* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Popup toolbar extension
#include <barsread.h>
#include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h>
#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
#include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
#include <aknbutton.h>
#include <eikedwin.h>
#include <akntoolbarextension.h>
#include <touchfeedback.h>
#include <eikcolib.h>
#include "akntoolbaritem.h"
#include "akntoolbarextensionview.h"
#include "aknresourceprovider.h"
const TInt KNoItemSelected = -1;
const TUint32 KToolbarExtensionBgColor = 0x00000000;
const TInt KToolBarExtensionBgAlpha = 0x7F;
const TInt KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout = 300;
enum TDirection
EDirectionLeft = 0,
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAknToolbarExtensionView* CAknToolbarExtensionView::NewL( TResourceReader& aReader,
CAknToolbarExtension* aExtension )
CAknToolbarExtensionView* self = new ( ELeave ) CAknToolbarExtensionView( aExtension);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructFromResourceL( aReader );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetFocus( EFalse );
CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack( this );
if ( iSelectedItem >= 0 && iSelectedItem < iItems.Count() )
TRAP_IGNORE( iItems[iSelectedItem]->SetIsSelectedL(EFalse) );
delete iFrameContext;
delete iResourceProvider;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CCoeControl.
// Constructs extension view
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::ConstructFromResourceL( TResourceReader& aReader )
TInt numberOfItems = aReader.ReadInt16();
TBool noFrame(EFalse);
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfItems; ++i )
CAknToolbarItem* item = ConstructControlLC( aReader );
if ( item->Control() )
iItems.AppendL( item );
item->Control()->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
item->Control()->SetObserver( iExtension );
if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>(item->Control() );
TInt flags = button->ButtonFlags();
if ( !noFrame && ( !( flags & KAknButtonNoFrame ) ||
!( flags & KAknButtonPressedDownFrame ) ) )
// Set flag KAknButtonNoFrame for all buttons except the one
// after an editor
flags |= KAknButtonNoFrame;
flags |= KAknButtonPressedDownFrame;
button->RegisterResourceProvider( iResourceProvider );
button->SetButtonFlags( flags );
else if ( noFrame )
// Setting frames for the button that comes after an editor
if ( flags & KAknButtonNoFrame )
flags &= ~KAknButtonNoFrame;
flags &= ~KAknButtonPressedDownFrame;
button->SetButtonFlags( flags );
noFrame = EFalse;
AdjustButtonL( *button );
if ( Editor( item->ControlType() ) )
noFrame = ETrue;
CleanupStack::Pop( item );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
item = NULL;
if ( iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionDsaMode )
iFrameContext->SetFrame( KAknsIIDQgnGrafPopupTrans );
// Activating here the items, because ActivateL uses CountComponentControls
// which is currently 0 since iVisibleItems is still empty
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
SetComponentsToInheritVisibility( ETrue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CCoeControl.
// Shows or hides extension view
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::MakeVisible( TBool aVisible )
TBool isVisible = IsVisible();
if ( aVisible && !isVisible )
// the toolbar extension is shown, this happens only with pointer event?
MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
if ( feedback )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackPopUp );
TRect rect;
TRAP_IGNORE( rect = CalculateSizeL() );
CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this,
0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
// Calling this here, so that iVisibleItems array has been updated and
// all items visible in extension get call makevisible
CAknControl::MakeVisible( aVisible );
SetRect( rect );
DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNormal );
TBool floating = !IsNonFocusing();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
if ( !floating && Editor( iItems[i]->ControlType() ) )
TRAP_IGNORE( SelectItemL( i, ETrue ) );
if ( floating && iItems[i]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( iItems[i]->Control() );
TInt j = 0;
while( button->State( j ) )
//Setting the texts empty
TRAP_IGNORE( button->State( j++ )->SetTextL( KNullDesC ) );
if ( floating && iVisibleItems.Count() )
iSelectedItem = NextFocusable( 1 );
TRAP_IGNORE( iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem]->SetFocusL(
ETrue, EFalse, ENoDrawNow, this ) );
if ( iPreviousItem >= 0 && IsNonFocusing() )
CAknToolbarItem* prevItem = iVisibleItems[iPreviousItem];
if ( prevItem->Control() )
if ( prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ||
prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( prevItem->Control() );
iPreviousItem = KNoItemSelected;
else if ( !aVisible && isVisible )
CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this,
~0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
CAknControl::MakeVisible( aVisible );
TRAP_IGNORE( SelectItemL( iSelectedItem, EFalse ) );
DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNeverAtFront );
CAknControl::MakeVisible( aVisible );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class OfferKeyEventL.
