* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Avkon testability hook class definitions.
#include <AknTasHook.h>
#include <TasHookingInternalCRKeys.h>
#include "AknBatteryStrength.h"
#include "AknSignalStrength.h"
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <AknTasPluginInterface.h>
#include <TasDataModelInterface.h>
const TUid KUidTasHook = { 0xE000DEC4 };
const TInt KTasHookingOff = 0;
const TInt KTasHookingOn = 1;
* Simple wrapper macro for the RDebug::Print utility.
* Usage:
* DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( "CAknTasHook::ConstructL: Error %d in doing stuff" ), error ) )
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DEBUGPRINT( aFormatString ) { RDebug::Print aFormatString; }
#define DEBUGPRINT( aFormatString ) {}
class CAknTasClassInfo;
class CAknTasObjectInfo;
CAknTasClassInfo::CAknTasClassInfo() :
iClassName( NULL )
delete iClassName;
void CAknTasClassInfo::ConstructL( TDesC& aClassName )
// Allocate a copy of the given descriptor and take ownership of it
iClassName = aClassName.AllocL();
const TDesC& CAknTasClassInfo::GetClassName() const
return *iClassName;
TInt CAknTasClassInfo::MatchName(
const CAknTasClassInfo& aInfo1,
const CAknTasClassInfo& aInfo2 )
if ( aInfo1.GetClassName() == aInfo2.GetClassName() )
return 1;
return 0;
if ( iClassInfoArray )
delete iClassInfoArray;
void CAknTasObjectInfo::ConstructL(
TAny* aObjPtr,
TAknTasHookObjectType aObjType )
iObjPtr = aObjPtr; // not owned
if ( aObjPtr )
iClassInfoArray = new ( ELeave ) RPointerArray<CAknTasClassInfo>; // owned
iControlKey = TUint32( aObjPtr );
iObjType = aObjType;
iControlKey = 0;
TInt CAknTasObjectInfo::MatchByControl(
const CAknTasObjectInfo& aInfo1,
const CAknTasObjectInfo& aInfo2 )
if ( aInfo1.iControlKey == aInfo2.iControlKey )
return 1;
return 0;
void CAknTasObjectInfo::AddL( CAknTasClassInfo* aObjPtr )
iClassInfoArray->AppendL( aObjPtr );
EXPORT_C TBool CAknTasObjectInfo::IsA( TPtrC aClassName )
CAknTasClassInfo* classInfo = NULL;
TRAPD( err,
classInfo = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasClassInfo();
CleanupStack::PushL( classInfo );
classInfo->ConstructL( aClassName );
CleanupStack::Pop( classInfo ) );
if ( err )
if ( classInfo )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( classInfo );
return EFalse;
TIdentityRelation<CAknTasClassInfo> matcher( CAknTasClassInfo::MatchName );
TInt position = iClassInfoArray->Find( classInfo, matcher );
delete classInfo;
if ( position != KErrNotFound )
classInfo = ( *iClassInfoArray )[position];
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// Heap descriptor ownership passed to caller!
