changeset 0 7f85d04be362
child 30 5ec426854821
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Fill rule and filled data processing
    15 *  Version     : %version: tr1ido#17 % << Don't touch!
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <e32property.h>
    22 #include "upnpdlnautility.h"
    23 #include "cmsqlmainfactory.h"
    24 #include "mcmsqlmain.h"
    25 #include "cmdmmain.h"
    26 #include "cmfillrule.h"
    27 #include "cmfillrulecontainer.h"
    28 #include "cmsqlpropertyitem.h"
    29 #include "cmmediaserverfull.h"
    30 #include "cmfilllistitem.h"
    31 #include "cmfmmain.h"
    32 #include "cmfmao.h"
    33 #include "cmfmfillrulefilleddatamngr.h"
    34 #include "msdebug.h"
    36 // Constants
    37 const TInt KCmFmIniDownloadDataAmount = 300; // 300 kBs
    38 const TInt KCmFmIniDownloadTime = 1; // One second
    41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewL
    43 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 //
    45 CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr* CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewL(
    46     MCmFmFillRuleObserver* aObserver, CCmDmMain* aDBMngr,
    47     RPointerArray<CCmFillListItem>& aItems )
    48     {
    49     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewL() start"));    
    50     CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr* self = CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewLC(
    51         aObserver, aDBMngr, aItems );
    52     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    53     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewL() end")); 
    54     return self;
    55     }
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewLC
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 //    
    61 CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr* CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewLC(
    62     MCmFmFillRuleObserver* aObserver, CCmDmMain* aDBMngr,
    63     RPointerArray<CCmFillListItem>& aItems )
    64     {
    65     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewLC() start"));     
    66     CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr* self = 
    67         new ( ELeave ) CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr( aObserver, aDBMngr, 
    68                                                     aItems );
    69     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    70     self->ConstructL();
    71     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::NewLC() end"));     
    72     return self;  
    73     }    
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::~CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::~CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr()
    80     {
    81     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
    82         ~CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr() start"));
    83     Cancel();
    85     if ( iWrapper )
    86         {
    87         iWrapper->Close();    
    88         }    
    90     if ( iAo )
    91         {
    92         delete iAo;      
    93         }
    95     iObserver = NULL;
    96     iDBManager = NULL;
    98     if ( iContainer )
    99         {
   100         delete iContainer;    
   101         }
   103     iRuleArray.Reset();
   104     iRuleArray.Close();
   106     iUpdateItems.Reset();
   107     iUpdateItems.Close();        
   109     iPropertys.ResetAndDestroy();
   111     iFileIds.Close();
   112     iMetadataServersToBeDeleted.Close();
   113     iOldIds.Close();
   114     iFs.Close();
   115     iFilteredProfiles.Reset();
   116     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   117         ~CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr() end"));
   118     }
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr
   122 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 //            
   124 CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr( 
   125     MCmFmFillRuleObserver* aObserver, CCmDmMain* aDBMngr,
   126     RPointerArray<CCmFillListItem>& aItems )
   127     :CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iObserver( aObserver ), 
   128     iDBManager( aDBMngr ), iItems(aItems)
   129     {
   130     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   131     CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr()"));    
   133     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
   134     iTransferInfo.iService = ECmServiceTransferInfoFill;
   135     }
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ConstructL
   139 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 //  
   141 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ConstructL()
   142     {
   143     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ConstructL()"));   
   144     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );                           
   145     }
   147 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::OperationCompletedL
   149 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 // 
   151 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::OperationCompletedL( TInt aStatus )
   152     {
   153     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   154     OperationCompletedL()"));
   156     iQueryFinished.HomeTime();
   157     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds usecsFrom = 
   158         iQueryFinished.MicroSecondsFrom( iQueryStart );
   159     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Query \
   160         took = %ld mseconds"), ( usecsFrom.Int64() / 1000 ) ));    
   162     if( KErrNone == aStatus )
   163         {
   164         switch( iProcessingState )
   165             {
   166             case ECmFmLoadingPropertys:
   167                 {
   168                 // Loading propertys ready
   169                 CompleteRequest( EColumnDataReady );
   170                 break;
   171                 }
   172             case ECmFmLoadingMetadata:
   173                 {
   174                 // Loading file metadata ready ( for one fill list )
   175                 iNewItemCount = iItems.Count() - iNewItemCount;              
   176                 CompleteRequest( EQueryCompleted );
   177                 break;
   178                 }
   179             case ECmFmDeletingMetadata:
   180                 {
   181                 // Metadata deleted from defined media servers
   182                 TRAPD( err, DeleteHashCodesL() );
   183                 iMetadataServersToBeDeleted.Reset();
   184                 iMetadataServersToBeDeleted.Close();
   185                 iWrapper->DeleteUnusedPropertys( );
   186                 if( !err )
   187                     {
   188                     CompleteRequest( EMetadataDeleted );
   189                     }
   190                 else
   191                     {
   192                     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t \
   193                         OperationCompletedL err %d "), err ));                    
   194                     }                                    
   195                 break;
   196                 }
   197             case ECmFmLoadingProfileIds:
   198                 {
   199                 DefineAndSetDlnaProfileIdFiltersL();
   200                 PreprocessListsL();
   201                 break;
   202                 }
   203             default:
   204                 {
   205                 LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t OperationCompletedL processing \
   206                 state not found"));
   207                 break;
   208                 }    
   209             }         
   210         }
   211     else
   212         {        
   213         TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t OperationCompletedL aStatus = %d"), 
   214             aStatus ));        
   215         }         
   216     }
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadProfileIdsL
   220 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 //
   222 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadProfileIdsL()
   223     {
   224     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadProfileIdsL()"));
   225     // Loads all dlna profile ids from database. Profile ids are used
   226     // to filter out unsupported media types
   227     iPropertys.ResetAndDestroy();
   228     iProcessingState = ECmFmLoadingProfileIds;
   229     CreateWrapperL();
   230     StartObserverL();
   231     iWrapper->GetPropertyValuesL( iPropertys, iAo->iStatus, 
   232         ECmProfileId, ECmAll );
