* *
* Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith. *
* All rights reserved. Email: russ@q12.org Web: www.q12.org *
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of EITHER: *
* (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free *
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at *
* your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser *
* General Public License is included with this library in the *
* file LICENSE.TXT. *
* (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in *
* the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. *
* *
* Cylinder-box collider by Alen Ladavac
* Ported to ODE by Nguyen Binh
#include <ode/collision.h>
#include <ode/matrix.h>
#include <ode/rotation.h>
#include <ode/odemath.h>
#include "collision_util.h"
#include <ode/lookup_tables.h>
static const int MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS = 16;
static const int nCYLINDER_AXIS = 2;
// Number of segment of cylinder base circle.
// Must be divisible by 4.
static const int nCYLINDER_SEGMENT = 8;
#define MAX_FLOAT dInfinity
// Data that passed through the collider's functions
typedef struct _sCylinderBoxData
// cylinder parameters
dMatrix3 mCylinderRot;
dVector3 vCylinderPos;
dVector3 vCylinderAxis;
dReal fCylinderRadius;
dReal fCylinderSize;
dVector3 avCylinderNormals[nCYLINDER_SEGMENT];
// box parameters
dMatrix3 mBoxRot;
dVector3 vBoxPos;
dVector3 vBoxHalfSize;
// box vertices array : 8 vertices
dVector3 avBoxVertices[8];
// global collider data
dVector3 vDiff;
dVector3 vNormal;
dReal fBestDepth;
dReal fBestrb;
dReal fBestrc;
int iBestAxis;
// contact data
dVector3 vEp0, vEp1;
dReal fDepth0, fDepth1;
// ODE stuff
dGeomID gBox;
dGeomID gCylinder;
dContactGeom* gContact;
int iFlags;
int iSkip;
int nContacts;
} sCylinderBoxData;
// initialize collision data
void _cldInitCylinderBox(sCylinderBoxData& cData)
// get cylinder position, orientation
const dReal* pRotCyc = dGeomGetRotation(cData.gCylinder);
const dVector3* pPosCyc = (const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(cData.gCylinder);
// get cylinder radius and size
// get box position, orientation, size
const dReal* pRotBox = dGeomGetRotation(cData.gBox);
const dVector3* pPosBox = (const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(cData.gBox);
dGeomBoxGetLengths(cData.gBox, cData.vBoxHalfSize);
cData.vBoxHalfSize[0] = dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[0],REAL(0.5));
cData.vBoxHalfSize[1] = dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[1],REAL(0.5));
cData.vBoxHalfSize[2] = dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[2],REAL(0.5));
// vertex 0
cData.avBoxVertices[0][0] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[0][1] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[0][2] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 1
cData.avBoxVertices[1][0] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[1][1] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[1][2] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 2
cData.avBoxVertices[2][0] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[2][1] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[2][2] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 3
cData.avBoxVertices[3][0] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[3][1] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[3][2] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 4
cData.avBoxVertices[4][0] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[4][1] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[4][2] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 5
cData.avBoxVertices[5][0] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[5][1] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[5][2] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 6
cData.avBoxVertices[6][0] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[6][1] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[6][2] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// vertex 7
