* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: ?Description
#include "CAknFileSelectionModel.h"
#include <CDirectoryLocalizer.h>
#include <barsread.h> // TResourceReader
#include <bautils.h> // BaflUtils for checking if a path exists
#include <coemain.h>
#include <commondialogs.rsg>
#include <apmstd.h> // TDataType
#include <badesca.h> //CDesC16Array
#include "MAknFileSelectionObserver.h"
#include "MAknFileFilter.h"
#include "AknCFDUtility.h"
#include "CAknDataCagingFilter.h"
#include "commondialogsdata.hrh"
_LIT( KImageHeader, "%d\t" );
const TInt KFileExtNameSize = 10;
const TInt KEntryArrayGranularity( 10 );
const TInt KFilterArrayGranularity( 2 );
const TInt KIndexDataLen = 6;
// Store file ext name and right icon index
class TCFDFileTypes
TBuf<KFileExtNameSize> iFileType;
TInt iIconIndex;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::CAknFileSelectionModel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TCommonDialogType& aDialogType, CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv )
: iDirectoryLevel( 0 ),
iDialogType( aDialogType ),
iCoeEnv( aCoeEnv )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknFileSelectionModel::ConstructL()
iLocalizer = CDirectoryLocalizer::NewL();
iEntryArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayPakFlat<TEntry>( KEntryArrayGranularity );
iFilterArray = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<MAknFileFilter>( KFilterArrayGranularity );
iFileTypeArray = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TCFDFileTypes>( KEntryArrayGranularity );
// Directories should be shown in front of files in list,
// create two arrays to save it respectively
iLocalFileNameArray = new ( ELeave ) CDesC16ArraySeg( KEntryArrayGranularity );
iLocalDirNameArray = new ( ELeave ) CDesC16ArraySeg( KEntryArrayGranularity );
TResourceReader reader;
iCoeEnv.CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, R_CDF_FILE_TYPE_ICON_SET );
ReadFileExtNameAndIconIndexL( reader );
iStringBuf = HBufC::NewL(KMaxPath);
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
iRootFolderText = iCoeEnv.AllocReadResourceL( R_CFD_QTN_FLDR_ROOT_LEVEL );
AddFilterL( CAknDataCagingFilter::NewLC() );
CleanupStack::Pop(); //caging filter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::ReadFileExtNameAndIconIndexL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknFileSelectionModel::ReadFileExtNameAndIconIndexL( TResourceReader& aReader )
// File icon will be selected by file extname.
TInt count( aReader.ReadInt16() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TCFDFileTypes type;
type.iFileType.Copy( aReader.ReadTPtrC() );
type.iIconIndex = aReader.ReadInt32();
iFileTypeArray->AppendL( type );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAknFileSelectionModel* CAknFileSelectionModel::NewL(
const TCommonDialogType& aType, CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv )
CAknFileSelectionModel* self =
new( ELeave ) CAknFileSelectionModel( aType, aCoeEnv );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iRootFolderText;
if ( iFileTypeArray )
delete iFileTypeArray;
if ( iLocalFileNameArray )
delete iLocalFileNameArray;
if ( iLocalDirNameArray )
delete iLocalDirNameArray;
delete iStringBuf;
if ( iFilterArray )
delete iFilterArray;
if ( iEntryArray )
delete iEntryArray;
delete iLocalizer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::SetPathL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::SetPathL( const TDesC& aPath )
HBufC * path = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
*path = aPath;
TPtr ptrPath = path->Des();
TInt errorCode( AknCFDUtility::AddTrailingBackslash( ptrPath ) );
if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
return errorCode;
errorCode = iParse.SetNoWild( ptrPath, NULL, NULL );
if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
// Converting path to TParse was unsuccessful
return errorCode;
TEntry entry;
TInt err( iFs.Entry( ptrPath,entry ) );
if ( err == KErrNotFound || err == KErrPathNotFound )
// Path doesn't exist
return KErrPathNotFound;
// Set as current path
iCurrentPath = iParse;
errorCode = UpdateItemListL();
return errorCode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::AddFolderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::AddFolderL( const TDesC& aFolder )
// Open new sub-folder, directory level is increased
// The engine only supports adding one folder at a time
if ( AknCFDUtility::DirectoryCount( aFolder ) != 1 )
return KErrNotSupported;
//TPath currentPath( iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath() );
HBufC * bufCurrentPath = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxPath);
*bufCurrentPath = iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath();
TPtr currentPath = bufCurrentPath->Des();
currentPath.Append( aFolder );
TInt errorCode( SetPathL( currentPath ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //bufCurrentPath
if ( errorCode < KErrNone )
return errorCode;
return errorCode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::AddFilterL
