* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Default Epoc-style content handler.
#include <bautils.h> // For NearestLanguageFile(..)
#include <eikdoc.h> // CEikDocument
#include <AknQueryDialog.h> // CAknQueryDialog
#include <StringLoader.h> // For loading resource strings
#include <stringresourcereader.h> // CStringResourceReader
#include <sysutil.h> // For FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(..)
#include <uri16.h> // For url handling.
#include <avkon.rsg> // Avkon ids
#include <documenthandlerui.rsg> // Resource ids
#include "DocDefaultHandler.h" // Class decration
#include "DocSaver.h" // Saver util
#include "DocConstants.h" // Documenthandler constants
#include "DocResourceFile.h" // CDocResourceFile
#include <AiwGenericParam.h> // Generic parameters
#include <CAknMemorySelectionDialogMultiDrive.h>
#include <driveinfo.h> //DriveInfo
#include <AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <rsfwmountman.h>
#include "CAknMemorySelectionDialog.h" // CAknMemorySelectionDialog
#include "pathinfo.h" // PathInfo
#include <featmgr.h> // FeatureManager
#include <contentnotification.hrh>
#include <contentcreatedevent.h>
#include <contentnotification.h>
#include <caf/caf.h>
#include <Oma2Agent.h>
#include <DcfEntry.h> // CDcfEntry
#include <DcfRep.h> // CDcfRep
#include <oem/distributablechecker.h>
#include <f32file.h>
using namespace ContentAccess;
_LIT( KFSName, "Fat" );
// ================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========================
LOCAL_C inline TBool NeedsToReplaceDcf2Extension( TDes& aFileName )
TParsePtrC ptr( aFileName );
if ( ptr.ExtPresent() )
TPtrC ext( ptr.Ext() );
if( !KOma2DcfExtensionAudio().CompareF( ext ) ||
!KOma2DcfExtensionVideo().CompareF( ext ) ||
!KOma2DcfExtension().CompareF( ext ) )
// no need to replace extension.
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
const TDataType& aDataType,
const TUid& aUid,
CDocumentHandler* aDocDispatcher,
TDocServiceMode aServiceMode ) :
iApaLs( aDocDispatcher->ApaLs() ),
iDataType( aDataType ),
iDocDispatcher( aDocDispatcher ),
iFileManager( NULL ),
iSavedAsTemp( EFalse ),
iServiceMode( aServiceMode ),
iStatus( KErrNone ),
iUid( aUid ),
iOpenService( NULL ),
iMMCSaveAllowed ( ETrue )
// Destructor
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::~CDocDefaultHandler"));
iFs.Close(); // Close sessions
if ( iOpenService )
delete iOpenService;
delete iFileManager; // Delete members
delete iAiwParams;
delete iOutAiwParams;
delete iMimeExtensions;
delete iExtensions;
delete iIdle;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CDocDefaultHandler* CDocDefaultHandler::NewL(
const TDataType& aDataType,
const TUid& aUid,
CDocumentHandler* aDocDispatcher,
TDocServiceMode aServiceMode )
CDocDefaultHandler * self = NewLC( aDataType, aUid,
aDocDispatcher, aServiceMode );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phased constructor. Leaves the contructed instance in to the
// clean up stack.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CDocDefaultHandler* CDocDefaultHandler::NewLC(
const TDataType& aDataType,
const TUid& aUid,
CDocumentHandler* aDocDispatcher,
TDocServiceMode aServiceMode )
CDocDefaultHandler* self =
new ( ELeave ) CDocDefaultHandler( aDataType, aUid,
aDocDispatcher, aServiceMode );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Epoc contructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::BaseConstructL()
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() ); // Connect to servers
iFileManager = CFileMan::NewL( iFs );// Construct a filemanager
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SaveTempFileL()
// Save the content to the correct directory.
// This method is used from CDocumentHandler::SaveTempFileL()
// and CDocumentHandler::SaveL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SaveTempFileL(
const TDesC8& aContent,
const TUint aAttr,
TDes& aFileName)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SaveTempFileL(aContent, aAttr, aFileName) Called"));
TInt error = KErrNone; // Error code
if ( aContent.Size() == 0 ) // Check if there is anything to save.
return SetAndReturnStatus( KNullContent );
error = SaveChecksL(aContent);
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SaveTempFileL: error=%d after filename checks."), error);
if ( error == KErrNone )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SaveTempFileL: Trying to save the file..."));
iFs.MkDirAll( iDestFile );
RFile tempfile;
User::LeaveIfError( tempfile.Replace( iFs, iDestFile, EFileShareAny | EFileWrite) );
HBufC* waitNoteText = HBufC::NewLC( KDocWaitNoteMaxLen );
TPtr waitNoteTextPtr = waitNoteText->Des();
WaitNoteTextL( waitNoteTextPtr );
CDocAsyncSaver* asyncSaver = CDocAsyncSaver::NewLC();
waitNoteTextPtr );
User::LeaveIfError( asyncSaver->Status().Int() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // asyncSaver, waitNoteTextPtr
User::LeaveIfError( tempfile.SetAtt( aAttr, 0 ) );
// Put filename to aFileName
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SaveTempFileL: File %S saved and closed!"), &iDestFile);
return SetAndReturnStatus( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SaveChecksL()
// This method is called from SaveTempFileL.
// Check disk space for file and generate filename.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SaveChecksL(const TDesC8& aContent)
TInt error = KErrNone;
if (GenerateFileNameL( iUid, iDestFile, iDataType, aContent.Length() ) == KErrCancel)
return KUserCancel;
CheckDiskspaceL( aContent.Size() ); // Leave if not enough space to save.