cData.avBoxVertices[7][0] = -cData.vBoxHalfSize[0];
cData.avBoxVertices[7][1] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[1];
cData.avBoxVertices[7][2] = cData.vBoxHalfSize[2];
// temp index
int i = 0;
dVector3 vTempBoxVertices[8];
// transform vertices in absolute space
for(i=0; i < 8; i++)
dMultiplyMat3Vec3(cData.mBoxRot,cData.avBoxVertices[i], vTempBoxVertices[i]);
dVector3Add(vTempBoxVertices[i], cData.vBoxPos, cData.avBoxVertices[i]);
// find relative position
cData.fBestDepth = MAX_FLOAT;
cData.vNormal[0] = REAL(0.0);
cData.vNormal[1] = REAL(0.0);
cData.vNormal[2] = REAL(0.0);
// calculate basic angle for nCYLINDER_SEGMENT-gon
// calculate angle increment
dReal fAngleIncrement = dMUL(fAngle,REAL(2.0));
// calculate nCYLINDER_SEGMENT-gon points
for(i = 0; i < nCYLINDER_SEGMENT; i++)
cData.avCylinderNormals[i][0] = -dCos(fAngle);
cData.avCylinderNormals[i][1] = -dSin(fAngle);
cData.avCylinderNormals[i][2] = 0;
fAngle += fAngleIncrement;
cData.fBestrb = 0;
cData.fBestrc = 0;
cData.iBestAxis = 0;
cData.nContacts = 0;
// test for given separating axis
int _cldTestAxis(sCylinderBoxData& cData, dVector3& vInputNormal, int iAxis )
// check length of input normal
dReal fL = dVector3Length(vInputNormal);
// if not long enough
if ( fL < REAL(2e-5f) )
// do nothing
return 1;
// otherwise make it unit for sure
// project box and Cylinder on mAxis
dReal fdot1 = dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis, vInputNormal);
dReal frc;
if (fdot1 > REAL(1.0))
fdot1 = REAL(1.0);
frc = dFabs(dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
// project box and capsule on iAxis
frc = dFabs( dMUL(fdot1,(cData.fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5)))) + dMUL(cData.fCylinderRadius,dSqrt(REAL(1.0)-(dMUL(fdot1,fdot1))));
dVector3 vTemp1;
dReal frb = REAL(0.0);
frb = dMUL(dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal)),cData.vBoxHalfSize[0]);
frb += dMUL(dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal)),cData.vBoxHalfSize[1]);
frb += dMUL(dFabs(dVector3Dot(vTemp1,vInputNormal)),cData.vBoxHalfSize[2]);
// project their distance on separating axis
dReal fd = dVector3Dot(cData.vDiff,vInputNormal);
// if they do not overlap exit, we have no intersection
if ( dFabs(fd) > frc+frb )
return 0;
// get depth
dReal fDepth = - dFabs(fd) + (frc+frb);
// get maximum depth
if ( fDepth < cData.fBestDepth )
cData.fBestDepth = fDepth;
cData.iBestAxis = iAxis;
cData.fBestrb = frb;
cData.fBestrc = frc;
// flip normal if interval is wrong faced
if (fd > 0)
return 1;
// check for separation between box edge and cylinder circle edge
int _cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( sCylinderBoxData& cData,
const dVector3 &vCenterPoint,
const dVector3 &vVx0, const dVector3 &vVx1,
int iAxis )
// calculate direction of edge
dVector3 vDirEdge;
// starting point of edge
dVector3 vEStart;
// calculate angle cosine between cylinder axis and edge
dReal fdot2 = dVector3Dot (vDirEdge,cData.vCylinderAxis);
// if edge is perpendicular to cylinder axis
if(dFabs(fdot2) < REAL(2e-5f))
// this can't be separating axis, because edge is parallel to circle plane
return 1;
// find point of intersection between edge line and circle plane
dVector3 vTemp1;
dReal fdot1 = dVector3Dot(vTemp1,cData.vCylinderAxis);
dVector3 vpnt;
vpnt[0]= vEStart[0] + dMUL(vDirEdge[0],dDIV(fdot1,fdot2));
vpnt[1]= vEStart[1] + dMUL(vDirEdge[1],dDIV(fdot1,fdot2));
vpnt[2]= vEStart[2] + dMUL(vDirEdge[2],dDIV(fdot1,fdot2));
// find tangent vector on circle with same center (vCenterPoint) that
// touches point of intersection (vpnt)
dVector3 vTangent;
// find vector orthogonal both to tangent and edge direction
dVector3 vAxis;
// use that vector as separating axis
return _cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, iAxis );
// Test separating axis for collision
int _cldTestSeparatingAxes(sCylinderBoxData& cData)
// reset best axis
cData.fBestDepth = MAX_FLOAT;
cData.iBestAxis = 0;