   233     iQueryStart.HomeTime();
   234     iAo->RunL();    
   235     }
   237 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   238 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::PreprocessListsL
   239 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 // 
   241 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::PreprocessListsL()
   242     {
   243     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::PreprocessListsL()"));
   245 #ifdef _DEBUG
   246     TInt alloc;
   247     TInt cells = User::Heap().AllocSize( alloc );
   248     TInt size = User::Heap().Size();
   249     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t preprocess heap allocsize %d, \
   250     size %d, cells %d"), alloc, size, cells ));
   251 #endif
   252     iProcessingState = ECmFmIdle;  
   253     ResetData();
   254     // Creates sqlite wrapper and starts preprocessing of all fill lists
   255     TRAP_IGNORE( CreateWrapperL() );
   256     iTransferInfo.iTotalItems = KErrNone;
   257     iTransferInfo.iProcessedItems = KErrNone;        
   258     CompleteRequest( EPreProcessingStarted );   
   259     }
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::PreProcessListL
   263 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 // 
   265 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::PreProcessListL( 
   266     const TDesC8& aFillListName )
   267     {
   268     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::PreProcessListL()"));
   270     iProcessingState = ECmFmIdle;
   271     // Creates sqlite wrapper and starts preprocessing of 
   272     // one defined fill list 
   273     CreateWrapperL();
   274     ResetData();
   275     iContainer = CCmFillRuleContainer::NewL();     
   276     LoadRuleL( aFillListName );
   277     LoadAllFillItemsL();    
   278     CompleteRequest( ERandomizingStarted );
   279     }
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetColItemsL
   283 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 //
   285 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetColItemsL( TCmMetadataField aType, 
   286     TCmMediaType aMedia, CCmSqlPropertyContainer& aPropertys )
   287     {
   288     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetColItemsL()"));
   290     iPropertyContainer = NULL;
   291     iPropertyContainer = &aPropertys;
   292     iPropertys.ResetAndDestroy(); 
   293     iProcessingState = ECmFmLoadingPropertys;
   294     CreateWrapperL();
   295     StartObserverL();
   296     // starts loading defined propertys from database
   297     iWrapper->GetPropertyValuesL(iPropertys, iAo->iStatus, aType, aMedia );
   298     iQueryStart.HomeTime();
   299     iAo->RunL();
   300     }
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetMetadataItemsL
   304 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 //
   306 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetMetadataItemsL(
   307                                     CCmSqlPropertyCollector& aPropertys )
   308     {
   309     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   310     GetMetadataItemsL()"));
   312     iPropertyCollector = NULL;
   313     iPropertyCollector = &aPropertys;    
   314     iProcessingState = ECmFmLoadingPropertys;
   315     CreateWrapperL();
   316     StartObserverL();
   317     // starts loading property values. Selected artists, albums, genres and 
   318     // tracks are used as a filtering parameter ( e.g. if some artist is 
   319     // selected, only albums for that defined artist are loaded.
   320     iWrapper->GetFilteredPropertyValuesL( *iPropertyCollector, iAo->iStatus );
   321     iQueryStart.HomeTime();
   322     iAo->RunL();
   323     }
   325 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdatePriorities
   327 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   328 //    
   329 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdatePriorities()
   330     {
   331     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdatePriorities()"));
   333     CompleteRequest( EUpdatePriorities );
   334     }
   336 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoUpdatePrioritiesL
   338 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 //
   340 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoUpdatePrioritiesL()
   341     {
   342     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   343     DoUpdatePrioritiesL()"));
   345     // Updating first list item priorities    
   346 #ifdef _DEBUG
   347     TInt alloc;
   348     TInt cells = User::Heap().AllocSize( alloc );
   349     TInt size = User::Heap().Size();
   350     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t DoUpdatePrioritiesL start heap \
   351     allocsize %d, size %d, cells %d"), alloc, size, cells ));    
   352 #endif    
   354     CCmFillRuleContainer* container = LoadAllFillRulesL();
   355     CleanupStack::PushL( container );
   356     TInt err( UpdateListItemPriorities( container ) );
   357     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t UpdateListItemPriorities err = %d"), 
   358     err ));     
   359     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(container);
   360     CalculateAvgTransferTimeL();
   361     SendAvgTransferTime();
   363 #ifdef _DEBUG    
   364     cells = User::Heap().AllocSize( alloc );
   365     size = User::Heap().Size();
   366     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t DoUpdatePrioritiesL end heap \
   367     allocsize %d, size %d, cells %d"), alloc, size, cells ));
   368 #endif
   370     iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus( EDoUpdatePriorities );   
   371     }
   373 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoUpdateReferenceIdsL
   375 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 //
   377 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoUpdateReferenceIdsL()
   378     {
   379     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   380     DoUpdateReferenceIdsL()")); 
   382 #ifdef _DEBUG
   383     TInt alloc;
   384     TInt cells = User::Heap().AllocSize( alloc );
   385     TInt size = User::Heap().Size();
   386     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t DoUpdateReferenceIdsL start heap \
   387     allocsize %d, size %d, cells %d"), alloc, size, cells ));    
   388 #endif
   390     LoadAllFillItemsL();
   391     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Items loaded...")); 
   393     // Processing set referense ids into duplicate items
   394     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Processing ref ids..."));
   396     DoProcessReferenceValuesL();   
   398     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Ref ids processed..."));        
   399     UpdateFillItems();
   400     iItems.ResetAndDestroy();
   401     iItems.Close();
   402 #ifdef _DEBUG    
   403     cells = User::Heap().AllocSize( alloc );
   404     size = User::Heap().Size();
   405     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t DoUpdateReferenceIdsL end heap \
   406     allocsize %d, size %d, cells %d"), alloc, size, cells ));
   407 #endif     
   408     }
   410 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteMetadataL
   412 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 //
   414 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteMetadataL()
   415     {
   416     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteMetadataL()")); 
   418     iMetadataServersToBeDeleted.Reset();
   420     RPointerArray<CCmMediaServerFull> mediaServers;
   421     CleanupClosePushL( mediaServers );
   423     iDBManager->GetMediaServersL( mediaServers ); 
   425     TBool setSystemUpdateIDChange( EFalse );
   426     for( TInt i = 0; i < mediaServers.Count(); i++ )
   427         {
   428         // checks that server is either inactive or deleted
   429         if( mediaServers[i]->DbId() != 0 && 
   430             !( mediaServers[i]->FillUsage() ) )
   431             {
   432             iMetadataServersToBeDeleted.Append( mediaServers[i]->DbId() );
   433             TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t DbId = %ld"), 
   434                 mediaServers[i]->DbId() ));            
   436             mediaServers[i]->SetSystemUpdateID( KErrNotFound );
   438 			setSystemUpdateIDChange = ETrue;
   439             }
   440         }
   442 	if ( setSystemUpdateIDChange )
   443 		{
   444 		iDBManager->SetMediaServersL( mediaServers ); 	
   445 		}
   447     mediaServers.ResetAndDestroy();
   448     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &mediaServers );
   450     iProcessingState = ECmFmDeletingMetadata;