TBool done = EFalse; // Try saving until done
TBool valid = iFs.IsValidName( iDestFile );
TBool exists = BaflUtils::FileExists( iFs, iDestFile );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SaveChecksL: Filename valid=%d"), valid);
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SaveChecksL: Filename exists=%d"), exists);
// If filename allready exists, generate new name without asking user
if ( exists || !valid )
GenerateTempFileNameL( iDestFile ,MaxNameLen() );
if ( error == KErrNone )
done = ETrue;
User::Leave( SetAndReturnStatus( error ) );
} // else
while ( !done );
// If file is saved to temp place, DocumentHandler is responsible of deleting this file.
if ( iSavedAsTemp )
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL()
// This method is called from CopyOrMoveL and CopyHandleL.
// Check disk space for file, generate filename and
// and show save as query to user.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL(TInt aDataSize)
TInt error = KErrNone; // Error code
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL: Enter, aDataSize = %d"), aDataSize);
if (GenerateFileNameL( iUid, iDestFile, iDataType, aDataSize) == KErrCancel)
return KUserCancel;
CheckDiskspaceL( aDataSize ); // Leave if not enough space to save.
// Make destination directories
error = iFs.MkDirAll( iDestFile );
if ( error != KErrAlreadyExists && error != KErrNone )
User::Leave( error ); // Something unexpected happend
TBool done = EFalse; // Try until done
TBool valid = iFs.IsValidName( iDestFile );
TBool exists = BaflUtils::FileExists( iFs, iDestFile );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL: Filename = %S"), &iDestFile);
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL: Filename valid=%d"), valid);
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL: Filename exists=%d"), exists);
// If filename allready exists, generate new name without asking
// user in case of SilentMove
if ( (DocOperation() == EDocSilentMove) &&
(exists || !valid) )
GenerateTempFileNameL( iDestFile ,MaxNameLen() );
else if ( !valid || (exists && !iSavedAsTemp) )
switch ( SaveAsQueryL( iDestFile ) )
case EDocFileCancelWrite:
done = ETrue;
error = KUserCancel;
case EDocFileOverWrite:
done = ETrue;
error = KErrNone;
case EDocFileRenameNew:
CheckFileNameExtensionL( iDestFile, iDataType );
User::Leave( SetAndReturnStatus( KErrUnknown ) );
} // switch
} // if
else // if
done = ETrue;
error = KErrNone;
} while ( !done );// while
// If file is saved to temp place, DocumentHandler is responsible of deleting this file.
if ( iSavedAsTemp )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CopyChecksAndQueriesL: Finished, error = %d"), error);
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CopyOrMoveL()
// Copy/Move file to the correct directory. DocOperation()
// tells what we do (copy/move/silentmove)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::CopyOrMoveL( const TUint aAttr )
TInt error = KErrNone; // Error code
TEntry fileEntry; // File entry
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Entry( iSourceFile, fileEntry ) );
error = CopyChecksAndQueriesL(fileEntry.iSize);
if ( error == KErrNone )
HBufC* waitNoteText = HBufC::NewLC( KDocWaitNoteMaxLen );
TPtr waitNoteTextPtr = waitNoteText->Des();
CDocAsyncSaver* asyncSaver = CDocAsyncSaver::NewLC();
if (DocOperation() == EDocSilentMove)
ETrue );
WaitNoteTextL( waitNoteTextPtr );
// This function is called either from MoveL or CopyL or SilentMoveL
if (DocOperation() == EDocMove)
EFalse );
waitNoteTextPtr );
error = asyncSaver->Status().Int();
User::LeaveIfError( error );
User::LeaveIfError( iFileManager->Attribs( iDestFile, aAttr, 0, TTime( 0 ), 0 ) );
if(asyncSaver->ShowDialog() && IsConfNoteAllowed())
HBufC* confNoteText = HBufC::NewLC( KDocConfNoteMaxLen );
TPtr confNoteTextPtr = confNoteText->Des();
ConfirmationNoteTextL( confNoteTextPtr );
CDocSaver::ConfNoteL( confNoteTextPtr, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // confNoteTextPtr
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // asyncSaver, waitNoteTextPtr
// Notify MediaGallery that its content may have been changed
// Notify DCFRepository about new file
// DcfRepository leaves if file is not-DRM file, so this call needs to be TRAPPED
return SetAndReturnStatus( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CopyHandleL()
// Copy file to the correct directory.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::CopyHandleL( const RFile& aSourceFile, const TUint aAttr )
TInt error = KErrNone; // Error code
TInt fileSize;
User::LeaveIfError( aSourceFile.Size(fileSize) );
error = CopyChecksAndQueriesL(fileSize);
if ( error == KErrNone )
HBufC* waitNoteText = HBufC::NewLC( KDocWaitNoteMaxLen );
TPtr waitNoteTextPtr = waitNoteText->Des();
WaitNoteTextL( waitNoteTextPtr );
CDocAsyncSaver* asyncSaver = CDocAsyncSaver::NewLC();
waitNoteTextPtr );
error = asyncSaver->Status().Int();
User::LeaveIfError( error );
User::LeaveIfError( iFileManager->Attribs( iDestFile, aAttr, 0, TTime( 0 ), 0 ) );
if(asyncSaver->ShowDialog() && IsConfNoteAllowed())
HBufC* confNoteText = HBufC::NewLC( KDocConfNoteMaxLen );
TPtr confNoteTextPtr = confNoteText->Des();
ConfirmationNoteTextL( confNoteTextPtr );
CDocSaver::ConfNoteL( confNoteTextPtr, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // confNoteTextPtr
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // asyncSaver, waitNoteTextPtr
// Notify MediaGallery that its content may have been changed
// Notify DCFRepository about new file
// DcfRepository leaves if file is not-DRM file, so this call needs to be TRAPPED
return SetAndReturnStatus( error );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SetSrcFileName()
// Check the name and sets iSourceFile if ok.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SetSrcFileName( const TDesC& aFileName )
aFileName.Length() <= KMaxFileName,
User::Panic( _L( "DocDefaultHandler" ), KErrBadName ) );
if ( !iFs.IsValidName( aFileName ) )
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrBadName );
iSourceFile = aFileName;
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SetDestName()
// Check the name and set iDestFile.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SetDestName( const TDesC &aFilename )
TParse parse;
parse.Set( aFilename, NULL, NULL );
// drop possible drive letter and path.