// Consumes key events if floating toolbar extension
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CAknToolbarExtensionView::OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyYes || !IsVisible() )
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
//LSK, RSK, KeyOk
else if ( IsNonFocusing() && aType == EEventKey
&& ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice0
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice1
|| aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice3 ) )
if( IsVisible()&& ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice0 ||
aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDevice1 ))
return EKeyWasConsumed;
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// When this is visible and without focus, nothing to do
// Exception for key filter: Image capture key (not a complete solution:
// the key map may change corrding to the products)
else if ( IsNonFocusing()&& aType == EEventKey
&&(!( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3
|| aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter )) )
return EKeyWasConsumed;
else if( IsVisible() && aType == EEventKey )
switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
case EKeyRightArrow:
MoveHighlightL( EDirectionRight, 0 );
case EKeyLeftArrow:
MoveHighlightL( EDirectionLeft, 0 );
case EKeyUpArrow:
MoveHighlightL( EDirectionUp, 0 );
case EKeyDownArrow:
MoveHighlightL( EDirectionDown, 0 );
return EKeyWasConsumed;
CAknToolbarItem* item = NULL;
if ( iSelectedItem >= 0 && iSelectedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() )
item = iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem];
// All key events can be given to buttons, other toolbar items must
// be seleceted to get events
if ( item && item->Control() )
if ( ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ) ||
( item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension ) || item->IsSelected() )
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice0 )
TKeyEvent keyEvent = aKeyEvent;
// Button does not accept key events if the code is EStdKeyDevice0
// so changing the key event to EStdKeyDevice3
keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice3;
item->Control()->OfferKeyEventL( keyEvent, aType );
else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice1 )
MakeVisible( EFalse );
// Close extension view and let also extension know about it
// so it can change state
// Toolbar should perhaps be closed too!
item->Control()->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::CountComponentControls
// Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::CountComponentControls() const
return iVisibleItems.Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::ComponentControl
// Gets the specified component of a compound control.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCoeControl* CAknToolbarExtensionView::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
if ( aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= iVisibleItems.Count() )
return NULL;
return iVisibleItems[aIndex]->Control();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::HandleResourceChange
// Handles resource changes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
iResourceProvider->HandleResourceChange( aType );
// Hide extension, if non-focusing, and no pen support. Later...
if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
if ( IsVisible() )
TRect rect;
TRAP_IGNORE( rect = CalculateSizeL() );
SetRect( rect );
// Not calling base class function here, because only visible controls would
// be returned by ComponentControl, and thus the font would not be updated
// for all controls
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); ++i )
iItems[i]->Control()->HandleResourceChange( aType );
if ( iItems[i]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( iItems[i]->Control() );
if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
TBool useOutline = iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionDsaMode;
const CFont* font = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::
cell_tb_ext_pane_t1( useOutline ? 0 : 1 ).LayoutLine().FontId() );
button->SetTextFont( font );
if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
if ( iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionDsaMode )
TRAP_IGNORE( AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL(
*button, EColorControlBackground, KRgbWhite ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL(
*button, EColorButtonText, KRgbBlack ) );
// Remember to check here if iSelectedItem still is in iVisibleItems, and if
// not then do something.
if ( ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange ||
aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch ) && IsVisible() )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::HandlePointerEventL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::HandlePointerEventL(
const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
if ( !Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition) )
iIsDownOutside = ETrue;
iIsDownOutside = EFalse;
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
if ( !Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition) && iIsDownOutside )
// tapped outside view,
MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
if ( feedback )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackPopUp );
MakeVisible( EFalse );
// Close extension view and let also extension know about it
// so it can change state
iIsDownOutside = EFalse;
TPointerEvent event( aPointerEvent );
TBool override ( EFalse );
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down && IsNonFocusing() && iPreviousItem >=0 )
CAknToolbarItem* prevItem = iVisibleItems[iPreviousItem];
if ( prevItem->Control() &&
!prevItem->Control()->Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
if ( prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ||
prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( prevItem->Control() );
event.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
button->HandlePointerEventL ( event );
// Cancel previous button
if ( iPreviousItem >=0 && ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat ) )
CAknToolbarItem* prevItem = iVisibleItems[iPreviousItem];
if ( prevItem->Control() &&
!prevItem->Control()->Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
if ( prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ||
prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( prevItem->Control() );
event.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
button->HandlePointerEventL ( event );
override = ETrue;
iPreviousItem = KNoItemSelected;
CAknToolbarItem* item = NULL;
for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iVisibleItems.Count(); ++ii )
item = iVisibleItems[ii];
if ( item->Control() &&
item->Control()->Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ||
item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() );
if ( ii != iPreviousItem )
if ( !button->IsDimmed() && !IsNonFocusing() )
MoveHighlightL( ENoDirection, ii );
// focus has moved from one button to another due to dragging,
// give sensitive feedback
if ( iPreviousItem != iSelectedItem )
MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
if ( feedback &&
( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat ) )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton );
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat )
// focus has moved from one button to another due to dragging,
// give sensitive feedback
MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
if ( feedback &&
( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat ) )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton );
button->SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout, 0 );
event.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Down;
button->HandlePointerEventL( event );
override = ETrue;
iPreviousItem = ii;
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
iDownItem = ii;
button->SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout, 0 );
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
// Up and down events are in different items, give basic
// feedback to the released item.
if ( ii != iDownItem )
MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
if ( feedback )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasicButton );
button->HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
iPreviousItem = KNoItemSelected;
override = ETrue;
if ( IsNonFocusing() )
SelectItemL( ii, ETrue );
if ( !override )
CAknControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns control corresponding the specified command id.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCoeControl* CAknToolbarExtensionView::ControlOrNull( TInt aCommandId ) const
for ( TInt i=0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
if ( aCommandId == iItems[i]->CommandId() )
return iItems[i]->Control();
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtension::CommandIdByControl
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::CommandIdByControl( CCoeControl* aControl ) const
for ( TInt i=0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
if ( aControl == iItems[i]->Control() )
return iItems[i]->CommandId();
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::Editor
// Checks if the controltype given is editor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CAknToolbarExtensionView::Editor( TInt aControlType )
// This is almost copied from toolbar item, perhaps to CAknToolbarUtils
switch ( aControlType )
case EEikCtEdwin:
case EEikCtGlobalTextEditor:
case EEikCtRichTextEditor:
case EAknCtIntegerEdwin:
case EEikCtFlPtEd:
case EEikCtFxPtEd:
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::AddItemL
// Adds new extension item
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::AddItemL( CCoeControl* aItem,
TInt aType,
TInt aCommandId,
TInt aFlags,
TInt aIndex )
if ( aItem && aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iItems.Count() )