   451     CreateWrapperL();
   452     StartObserverL();
   453     iWrapper->AsyncMetadataDelete( iMetadataServersToBeDeleted, 
   454         iAo->iStatus );
   455     iQueryStart.HomeTime();
   456     iAo->RunL();        
   457     }
   459 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::SetMemoryCardQuota
   461 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   462 // 
   463 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::SetMemoryCardQuota( TInt64 aQuota )
   464     {
   465     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   466     SetMemoryCardQuota()")); 
   468     if( iWrapper )
   469         {
   470         iWrapper->SetQuota( aQuota );
   471         }
   472     }
   474 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CancelOperation
   476 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 //    
   478 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CancelOperation()
   479     {
   480     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CancelOperation()"));
   482     Cancel();    
   483     if( iWrapper )
   484         {
   485         iWrapper->CancelAsyncOperation();
   486         }
   487     DeleteWrapper(); 
   488     if( iAo )
   489         {
   490         if( iAo->IsActive() )
   491             {
   492             iAo->Cancel();
   493             } 
   494         delete iAo;
   495         iAo = NULL;      
   496         }
   497     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t iAo canceled..."));          
   498     iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus(EProcessingCanceled);           
   499     }
   501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateTransferHistoryData
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 //
   505 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateTransferHistoryData( 
   506     TInt64 aInterval, TInt64 aDataAmount, 
   507     TUint8 aServerId )
   508     {
   509     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   510     UpdateTransferHistoryData()")); 
   512     iDBManager->UpdateDownloadHistory( (TUint)aServerId, aDataAmount,
   513         aInterval );
   514     }
   516 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   517 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetFillItemsL
   518 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   519 //
   520 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetFillItemsL()
   521     {
   522     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetFillItemsL()")); 
   524     iItems.ResetAndDestroy();
   525     iItems.Close();
   526     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL(EAllFillFilesStatusQuery);
   527     iDBManager->GetAllFillFilesL( iItems, 
   528         ECmToBeShrinked|ECmToBeFilled|ECmFilled|ECmLocalCopy );
   529     }
   531 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   532 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetToBeDeletedL
   533 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 //
   535 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetToBeDeletedL(
   536     RPointerArray<CCmFillListItem>& aArray )
   537     {
   538     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetToBeDeletedL()")); 
   540     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL(EAllFillFilesStatusQuery);
   541     iDBManager->GetAllFillFilesL( aArray, ECmToBeRemoved );   
   542     }
   544 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   545 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateFillItems
   546 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 //    
   548 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateFillItems( TBool aCancel )
   549     {
   550     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateFillItems()")); 
   552     iDBManager->DeleteFillFiles();
   553     if( aCancel && iUpdateItems.Count() )
   554         {
   555         iDBManager->SetFillFiles( iUpdateItems );
   556         }
   557     else
   558         {
   559         iDBManager->SetFillFiles( iItems );
   560         }
   561     iUpdateItems.Reset();
   562     iUpdateItems.Close();
   564     iItems.ResetAndDestroy();
   565     iItems.Close();
   567     TRAP_IGNORE( CalculateAvgTransferTimeL() );
   568     SendAvgTransferTime();    
   569     }
   571 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   572 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateToBeDeleted
   573 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   574 //    
   575 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateToBeDeleted( 
   576     RPointerArray<CCmFillListItem>& aArray )
   577     {
   578     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   579     UpdateToBeDeleted()")); 
   581     // This function is needed when fill is processed only partially
   582     // Some of the to be deleted files are still on device
   583     iDBManager->SetFillFiles( aArray );
   584     aArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   585     aArray.Close();
   586     }
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetUuidL
   590 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   591 //
   592 TInt CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetUuidL( HBufC8*& aUuid, TUint8 aId )
   593     {
   594     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetUuidL()")); 
   596     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( EMediaServerUDNQuery );
   597     return iDBManager->QueryMediaServerUdn(aUuid, aId);      
   598     }
   600 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ResetData
   602 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 //  
   604 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ResetData()
   605     {
   606     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ResetData()")); 
   608     iNewItemCount = KErrNone;
   610     iRuleArray.Reset();
   611     iRuleArray.Close();
   613     iUpdateItems.Reset();
   614     iUpdateItems.Close();    
   616     iItems.ResetAndDestroy();
   617     iItems.Close();
   619     iFileIds.Close();
   620     iOldIds.Close(); 
   622     if( iContainer )
   623         {
   624         delete iContainer;
   625         iContainer = NULL;
   626         }              
   627     }
   629 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   630 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CalculateAvgTransferTimeL
   631 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   632 //
   633 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CalculateAvgTransferTimeL()
   634     {
   635     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   636     CalculateAvgTransferTimeL()")); 
   638     TInt64 ud(KErrNone);
   639     TInt64 dd(KErrNone);
   640     TInt64 ut(KErrNone);
   641     TInt64 dt(KErrNone);
   642     TInt64 size( KErrNone );
   643     TInt64 shrinkTime(KErrNone);
   644     TInt64 transferTime(KErrNone);
   645     TInt ret( KErrNone );   
   646     RPointerArray<CCmMediaServerFull> servers;
   647     CleanupClosePushL( servers );
   649     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( EMediaServersAllQuery );
   650     while( !ret )
   651         {
   652         CCmMediaServerFull* server = CCmMediaServerFull::NewLC();
   653         ret = iDBManager->QueryAllMediaServersL( server );
   654         if( !ret )
   655             {
   656             servers.Append( server );
   657             CleanupStack::Pop( server );
   658             }
   659         else
   660             {
   661             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( server );
   662             }   
   663         }
   664     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t servers.Count() = %d"),
   665         servers.Count() ));             
   666     for( TInt i = 0; i < servers.Count(); i++ )
   667         {
   668         iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL(ETransferHistoryQuery);
   669         TPtrC8 ser( servers[i]->MediaServer() );
   670         if( &ser )
   671             {
   672             iDBManager->QueryTransferHistory( 
   673                 ser, dd, ud, dt, ut );
   674             size = iDBManager->KBytesToBeFilled( 
   675                 GetMediaServerIdL(ser), 
   676                 ECmToBeShrinked|ECmToBeFilled );
   677             TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t data amount \
   678                 to be filled = %ld"), size ));
   680             TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t transferred data = %ld"),
   681                 dd )); 