// Ownership of filter is moved to the engine
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknFileSelectionModel::AddFilterL( MAknFileFilter* aFilter )
iFilterArray->AppendL( aFilter );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::GotoSubFolderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::GotoSubFolderL( const TDesC& aFolder )
return AddFolderL( aFolder );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::GotoParentFolderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::GotoParentFolderL()
TInt errorCode( KErrNotFound ); // Indicating under root situation
if ( iDirectoryLevel > 0 )
errorCode = iCurrentPath.PopDir();
if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
errorCode = UpdateItemListL();
return errorCode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::UpdateItemListL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::UpdateItemListL()
// Clear array contents
CDir* entryArray = ReadDirectory( iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath() );
if ( !entryArray )
return KErrNotFound;
CleanupStack::PushL( entryArray );
TInt itemCount( entryArray->Count() );
// entry index in iEntryArray
TInt entryIndex = 0;
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < itemCount; i++ ) // Add entry or not
TEntry entry = ( *entryArray )[i];
if ( EntryIsAccepted( entry ) )
// Add entry
if ( entry.IsDir() )
// Entry is a directory
TFileTypeIcon folderIcon( EFolderIcon );
if( !AknCFDUtility::IsRemoteDrive( iCurrentPath.Drive() ) )
if ( ContainsSubfolders( entry.iName ) )
folderIcon = ESubFolderIcon;
else if ( !ContainsFiles( entry.iName ) )
folderIcon = EFolderEmptyIcon;
// List item uses localized name and icon index to show itself,
// common dialogs need to give user the entry's iName, list item
// need to bind unique entry. For sorting list and binding entry,
// save icon index, localized name and right entry index of iEntryArray
// in the element of iLocalDirNameArray and iLocalFileNameArray
TFileName name( GetLocalizedName( entry.iName ) );
// Append icon index number at the end of entry's localized name
name.AppendNumFixedWidth( folderIcon, EDecimal, KIndexDataLen );
// Append entry index number of iEntryArray in the end
name.AppendNumFixedWidth( entryIndex, EDecimal, KIndexDataLen );
iLocalDirNameArray->AppendL( name );
TInt icon(EUnknowTypeIcon);
icon = GetIconForFileL( entry.iName );
TFileName name( GetLocalizedName( entry.iName ) );
name.AppendNumFixedWidth( icon, EDecimal, KIndexDataLen );
name.AppendNumFixedWidth( entryIndex, EDecimal, KIndexDataLen );
iLocalFileNameArray->AppendL( name );
iEntryArray->AppendL( entry, sizeof( TEntry ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entryArray );
// Sort list item to show
iLocalDirNameArray->Sort( ECmpCollated );
iLocalFileNameArray->Sort( ECmpCollated );
if ( AknCFDUtility::DirectoriesOnly( iDialogType ) )
// Set the current folder name as first item.
TPtr folder = iStringBuf->Des();
folder = iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath();
AknCFDUtility::RemoveTrailingBackslash( folder ); // ignore error
TParsePtr parsedFolder(folder);
folder = parsedFolder.NameAndExt();
TFileName name(folder);
TEntry folderEntry;
folderEntry.iName = name;
if ( iDirectoryLevel == 0 )
name = iRootFolderText->Des();
folder = iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath();
iLocalizer->SetFullPath( folder );
if( iLocalizer->IsLocalized() )
name = iLocalizer->LocalizedName();
name.AppendNumFixedWidth( EThisFolderIcon, EDecimal, KIndexDataLen );
name.AppendNumFixedWidth( entryIndex, EDecimal, KIndexDataLen );
iLocalDirNameArray->InsertL( 0, name );
iEntryArray->AppendL( folderEntry, sizeof(TEntry) );
return iEntryArray->Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::EntryIsAccepted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CAknFileSelectionModel::EntryIsAccepted( const TEntry& aEntry ) const
TInt filterCount( iFilterArray->Count() );
// Go through the filters while the entry is accepted
for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < filterCount ; ++i )
if ( !( iFilterArray->At( i )->Accept(
iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath(), aEntry ) ) )
// Some filter does not accept this entry
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::Entry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TEntry& CAknFileSelectionModel::Entry( const TInt& aIndex ) const
TInt index = aIndex;
// List item sequence is arranged in MdcaPoint()
if ( aIndex < iLocalDirNameArray->Count() )
// Get right entry index of iEntryArray
TLex lex((*iLocalDirNameArray)[aIndex].Right(KIndexDataLen));
lex.Val( index );
TLex lex((*iLocalFileNameArray)[aIndex - iLocalDirNameArray->Count()].Right(KIndexDataLen));
lex.Val( index );
return iEntryArray->At( index );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::GetCurrentPath
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknFileSelectionModel::GetCurrentPath( TDes& aPath ) const
aPath = iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::DirectoryLevel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::DirectoryLevel() const