aItem->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
aItem->SetObserver( iExtension );
CAknToolbarItem* tbItem = new ( ELeave ) CAknToolbarItem( aItem, aType,
aCommandId, aFlags );
CleanupStack::PushL( tbItem );
iItems.InsertL( tbItem, aIndex );
CleanupStack::Pop( tbItem );
if ( aType == EAknCtButton )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( aItem );
AdjustButtonL( *button );
CheckButtonFrames( ETrue, aIndex );
// Do something here for the selected item when focusing toolbar ready
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::AdjustButtonL
// Adjusts button to what is needed by toolbar extension view.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::AdjustButtonL( CAknButton& aButton )
aButton.SetTextAndIconAlignment( CAknButton::EIconOverText );
TBool useOutline = iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionDsaMode;
const CFont* font = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::
cell_tb_ext_pane_t1( useOutline ? 0 : 1 ).LayoutLine().FontId() );
aButton.SetTextFont( font );
aButton.SetTextColorIds( KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG60 );
if ( iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionDsaMode )
AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( aButton,
EColorControlBackground, KRgbWhite );
AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( aButton,
EColorButtonText, KRgbBlack );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::RemoveItemL
// Removes an item corresponding to command id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::RemoveItemL( TInt aCommandId )
TInt itemIndex = ToolbarItemIndexById( EFalse, aCommandId );
if ( itemIndex == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if ( itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < iItems.Count() )
// Need to remove item also from iVisibleItems array, so the non-existent
// item is not returned by ComponentControl
TInt visibleIndex = ToolbarItemIndexById( ETrue, aCommandId );
if ( visibleIndex >= 0 && visibleIndex < iVisibleItems.Count() )
iVisibleItems.Remove( visibleIndex );
delete iItems[itemIndex];
iItems.Remove( itemIndex );
// Need to check button frames so that only the item next to editor has
// frames
CheckButtonFrames( EFalse, itemIndex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::Draw
// Draw frames for extension view
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
TRect rect( Rect() );
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
gc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
if ( iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionDsaMode )
gc.SetDrawMode( CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeWriteAlpha );
gc.SetBrushColor( TRgb( KToolbarExtensionBgColor, KToolBarExtensionBgAlpha ) );
gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
gc.DrawRect( rect );
gc.SetDrawMode( CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN );
TSize penSize( 1, 1 );
gc.SetPenSize( penSize );
gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::EDottedPen );
gc.SetPenColor( KRgbWhite );
gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
gc.DrawRect( rect );
AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iFrameContext, gc, rect );
// draw toolbar item highlight
if ( !IsNonFocusing() && iSelectedItem != KNoItemSelected )
CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem];
if ( item && item->HighlightRect().Intersects( aRect ) )
TRect outerRect( item->HighlightRect() );
TRect innerRect(outerRect);
TAknWindowLineLayout unit = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::aid_value_unit2().LayoutLine();
innerRect.Shrink( unit.iW/10, unit.iH/10 );
if ( !AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
gc, outerRect, innerRect,
KAknsIIDQsnFrGrid, KAknsIIDDefault ) )
gc.SetBrushColor( KRgbRed );
gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
gc.DrawRect( item->HighlightRect() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAknToolbarExtension* aExtension): iExtension( aExtension ),
iSelectedItem( KNoItemSelected ), iNumberOfColumns( 1 ),
iIsDownOutside( EFalse )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::ConstructL
// 2nd phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::ConstructL()
if( CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() )
Window().SetRequiredDisplayMode( EColor16MA ); // Without this, ACT does not work in all cases in HW
TInt err = Window().SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
if ( err == KErrNone )
// Set the window initially completely transparent. This needs to be called only once.
if ( iExtension->ExtensionFlags() & KAknTbExtensionTransparent )
iFrameContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQgnGrafPopupTrans,
TRect(), TRect(), EFalse );
iFrameContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupSub,
TRect(), TRect(), EFalse );
iFrameContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupSub,
TRect(), TRect(), EFalse );
iFrameContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupSub,
TRect(), TRect(), EFalse );
SetGloballyCapturing( ETrue );
SetPointerCapture( ETrue );
// Control stack priority needs to be same as toolbars, otherwise floating
// toolbar will receive the key events when extension is open. If lowering
// toolbar's control stack priority, then this can be lowered too.
CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->AddToStackL( this, ECoeStackPriorityCba,
ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
MakeVisible( EFalse );
SetFocusing( EFalse );
iResourceProvider = CAknResourceProvider::NewL();
iPreviousItem = KNoItemSelected;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::ConstructControlLC
// Constructs one of the toolbar extension items
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAknToolbarItem* CAknToolbarExtensionView::ConstructControlLC( TResourceReader& aReader )
CAknToolbarItem* item = new(ELeave) CAknToolbarItem;
CleanupStack::PushL( item );
item->ConstructFromResourceL( aReader );
return item;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::CalculateSizeL
// Calculates size and position for toolbar extension
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TRect CAknToolbarExtensionView::CalculateSizeL()
TBool landscape = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation();
TRect extensionRect;
TRect windowRect;
TRect gridExtRect;
TRect cellExtRect;
TRect mainPaneRect = static_cast<CEikAppUiFactory*>
( iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory() )->ClientRect();
TBool floating = !IsNonFocusing();
if ( floating )
extensionRect = RectFromLayout( mainPaneRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_tb_float_extension_window( 0 ) );
windowRect = TRect( TPoint(), extensionRect.Size() );
gridExtRect = RectFromLayout( windowRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_tb_float_ext_pane( 0 ) );
cellExtRect = RectFromLayout( gridExtRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_tb_float_ext_pane( 0, 0, 0 ) );
extensionRect = RectFromLayout( mainPaneRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_tb_extension_window( 0 ) );
windowRect = TRect( TPoint(), extensionRect.Size() );
gridExtRect = RectFromLayout( windowRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_tb_ext_pane( landscape ? 1 : 0 ) );
cellExtRect = RectFromLayout( gridExtRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_tb_ext_pane( landscape ? 1 : 0, 0, 0 ) );
TSize buttonSize = cellExtRect.Size();
iNumberOfColumns = gridExtRect.Width() / buttonSize.iWidth;
// Calculate and set controls positions according to layout rects
TInt extensionWidth = CalculateControlPositions(
windowRect, gridExtRect, cellExtRect );
TSize viewSize( extensionWidth + ( extensionRect.Width() - gridExtRect.Width() ),
( extensionRect.Height() - gridExtRect.Height() ) + iNumberOfRows *
buttonSize.iHeight );
//reset the height in portrait mode
if ( !landscape )
//In some cases, extension rect is more larger than grid rect.
//And for they are only used to define the margin size, width is more exact than height.
viewSize = TSize( extensionWidth + ( extensionRect.Width() - gridExtRect.Width() ),
( extensionRect.Width() - gridExtRect.Width() ) + iNumberOfRows *
buttonSize.iHeight );
TInt variety = GetVariety( iNumberOfRows - 1, landscape );
// To get the correct y-coordinate
TRect positionRect = RectFromLayout( mainPaneRect, floating ?
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_tb_float_extension_window( variety ) :
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_tb_extension_window( variety ) );
if( landscape && !floating )
TRect extButtonRect( iExtension->Rect() );
// Calculate new y coordinate according to button middle point
TInt newY =
( extButtonRect.iTl.iY + ( extButtonRect.Height() / 2 ) )
- viewSize.iHeight / 2
+ mainPaneRect.iTl.iY;
// Check that rect with new y fits to extension view area
if( newY < extensionRect.iTl.iY ) // Top
newY = extensionRect.iTl.iY;
else if( newY + viewSize.iHeight > extensionRect.iBr.iY ) // Bottom
newY = positionRect.iTl.iY;
positionRect.iTl.iY = newY;
//In some case, such as browser application,
//view position is incorrect in portait mode. So, reset the position
//according to the view size and toolbar window position.