   683             TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t transfer time = %ld"),
   684                 dt ));                                                 
   685             if( dd == KErrNone || dt == KErrNone )
   686                 {
   687                 dd = KCmFmIniDownloadDataAmount;
   688                 dt = KCmFmIniDownloadTime;
   689                 }
   690             // If server hasn't been handled    
   691             if( size != KErrNone )
   692                 {
   693                 transferTime = transferTime + (( dt * size ) / dd );
   694                 }
   695             TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t avg transfer time = %ld"),
   696                 transferTime ));                            
   697             }
   699         }
   700     servers.ResetAndDestroy();
   701     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &servers );
   703     TInt shrinkCount( iDBManager->FillFileCount(ECmToBeShrinked) );
   705     shrinkTime = (iDBManager->GetAvgImageShrinkTime() * shrinkCount);     
   707     TInt totalCount( iDBManager->FillFileCount( 
   708         ECmToBeShrinked|ECmToBeFilled ));
   709     transferTime = transferTime + ( shrinkTime / 1000 );
   710     if( KErrNone >= totalCount )
   711         {
   712         transferTime = KErrNone;
   713         }
   714     iDBManager->UpdateTransferInfo( ECmServiceFill, totalCount, 
   715         transferTime );             
   716     }
   718 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   719 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::SendAvgTransferTime
   720 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   721 //   
   722 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::SendAvgTransferTime()
   723     {
   724     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   725     SendAvgTransferTime()")); 
   727     // Load transfer information from database
   728     TInt err = iDBManager->GetTransferInfo( ECmServiceFill, 
   729         iTransferInfo.iProcessedItems, iTransferInfo.iTotalItems );
   731     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t GetTransferInfo returned %d"), err));
   733     TRACE( Print( _L(
   734         "[FILL MNGR]\t item count = %d, avg time = %d"),
   735             iTransferInfo.iProcessedItems, iTransferInfo.iTotalItems ));    
   736     iTransferInfo.iService = ECmServiceTransferInfoFill;
   738     TCmProgressInfoPckg transferInfoPckg( iTransferInfo );
   740     err = RProperty::Set( KCmPropertyCat, KCmProperty, 
   741         transferInfoPckg );
   743     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t RProperty::Set returned %d"), err));    
   744     }
   746 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   747 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetMediaServerIdL
   748 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   749 //     
   750 TInt64 CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::GetMediaServerIdL( const TDesC8& aUuid )
   751     {
   752     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   753     GetMediaServerIdL()")); 
   755     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( EMediaServerIdQuery );
   756     return iDBManager->QueryMediaServerId( aUuid ); 
   757     }
   759 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   760 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadSelectedFillRulesL
   761 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   762 //    
   763 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadSelectedFillRulesL()
   764     {
   765     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   766         LoadSelectedFillRulesL()"));
   768     RPointerArray<HBufC8> array;
   769     CleanupClosePushL( array );
   771     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( ESelectedFillRuleQuery );    
   772     iDBManager->QuerySelectedFillRuleNamesL( array, (TInt)ECmSelected );
   773     // Load selected fill rules to array ( using names as a query 
   774     // parameter ) 
   775     for( TInt i = 0; i < array.Count(); i++ ) 
   776         {
   777         LoadRuleL( *array[i] );
   778         }
   780     // Remove random rules. When fill manager is booted up first time 
   781     // Do not remove random rules => need to be processed
   782     // If list don't have any files on the list => process list
   783     for( TInt j = 0; j < iRuleArray.Count(); j++ )
   784         {
   785         if( ECmRandom == iRuleArray[j]->Method() || 
   786             ECmRandomAlbum == iRuleArray[j]->Method() ||
   787             ECmRandomTrack == iRuleArray[j]->Method() )
   788             {
   789             TInt count( KErrNone );
   790             iDBManager->GetFillFileCount(iRuleArray[j]->Name(), 
   791                 ECmToBeFilled|ECmToBeShrinked|ECmFilled|ECmLocalCopy, count );
   792             if( KErrNone < count )
   793                 {
   794                 LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Random rule is already processed"));
   795                 delete iRuleArray[j];
   796                 iRuleArray.Remove(j);
   797                 j--;                
   798                 }
   799             else
   800                 {
   801                 LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Random rule is not processed"));
   802                 // Don't remove rule
   803                 }
   804             }
   805         }
   806     for( TInt k = 0; k < iRuleArray.Count(); k++ )
   807         {
   808         if( KErrNone == iRuleArray[k]->MediaServerCount() )
   809             {
   810             LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t No Servers included in fill rule"));
   811             TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t => Any Server rule...")));
   812             }
   813         }
   815     array.ResetAndDestroy();
   816     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
   818     CompleteRequest( EFillRulesLoaded );       
   819     }
   821 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   822 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadAllFillRulesL
   823 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   824 //
   825 CCmFillRuleContainer* CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadAllFillRulesL()
   826     {
   827     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::FillRuleContainerL"));
   829     RPointerArray<HBufC8> array;
   830     CleanupClosePushL( array );
   832     // Query fill rule names
   833     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( EFillRuleNamesQuery );
   834     iDBManager->QueryFillRuleNamesL( array );
   835     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t fill rule array size is %d"), 
   836         array.Count()));
   838     CCmFillRuleContainer* ruleContainer = CCmFillRuleContainer::NewLC();
   839     for ( TInt i = 0; i < array.Count(); i++ )
   840         {
   841         // Query all fill rules
   842         CCmFillRule* rule = CCmFillRule::NewLC();
   843         rule->SetNameL( *(array[i]) );
   844         iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( EFillRuleQuery );
   845         iDBManager->QueryFillRuleL( rule );
   847         ruleContainer->AddFillRuleL( rule );
   848         CleanupStack::Pop( rule );
   849         }
   850     CleanupStack::Pop( ruleContainer );
   852     array.ResetAndDestroy();
   853     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
   855     return ruleContainer;
   856     }
   858 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   859 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadRuleL
   860 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   861 //
   862 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadRuleL( const TDesC8& aFillListName )
   863     {
   864     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadRuleL()")); 
   866     CCmFillRule* fillRule = CCmFillRule::NewLC();
   867     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL(EFillRuleQuery);
   868     fillRule->SetNameL( aFillListName );
   869     iDBManager->QueryFillRuleL( fillRule );
   870     iRuleArray.Append( fillRule );   
   871     iContainer->AddFillRuleL( fillRule );
   872     CleanupStack::Pop( fillRule );
   873     }
   875 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   876 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateListItemPriorities
   877 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   878 //
   879 TInt CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::UpdateListItemPriorities( 