iDestFile.Copy( parse.NameAndExt() );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SetDestName : iDestFile=%S"), &iDestFile);
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SetRootPath()
// Set root path of File which should be used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SetRootPath( const TDesC& aRootPath )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SetRootPath : aRootPath=%S"), &aRootPath);
TChar rootChar = aRootPath[0];
TDriveList driveList;
TBool invalidRootPath = ETrue;
if( iFs.DriveList( driveList ) == KErrNone )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < driveList.Length(); i++ )
TDriveInfo info;
if ( iFs.Drive( info, i ) == KErrNone &&
info.iType != EMediaNotPresent )
TChar driveChar;
RFs::DriveToChar( i, driveChar );
if ( driveChar == rootChar)
invalidRootPath = EFalse;
if( !invalidRootPath )
iRootPath.Copy( aRootPath );
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone );
return KNotInitialized;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::AddToParamListL()
// Add parameters (gives as parameter) to iAiwParams
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::AddToParamListL(const CAiwGenericParamList& aParams)
// Clear previous parameters.
if (!iAiwParams)
iAiwParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL();
iAiwParams->AppendL( aParams );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::OutputParamsL()
// Is this method needed?
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const CAiwGenericParamList* CDocDefaultHandler::OutputParamsL()
/* TODO: How to get outputparams, or is these even needed?
if (iStore && iDictionary)
delete iOutAiwParams;
iOutAiwParams = NULL;
iOutAiwParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL();
RStoreReadStream stream;
TStreamId id = iDictionary->At(KUidEmbedOutputStream);
stream.OpenLC(*iStore, id);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
return iOutAiwParams;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SetDataType()
// Set the data type (iDataType)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::SetDataType( const TDataType& aDataType )
iDataType = aDataType;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::OpenFileEmbeddedL()
// Calls Avkon Open File Service with file handle which should
// be opened. Also UID of application which should be launched
// and iAiwParams is given as parameter.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::OpenFileEmbeddedL(RFile& aFileHandle )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::OpenFileEmbeddedL(aFileHandle) Called"));
if ( iOpenService )
delete iOpenService;
iOpenService = NULL;
iOpenService = CAknOpenFileService::NewL(iUid, aFileHandle, this, iAiwParams);
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::OpenFileEmbeddedL: Returns")) ;
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone ); // If we're still here, everything is ok.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::OpenFileL( )
// Calls RApaLsSession::StartDocument with file handle which
// should be launched on standalone.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::OpenFileL(RFile& aFileHandle )
TThreadId id;
User::LeaveIfError( iApaLs->StartDocument( aFileHandle, iDataType, id ) );
// If client try to open embedded, but handler application supports only
// stand-alone open, then we need to notify exit instantly to avoid problems.
if (DocOperation() == EDocOpenFileEmb)
if ( !iIdle )
iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
if ( !iIdle->IsActive() )
iIdle->Start( TCallBack( IdleNotifyServerAppExit, this ) );
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone ); // If we're still here, everything is ok.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IdleNotifyServerAppExit( )
// Used for notifying server app exit with CIdle when
// OpenFileEmbedded operation has actually opened stand-alone.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::IdleNotifyServerAppExit( TAny* aParam )
static_cast<CDocDefaultHandler*>( aParam )->HandleServerAppExit(0);
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::HandleServerAppExit()
// Delegates the exit signal to the listener registered for
// DocumentHandler. Tries to delete temporary file. If it
// fail we'll try again in the destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::HandleServerAppExit : Exit notified."));
if ( iExitNotified )
if ( iDocDispatcher->ServerAppExitObserver() )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::HandleServerAppExit : Exit notification forwarded."));
iDocDispatcher->ServerAppExitObserver()->HandleServerAppExit( aReason );
// We should base call in case of EAknCmdExit (to close client application)
if (aReason == EAknCmdExit)
iExitNotified = ETrue;
SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL()
// Check if there is possibility to save data to MMC
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL()
TBool retval = ETrue;
TResourceReader reader;
CDesCArrayFlat *exArr;
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL : Enter "));
// Check if MMC feature is supported.
if (!FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdMmc ) )
return EFalse;
// Check if there is MMC card inserted & ok.
if( !IsMMCLocked() ) // Request when unlocked.
TDriveUnit unit(PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath());
TInt drive( unit );
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
TInt error(iFs.Volume(volumeInfo, drive));
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
// It is not allowed to saving DRM protected file to MMC if this
// feature flag is defined.
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL : (KEEP_DRM) Let's check if MMC save allowed."));
if (!iMMCSaveAllowed)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL : (KEEP_DRM) iMMCSaveAllowed = EFalse"));
return EFalse;
// Check if this MIME type is listed as an exception which is never saved to MMC
// card.
