* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
namespace HgVgConstants
// maximum velocity of the spring (max velocity of view movement)
const TReal KMaxSpringVelocity(300.0f);
const TReal KSpringVelocityToAnimationFactor(10.0f);
// maximum quads in coverflow
const TInt KMaxCoversVisible(17);
// selected item index
const TInt KSelectedItemIndex(8);
// fi
const TReal KMinFlickSpeed(0.5f);
const TInt KViewUpdateInterval( 15000 ); // > ~60 fps
// The amound of pixels one item (virtually) takes on the screen (if you think coverflow as uniform list)
const TReal KRowHeight(1.0f);
const TInt KRowHeightStep(10);
// PI
const TReal PI(3.1415926535897932f);
// Spring constant
const TReal KSpringK(20.0f);
// Spring damping
const TReal KSpringDamping(11.0f);
// maximum distance from target to snap
const TReal KPositionSnap(0.01);
// maximum speed where to snap to item
const TReal KMinSpringVelocity(0.01);
// how far user must have dragged an item before
// we move to next item when user has stopped dragging gesture.
const TReal KDragForwardThreshold(0.2f);
// how many albums it is threoretically possible to go forward/backward
// if the distance of a drag is fullscreen in length
const TReal KItemsToDragOnFullScreenDrag(5.0f);
// Physics update timestep
const TReal KTimeStep(0.008333333333f); // we update physics 120 fps
// Width of one quad in 3d space
const TReal KWorldQuadWidth(1);
// size of default icon in pixels
const TInt KDefaultIconWidth(240);
const TInt KDefaultIconHeight(240);
// duration of album cover flip selection animation
const TInt KSelectionAnimationDuration(400000); // 0.4 seconds
// EGL surface bits
const TInt KSurfaceRedBits(8);
const TInt KSurfaceGreenBits(8);
const TInt KSurfaceBlueBits(8);
const TInt KSurfaceAlphaBits(8);
// used for conversions
const TInt KOneSecondInMicroSeconds(1000000);
// how long a flick gesture can tage before it is interpreted as dragging only
const TInt KMaxFlickDuration(200000); // 2 ms
// how long it user must press to move one index further
const TInt KKeyPressDuration(800000);
// factor used for converting swipe speed to view movement
const TReal KSwipeSpeedFactor(0.5f);
// Camera rotation factor to use in animation
// when swiping
const TReal KCameraRotationFactor(PI/12.0f);
// zooming factor to use in animation
const TReal KCameraZoomFactor(0);
// maximum opacity of the letter popup (1.0 would be fully opaque)
const TReal KMaxLetterPopupOpacity(0.85);
// update rate for the key scrolling timer
const TInt KMediaWallKeyScrollingUpdateInterval( 50000 );
// number of rows in grid mediawall
const TInt KGridRowCount(3);
// flipping angle in flip animation in grid mediawall
const TReal KGridFlipAngle(PI * 2);
// space between items in grid mediawall
const TReal KSpaceBetweenGridItems(0.02f);
// blur deviation factor for blur in zoom animation
const TReal KDefaultBlurDeviation(4);
const TReal KSpringVelocityToZAlpha(10.0f);
const TInt KFramesToZeroVelocity(60);
const TReal KHalfItemWidth(0.5);
// Specific constants for full screen coverflow mediawall
const TInt KMediaWallFullScreenItemsOnScreen(5);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenCameraZoomFactor(1.5);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenCameraRotationFactor(KCameraRotationFactor*1.5);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenSpringVelocityToAnimationFactor(10);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenZOffset(1);
const TInt KMediaWallFullScreenRowCount(1);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenSpringK(KSpringK);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenSpringDamping(KSpringDamping);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenSpringMaxVelocity(KMaxSpringVelocity);
const TReal KMediaWallFullScreenItemsToMoveOnFullScreenDrag(5);
// distance to target item where titles get rendered in fullscreen mediawall
// eg. if distance is greater than this, titles are not rendered
const TReal KTitleDrawDistance(2.0);
// Specific constants for tbone "portrait" mediawall
const TInt KMediaWallTBoneItemsOnScreen(3);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneCameraZoomFactor(2);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneCameraRotationFactor(KCameraRotationFactor);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneSpringVelocityToAnimationFactor(KSpringVelocityToAnimationFactor);
const TInt KMediaWallTBonePopupFontSize(100);
const TInt KMediaWallTBoneLabelFontSize(18);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneZOffset(0.5);
const TInt KMediaWallTBoneRowCount(1);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneSpringK(KSpringK);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneSpringDamping(KSpringDamping);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneSpringMaxVelocity(KMaxSpringVelocity);
const TReal KMediaWallTBoneItemsToMoveOnFullScreenDrag(3);
// if distance to target item is over this in tbone mediawall, it shows letter popup
const TReal KDrawLetterPopupDistance(2.0);
// Specific constants for mediawall grid (for photos application)
const TInt KMediaWallGridItemsOnScreen(3*7);
const TReal KMediaWallGridCameraZoomFactor(0.2);
const TReal KMediaWallGridCameraRotationFactor(KCameraRotationFactor);
const TReal KMediaWallGridSpringVelocityToAnimationFactor(KSpringVelocityToAnimationFactor/3);
const TInt KMediaWallGridPopupFontSize(30);
const TReal KMediaWallGridZOffset(0.5);
const TInt KMediaWallGridRowCount(3);
const TReal KMediaWallGridSpringK(KSpringK);
const TReal KMediaWallGridSpringDamping(KSpringDamping*2);
const TReal KMediaWallGridSpringMaxVelocity(KMaxSpringVelocity/3);
const TReal KMediaWallGridItemsToMoveOnFullScreenDrag(15);
#endif /* HGVGCONSTANTS */