   880     CCmFillRuleContainer* aContainer )
   881     {
   882     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   883     UpdateListItemPriorities()"));
   885     TInt err( KErrNone );
   886     err = iDBManager->UpdateFillListItemPriority( aContainer );            
   887     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t priority update err = %d"), 
   888         err ));            
   889     return err;    
   890     }
   892 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   893 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadMetadataL
   894 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   895 //    
   896 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadMetadataL( CCmFillRule* aFillRule )
   897     {
   898     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   899     LoadMetadataL()"));
   901     StartObserverL();    
   902     TRAPD( err, iWrapper->GetFillItemsL( iItems, *aFillRule, iAo->iStatus ) );
   903     if( !err )
   904         {
   905         iQueryStart.HomeTime();
   906         iAo->RunL();
   907         iNewItemCount = iItems.Count();
   908         //add the old item to list
   909         SelectFillListFiles( iOldIds, aFillRule->ListId() );
   910         iProcessingState = ECmFmLoadingMetadata;        
   911         }
   912     else
   913         {
   914         TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Metadata find err = %d"), err ));
   915         TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Skipping rule...")));
   916         iRuleArray.Remove(0);        
   917         iRuleArray.Compress();   
   918         /** Splitting long task into shorter ones */            
   919         CompleteRequest( ENextFillRule );       
   920         }        
   921     }
   923 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   924 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessReferenceValuesL
   925 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   926 // 
   927 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessReferenceValuesL()
   928     {
   929     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   930     ProcessReferenceValuesL()"));
   932     DoProcessReferenceValuesL();
   933     CompleteRequest( EProcessStatusValues );             
   934     }
   936 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   937 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoProcessReferenceValuesL
   938 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 // 
   940 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoProcessReferenceValuesL()
   941     {
   942     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
   943     DoProcessReferenceValuesL()"));
   945     RArray<TInt> refIds;
   946     CleanupClosePushL( refIds );
   948     TBool ref( EFalse );
   949     // Processing set referense ids into duplicate items
   950     for( TInt j = 0; j < iItems.Count(); j++ )
   951         {                       
   952         for( TInt k = iItems.Count() - 1; k >= KErrNone; k-- )
   953             {
   954             if( ( KErrNone == iItems[k]->PrimaryText().Compare(
   955                 iItems[j]->PrimaryText() )) && (iItems[k]->Size() 
   956                == iItems[j]->Size() ) && ( j != k ) && 
   957                     ( ECmSelected == iItems[j]->Selected() || 
   958                     ( ECmUnSelected == iItems[j]->Selected() && 
   959                     ECmUnSelected == iItems[k]->Selected() ) ) )
   960                 {
   961                 if( iItems[k]->Priority() > iItems[j]->Priority() )
   962                     {
   963                     refIds.InsertInOrder( k );
   964                     }
   965                 else if ( iItems[k]->Priority() < iItems[j]->Priority() )
   966                     {
   967                     // Some of the items are on the higher priority than
   968                     // iItems[ j ]
   969                     if( ECmUnSelected == iItems[k]->Selected() && 
   970                         ECmSelected == iItems[j]->Selected() )
   971                         {
   972                         refIds.InsertInOrder( k );
   973                         }
   974                     else
   975                         {
   976                         ref = ETrue;
   977                         }    
   978                     }
   979                 }
   980             // Check if there is a match on a selected list    
   981             if( ( KErrNone == iItems[k]->PrimaryText().Compare(
   982                 iItems[j]->PrimaryText() ) ) && ( iItems[k]->Size() 
   983                == iItems[j]->Size() ) && ( j != k ) && 
   984                     ( ECmUnSelected == iItems[j]->Selected() && 
   985                     ECmSelected == iItems[k]->Selected() ) && ( 
   986                     iItems[k]->Priority() < iItems[j]->Priority() ) )
   987                 {
   988                 // Do not set ref id to zero
   989                 ref = ETrue;
   990                 }
   991             }
   992         // Updating referense ids    
   993         for( TInt i = 0; i < refIds.Count(); i++ )
   994             {
   995             iItems[refIds[i]]->SetRefId( iItems[j]->DbId() );
   996             }
   997         if( !ref )
   998             {
   999             iItems[j]->SetRefId( 0 );
  1000             }
  1001         ref = EFalse;    
  1002         refIds.Reset();    
  1003         }
  1005     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &refIds );                     
  1006     }
  1008 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1009 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessDuplicates
  1010 // Processes duplicates. If same list has some item twice,
  1011 // newer one is removed from the list
  1012 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1013 //
  1014 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessDuplicates()
  1015     {
  1016     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
  1017     ProcessDuplicates()"));
  1019     TBool duplicateFound( EFalse );
  1021     for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileIds.Count() - 1; i++ )
  1022         {
  1023         duplicateFound = EFalse;
  1024         //Compare item with following items 
  1025         for( TInt j = i+1; j < iFileIds.Count() && !duplicateFound; j++ )
  1026             {
  1027             if( ( iFileIds[i] < iItems.Count() ) && 
  1028                 ( iFileIds[j] < iItems.Count() ) )
  1029                 {
  1030                 if( i != j && ( ( KErrNone == iItems[iFileIds[i]]->
  1031                     PrimaryText().Compare( 
  1032                     iItems[iFileIds[j]]->PrimaryText() ) ) 
  1033                     && ( iItems[iFileIds[i]]->Size() == 
  1034                     iItems[iFileIds[j]]->Size() ) || 
  1035                     iItems[iFileIds[i]]->DbId() == 
  1036                     iItems[iFileIds[j]]->DbId() ) ) 
  1037                     {
  1038                     if( ( ECmImage == iItems[iFileIds[j]]->MediaType() &&
  1039                          ECmToBeShrinked == iItems[iFileIds[i]]->Status()) ||
  1040                         ( ECmImage == iItems[iFileIds[j]]->MediaType() &&
  1041                           ECmToBeFilled == iItems[iFileIds[i]]->Status()) )
  1042 	                    {
  1043 	                    // if the media type is image and never be filled
  1044 	                    //before ,so do not change the new items status value
  1045 	                    //in this cycle , just delete the old items 	
  1046 	                    }
  1047 	                else
  1048 	                    {
  1049 	                    iItems[iFileIds[j]]->SetStatus( 
  1050                             iItems[iFileIds[i]]->Status() ) ;	
  1051 	                    }
  1052                     TRAP_IGNORE( iItems[iFileIds[j]]->SetPathL( 
  1053                         iItems[iFileIds[i]]->Path() ) );
  1054                     iItems[iFileIds[j]]->SetDriveId( 
  1055                         iItems[iFileIds[i]]->DriveId() );
  1056                     iItems[iFileIds[j]]->SetDriveNumber( 
  1057                         iItems[iFileIds[i]]->DriveNumber() );                                           
  1059                     duplicateFound = ETrue;
  1060                     }                
  1061                 }                           
  1062             }
  1063         //iItems[iFileIds[i]] is duplicated, should delete it
  1064         if( duplicateFound )
  1065             {
  1066             DoDeleteProcess( iFileIds[i] );
  1067             i--;