return iDirectoryLevel;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::FolderIndex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::FolderIndex( const TDesC& aFolder ) const
TInt arrayCount( iEntryArray->Count() ); // Number of items in entry array
TPath folder( aFolder );
TInt folderLength( folder.Length() );
if ( folderLength > 0 )
// If the last character is backslash, delete it
if ( folder[ folderLength - 1 ] == '\\' )
folder.Delete( folderLength - 1, 1 );
// Try to find the folder from list
for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < arrayCount; index++ )
if ( folder.CompareF( iEntryArray->At( index ).iName ) == 0 )
// When found, return its index
return index;
// Return not found if not found
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::MdcaCount
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::MdcaCount() const
return iEntryArray->Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::MdcaPoint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CAknFileSelectionModel::MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const
// List items sequence follows the sequence of sorted array
TPtr listItem = iStringBuf->Des();
TInt icon(0);
if ( aIndex < iLocalDirNameArray->Count() )
// Directories need to arrange at ahead of files
TInt len = (*iLocalDirNameArray)[aIndex].Length();
TLex lex( (*iLocalDirNameArray)[aIndex].Mid(
len - KIndexDataLen - KIndexDataLen, KIndexDataLen) );
// Get icon index for the item
lex.Val( icon );
listItem.Format( KImageHeader, icon );
// Append localized name as list item name
len - KIndexDataLen - KIndexDataLen ) );
TInt len = (*iLocalFileNameArray)[aIndex - iLocalDirNameArray->Count()].Length();
TLex lex( (*iLocalFileNameArray)[aIndex - iLocalDirNameArray->Count()].Mid(
len - KIndexDataLen - KIndexDataLen, KIndexDataLen) );
lex.Val( icon );
listItem.Format( KImageHeader, icon );
listItem.Append((*iLocalFileNameArray)[aIndex - iLocalDirNameArray->Count()].Left(
len - KIndexDataLen - KIndexDataLen ) );
return listItem;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::ReadDirectory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDir* CAknFileSelectionModel::ReadDirectory( const TDesC& aDirectory )
// All attributes but system and hidden attribute
TUint mask( KEntryAttMaskSupported & ~( KEntryAttSystem | KEntryAttHidden ) );
CDir* entryArray = NULL;
if ( AknCFDUtility::DirectoriesOnly( iDialogType ) )
// Keep old code for possible roll-back.
mask &= ~KEntryAttDir;
CDir* temp;
iFs.GetDir( aDirectory, mask,
ESortByName | EDirsFirst | EAscending, temp, entryArray );
delete temp;
iFs.GetDir( aDirectory, KEntryAttDir | KEntryAttMatchExclusive,
ESortByName | EAscending, entryArray );
iFs.GetDir( aDirectory, mask,
ESortByName | EDirsFirst | EAscending, entryArray );
if ( entryArray )
// No errors. Remove possible system directory from list
BaflUtils::RemoveSystemDirectory( *entryArray );
return entryArray;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::ContainsSubfolders
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CAknFileSelectionModel::ContainsSubfolders( const TDesC& aFolder )
return ContainsContents( aFolder, KEntryAttDir | KEntryAttMatchExclusive );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::ContainsFiles
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CAknFileSelectionModel::ContainsFiles( const TDesC& aFolder )
return ContainsContents( aFolder, KEntryAttNormal );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::ContainsFiles
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CAknFileSelectionModel::ContainsContents(
const TDesC& aFolder, TUint aAttMask )
TPath directory( iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath() );
directory.Append( aFolder );
AknCFDUtility::AddTrailingBackslash( directory ); // ignore error
RDir dir;
TBool ret( EFalse );
if ( dir.Open( iFs, directory, aAttMask ) != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
TEntry entry;
if ( dir.Read( entry ) == KErrNone )
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknFileSelectionModel::AppendIconForFileL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknFileSelectionModel::GetIconForFileL(const TDesC& aFileName ) const
TParsePtrC ptr( aFileName );
TPtrC ptrc = ptr.Ext();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFileTypeArray->Count(); i++ )
if ( ptrc.MatchF( (*iFileTypeArray)[i].iFileType ) == 0 )
return (*iFileTypeArray)[i].iIconIndex;
return EUnknowTypeIcon;
TPtrC CAknFileSelectionModel::GetLocalizedName(const TDesC& aFileName)
TParsePtrC parsedEntry( aFileName );
TPtrC fileName( parsedEntry.NameAndExt() );
TPtr itemWithImageIndex = iStringBuf->Des();
itemWithImageIndex = iCurrentPath.DriveAndPath();
itemWithImageIndex.Append( aFileName);
// ignore error:
AknCFDUtility::AddTrailingBackslash( itemWithImageIndex );
iLocalizer->SetFullPath( itemWithImageIndex );
if( iLocalizer->IsLocalized() )
fileName.Set( iLocalizer->LocalizedName() );
return fileName;
// End of File