exArr = reader.ReadDesCArrayL();
if (exArr)
TInt posTmp;
if (exArr->Find(iDataType.Des(), posTmp) == 0)
retval = EFalse;
delete exArr;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL : Finished and returns %d"), retval);
return retval;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::Status()
// Get the iStatus
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::Status() const
return iStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::GetPath()
// Return the path where the content was saved/copied
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::GetPath( TDes& aPath ) const
aPath.Copy( iDestFile );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CanOpen()
// Is the handler capable of opening the mime type
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::CanOpen() const
return ( iServiceMode == EDocOpenOnly || iServiceMode == EDocOpenAndSave );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CanSave()
// Is the handler capable of saving the mime type
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::CanSave() const
return ( iServiceMode == EDocSaveOnly || iServiceMode == EDocOpenAndSave );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsViewerOperation
// Is the operation viewing (ETrue) or saving (EFalse) operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsViewerOperation( TDocOperation aOperation )
switch ( aOperation )
case EDocOpenFile:
case EDocOpenFileEmb:
return ETrue;
case EDocCopy:
case EDocMove:
case EDocSilentMove:
case EDocSave:
case EDocSaveAs:
case EDocSaveTemp:
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsConfNoteAllowed()
// Are we allowed to show confirmation note. In case of
// SilentMove and viewer operation we are not allowed to
// show this note.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsConfNoteAllowed()
if (DocOperation() == EDocSilentMove || DocOperation() == EDocSaveTemp)
return EFalse;
return ( !IsViewerOperation( DocOperation() ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::HideFileExtension()
// Should we hide file extension. This should be overriden
// in derived handlers if needed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::HideFileExtension()
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CanOnlyBeSavedToPhoneMemory()
// check to see if the content can only be saved to Phone memory
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::CanOnlyBeSavedToPhoneMemoryL()
TBool retval = EFalse;
CDesCArrayFlat *exArr;
TResourceReader reader;
// It is not allowed to saving DRM protected file to MMC if this
// feature flag is defined.
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL : (KEEP_DRM) Let's check if MMC save allowed."));
if (!iMMCSaveAllowed)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CanBeSavedToMmcL : (KEEP_DRM) iMMCSaveAllowed = EFalse"));
return ETrue;
// Check if this MIME type is listed as an exception which is never saved to MMC
// card.
exArr = reader.ReadDesCArrayL();
if (exArr)
TInt posTmp;
if (exArr->Find(iDataType.Des(), posTmp) == 0)
retval = ETrue;
delete exArr;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
return retval;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::GetSystemDrivesCount()
// This should not be called when RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE flag is diabled
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::GetAvailableDrivesCountL()
TDriveList driveList;
TInt driveCount;
driveCount ) );
TInt driveListLen(driveList.Length());
TDriveNumber driveNumber;
TInt defaultPhoneMem( KErrNotFound );
DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultPhoneMemory, defaultPhoneMem );
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < driveListLen; ++i )
if ( driveList[ i ] ) // Non zero items are valid drives
if( defaultPhoneMem == driveNumber)
else if(IsDriveAvailableL(driveNumber))
return driveCount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsDriveAvailable( const TDriveNumber & aDriveNumber)
// check drive availability ie is it available for user read/write operations
// This should not be called when RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE flag is diabled
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsDriveAvailableL(const TInt & aDriveNumber)
TInt error;
TUint status=0;
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
error = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( iFs, aDriveNumber, status );
if( error )
return EFalse;
TFullName fsName;
error = iFs.FileSystemName( fsName, aDriveNumber );
return EFalse;
// if not mounted, try to mount it.
if( fsName.Length() == 0 )
error = iFs.MountFileSystem( KFSName,aDriveNumber );
switch( error )
case KErrNone:
case KErrLocked:
return EFalse;
error = iFs.Drive( driveInfo, aDriveNumber );
if( error && ( error != KErrLocked ) )
return EFalse;
error = iFs.Volume( volumeInfo, aDriveNumber );
if( error && ( error != KErrLocked ) ) // if memory card locked, don't return false
return EFalse;
if( driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemote )
/*TChar driveLetter;
iFs.DriveToChar( aDriveNumber, driveLetter );
//This statement migth cause leave.. to be solve
CRsfwMountMan* mountMgr = CRsfwMountMan::NewL( 0, NULL );
CleanupStack::PushL( mountMgr );
TRsfwMountInfo mountInfo;
error = mountMgr->GetMountInfo( driveLetter, mountInfo );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mountMgr );
if( error )
return EFalse;
/* Always return EFlase for Remote drives*/
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::GetDataDirL(
// Get the data directory for the mime type. Directory is
// saved finally to aPath.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::GetDataDirL(
const TDataType& aDataType,
const TUid& /*aUid*/,
TDes& aPath,
TInt aDataSize)
TFileName path; // The path
TFileName folder;
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GetDataDirL : Enter "));
if ( DocOperation() == EDocSaveTemp )
User::LeaveIfError( SetTemporaryPathL( aDataSize, path, ETrue ) );
// DocumentHandler will take care deleting this file
iSavedAsTemp = ETrue;
else if ( !IsViewerOperation( DocOperation() ) )
if (DocOperation() == EDocSilentMove)
TParsePtrC parse(iRootPath);
// If we try to save to MMC, let's check that it is allowed.
if( parse.Drive().CompareF( PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath().Left(2) ) == 0 )
if ( !CanBeSavedToMmcL() )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GetDataDir: Return ERROR, we are not allowed to save to MMC."));
return KErrCancel;
path.Copy( iRootPath );
else if( (!CanOnlyBeSavedToPhoneMemoryL())&&(1 < GetAvailableDrivesCountL()) )
TFileName defaultFolder;
CAknMemorySelectionDialogMultiDrive* dlg =NULL;
// Remote drives are not shown in the list of available drives.. FIX for error ANAE-76S7KX
dlg = CAknMemorySelectionDialogMultiDrive::NewL(ECFDDialogTypeBrowse,0,EFalse,
AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypePhone | AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeInternalMassStorage | AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeMMCExternal);
CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
TDriveNumber driveNumber;
TBool result(dlg->ExecuteL(driveNumber,&path,&defaultFolder));// driveNumber );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dlg );
if (!result)
SetAndReturnStatus( KErrCancel );
return KErrCancel;
else if ( CanBeSavedToMmcL() )
CAknMemorySelectionDialog::TMemory mem( CAknMemorySelectionDialog::EPhoneMemory);
TFileName defaultFolder;
CAknMemorySelectionDialog* memoryDialog = CAknMemorySelectionDialog::NewL(
EFalse );
CleanupStack::PushL( memoryDialog );
TBool result( memoryDialog->ExecuteL( mem, &path, &defaultFolder ) );
if (!result)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // memoryDialog
SetAndReturnStatus( KErrCancel );
return KErrCancel;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // memoryDialog
path.Copy( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() );
if ( iUid.iUid == 0 ) // Data type not supported
folder.Copy( PathInfo::OthersPath() );
else // Data type supported
iMediaGalleryData = GetDefaultFolderForDataTypeL( aDataType, folder );
if ( !iMediaGalleryData ) // Non-gallery files
if ( IsInstallerData() ) // Installable files.