cData.fBestrb = 0;
cData.fBestrc = 0;
cData.nContacts = 0;
dVector3 vAxis = {REAL(0.0),REAL(0.0),REAL(0.0),REAL(0.0)};
// Epsilon value for checking axis vector length
const dReal fEpsilon = REAL(2e-5f);
// axis A0
dMat3GetCol(cData.mBoxRot, 0 , vAxis);
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 1 ))
return 0;
// axis A1
dMat3GetCol(cData.mBoxRot, 1 , vAxis);
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 2 ))
return 0;
// axis A2
dMat3GetCol(cData.mBoxRot, 2 , vAxis);
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 3 ))
return 0;
// axis C - Cylinder Axis
//vAxis = vCylinderAxis;
dVector3Copy(cData.vCylinderAxis , vAxis);
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 4 ))
return 0;
// axis CxA0
//vAxis = ( vCylinderAxis cross mthGetColM33f( mBoxRot, 0 ));
dVector3CrossMat3Col(cData.mBoxRot, 0 ,cData.vCylinderAxis, vAxis);
if(dVector3Length2( vAxis ) > fEpsilon )
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 5 ))
return 0;
// axis CxA1
//vAxis = ( vCylinderAxis cross mthGetColM33f( mBoxRot, 1 ));
dVector3CrossMat3Col(cData.mBoxRot, 1 ,cData.vCylinderAxis, vAxis);
if(dVector3Length2( vAxis ) > fEpsilon )
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 6 ))
return 0;
// axis CxA2
//vAxis = ( vCylinderAxis cross mthGetColM33f( mBoxRot, 2 ));
dVector3CrossMat3Col(cData.mBoxRot, 2 ,cData.vCylinderAxis, vAxis);
if(dVector3Length2( vAxis ) > fEpsilon )
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 7 ))
return 0;
int i = 0;
dVector3 vTemp1;
dVector3 vTemp2;
// here we check box's vertices axis
for(i=0; i< 8; i++)
//vAxis = ( vCylinderAxis cross (cData.avBoxVertices[i] - vCylinderPos));
//vAxis = ( vCylinderAxis cross vAxis );
if(dVector3Length2( vAxis ) > fEpsilon )
if (!_cldTestAxis( cData, vAxis, 8 + i ))
return 0;
// ************************************
// this is defined for first 12 axes
// normal of plane that contains top circle of cylinder
// center of top circle of cylinder
dVector3 vcc;
vcc[0] = (cData.vCylinderPos)[0] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vcc[1] = (cData.vCylinderPos)[1] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vcc[2] = (cData.vCylinderPos)[2] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
// ************************************
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[1], cData.avBoxVertices[0], 16))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[1], cData.avBoxVertices[3], 17))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[2], cData.avBoxVertices[3], 18))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[2], cData.avBoxVertices[0], 19))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[4], cData.avBoxVertices[1], 20))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[4], cData.avBoxVertices[7], 21))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[0], cData.avBoxVertices[7], 22))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[5], cData.avBoxVertices[3], 23))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[5], cData.avBoxVertices[6], 24))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[2], cData.avBoxVertices[6], 25))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[4], cData.avBoxVertices[5], 26))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[6], cData.avBoxVertices[7], 27))
return 0;
// ************************************
// this is defined for second 12 axes
// normal of plane that contains bottom circle of cylinder
// center of bottom circle of cylinder
// vcc = vCylinderPos - vCylinderAxis*(fCylinderSize*REAL(0.5));
vcc[0] = (cData.vCylinderPos)[0] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vcc[1] = (cData.vCylinderPos)[1] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vcc[2] = (cData.vCylinderPos)[2] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
// ************************************