else if ( !landscape && !floating
&& iExtension && iExtension->DrawableWindow() )
TPoint buttonPos = iExtension->DrawableWindow()->Position();
TInt newY = buttonPos.iY - viewSize.iHeight;
if ( newY < extensionRect.iTl.iY )
newY = extensionRect.iTl.iY;
positionRect.iTl.iY = newY;
TInt xCoordinate = extensionRect.iTl.iX;
// Get
if ( iNumberOfRows == 1 )
variety = 0;
// Currently checking from number of items, might need to be changed
if ( iVisibleItems.Count() == 2 )
variety = landscape ? 5 : 1;
else if ( iVisibleItems.Count() == 3 && landscape)
variety = 6;
extensionRect = RectFromLayout( mainPaneRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_tb_extension_window( variety ) );
xCoordinate = extensionRect.iTl.iX;
TPoint position( xCoordinate, positionRect.iTl.iY );
TRect outerRect( TPoint(), viewSize );
TRect innerRect(outerRect);
TAknWindowLineLayout unit = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::aid_value_unit2().LayoutLine();
innerRect.Shrink( unit.iW/10, unit.iH/10 );
iFrameContext->SetFrameRects( outerRect , innerRect );
return TRect( position, viewSize );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::CalculateControlPositions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::CalculateControlPositions( TRect& aWindowRect,
TRect& aGridRect,
TRect& aCellRect )
TInt width( 0 ), extensionWidth( 0 ), row( 0 );
TPoint controlPosition( 0, 0 );
TInt maxNumberOfRows = aGridRect.Height() / aCellRect.Height();
TSize cellSize = aCellRect.Size();
TInt extGridRight = aGridRect.iBr.iX;
TInt extGridLeft = aGridRect.iTl.iX;
TBool floating = !IsNonFocusing();
// iVisibleItems may not be updated, so count hidden items
TInt visibleItems( iItems.Count() - CountHiddenItems() );
// If extension does not fill the whole grid rect, this takes the missing
// cells width into account when locating items from right to left
if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() && visibleItems < iNumberOfColumns )
TInt missingCells( iNumberOfColumns - visibleItems );
extGridRight = aGridRect.iBr.iX - cellSize.iWidth * missingCells;
// Fetch button icon size
TSize iconSize;
if ( floating )
iconSize = RectFromLayout( aCellRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_tb_float_ext_pane_g1( 1 ) ).Size();
iconSize = RectFromLayout( aCellRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_tb_ext_pane_g1( 1 ) ).Size();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
if ( iItems[i]->IsHidden() )
// Buttons
if ( iItems[i]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton )
// Layout items from right to left -> calculate position from right
// end of the grid rect
if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
controlPosition.SetXY( extGridRight - width - cellSize.iWidth,
aGridRect.iTl.iY + row * cellSize.iHeight );
// Left to right
controlPosition.SetXY( extGridLeft + width,
aGridRect.iTl.iY + row * cellSize.iHeight );
width += cellSize.iWidth;
iItems[i]->Control()->SetExtent( controlPosition, cellSize );
TRAP_IGNORE( iVisibleItems.AppendL( iItems[i] ) );
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>(
iItems[i]->Control() );
button->SetIconSize( iconSize );
if ( floating )
TRect highlightRect = RectFromLayout(
TRect( controlPosition, cellSize ),
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_highlight_pane_cp12( 0 ) );
iItems[i]->SetHighlightRect( highlightRect );
// Editors take the whole row
else if ( Editor( iItems[i]->ControlType() ) )
// Changing to next line
if ( width > 0 )
width = 0;
if ( row >= maxNumberOfRows )
TInt position = maxNumberOfRows - row - 1;
TRAP_IGNORE( ResizeFindPaneL( aWindowRect,
Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation(), position, i ) );
width = aGridRect.Width();
// Other controls here later..
