DEADHEAD: Bug 1676 no longer applicable, resolved by bug 1924.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Stores attributes of note control. Since these attributes are
* sometimes stored by the dialog before constructing the
* control, this class is the interface for passing attributes
* from the dialog to the control.
#include <e32base.h>
class CEikImage;
class CEikLabel;
class CEikProgressInfo;
class CAknProgressTimer;
class CAknNoteControl;
class CAknTextControl;
class CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext;
class CCoeBrushAndPenContex;
class TAknsItemID;
* Indexes into iFlags.
* Can't use zero as this is the default behaviour (no flag indexes set).
enum TNoteFlags
ENoteNoTextWrapping = 1, ///< EAknNoteNoTextWrapping
ENoteNeedLayoutControl = 2, ///< When this flag is on, the note control needs layout
ENoteNeedLayoutDialog = 3, ///< When this flag is on, the dialog needs layout
ENoteNoTextProcessing = 4, ///< When this flag is on, the note performs no text processing
ENoteDoNotAllocateMem = 5,
ENoteAnimationStarted = 6,
ENoteLeftSKWhenTapped = 7, ///< EAknNoteLeftSoftkeyWhenTapped
ENoteWithSkinnableGraphics = 8 ///< EAknNoteFlagWithSkinnableGraphics
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknNoteAttributes) : public CBase
enum { EMaxNumberOfLabels = 5 };
CAknNoteAttributes(CAknNoteControl* aNoteControl);
CAknNoteAttributes& operator=(CAknNoteAttributes& aAttributes);
void ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aRes);
void SetAnimationL(TInt aResourceId);
void SetImageL(CEikImage* aImage);
void SetIconL(CEikImage* aIcon);
void SetFinalProgressValue(TInt aValue);
TInt IncrementBarsAndDraw(TInt aIncrement);
void CreateProgressBarL();
void SetTextPluralityL(TBool aIsPlural);
void SetTextNumberL(TInt aNumber);
void SetTextL(const TDesC& aText);
void SetTextL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aLineNum,const CFont* aFont, CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aLineWidths);
void AttemptOptimizedTextDrawingL(TInt aOldNumberOfLines);
void AllowOptimizedDrawing();
void StartAnimationL();
TInt CancelAnimation();
TPtrC Text() const;
void ParseTextL(const CFont* aFont, CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aLineWidths);
///Layout type
enum TLayoutType
EDialog = 0, ///Entire dialog needs layout.
EControl = 1 ///EControl: only control needs layout
TBool IsLayoutNeeded(const TLayoutType& aType = EDialog) const;
void SetLayoutDone(const TLayoutType& aType = EDialog);
void InvalidateLayout();
void TransferToControlL();
void TransferToControlL(CCoeControl* aControl);
static TInt StaticPictographCallBack( TAny* aPtr );
void PictographCallBack();
CAknNoteAttributes(const CAknNoteAttributes&); //not allowed
CAknTextControl* iNoteText; ///The note text
CEikImage* iImage; ///The note image at top right
CEikImage* iIcon; ///The small icon at bottom left (number type indic, etc)
CEikProgressInfo* iProgressBar; ///A progress bar for wait notes
CAknProgressTimer* iTimer; ///Time for progress bar
CAknBitmapAnimation* iAnimation; ///An animation replacing the image
TBitFlags iFlags; ///Flags that determine behavior
TBitFlags iClearFlags; ///Flags that inhibit behaviour, used in operator= only
TRect iBgRect; ///For nondialog controls
CAknNoteControl* iNoteControl; ///Not owned - The control that owns us or NULL
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* iBgContext;
CCoeBrushAndPenContext* iBrushAndPenContext;
public: // New skin utility functions
IMPORT_C static TAknsItemID GetSkinnedBitmapID(TInt aIcon);
void SetAnimationBackGroundFrameL();
private: // new data
TInt iAnimationID;
TBool iAllowOptimizedDrawing;
void HandleSkinChangeL();
HBufC* iImageFile;
TInt iImageId;
TInt iImageMask;
TAknsItemID iSkinIdForImage;