// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <techview/eikon.rh>
#include "TMSG.HRH"
RESOURCE TBUF16 { buf=""; }
RESOURCE HOTKEYS r_tmsg_hotkeys
HOTKEY {command=EEikCmdExit; key='e';}
RESOURCE TOOLBAR r_tmsg_toolbar
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplayInfoMsgAtBottom; txt="Display info-msg at bottom";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplayInfoMsgAtTop; txt="Display info-msg at top";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdCancelInfoMsg; txt="Cancel info-msg";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplaySingleBusyMsg; txt="Display single busy-msg";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplayTwoBusyMsgsInSameCorner; txt="Display 2 busy-msgs in same corner";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplayTwoBusyMsgsInDifferentCorners; txt="Display 2 busy-msgs in different corners";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplaySingleBusyMsgWithInitialDelayOfTenSeconds; txt="Display single busy-msg (init delay = 10)";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdDisplayInfoMsgAtTopWithDurationOfTenSeconds; txt="Display info-msg at top (duration = 10)";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdCycleThroughEikonEnvInfoMsgs; txt="Cycle through EikonEnv Info Msgs";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdCycleThroughEikonEnvBusyMsgs; txt="Cycle through EikonEnv Busy Msgs";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=ETMsgCmdCancelBusyMsg; txt="Cancel busy-msg";},
TBAR_BUTTON {id=EEikCmdExit; txt="Exit";}
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_infowinmsg_resourceid { buf="Displays a modal information dialog (CEikInfoDialog) on the screen with the specified lines of text"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_querywinmsg_resourceid { buf="Requests a yes or no response to a question from the user using a modal query dialog"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_resourceid { buf="(aResourceId,...)"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_resourceid_vlist { buf="(aResourceId,%d,%d)"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_corner_resourceid { buf="(aCorner,aResourceId,...) botLeft"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_corner_resourceid_vlist { buf="(aCorner,aResourceId,%d,%d) botLeft"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_resourceid_duration { buf="(aResourceId,duration,...) d = 8"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_resourceid_duration_vlist { buf="(aResourceId,duration,%d,%d) d = 8"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_corner_resourceid_duration { buf="(aCorner,aResourceId,duration,...) botLeft,d = 8"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_corner_resourceid_duration_vlist { buf="(aCorner,aResourceId,duration,%d,%d) botLeft,d = 8"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_busymsg_resourceid { buf="(aResourceId)"; }
RESOURCE TBUF r_tmsg_tbuf_busymsg_resourceid_initialdelay { buf="(aResourceId,aInitialDelay) d = 3"; }