EXPORT_C HBufC* CAknTasObjectInfo::GetClassNames()
// Sum up the class name lengths and add room for the separators
TInt bufLength( 0 );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iClassInfoArray->Count(); i++ )
bufLength += ( *iClassInfoArray )[i]->GetClassName().Length() + 1;
// Create a buffer of needed length and make it empty
HBufC* buf = NULL;
TRAPD( err,
buf = HBufC::NewLC( bufLength );
CleanupStack::Pop( buf ) );
if ( err )
return NULL;
TPtr modifiableBuf = buf->Des();
if ( iClassInfoArray->Count() <= 0 )
return buf;
// Append class names and separators
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iClassInfoArray->Count(); i++ )
modifiableBuf.Append( ( *iClassInfoArray )[i]->GetClassName() );
if ( i + 1 < iClassInfoArray->Count() )
modifiableBuf.Append( _L( ":" ) );
return buf;
EXPORT_C TAny* CAknTasObjectInfo::GetControl() const
return iObjPtr;
EXPORT_C TAknTasHookObjectType CAknTasObjectInfo::Type() const
return iObjType;
CAknTasHook::CAknTasHook() :
CCoeStatic( KUidTasHook ),
iTasHookingEnabled( EFalse ),
iTasHookStoringEnabled( EFalse )
CAknTasHook* CAknTasHook::InstanceL()
CAknTasHook* instance =
static_cast<CAknTasHook*> ( CCoeEnv::Static( KUidTasHook ) );
if ( !instance )
instance = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasHook();
CleanupStack::PushL( instance );
CleanupStack::Pop( instance );
return instance;
CAknTasHook* CAknTasHook::Self()
CAknTasHook* instance =
static_cast<CAknTasHook*> ( CCoeEnv::Static( KUidTasHook ) );
if ( !instance )
return NULL;
return instance;
delete iTasPlugin;
if ( iHookingNotifyHandler )
delete iHookingNotifyHandler;
if ( iHookStoringNotifyHandler )
delete iHookStoringNotifyHandler;
delete iTasHookingRepo;
if ( iObjectInfoArray )
delete iObjectInfoArray;
void CAknTasHook::ConstructL()
iObjectInfoArray = new ( ELeave ) RPointerArray<CAknTasObjectInfo>; // owned
// Connect to TAS hooking CenRep repository
TRAPD( error, iTasHookingRepo = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidTasHooking ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( " CAknTasHook::ConstructL: Error %d in connecting to key 0x%x" ), error, KCRUidTasHooking.iUid ) )
User::Leave( error );
// Process the initial values and start listening
// for key changes in this repository
TRAP( error, iHookingNotifyHandler = CreateNotifyHandlerL( *iTasHookingRepo, KTasHooking ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( " CAknTasHook::ConstructL: Error %d in creating CenRep notify handler" ), error ) )
User::Leave( error );
TRAP( error, iHookingNotifyHandler->StartListeningL() );
if ( error != KErrNone )
DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( " CAknTasHook::ConstructL: Error %d in starting to listen" ), error ) )
User::Leave( error );
TRAP( error, iHookStoringNotifyHandler = CreateNotifyHandlerL( *iTasHookingRepo, KTasHookStoring ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( " CAknTasHook::ConstructL: Error %d in creating CenRep notify handler" ), error ) )
User::Leave( error );
TRAP( error, iHookStoringNotifyHandler->StartListeningL() );
if ( error != KErrNone )
DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( " CAknTasHook::ConstructL: Error %d in starting to listen" ), error ) )
User::Leave( error );
CCenRepNotifyHandler* CAknTasHook::CreateNotifyHandlerL(
CRepository& aRepository,
TUint32 aKey )
// Process the initial value, the 1st notication is only received when the
// value changes so we need to see if the hooking has already been activated
TInt initialValue;
TInt error = aRepository.Get( aKey, initialValue );
if ( error != KErrNone )
DEBUGPRINT( ( _L( " CAknTasHook::CreateNotifyHandlerL: Error %d in getting key value" ), error ) )
User::Leave( error );
HandleNotifyInt( aKey, initialValue );
// Create a new notify handler for the given integer key
return CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL( *this, aRepository, CCenRepNotifyHandler::EIntKey, aKey );
TBool CAknTasHook::Initialized()
if ( iObjectInfoArray )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CAknTasHook::AddL(
TAny* aObjPtr,
TPtrC aStrPtr,
TAknTasHookObjectType aObjType )
if ( !aObjPtr )
CAknTasHook* mePtr = InstanceL();
if ( mePtr )
mePtr->AddInfoL( aObjPtr, aStrPtr, aObjType );
void CAknTasHook::AddInfoL(
TAny* aObjPtr,
TPtrC aStrPtr,
TAknTasHookObjectType aObjType )
if ( iTasHookStoringEnabled )
CAknTasObjectInfo* objInfo = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasObjectInfo();
CleanupStack::PushL( objInfo );
objInfo->ConstructL( aObjPtr, aObjType );
CleanupStack::Pop( objInfo );
CAknTasClassInfo* classInfo = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasClassInfo();
CleanupStack::PushL( classInfo );
classInfo->ConstructL( aStrPtr );
CleanupStack::Pop( classInfo );
if ( iObjectInfoArray->Count() <= 0 )
objInfo->AddL( classInfo );
iObjectInfoArray->AppendL( objInfo );
TIdentityRelation<CAknTasObjectInfo> matcher( CAknTasObjectInfo::MatchByControl );
TInt position = iObjectInfoArray->Find( objInfo, matcher );
if ( position != KErrNotFound )
delete objInfo;
objInfo = ( *iObjectInfoArray )[position];
iObjectInfoArray->AppendL( objInfo );
objInfo->AddL( classInfo );
EXPORT_C CAknTasObjectInfo* CAknTasHook::Get( TAny* aObjPtr )
CAknTasHook* mePtr = Self();
if ( !mePtr->iTasHookingEnabled )
return NULL;
if ( mePtr )
return mePtr->GetInfo( aObjPtr );
return NULL;
CAknTasObjectInfo* CAknTasHook::GetInfo( TAny* aObjPtr )
CAknTasObjectInfo* objInfo = NULL;
TRAPD( err,
objInfo = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasObjectInfo();
CleanupStack::PushL( objInfo );
objInfo->ConstructL( aObjPtr ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( objInfo );
if ( err )
if ( objInfo )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( objInfo );
return NULL;
TIdentityRelation<CAknTasObjectInfo> matcher( CAknTasObjectInfo::MatchByControl );
TInt position = iObjectInfoArray->Find( objInfo, matcher );
delete objInfo;
if ( position != KErrNotFound )
return ( *iObjectInfoArray )[position];
return NULL;
TBool CAknTasHook::ExistsL( TAny* aObjPtr )
CAknTasHook* mePtr = InstanceL();
return mePtr->InfoExistsL( aObjPtr );
TBool CAknTasHook::InfoExistsL( TAny* aObjPtr )
if ( iObjectInfoArray->Count() <= 0 )
return EFalse;
CAknTasObjectInfo* objInfo = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasObjectInfo();
CleanupStack::PushL( objInfo );
objInfo->ConstructL( aObjPtr );
CleanupStack::Pop( objInfo );
TIdentityRelation<CAknTasObjectInfo> matcher( CAknTasObjectInfo::MatchByControl );
TInt position = iObjectInfoArray->Find( objInfo, matcher );
delete objInfo;
if ( position != KErrNotFound )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CAknTasHook::Remove( TAny* aObjPtr )
CAknTasHook* mePtr = Self();
if ( mePtr )
TInt err( KErrNone );
TRAP( err, mePtr->RemoveInfoL( aObjPtr ) );
void CAknTasHook::RemoveInfoL( TAny* aObjPtr )
if ( iTasHookStoringEnabled )
if ( iObjectInfoArray->Count() <= 0 )
CAknTasObjectInfo* objInfo = new ( ELeave ) CAknTasObjectInfo();
CleanupStack::PushL( objInfo );
objInfo->ConstructL( aObjPtr );
CleanupStack::Pop( objInfo );
TIdentityRelation<CAknTasObjectInfo> matcher( CAknTasObjectInfo::MatchByControl );
TInt position = iObjectInfoArray->Find( objInfo, matcher );
delete objInfo;
if ( position != KErrNotFound )
objInfo = ( *iObjectInfoArray )[position];
iObjectInfoArray->Remove( position );
delete objInfo;
EXPORT_C RPointerArray<CAknTasObjectInfo>* CAknTasHook::GetAll()
if ( !iTasHookingEnabled )
return NULL;
return iObjectInfoArray;
EXPORT_C void CAknTasHook::GetAknUiLC( MTasObject& aParentApplication )
if ( !iTasHookingEnabled )