extensionWidth = Max( extensionWidth , width );
// No more items to this row
if ( width + cellSize.iWidth > aGridRect.Width() )
width = 0;
// No more item to extension
if ( row + 1 >= maxNumberOfRows || i + 1 == iItems.Count() )
// Switch row only if there are visible items left to locate
if ( iVisibleItems.Count() < visibleItems )
iNumberOfRows = row + 1;
return extensionWidth;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::CountHiddenItems
// Returns hidden items count
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::CountHiddenItems()
TInt hiddenItems( 0 );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
if ( iItems[i]->IsHidden() )
return hiddenItems;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::SelectItemL
// Selects or unselects items
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::SelectItemL( TInt aIndex, TBool aSelect )
if ( aSelect )
if ( aIndex != iSelectedItem )
if ( iSelectedItem > KNoItemSelected &&
iSelectedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() )
iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem]->SetIsSelectedL( EFalse );
if ( aIndex > KNoItemSelected && aIndex < iVisibleItems.Count() )
if ( iVisibleItems[aIndex]->SetIsSelectedL( ETrue ) )
iSelectedItem = aIndex;
iSelectedItem = KNoItemSelected;
iSelectedItem = KNoItemSelected;
if ( aIndex == iSelectedItem )
if ( aIndex != KNoItemSelected && aIndex < iVisibleItems.Count() )
iVisibleItems[aIndex]->SetIsSelectedL( EFalse );
iSelectedItem = KNoItemSelected;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::RectFromLayout
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TRect CAknToolbarExtensionView::RectFromLayout( const TRect& aParent,
const TAknWindowComponentLayout& aComponentLayout ) const
TAknWindowLineLayout lineLayout = aComponentLayout.LayoutLine();
TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
layoutRect.LayoutRect( aParent, lineLayout );
return layoutRect.Rect();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::ResizeFindPane
// Resizes editor and the button after it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::ResizeFindPaneL( TRect& aWindowRect, TBool aLandscape,
TInt aPosition, TInt& aIndex )
TRect editorRect = RectFromLayout( aWindowRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::tb_ext_find_pane( aLandscape ? 1 : 0 ) );
editorRect.Move( 0, -editorRect.Height() * ( aPosition ) );
TAknTextLineLayout layoutLine =
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::tb_ext_find_pane_t1( 0 ).LayoutLine();
TAknLayoutText layoutText;
layoutText.LayoutText( editorRect, layoutLine );
// Using curretly the skin color id of hwr/vkb input field
TAknsQsnTextColorsIndex colorIndex = EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG60;
CEikEdwin* edwin = static_cast<CEikEdwin*>( iItems[aIndex]->Control() );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutEdwin( edwin, editorRect, layoutLine, colorIndex );
iVisibleItems.AppendL( iItems[aIndex] );
if ( aIndex + 1 >= iItems.Count() || iItems[aIndex +1]->ControlType() !=
EAknCtButton )
// If no button after editor, then return
// Now calculate the size for the button after editor
TRect findButtonRect = RectFromLayout( editorRect,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::tb_ext_find_button_pane( 0 ) );
iItems[aIndex]->Control()->SetRect( findButtonRect );
iVisibleItems.AppendL( iItems[aIndex] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::GetVariety
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::GetVariety( TInt aRow, TBool aLandscape )
TInt variety = 0;
if ( IsNonFocusing() )
TInt index = iExtension->ExtensionPosition();
switch ( aRow )
case 0:
if ( index == 0 )
variety = aLandscape ? 7 : 2;
else if ( index == 1 )
variety = aLandscape ? 6 : 2;
variety = aLandscape ? 5 : 1;
case 1:
if ( index == 0 )
variety = aLandscape ? 0 : 3;
else if ( index == 1 )
variety = aLandscape ? 6 : 3;
variety = aLandscape ? 8 : 3;
case 2:
variety = aLandscape ? 0 : 4;
case 3:
variety = 0;
switch ( aRow )
case 0:
variety = 3;
case 1:
variety = 2;
case 2:
variety = 1;
case 3:
variety = 0;
return variety;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When an item is added, hidden or removed, there is a need to check that
// the buttons have correct frames.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::CheckButtonFrames( TBool aAdd, TInt aIndex )
// @todo What if adding editors? Then need to check next buttons, does this
// work then?
