScreen();
void TransitionPolicyUpdate(TControlPolicy* aPolicy);
void TransitionFinished(TInt aHandle);
TInt GetTransitionData(TInt aHandle, const CTransitionData*& aTransData);
void ClearAllPolicies();
void ParticipantUpdated(CTransitionControl* aTransControl, CTransitionParticipant* aParticipant,
RWsGraphicMsgBuf* aCommandBuffer, const TRect& aDrawRect, const TRect& aBoundingRect);
static const TUid KTransEffectUid;
// policies
// registration
RPointerArray<CRegisteredControl> iRegistered;
TInt FindRegistration(const CCoeControl* aControl) const;
TInt FindRegistration(TVwsViewId const &aViewId) const;
// fallback
void Fallback(const CCoeControl* aKey);
//transition handle
TInt CreateTransitionHandle();
TInt iCreateHandle;
// stack
RActiveStack iActiveStack;
// in transition
RInTransitionList iInTransition;
//Engine Adapter
MGfxTransAdapter* iAdapter;
// other
TBool iEnabled;
MGfxTransEffectObserver* iObserver; //not owning
/*** inlines ***/
TBool CGfxTransEffect::InTransition() const
//"InTransition" in API means between begin-end.
return iActiveStack.Count();
TBool CGfxTransEffect::IsEnabled() const
return iEnabled;