TInt numObjects = iObjectInfoArray->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numObjects; i++ )
CAknTasObjectInfo* objInfo = ( *iObjectInfoArray )[i];
if ( objInfo->IsA( _L( "CAknBatteryStrength" ) ) )
if ( !CheckSanityL( ( CCoeControl* ) objInfo->GetControl() ) )
CAknBatteryStrength* battery =
static_cast<CAknBatteryStrength*>( objInfo->GetControl() );
if ( battery )
MTasObject& tasObj = aParentApplication.AddObjectL();
//tasObj.AddAttributeL( _L( "Id" ), objInfo->iControlKey );
tasObj.SetNameL( _L( "CAknBatteryStrength" ) );
tasObj.SetTypeL( _L( "indicator" ) );
tasObj.SetIdL( objInfo->iControlKey );
tasObj.AddAttributeL( _L( "Level" ), battery->BatteryLevel() );
tasObj.AddAttributeL( _L( "Recharging" ), battery->Recharging() );
AddCommonCoeInfoL( ( CCoeControl* ) objInfo->GetControl(), tasObj );
else if ( objInfo->IsA( _L( "CAknSignalStrength" ) ) )
if ( !CheckSanityL( ( CCoeControl* )objInfo->GetControl() ) )
CAknSignalStrength* signal =
static_cast<CAknSignalStrength*>( objInfo->GetControl() );
if ( signal )
MTasObject& tasObj = aParentApplication.AddObjectL();
//tasObj.AddAttributeL( _L( "Id" ), objInfo->iControlKey );
tasObj.SetNameL( _L( "CAknSignalStrength" ) );
tasObj.SetTypeL( _L( "indicator" ) );
tasObj.SetIdL( objInfo->iControlKey );
tasObj.AddAttributeL( _L( "Level" ), signal->SignalLevel() );
AddCommonCoeInfoL( ( CCoeControl* ) objInfo->GetControl(), tasObj );
void CAknTasHook::AddCommonCoeInfoL( CCoeControl* aObjPtr, MTasObject& aObjectInfo )
//add positional details
TRect absoluteRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( aObjPtr->OwnsWindow() )
RDrawableWindow* window = aObjPtr->DrawableWindow();
if ( window )
TRect tempRect( window->AbsPosition(), window->Size() );
absoluteRect = tempRect;
TRect tempRect( aObjPtr->PositionRelativeToScreen(), aObjPtr->Size() );
absoluteRect = tempRect;
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "X" ), absoluteRect.iTl.iX );
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "Y" ), absoluteRect.iTl.iY );
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "Width" ), absoluteRect.Width() );
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "Height" ), absoluteRect.Height() );
//some general details
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "Visible" ), ( aObjPtr->IsVisible()? _L( "TRUE" ) : _L( "FALSE" ) ) );
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "Focused" ), ( aObjPtr->IsFocused()? _L( "TRUE" ): _L( "FALSE" ) ) );
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "Dimmed" ), ( aObjPtr->IsDimmed()? _L( "TRUE" ): _L( "FALSE" ) ) );
aObjectInfo.AddAttributeL( _L( "HasBorder" ), ( aObjPtr->HasBorder()? _L( "TRUE" ): _L( "FALSE" ) ) );
void CAknTasHook::HandleNotifyInt( TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue )
if ( aId == KTasHooking )
if ( aNewValue == KTasHookingOn && !iTasHookingEnabled )
TRAPD( errorCreate, iTasPlugin = CAknTasPluginInterface::NewL() );
if ( errorCreate != KErrNone )
iTasHookingEnabled = EFalse;
TRAPD( errorSet, iTasPlugin->SetHookInterfaceL( InstanceL() ) );
if ( errorSet != KErrNone )
delete iTasPlugin;
iTasPlugin = NULL;
iTasHookingEnabled = EFalse;
iTasHookingEnabled = ETrue;
else if ( aNewValue == KTasHookingOff && iTasHookingEnabled )
delete iTasPlugin;
iTasPlugin = NULL;
iTasHookingEnabled = EFalse;
// Invalid value
else if ( aId == KTasHookStoring )
if ( aNewValue == KTasHookingOn )
iTasHookStoringEnabled = ETrue;
else if ( aNewValue == KTasHookingOff )
iTasHookStoringEnabled = EFalse;
// Invalid value
// Wrong key
TBool CAknTasHook::CheckSanityL( CCoeControl* aControl )
// check the sanity of the object
if ( !aControl ||
!aControl->DrawableWindow() ||
!aControl->ControlEnv() ||
!aControl->IsVisible() )
return EFalse;
if ( !iTasPlugin->IsControlVisible( *aControl ) )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// End of File