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[1], cData.avBoxVertices[0], 28))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[1], cData.avBoxVertices[3], 29))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[2], cData.avBoxVertices[3], 30))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[2], cData.avBoxVertices[0], 31))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[4], cData.avBoxVertices[1], 32))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[4], cData.avBoxVertices[7], 33))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[0], cData.avBoxVertices[7], 34))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[5], cData.avBoxVertices[3], 35))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[5], cData.avBoxVertices[6], 36))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[2], cData.avBoxVertices[6], 37))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[4], cData.avBoxVertices[5], 38))
return 0;
if (!_cldTestEdgeCircleAxis( cData, vcc, cData.avBoxVertices[6], cData.avBoxVertices[7], 39))
return 0;
return 1;
int _cldClipCylinderToBox(sCylinderBoxData& cData)
// calculate that vector perpendicular to cylinder axis which closes lowest angle with collision normal
dVector3 vN;
dReal fTemp1 = dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis,cData.vNormal);
vN[0] = cData.vNormal[0] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],fTemp1);
vN[1] = cData.vNormal[1] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],fTemp1);
vN[2] = cData.vNormal[2] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],fTemp1);
// normalize that vector
// translate cylinder end points by the vector
dVector3 vCposTrans;
vCposTrans[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] + dMUL(vN[0],cData.fCylinderRadius);
vCposTrans[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] + dMUL(vN[1],cData.fCylinderRadius);
vCposTrans[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] + dMUL(vN[2],cData.fCylinderRadius);
cData.vEp0[0] = vCposTrans[0] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
cData.vEp0[1] = vCposTrans[1] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
cData.vEp0[2] = vCposTrans[2] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
cData.vEp1[0] = vCposTrans[0] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
cData.vEp1[1] = vCposTrans[1] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
cData.vEp1[2] = vCposTrans[2] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
// transform edge points in box space
cData.vEp0[0] -= cData.vBoxPos[0];
cData.vEp0[1] -= cData.vBoxPos[1];
cData.vEp0[2] -= cData.vBoxPos[2];
cData.vEp1[0] -= cData.vBoxPos[0];
cData.vEp1[1] -= cData.vBoxPos[1];
cData.vEp1[2] -= cData.vBoxPos[2];
dVector3 vTemp1;
// clip the edge to box
dVector4 plPlane;
// plane 0 +x
if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane ))
return 0;
// plane 1 +y
if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane ))
return 0;
// plane 2 +z
if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane ))
return 0;
// plane 3 -x
if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane ))
return 0;
// plane 4 -y
if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane ))
return 0;
// plane 5 -z
if(!dClipEdgeToPlane( cData.vEp0, cData.vEp1, plPlane ))
return 0;
// calculate depths for both contact points
cData.fDepth0 = cData.fBestrb + dVector3Dot(cData.vEp0, cData.vNormal);
cData.fDepth1 = cData.fBestrb + dVector3Dot(cData.vEp1, cData.vNormal);
// clamp depths to 0
cData.fDepth0 = REAL(0.0);
cData.fDepth1 = REAL(0.0);
// back transform edge points from box to absolute space
cData.vEp0[0] += cData.vBoxPos[0];
cData.vEp0[1] += cData.vBoxPos[1];
cData.vEp0[2] += cData.vBoxPos[2];
cData.vEp1[0] += cData.vBoxPos[0];
cData.vEp1[1] += cData.vBoxPos[1];
cData.vEp1[2] += cData.vBoxPos[2];
dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
Contact0->depth = cData.fDepth0;
Contact0->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
Contact0->g2 = cData.gBox;
dContactGeom* Contact1 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
Contact1->depth = cData.fDepth1;