// this is the index from which to remove noframes flag if necessary
TInt index = aIndex;
if ( aIndex > 0 && Editor( iItems[aIndex - 1]->ControlType() ) )
// Add here later code also for hiding/unhiding
if ( iItems[aIndex]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( iItems[aIndex]->Control() );
TInt flags = button->ButtonFlags();
// Add frames for the button because it comes after an editor
if ( flags & KAknButtonNoFrame )
flags &= ~KAknButtonNoFrame;
flags &= ~KAknButtonPressedDownFrame;
button->SetButtonFlags( flags );
if ( aAdd && iItems.Count() > index &&
iItems[index]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton )
CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( iItems[index]->Control() );
TInt flags = button->ButtonFlags();
// Checking that the button that was previously after editor
// does not have frames
if ( !( flags & KAknButtonNoFrame ) || !( flags & KAknButtonPressedDownFrame ) )
flags |= KAknButtonNoFrame;
flags |= KAknButtonPressedDownFrame;
button->RegisterResourceProvider( iResourceProvider );
button->SetButtonFlags( flags );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::ToolbarItemIndexById
// Returns the index of the toolbar item inside of the iItems or iVisibleItems
// array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::ToolbarItemIndexById( TBool aVisibleItems,
const TInt aId ) const
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aVisibleItems ? iVisibleItems.Count() :
iItems.Count(); i++ )
CAknToolbarItem* item = aVisibleItems ? iVisibleItems[i] : iItems[i];
if ( item && item->CommandId() == aId )
return i;
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::MoveHighlightL
// Moves highlight from one item to another. Does nothing if this is fixed
// toolbar extension's view.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::MoveHighlightL( TInt aDirection, TInt aIndex )
if ( IsNonFocusing() || !iVisibleItems.Count() )
iSelectedItem = KNoItemSelected;
TInt oldFocused = iSelectedItem;
if ( iSelectedItem == KNoItemSelected )
iSelectedItem = 0;
switch ( aDirection )
case EDirectionUp:
iSelectedItem = NextFocusable( -iNumberOfColumns );
case EDirectionDown:
iSelectedItem = NextFocusable( iNumberOfColumns );
case EDirectionRight:
iSelectedItem = NextFocusable( 1 );
case EDirectionLeft:
iSelectedItem = NextFocusable( -1 );
case ENoDirection:
iSelectedItem = aIndex;
CAknToolbarItem* item = NULL;
if ( iSelectedItem != KNoItemSelected )
item = iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem];
// set this item focused
item->SetFocusL( ETrue, EFalse, ENoDrawNow, this );
DrawNow( item->HighlightRect() );
item = NULL;
if ( oldFocused != KNoItemSelected && oldFocused != aIndex )
item = iVisibleItems[oldFocused];
if ( item && item->Control() )
SelectItemL( oldFocused, EFalse );
// take the focus away
item->SetFocusL( EFalse, EFalse, EDrawNow, this );
DrawNow( item->HighlightRect() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknToolbarExtensionView::NextFocusable
// Calculates next focusable item. Used with floating toolbar extension.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknToolbarExtensionView::NextFocusable( TInt aStep )
TInt index = iSelectedItem;
TInt startIndex = iSelectedItem;
CAknButton* button = NULL;
// we will do it till we don't get valid non-dimmed item or till we don't
// make the whole round ( all items are dimmed )
button = NULL;
if ( aStep == 1 && index >= iVisibleItems.Count() - 1 )
index = 0;
else if ( aStep == -1 && index == 0 )
index = iVisibleItems.Count() - 1;
else if ( aStep > 1 )
if ( index + aStep >= iVisibleItems.Count() )
index = ( index + 1 ) % aStep;
index += aStep;
else if ( aStep < -1 )
if ( index + aStep < 0 )
TInt modResult = index - 1;
index = iVisibleItems.Count() - 1 ;
if ( modResult < 0 )
modResult = iNumberOfColumns - 1;
while ( index % ( +aStep ) != modResult )
index += aStep;
index += aStep;
button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( iVisibleItems[index]->Control() );
} while ( ( !button || button->IsDimmed() ) && startIndex != index );
return index;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets item dimmed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::SetItemDimmed( TInt aCommandId, TBool aDimmed )
CCoeControl* control = ControlOrNull( aCommandId );
if ( control )
control->SetDimmed( aDimmed );
if ( IsVisible() )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hides an item
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknToolbarExtensionView::HideItemL( TInt aCommandId, TBool aHide )
CAknToolbarItem* item = NULL;
for ( TInt i=0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
if ( aCommandId == iItems[i]->CommandId() )
item = iItems[i];
if ( item && item->Control() && item->IsHidden() != aHide )
item->SetHidden( aHide );