  1068             }
  1069         }  
  1070     iItems.Compress();
  1072     /** Spliting long task into shorter ones */            
  1073     CompleteRequest( EProcessReferenceValues );
  1074     }
  1076 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::SelectFillListFiles
  1078 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1079 //    
  1080 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::SelectFillListFiles( RArray<TInt>& aList,
  1081                                                        TUint8 aId )
  1082     {
  1083     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
  1084     SelectFillListFiles()"));
  1086     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t LIST ID = %d"), aId ));
  1087     aList.Reset();
  1088     aList.Close();
  1089     TInt count( iItems.Count() );
  1090     for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1091         {
  1092         if( iItems[i]->ListId() == aId )
  1093             {
  1094             aList.InsertInOrder( i );
  1095             }
  1096         }    
  1097     }
  1099 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1100 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessFileStatusValuesL
  1101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1102 //
  1103 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessFileStatusValuesL()
  1104     {
  1105     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
  1106     ProcessFileStatusValuesL()"));
  1108     // Let's update priorities,is it possible that priority has changed
  1109     // And list ids
  1110     TInt64 ruleSize( KErrNone );
  1111     TInt64 realSize( KErrNone );
  1112     TInt err( KErrNone );
  1113     if( iRuleArray.Count() > 0 )
  1114 	    {
  1115 	    TRAP( err, iDBManager->SetFillListRealCountAndSizeL( 
  1116 	        iRuleArray[0]->ListId(), 0, 0 ) );	
  1117 	    }
  1119     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Size set err = %d"), 
  1120         err ));                    
  1121     TInt64 realCount( iFileIds.Count() );
  1122     for( TInt k = ( iFileIds.Count() - 1 ); k >= KErrNone && 
  1123         iFileIds[k] < iItems.Count() ; k-- )
  1124         {
  1125         // Update priority
  1126         iItems[iFileIds[k]]->SetPriority( iRuleArray[0]->Priority() );
  1127         // Update list id
  1128         iItems[iFileIds[k]]->SetListId( iRuleArray[0]->ListId() );        
  1129         if ( iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Status() == ECmToBeFilled || 
  1130             iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Status() == ECmToBeShrinked ||
  1131             iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Status() == ECmFilled ||
  1132             iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Status() == ECmLocalCopy )
  1133             {
  1134             // increases list size
  1135             realSize += iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Size();
  1136             }
  1138         else if ( iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Status() == ECmToBeRemoved )
  1139             {
  1140             // reduces list size
  1141             realCount--;
  1142             }
  1144         ruleSize = ruleSize + iItems[iFileIds[k]]->Size();
  1145         } 
  1147     TInt index( KErrNone );
  1148     RArray<TInt> delIds;
  1149     CleanupClosePushL( delIds );
  1151     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t iAllItemCount = %d"), iAllItemCount ) );
  1152     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t iFileIds.Count() = %d"), 
  1153                   iFileIds.Count() ) );
  1154     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t iNewItemCount = %d"), 
  1155                   iNewItemCount ) );
  1156     // Let's mark to be remove extra files  
  1157     if( iRuleArray.Count() > 0 )
  1158         {
  1159         TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t fill rule array is not empty!")));
  1160         if( iRuleArray[0]->LimitType() == EMbits )  
  1161 		    {
  1162 		    TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t fill rule\
  1163 		    Limit Type is EMbits!") ) );
  1165 		    // KMega=1024*1024
  1166 		    // The size of files to be filled should be small than
  1167 		    // the amount value set by user.
  1168 		    // When realSize be 0 , realCount should be 0 also. 
  1169 		    // iAllItemCount > iNewItemCount : sure that extra file be delete
  1170 		    while( ( (( iRuleArray[0]->Amount()*KMega ) < realSize ) &&
  1171 		              ( realCount>0 )) ||
  1172 		                iAllItemCount > iNewItemCount )
  1173 		        { 
  1174 		        // handle the fill file's count and size.         
  1175 		        ProcessFileSizeAndCount( delIds, index, realCount, realSize);
  1176 		        index++;         
  1177 		        iAllItemCount--;    
  1178 		        }  	
  1179 		     }
  1180         else
  1181 	        {
  1182 	        // when limit tyep are EUnlimited and EPieces 
  1183 	        // do not need to limit the size of the file that to be filled.
  1184 	        while( iAllItemCount > iNewItemCount )
  1185 	            {         
  1186 	            // handle the fill file's count and size.
  1187                 ProcessFileSizeAndCount( delIds, index, realCount, realSize );
  1188 	            index++;         
  1189 	            iAllItemCount--;    
  1190 	            }      	
  1191 	        }
  1192         }
  1193     else
  1194         {
  1195      	// if the fill rule array is empty ,just show the information.
  1196      	TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t fill rule array is empty!")));
  1197         }
  1198     // Let's remove items which had ECmToBeFilled or ECmToShrinked status    
  1199     if( delIds.Count() > KErrNone )
  1200         {
  1201         index = KErrNone;
  1202         while( delIds.Count() != KErrNone )
  1203             {
  1204             ruleSize = ruleSize - iItems[delIds[0] - index]->Size();
  1205             delete iItems[delIds[0] - index];
  1206             iItems.Remove( delIds[0] - index );
  1207             delIds.Remove(0);
  1208             index++;
  1209             }        
  1210         }
  1212     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &delIds);
  1214     if( iRuleArray.Count() > 0 )
  1215 	    {
  1216 	    TRAP( err, iDBManager->SetFillListRealCountAndSizeL( 
  1217              iRuleArray[0]->ListId(), realCount, ruleSize ) );
  1218             iUpdateItems.Reset();
  1219             for( TInt j = 0; j < iItems.Count(); j++ )
  1220                 {
  1221                 iUpdateItems.Append( iItems[j] );
  1222                 }
  1223 	    }
  1226     TRACE(Print(_L("FILL RULE INFORMATION UPDATE err = %d"), err ));
  1227     if ( iRuleArray.Count() > 0 )
  1228     	{
  1229     	iRuleArray.Remove(0);        
  1230     	iRuleArray.Compress();    	
  1231     	}
  1233     TRACE(Print(_L("****** FILL RULE TOTAL SIZE ******")));
  1234     TRACE(Print(_L("FILL RULE SIZE = %ld ( Bytes )"), ruleSize ));
  1235     TRACE(Print(_L("****** FILL RULE TOTAL SIZE ******")));
  1237     /** Spliting long task into shorter ones */            
  1238     CompleteRequest( ENextFillRule );           
  1239     }
  1241 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1242 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessFileSizeAndCount
  1243 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1244 // 
  1245 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::ProcessFileSizeAndCount(
  1246                                         RArray<TInt>& aDelIds, TInt aIndex, 
  1247                                         TInt64& aRealCount,
  1248                                         TInt64& aRealSize )
  1249     {
  1250     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
  1251     ProcessFileSizeAndCount()"));
  1253 	TRACE( Print( _L(" realCount = %ld, aDelIds's count =%d") , aRealCount,
  1254 	aDelIds.Count() ));
  1255 	TRACE( Print( _L(" realSize = %ld ( Bytes )") , aRealSize ));
  1257 	// Should this status be set if priority is higher than duplicates
  1258     // priority
  1259     if( iItems[iFileIds[aIndex]]->Status() == ECmFilled )
  1260         {
  1261         iItems[iFileIds[aIndex]]->SetStatus( ECmToBeRemoved );
  1262         aRealCount--;
  1263         for( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); i++ )
  1264             {
  1265             if( iItems[i]->RefId() == iItems[iFileIds[aIndex]]->DbId() )
  1266                 {
  1267                 // Set also reference ids to status to be removed