Contact1->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
Contact1->g2 = cData.gBox;
return 1;
void _cldClipBoxToCylinder(sCylinderBoxData& cData )
dVector3 vCylinderCirclePos, vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel;
// check which circle from cylinder we take for clipping
if ( dVector3Dot(cData.vCylinderAxis, cData.vNormal) > REAL(0.0) )
// get top circle
vCylinderCirclePos[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vCylinderCirclePos[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vCylinderCirclePos[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] + dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[0] = REAL(0.0);
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[1] = REAL(0.0);
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[2] = REAL(0.0);
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[nCYLINDER_AXIS] = REAL(-1.0);
// get bottom circle
vCylinderCirclePos[0] = cData.vCylinderPos[0] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[0],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vCylinderCirclePos[1] = cData.vCylinderPos[1] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[1],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vCylinderCirclePos[2] = cData.vCylinderPos[2] - dMUL(cData.vCylinderAxis[2],dMUL(cData.fCylinderSize,REAL(0.5)));
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[0] = REAL(0.0);
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[1] = REAL(0.0);
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[2] = REAL(0.0);
vCylinderCircleNormal_Rel[nCYLINDER_AXIS] = REAL(1.0);
// vNr is normal in Box frame, pointing from Cylinder to Box
dVector3 vNr;
dMatrix3 mBoxInv;
// Find a way to use quaternion
dVector3 vAbsNormal;
vAbsNormal[0] = dFabs( vNr[0] );
vAbsNormal[1] = dFabs( vNr[1] );
vAbsNormal[2] = dFabs( vNr[2] );
// find which face in box is closest to cylinder
int iB0, iB1, iB2;
// Different from Croteam's code
if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[0])
// 1 > 0
if (vAbsNormal[0]> vAbsNormal[2])
// 0 > 2 -> 1 > 0 >2
iB0 = 1; iB1 = 0; iB2 = 2;
// 2 > 0-> Must compare 1 and 2
if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[2])
// 1 > 2 -> 1 > 2 > 0
iB0 = 1; iB1 = 2; iB2 = 0;
// 2 > 1 -> 2 > 1 > 0;
iB0 = 2; iB1 = 1; iB2 = 0;
// 0 > 1
if (vAbsNormal[1] > vAbsNormal[2])
// 1 > 2 -> 0 > 1 > 2
iB0 = 0; iB1 = 1; iB2 = 2;
// 2 > 1 -> Must compare 0 and 2
if (vAbsNormal[0] > vAbsNormal[2])
// 0 > 2 -> 0 > 2 > 1;
iB0 = 0; iB1 = 2; iB2 = 1;
// 2 > 0 -> 2 > 0 > 1;
iB0 = 2; iB1 = 0; iB2 = 1;
dVector3 vCenter;
// find center of box polygon
dVector3 vTemp;
if (vNr[iB0] > 0)
vCenter[0] = cData.vBoxPos[0] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0],vTemp[0]);
vCenter[1] = cData.vBoxPos[1] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0],vTemp[1]);
vCenter[2] = cData.vBoxPos[2] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0],vTemp[2]);
vCenter[0] = cData.vBoxPos[0] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0],vTemp[0]);
vCenter[1] = cData.vBoxPos[1] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0],vTemp[1]);
vCenter[2] = cData.vBoxPos[2] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB0],vTemp[2]);
// find the vertices of box polygon
dVector3 avPoints[4];
dVector3 avTempArray1[MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS];
dVector3 avTempArray2[MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS];
int i=0;
for(i=0; i<MAX_CYLBOX_CLIP_POINTS; i++)
avTempArray1[i][0] = REAL(0.0);
avTempArray1[i][1] = REAL(0.0);
avTempArray1[i][2] = REAL(0.0);
avTempArray2[i][0] = REAL(0.0);
avTempArray2[i][1] = REAL(0.0);
avTempArray2[i][2] = REAL(0.0);
dVector3 vAxis1, vAxis2;
avPoints[0][0] = vCenter[0] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[0]) - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[0]);
avPoints[0][1] = vCenter[1] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[1]) - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[1]);