folder.Copy( PathInfo::InstallsPath() );
else // Other supported non-gallery files.
folder.Copy( PathInfo::OthersPath() );
// do nothing
if ( DocOperation() != EDocSaveTemp )
if (( folder.Length() == 0 ) || ( path.Length() == 0 ))
User::LeaveIfError(SetTemporaryPathL(aDataSize, path, EFalse));
// DocumentHandler will take care deleting this file
iSavedAsTemp = ETrue;
path.Append( folder );
TParsePtr parse( path );
if ( parse.NamePresent() ) // There is no '\' in the end.
path.Append( _L( "\\" ) ); // Append it. We need it!
aPath.Copy( path );
return SetAndReturnStatus( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::QueryRenameL()
// Ask from the user if he wants to rename aName
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::QueryRenameL( const TDesC& aName )
TParsePtrC parse( aName );
HideFileExtension() ?
parse.NameAndExt() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::QueryOverWriteL()
// Ask from the user if he wants to overwrite aName
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::QueryOverWriteL( const TDesC& aName )
TParsePtrC parse( aName );
HideFileExtension() ?
parse.NameAndExt() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::QueryNewNameL()
// Ask a new name for aName from the user.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::QueryNewNameL( TFileName& aName, const TInt aMaxLen )
TBool cancel( EFalse );
TBool valid( EFalse );
CApaApplication::GenerateFileName( iFs, aName );
TParsePtr parse( aName );
HBufC* extension = HBufC::NewLC( parse.Ext().Length() );
extension->Des().Copy( parse.Ext() );
TFileName name;
if ( HideFileExtension() )
name.Copy( parse.Name() );
name.Copy( parse.NameAndExt() );
TInt len = Min( KMaxFileName - KLengthOfFileExtension - parse.DriveAndPath().Length(),
if ( HideFileExtension() )
len -= extension->Des().Length();
if ( len <= 0 )
User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
if (name.Length() > len)
if ( HideFileExtension() )
name.SetLength( len );
name.SetLength( len - extension->Des().Length() );
name.Append( *extension );
CAknTextQueryDialog* dlg = new( ELeave ) CAknTextQueryDialog( name );
dlg->SetMaxLength( len );
valid = iFs.IsValidName( name ) ;
if ( !valid )
CAknNoteDialog* note = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone, CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout);
HBufC* noteText = NULL;
note->SetTextL( *noteText );
cancel = EFalse;
aName.Copy( parse.DriveAndPath() );
aName.Append( name );
if ( HideFileExtension() )
aName.Append( extension->Des() );
cancel = EFalse;
cancel = ETrue;
while ( !valid && !cancel );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // extension
return !cancel;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateTempFileNameL()
// Creates a new name (based on existing name) without asking anything from user.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateTempFileNameL( TFileName& aName, const TInt aMaxLen )
TBool valid( EFalse );
CApaApplication::GenerateFileName( iFs, aName );
TParsePtr parse( aName );
HBufC* extension = HBufC::NewLC( parse.Ext().Length() );
extension->Des().Copy( parse.Ext() );
TFileName name;
if ( HideFileExtension() )
name.Copy( parse.Name() );
name.Copy( parse.NameAndExt() );
TInt len = Min( KMaxFileName - KLengthOfFileExtension - parse.DriveAndPath().Length(), aMaxLen);
if ( HideFileExtension() )
len -= extension->Des().Length();
if ( len <= 0 )
User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
if (name.Length() > len)
if ( HideFileExtension() )
name.SetLength( len );
name.SetLength( len - extension->Des().Length() );
name.Append( *extension );
valid = iFs.IsValidName( name ) ;
if ( !valid )
User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
aName.Copy( parse.DriveAndPath() );
aName.Append( name );
if ( HideFileExtension() )
aName.Append( extension->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // extension
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TCDocDefaultHandler::SaveAsQueryL()
// Run "save as" dialog chain.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDocSaveAsResult CDocDefaultHandler::SaveAsQueryL( TFileName& aPath )
TDocSaveAsResult response = EDocFileCancelWrite;
TParsePtr parse( aPath );
if ( IsFileWritableL( aPath ) ) // If the file is writable.
{ // If the user wants to overwrite.
if ( QueryOverWriteL( parse.NameAndExt() ) )
response = EDocFileOverWrite; // Overwrite, please.
response = EDocFileRenameNew; // Rename please.
else // If the file is not writable.
{ // Ask if the user wants to rename.
if ( QueryRenameL( parse.NameAndExt() ) )
response = EDocFileRenameNew; // Rename, please.
response = EDocFileCancelWrite; // User cancelled.
if ( response == EDocFileRenameNew ) // Ask the user to rename the file.
if ( !QueryNewNameL( aPath, MaxNameLen() ) ) // Run rename dialog.
response = EDocFileCancelWrite; // User cancelled.
return response;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::RunQueryDialogL()
// Run CAknQueryDialog with given resources.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::RunQueryDialogL(
TInt aDialogTypeResID,
TInt aStringResID,
const TDesC& aFileName )
TInt response;
HBufC* promptPtr = NULL;
promptPtr = StringLoader::LoadL( aStringResID, aFileName );
CleanupStack::PushL( promptPtr );
TPtrC prompt( promptPtr->Des() );
CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL( );
response = dlg->RunLD();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // promptPtr
return response;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateFileNameL()
// Try to generate a file name.