  1268                 iItems[i]->SetStatus( ECmToBeRemoved );
  1269                 }
  1270             }              
  1271         }
  1272     else if( iItems[iFileIds[aIndex]]->Status() == ECmToBeFilled ||
  1273          iItems[iFileIds[aIndex]]->Status() == ECmToBeShrinked )
  1274         {
  1275         aRealSize -= iItems[iFileIds[aIndex]]->Size();
  1276         aDelIds.InsertInOrder( iFileIds[aIndex] );
  1277         aRealCount--;
  1278         }
  1279     else // ECmLocalCopy
  1280         {
  1281         TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t No effect on size")));
  1282         }    
  1283     }
  1285 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1286 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadAllFillItemsL
  1287 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1288 //    
  1289 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadAllFillItemsL()
  1290     {
  1291     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::LoadAllFillItemsL()"));
  1293     iItems.ResetAndDestroy();
  1294     iItems.Close();    
  1295     iDBManager->PrepareQueryCmdL( EAllFillFilesQuery );
  1296     TInt err = iDBManager->QueryAllFillFilesL(iItems);
  1297     TRACE( Print( _L("[FILL MNGR]\t QueryAllFillFilesL err = %d"), err ));
  1298     }
  1300 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1301 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DefineAndSetDlnaProfileIdFiltersL
  1302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303 //
  1304 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DefineAndSetDlnaProfileIdFiltersL()
  1305     {
  1306     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
  1307     DefineAndSetDlnaProfileIdFiltersL()"));
  1309     CDesC8Array* array = 
  1310         &UPnPDlnaUtility::GetSupportedProfilesL( UPnPDlnaUtility::EDMPMode );
  1311     CleanupStack::PushL( array );
  1312     TInt okProfile( EFalse );
  1313     iFilteredProfiles.Reset();
  1314     for( TInt i = 0 ; i < iPropertys.Count(); i++ )
  1315         {
  1316         for( TInt j = 0; j < array->Count(); j++ )
  1317             {
  1318             if( KErrNotFound != 
  1319                 iPropertys[i]->Name().Match( array->MdcaPoint(j) ) )
  1320                 {
  1321                 // Profile is supported
  1322                 okProfile = ETrue;
  1323                 // profile is supported, end loop
  1324                 j = array->Count();
  1325                 }
  1326             }
  1327         if( !okProfile )
  1328             {
  1329             iFilteredProfiles.InsertInSignedKeyOrder( iPropertys[i]->Id() );
  1330             }
  1331         okProfile = EFalse;            
  1332         }
  1333     iPropertys.ResetAndDestroy();    
  1334     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );    
  1335     }
  1337 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1338 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CompleteRequest
  1339 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1340 // 
  1341 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CompleteRequest( 
  1342     TCmFmFillRuleProcessing aStatus )
  1343     {
  1344     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CompleteRequest()"));
  1346     __ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsActive(),\
  1347         User::Panic( KCmFmFillManager, KErrInUse ));          
  1348     SetActive();        
  1349     TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
  1350     User::RequestComplete( pStatus, aStatus );     
  1351     }
  1353 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1354 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::StartObserverL
  1355 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1356 //  
  1357 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::StartObserverL()
  1358     {
  1359     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::StartObserverL()"));
  1361     if( iAo )
  1362         {
  1363         delete iAo;
  1364         iAo = NULL;
  1365         }
  1366     iAo = CCmFmAo::NewL( *this );    
  1367     }
  1369 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1370 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CreateWrapperL
  1371 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1372 //  
  1373 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CreateWrapperL()
  1374     {
  1375     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CreateWrapperL()"));
  1377     DeleteWrapper();
  1378     iWrapper = CCmSqlMainFactory::NewCmSqlMainL( iFs );
  1379 #ifndef __SERIES60_31__     
  1380     iWrapper->SetDlnaProfileFilters( iFilteredProfiles );
  1381 #endif    
  1382     }
  1384 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1385 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteWrapper
  1386 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1387 //  
  1388 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteWrapper()
  1389     {
  1390     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteWrapper()"));
  1392     if( iWrapper )
  1393         {
  1394         iWrapper->Close();
  1395         iWrapper = NULL;
  1396         }
  1397     }
  1399 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1400 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CheckFillListsL
  1401 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1402 //  
  1403 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CheckFillListsL()
  1404     {
  1405     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::CheckFillListsL()"));
  1407     delete iContainer;
  1408     iContainer = NULL;
  1409     iContainer = LoadAllFillRulesL();
  1410     iRuleArray.Reset();
  1411     for( TInt j = (iContainer->FillRuleCount() - 1 ) ; j >= 0;
  1412         j-- )
  1413         {
  1414         if( ECmRandom ==  iContainer->FillRule(j)->Method() ||
  1415             ECmRandomAlbum == iContainer->FillRule(j)->Method() || 
  1416             ECmRandomTrack == iContainer->FillRule(j)->Method() )
  1417             {
  1418             TInt count( KErrNone );
  1419             iDBManager->GetFillFileCount(
  1420                 iContainer->FillRule(j)->Name(), 
  1421                 ECmToBeFilled|ECmToBeShrinked|ECmFilled|ECmLocalCopy, 
  1422                 count );
  1423             if( KErrNone < count )
  1424                 {
  1425                 // If rule is random rule which is already processed
  1426                 // do not process rule automatically 
  1427                 LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Random rule already processed"));
  1428                 iContainer->DeleteFillRule( j );
  1429                 }
  1430             else
  1431                 {
  1432                 LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Random rule is not processed"));
  1433                 // Don't remove rule
  1434                 iRuleArray.Append( iContainer->FillRule( j ) );
  1435                 }                   
  1436             }
  1437         else
  1438             {
  1439             LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Rule is not random rule"));
  1440             iRuleArray.Append( iContainer->FillRule( j ) );
  1441             }    
  1442         }
  1443     }
  1445 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1446 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteHashCodesL
  1447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1448 // 
  1449 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteHashCodesL()
  1450     {
  1451     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DeleteHashCodesL()"));
  1453     for( TInt i = 0; i < iMetadataServersToBeDeleted.Count(); i++ )
  1454         {
  1455         iDBManager->DeleteHashValuesL( iMetadataServersToBeDeleted[i], 0 );
  1456         }
  1457     }
  1459 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::RunL
  1461 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1462 // 
  1463 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::RunL()
  1464     {
  1465     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::RunL\
  1466          status = %d"), iStatus.Int() ));        
  1467     switch( iStatus.Int() )
  1468         {
  1469         case EPreProcessingStarted:
  1470             {
  1471             CheckFillListsL();
  1472             CompleteRequest( EFillRulesLoaded );                       
  1473             break;
  1474             }
  1475         case EQueryFailed:
  1476             {
  1477             // Error condition what about now...