avPoints[0][2] = vCenter[2] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[2]) - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[2]);
avPoints[1][0] = vCenter[0] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[0]) - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[0]);
avPoints[1][1] = vCenter[1] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[1]) - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[1]);
avPoints[1][2] = vCenter[2] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[2]) - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[2]);
avPoints[2][0] = vCenter[0] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[0]) + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[0]);
avPoints[2][1] = vCenter[1] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[1]) + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[1]);
avPoints[2][2] = vCenter[2] - dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[2]) + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[2]);
avPoints[3][0] = vCenter[0] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[0]) + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[0]);
avPoints[3][1] = vCenter[1] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[1]) + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[1]);
avPoints[3][2] = vCenter[2] + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB1],vAxis1[2]) + dMUL(cData.vBoxHalfSize[iB2],vAxis2[2]);
// transform box points to space of cylinder circle
dMatrix3 mCylinderInv;
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
int iTmpCounter1 = 0;
int iTmpCounter2 = 0;
dVector4 plPlane;
// plane of cylinder that contains circle for intersection
dClipPolyToPlane(avPoints, 4, avTempArray1, iTmpCounter1, plPlane);
// Body of base circle of Cylinder
int nCircleSegment = 0;
for (nCircleSegment = 0; nCircleSegment < nCYLINDER_SEGMENT; nCircleSegment++)
if (0 == (nCircleSegment % 2))
dClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray1 , iTmpCounter1 , avTempArray2, iTmpCounter2, plPlane);
dClipPolyToPlane( avTempArray2, iTmpCounter2, avTempArray1 , iTmpCounter1 , plPlane );
// back transform clipped points to absolute space
dReal ftmpdot;
dReal fTempDepth;
dVector3 vPoint;
if (nCircleSegment %2)
for( i=0; i<iTmpCounter2; i++)
vPoint[0] += vCylinderCirclePos[0];
vPoint[1] += vCylinderCirclePos[1];
vPoint[2] += vCylinderCirclePos[2];
ftmpdot = dVector3Dot(vTemp, cData.vNormal);
fTempDepth = cData.fBestrc - ftmpdot;
// Depth must be positive
if (fTempDepth > REAL(0.0))
// generate contacts
dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
Contact0->depth = fTempDepth;
Contact0->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
Contact0->g2 = cData.gBox;
for( i=0; i<iTmpCounter1; i++)
vPoint[0] += vCylinderCirclePos[0];
vPoint[1] += vCylinderCirclePos[1];
vPoint[2] += vCylinderCirclePos[2];
ftmpdot = dVector3Dot(vTemp, cData.vNormal);
fTempDepth = cData.fBestrc - ftmpdot;
// Depth must be positive
if (fTempDepth > REAL(0.0))
// generate contacts
dContactGeom* Contact0 = SAFECONTACT(cData.iFlags, cData.gContact, cData.nContacts, cData.iSkip);
Contact0->depth = fTempDepth;
Contact0->g1 = cData.gCylinder;
Contact0->g2 = cData.gBox;
// Cylinder - Box by CroTeam
// Ported by Nguyen Binh
int dCollideCylinderBox(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
sCylinderBoxData cData;
// Assign ODE stuff
cData.gCylinder = o1;
cData.gBox = o2;
cData.iFlags = flags;
cData.iSkip = skip;
cData.gContact = contact;
// initialize collider
_cldInitCylinderBox( cData );
// do intersection test and find best separating axis
if(!_cldTestSeparatingAxes( cData ) )
// if not found do nothing
return 0;
// if best separation axis is not found
if ( cData.iBestAxis == 0 )
// this should not happen (we should already exit in that case)
// do nothing
return 0;
dReal fdot = dVector3Dot(cData.vNormal,cData.vCylinderAxis);
// choose which clipping method are we going to apply
if (dFabs(fdot) < REAL(0.9) )
// clip cylinder over box
return 0;
return cData.nContacts;