// 1. Try to find the handler app's default document name.
// 2. If failed, try to load DocHandler's document name. ("unnamed")
// 3. If still failed, use a hardcoded name
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateFileNameL(
const TUid& aUid,
TDes& aFileName,
const TDataType& aDataType,
TInt aDataSize)
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC mimetype = aDataType.Des();
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateFileNameL( %x, %S, %S ) Called"), aUid.iUid, &aFileName, &mimetype);
TFileName path;
TParsePtr parse( aFileName );
if ( parse.NamePresent() )
aFileName.Copy( parse.NameAndExt() );
TFileName resFileName;
// Find an application's resource file
if ( iAppInfo.iFullName.Length() > 0 )
TParsePtr appParse( iAppInfo.iFullName );
resFileName.Copy( resourceaApps ); //"\resource\apps\"
resFileName.Append( appParse.Name() ); //"\resource\apps\ap"
resFileName.Append( resExt ); //"\resource\apps\ap.rsc"
CStringResourceReader* reader = NULL;
( reader = CStringResourceReader::NewL( resFileName ) ) );
if ( error == KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PushL( reader ); // This is needed, it can leave!
aFileName = reader->ReadResourceString( EDefaultNameResourceOffset );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
// Use the docHandler's (fall back) doc name
if ( aFileName == errorStr || aFileName.Length() == 0 )
resFileName.Copy( KDocResourceFileName );
CStringResourceReader* reader = NULL;
( reader = CStringResourceReader::NewL( resFileName ) ) );
if ( error == KErrNone )
User::Panic( _L( "DocDefaultHandler" ), KErrNoMemory ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( reader ); // This is needed, it can leave!
aFileName = reader->ReadResourceString( EDefaultNameResourceOffset );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
if ( aFileName == errorStr || aFileName.Length() == 0 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateFileNameL: resource problem" ), KErrUnknown );
aFileName.Copy( KDocFallBackName );
CheckFileNameExtensionL( aFileName, aDataType );
if (GetDataDirL( iDataType, aUid, path, aDataSize ) == KErrCancel)
return KErrCancel;
aFileName.Insert( 0, path );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GenerateFileNameL exit, aFileName=\"%S\""), &aFileName);
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CheckDiskspaceL()
// Always leave if no space left on flash
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::CheckDiskspaceL( TInt aBytes )
// If MoveL command used, we do not need any more space because
// Symbian API renames the file -> we can skip this check
if (DocOperation() == EDocMove || DocOperation() == EDocSilentMove)
if (iDestFile.FindF( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() ) != KErrNotFound)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CheckDiskspaceL: Disk Space checked"));
if ( SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, aBytes ) )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CheckDiskspaceL: Leave with KErrDiskFull"));
User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::ReplaceExtension()
// Replace current extension at aName with extension given (eExt).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::ReplaceExtension( TDes& aName, const TDesC& aExt )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::ReplaceExtension: Enter, aName =%S, aExt=%S"),&aName, &aExt);
TInt dotPos = aName.LocateReverse( '.' );
if ( dotPos != KErrNotFound )
aName.Delete( dotPos, aName.Length()- dotPos );
aName.Append( aExt );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::AddRecourcesL()
// Calls CDocResourceFile::AddLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::AddResourcesL()
CDocResourceFile::AddLC( KDocResourceFileName, iFs );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::RemoveRecources()
// Calls CDocResourceFile::Remove()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::RemoveResources()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CheckFileNameExtensionL()
// We should not have to do this. But some recognizers
// don't work as expected and for example browser may suggest wrong file
// extensions (such as .asp).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::CheckFileNameExtensionL(
TDes &aFileName,
const TDataType& aDataType )
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC mimetype = aDataType.Des();
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CheckFileNameExtensionL: Enter, aFileName =%S, aDataType =%S"), &aFileName, &mimetype);
// Jad files should always have jad extension even proctected.
if ( aDataType.Des().FindF( KDocMimeJad ) != KErrNotFound )
// change extension to .jad
TBuf<6> ext;
ext.Copy( KDocExtJad );
ReplaceExtension( aFileName, ext );
// If we have iSourceFile available, we check first that is file DCF file.
// If it is, then we will use dcf file extensions, which override all other extensions.
if (iSourceFile.Length() > 0)
TInt ret = EFalse;
TBuf<6> ext;
CContent* content = NULL;
TRAPD(err,content = CContent::NewL( iSourceFile ));
if(err == KErrNone)
content->GetAttribute( ContentAccess::EIsProtected, ret );
if ( ret )
content->GetAttribute( EFileType, ret );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CheckFileNameExtensionL: GetAttribute called, ret =%d"), ret);
if ( ret == EOma1Dcf )
// change extension to .dcf
ext.Copy( KOma1DcfExtension );
ReplaceExtension( aFileName, ext );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // content
else if ( ret == EOma2Dcf )
// change extension to .odf if not already .o4a, .o4v or .odf
ext.Copy( KOma2DcfExtension );
if ( NeedsToReplaceDcf2Extension( aFileName ) )
ReplaceExtension( aFileName, ext );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // content
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // content
//if mime type=oma 2 dcf check extension separately
if ( aDataType.Des8().FindF( KOma2DcfContentType ) != KErrNotFound )
if ( NeedsToReplaceDcf2Extension( aFileName ) )
ReplaceExtension( aFileName, KOma2DcfExtension() );
if (!iMimeExtensions)
TResourceReader reader;
iMimeExtensions = reader.ReadDesCArrayL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
iExtensions = reader.ReadDesCArrayL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
TInt position;
TFileName mimeType;
if (!iMimeExtensions->Find(mimeType, position))
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CheckFileNameExtensionL: Founded from mapping table."));
TBuf<6> ext = iExtensions->MdcaPoint( position );
ext.Insert(0, _L("."));
ReplaceExtension( aFileName, ext );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::CheckFileNameExtensionL: Finished"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsFileInUse()
// Try to open file for writing. If it fails return EFalse.