  1478             TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t EQueryFailed")));
  1479             if( KErrNone < iRuleArray.Count() )
  1480                 {
  1481                 iRuleArray.Remove(0);        
  1482                 iRuleArray.Compress();                
  1483                 }
  1484             TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Jump to next rule")));
  1485             CompleteRequest( ENextFillRule );             
  1486             break;
  1487             }
  1488         case EQueryCompleted:
  1489             {
  1490             // Select needed amount of Fill rules metadata objects
  1491             if( KErrNone < iRuleArray.Count() )
  1492                 {
  1493                 SelectFillListFiles( iFileIds, iRuleArray[0]->ListId() );
  1494                 iAllItemCount = iFileIds.Count();
  1495                 TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Already on the list = %d"), 
  1496                     iAllItemCount ));
  1497                 CompleteRequest( EProcessDuplicates );
  1498                 }
  1499             else
  1500                 {
  1501                 ResetData();
  1502                 DeleteWrapper();
  1503                 iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus(ENoObjectsSelected);
  1504                 }    
  1505             break;
  1506             }
  1507         case ENextFillRule:
  1508             {       
  1509             // Start processing next fill rule
  1510             if( KErrNone < iRuleArray.Count() )
  1511                 {
  1512                 LoadMetadataL(iRuleArray[0]);
  1513                 }
  1514             else
  1515                 {
  1516                 TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Rule array empty")));
  1517                 UpdateFillItems();
  1518                 ResetData();
  1519                 DeleteWrapper();                
  1520 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1521                 TInt alloc;
  1522                 TInt cells = User::Heap().AllocSize( alloc );
  1523                 TInt size = User::Heap().Size();
  1524                 TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t preprocess end heap \
  1525                 allocsize %d, size %d, cells %d"), alloc, size, cells ));
  1526 #endif                
  1527                 iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus(EProcessingReady);
  1528                 }    
  1529             break;
  1530             }
  1531         case EFillRulesLoaded:
  1532             {
  1533             LoadAllFillItemsL();
  1534             CompleteRequest( EFillFilesLoaded );
  1535             break;
  1536             }
  1537         case EFillFilesLoaded:
  1538             {
  1539             if( KErrNone < iRuleArray.Count() )
  1540                 {
  1541                 LoadMetadataL( iRuleArray[0] );    
  1542                 }
  1543             else
  1544                 {
  1545                 TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Rule array empty")));
  1546                 TRAP_IGNORE( CalculateAvgTransferTimeL() );
  1547                 SendAvgTransferTime();
  1548                 ResetData();
  1549                 DeleteWrapper();                
  1550                 iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus(ENoRulesSelected);
  1551                 }
  1552             break;    
  1553             }
  1554         case EProcessDuplicates:
  1555             {
  1556             ProcessDuplicates();
  1557             break;
  1558             }
  1559         case EProcessReferenceValues:
  1560             {
  1561             ProcessReferenceValuesL();
  1562             break;
  1563             }
  1564         case EProcessStatusValues:
  1565             {
  1566             ProcessFileStatusValuesL()  ;
  1567             break;
  1568             }
  1569         case ERandomizingStarted:
  1570             {
  1571             if( KErrNone < iRuleArray.Count() )
  1572                 {
  1573                 LoadMetadataL( iRuleArray[0] );    
  1574                 }
  1575             else
  1576                 {
  1577                 TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Rule array empty")));
  1578                 ResetData();
  1579                 DeleteWrapper();
  1580                 iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus(ENoRulesSelected);
  1581                 }
  1582             break;
  1583             }
  1584         case EColumnDataReady:
  1585             {
  1586             DeleteWrapper();
  1587             iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus(EColumnDataReady);
  1588             break;
  1589             }
  1590         case EUpdatePriorities:
  1591             {
  1592             DoUpdatePrioritiesL();
  1593             break;
  1594             }
  1595         case EMetadataDeleted:
  1596             {
  1597             iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus( EMetadataDeleted );
  1598             break;
  1599             }
  1600         default:
  1601             {
  1602             LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t Fill rule processing RunL default"));
  1603             User::Invariant();
  1604             break;
  1605             }
  1606         }
  1607     }    
  1609 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1610 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::RunError
  1611 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1612 // 
  1613 #ifdef _DEBUG  
  1614 TInt CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::RunError( TInt aError )
  1615 #else
  1616 TInt CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
  1617 #endif
  1618     {
  1619     TRACE(Print(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::\
  1620     RunError = %d"), aError ));       
  1622     iObserver->FillRuleProcessingStatus( EProcessingFailed );
  1623     return KErrNone;     
  1624     }
  1626 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1627 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoCancel
  1628 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1629 //     
  1630 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoCancel()
  1631     {
  1632     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoCancel()"));
  1633     }
  1635 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1636 // CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoDeleteProcess
  1637 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1638 // 
  1639 void CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoDeleteProcess( TInt aIndex )
  1640     {
  1641     LOG(_L("[FILL MNGR]\t CCmFmFillRuleFilledDataMngr::DoDeleteProcess()"));
  1642     TBool delNew( ETrue );
  1644     //delete duplicated fill item
  1645     delete iItems[aIndex];
  1646     iItems.Remove( aIndex );
  1648     //adjust iOldIds, and judge the item new item or old item
  1649     for( TInt i = 0; i < iOldIds.Count(); i++ )
  1650         {
  1651         if( iOldIds[i] > aIndex )
  1652             {
  1653             iOldIds[i] = iOldIds[i] - 1;
  1654             }
  1655         else if( iOldIds[i] == aIndex )
  1656             {
  1657             delNew = EFalse;
  1658             iOldIds.Remove(i);
  1659             i--;
  1660             }
  1661         }
  1663     //adjust iFileIds
  1664     for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileIds.Count(); i++ )
  1665         {
  1666         if( iFileIds[i] > aIndex )
  1667             {
  1668             iFileIds[i] = iFileIds[i] - 1;
  1669             }
  1670         else if( iFileIds[i] == aIndex )
  1671             {
  1672             iFileIds.Remove(i);
  1673             i--;
  1674             }
  1675         }
  1677     //count update
  1678     iAllItemCount--;
  1679     if( delNew )
  1680         {
  1681         iNewItemCount--;
  1682         }
  1683     }
  1686 // End of file