// If it succeeds close the file and return ETrue?
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsFileInUse( const TDesC& aFileName )
RFile file;
TInt error;
TBool retValue = EFalse;
error = file.Open( iFs, aFileName, EFileWrite );
if ( error == KErrInUse || error == KErrLocked )
retValue = ETrue;
return retValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsFileWritableL()
// check if the file is read only or in use.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsFileWritableL( const TDesC& aFileName )
TEntry fileEntry;
TInt error = iFs.Entry( aFileName, fileEntry );
if ( error != KErrNone && error != KErrBadName )
User::Leave( error );
if ( fileEntry.IsReadOnly() || IsFileInUse( aFileName ) )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SetAndReturnStatus()
// Set iStatus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SetAndReturnStatus( TInt aErrorCode )
if (aErrorCode == KErrCancel)
iStatus = KErrNone;
iStatus = aErrorCode;
return iStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::DocOperation() const
// Return iOperation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDocOperation CDocDefaultHandler::DocOperation() const
return iDocDispatcher->DocOperation();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::PopulateAppInfo()
// Construct iAppInfo with iUid.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::PopulateAppInfo()
PopulateAppInfo( iUid );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::PopulateAppInfo()
// Construct iAppInfo.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::PopulateAppInfo( const TUid& aUid )
TInt error = iApaLs->GetAppInfo( iAppInfo, aUid );
if ( error != KErrNone )
// TODO: What happends if GetAppInfo fails?
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::MaxNameLen()
// Return max lenght of file name.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::MaxNameLen()
return KMaxFileName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::ReverseSlashes()
// Reverses slashes at aString ('/' -> '\').
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::ReverseSlashes(TDes& aString)
TInt findPos = aString.Locate('/');
while (findPos != KErrNotFound)
aString.Replace(findPos, 1, _L("\\"));
findPos = aString.Locate('/');
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsParameterAlreadyInList()
// Check if given parameter is allready on iAiwParams.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsParameterAlreadyInList(TGenericParamId aId)
if ( iAiwParams )
TInt index = 0;
iAiwParams->FindFirst(index, aId);
if (index!=KErrNotFound)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::WaitNoteTextL
// Resolve wait note text.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::WaitNoteTextL( TPtr& aTextPtr )
HBufC* text;
else if( iUid.iUid == 0 || !iMediaGalleryData )//KWmlcHandler == iUid.iUid )
TApaAppCaption caption;
ResolveCaptionName( caption );
text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DOCUMENT_HANDLER_SAVING_FILE_TO, caption );
aTextPtr.Copy( text->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // text
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::ConfirmationNoteTextL
// Resolve confirmation note text.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::ConfirmationNoteTextL( TPtr& aTextPtr )
HBufC* text;
TBuf<100> mime16;
mime16.Copy( iDataType.Des() );
else if( mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeSvg) != KErrNotFound
|| iUid.iUid == 0 || !iMediaGalleryData ) // Data type not supported.
TApaAppCaption caption;
ResolveCaptionName( caption );
text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DOCUMENT_HANDLER_FILE_SAVED_TO, caption );
aTextPtr.Copy( text->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // text
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::ResolveCaptionName
// Resolve confirmation note text.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::ResolveCaptionName( TApaAppCaption& aCaption )
if ( iMediaGalleryData || IsInstallerData() )
TBuf<100> mime16;
mime16.Copy( iDataType.Des() );
// Get app info for media gallery app or app manager.
TApaAppInfo appInfo;
TUid uid;
if( mime16.FindF( KMIMETypeImage ) != KErrNotFound )
uid = KPhotosUID3;
else if ( mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeVideo)!= KErrNotFound
|| mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeVideoReal)!= KErrNotFound
|| mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeVideoSdp)!= KErrNotFound )
uid = KVideoCenterAppUid;
else if( mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeAudioMpeg)!= KErrNotFound
|| mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeAudioMp4)!= KErrNotFound )
uid = KMusicPlayerAppUid;
else if(mime16.FindF(KMIMETypeAudio)!= KErrNotFound )
uid = KFileManagerUID3;
uid = KAppManagerUID3;
TInt error = iApaLs->GetAppInfo( appInfo, uid );
if ( error == KErrNone )
aCaption = appInfo.iCaption;
aCaption = iAppInfo.iCaption;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::GetDefaultFolderForDataTypeL()
// Get folder for given datatype. This info is get from
// documenthandlerui.rss file.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::GetDefaultFolderForDataTypeL(const TDataType& aDataType, TDes& result)
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC mimetype = aDataType.Des();
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GetDefaultFolderForDataTypeL: Enter, aDataType =%S"), &mimetype);
TResourceReader resReader;
CreateDocResourceReaderLC(resReader, R_DOCHANDLER_DEFAULT_PATH_ARRAY);
TBuf<100> mime16;
mime16.Copy( aDataType.Des() );
TInt count = resReader.ReadInt16();
TBool found = EFalse;
for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
HBufC* mimetype = resReader.ReadHBufCL();
CleanupStack::PushL( mimetype );
HBufC* path = resReader.ReadHBufCL();
CleanupStack::PushL( path );
if (mime16.FindF( *mimetype ) != KErrNotFound)
result.Copy( path->Des() );
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // mimetype, path
if (found)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // resReader
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::GetDefaultFolderForDataTypeL: Finished, returns =%d"), found);
return found;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsInstallerData()
// Check if application installer is handler application.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsInstallerData() const
TUid uid;
if (uid.iUid == KAppInstHandler)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::SetTemporaryPathL()
// Set temporary path to aPath. First choice to temporary
// place is
// -if we prefer private folder (aPrivate = ETrue) -> d:\[process_private_directory]
// -if not any need where to save -> d:\system\temp,
// Second choice is to save to c:\system\temp.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::SetTemporaryPathL(TInt aDataSize, TDes& aPath, TBool aPrivate)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::SetTemporaryPathL: Enter"));
//TDriveUnit unit(KDocDDriveRoot);
TDriveUnit unit(EDriveD);
TInt drive( unit );
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
TInt error(iFs.Volume(volumeInfo, drive));
if (error == KErrNone)
if (volumeInfo.iFree >= aDataSize)
if (aPrivate)
// Get process privatepath
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.PrivatePath(aPath) );
// Add used memory to beginning
// Set temp to drive D.
return KErrNone;
// Not enough space in drive D, try drive C instead
if ( SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, aDataSize ) )
return KErrDiskFull;
// Set temp to drive C
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::UpdateMediaGalleryIfNeededL()
// Calls MediaGallery Update method so that media gallery
// knows update its view.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::UpdateMediaGalleryIfNeededL()
if (!iSavedAsTemp)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::UpdateMediaGalleryIfNeededL: aFileName=\"%S\""), &iDestFile);
CContentNotification* notifier = CContentNotification::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( notifier );
CContentNotificationEvent* event = CContentCreatedEvent::NewL( iDestFile );
CleanupStack::PushL( event );
CArrayFixFlat<CContentNotificationEvent*>* eventArray;
eventArray = new CArrayFixFlat<CContentNotificationEvent*>(2);
CleanupStack::PushL( eventArray );
eventArray->AppendL( event );
User::LeaveIfError( notifier->SendNotification( eventArray->Array() ) );
eventArray->Delete( 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // eventArray, event, notifier.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::UpdateDCFRepositoryL()
// Update saved file to DCFRepository
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::UpdateDCFRepositoryL()
CDcfEntry* dcf = NULL;
dcf = CDcfEntry::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( dcf );
CDcfRep* dcfRep = NULL;
dcfRep = CDcfRep::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( dcfRep );
dcf->SetLocationL( iDestFile, 0 );
dcfRep->UpdateL( dcf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // dcf, dcfRep
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::HandlerAppUid()
// Returns handler application Uid.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::HandlerAppUid(TUid& aUid) const
aUid = iUid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::DeleteFile()
// Utility method: Delete file given in parameter if possible.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::DeleteFile(const TDesC& aFileName)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::DeleteFile: Trying to delete file %S "), &aFileName );
// Delete file, don't care about possible errors
TInt error = iFileManager->Delete( aFileName, 0 );
if ( error == KErrNone )
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::DeleteFile: Deleting succesful!"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL()
// Check if we are allowed to save MMC DRM content. Result
// is saved to iMMCSaveAllowed member variable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL(const TDesC& aSourceFile)
iMMCSaveAllowed = ETrue;
(void)aSourceFile; // This is because of removing warning
iMMCSaveAllowed = EFalse; // paranoia
CDistributableChecker* distributableChecker = CDistributableChecker::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( distributableChecker );
TBool isProtected( ETrue );
TInt err(KErrNone);
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL : (KEEP_DRM) Filename version. Created CDistributableChecker.") );
err = distributableChecker->Check( aSourceFile, isProtected );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL : (KEEP_DRM) isProtected =%d, err =%d."), isProtected, err);
if ( err == KErrNone && isProtected == EFalse )
iMMCSaveAllowed = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( distributableChecker );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL()
// Check if we are allowed to save MMC DRM content. Result
// is saved to iMMCSaveAllowed member variable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL(const RFile& aSourceFile)
iMMCSaveAllowed = ETrue;
(void)aSourceFile; // This is because of removing warning
iMMCSaveAllowed = EFalse; //paranoia
CDistributableChecker* distributableChecker = CDistributableChecker::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( distributableChecker );
TBool isProtected( ETrue );
TInt err(KErrNone);
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL : (KEEP_DRM) Filehandle version. Created CDistributableChecker.") );
RFile& source = const_cast<RFile&>(aSourceFile); // not nice, but needed to go between APIs
err = distributableChecker->Check( source, isProtected );
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print( _L("DocumentHandler: CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCSaveAllowedL : (KEEP_DRM) isProtected =%d, err =%d."), isProtected, err);
if ( err == KErrNone && isProtected == EFalse )
iMMCSaveAllowed = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( distributableChecker );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::CreateDocResourceReaderLC()
// Setup aReader (TResourceReader) for resource reading with
// aResourceID. This method is because need to use DocumentHandler
// services from server-side, where CCoeEnv is not available.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDocDefaultHandler::CreateDocResourceReaderLC(TResourceReader& aReader, TInt aResourceID)
TFileName resourceFile(KDocResourceFileName);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iFs, resourceFile );
RResourceFile rfile;
rfile.OpenL( iFs, resourceFile );
HBufC8* buffer = rfile.AllocReadL( (KRIMask & aResourceID) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // rfile
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCLocked()
// Checks if Mmc card is currently locked.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDocDefaultHandler::IsMMCLocked()
TBool ret = EFalse;
// Check if MMC mounted, mount if required
TInt err = TryMountMMC();
if( !err )
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
err = iFs.Drive( driveInfo, EDriveE );
if( !err )
if( driveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked )
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDocDefaultHandler::TryMountMMC()
// Mounts Mmc card.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDocDefaultHandler::TryMountMMC()
// Check if MMC mounted, mount if required
TFullName fsname;
// If can't use the drive, returns KErrNotFound
TInt err = iFs.FileSystemName( fsname, EDriveE );
if ( !err )
// MMC found. Checking if it is mounted
if ( fsname.Length( ) == 0 )
// Returns KErrLocked, if card locked and password not in store
err = iFs.MountFileSystem( KFSName, EDriveE );
return err;
// End of File