changeset 0 7f85d04be362
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CCmShrinker class in the Memory manager component
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <imageconversion.h> // CImageDecoder, CImageEncoder
    21 #include <bitmaptransforms.h> // CBitmapScaler
    22 #include <fbs.h> // CFbsBitmap
    23 #include <w32std.h> // RWsSession, CWsScreenDevice
    25 #include "cmdmmain.h"
    26 #include "msdebug.h"
    27 #include "cmmmimagemetadataresolver.h"
    28 #include "cmmmobserver.h"
    29 #include "cmmmshrinker.h"
    31 // CONSTANTS
    32 const TInt KScreenWidth = 128;
    33 const TInt KScreenHeight = 128;
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 // CCmMmShrinker::NewL
    38 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 //
    40 CCmMmShrinker* CCmMmShrinker::NewL( CCmDmMain& aDbManager )
    41     {
    42     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::NewL() start"));
    43     CCmMmShrinker* self = CCmMmShrinker::NewLC( aDbManager );
    44     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    45     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::NewL() end"));
    46     return self;
    47     }
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 // CCmMmShrinker::NewLC
    51 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 //
    53 CCmMmShrinker* CCmMmShrinker::NewLC( CCmDmMain& aDbManager )
    54     {
    55     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::NewLC() start"));
    56     CCmMmShrinker* self = new ( ELeave ) CCmMmShrinker( aDbManager );
    57     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    58     self->ConstructL();
    59     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::NewLC() end"));
    60     return self;
    61     }
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // C++ constructor
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 CCmMmShrinker::CCmMmShrinker( CCmDmMain& aDbManager ) :
    68     CActive( EPriorityIdle ),
    69     iShrinkIndex( 0 ),
    70     iState( EIdle ),
    71     iDbManager( aDbManager )
    72     {
    74     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    75     }
    78 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CCmMmShrinker::ConstructL
    80 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 void CCmMmShrinker::ConstructL()
    83     {
    84     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::ConstructL() start"));
    86     User::LeaveIfError( iFileSession.Connect() );
    87     User::LeaveIfError( RFbsSession::Connect() );
    89     // Get the screen size
    90     iScreenSize = ScreenSizeL();
    92     iImageMetadataResolver = CCmMmImageMetadataResolver::NewL( iFileSession );
    94     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::ConstructL() end"));
    95     }
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // C++ destructor
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 CCmMmShrinker::~CCmMmShrinker()
   103     {
   104     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::~CCmMmShrinker() start"));
   105     Cancel();
   106     delete iBitmap;
   107     iFileSession.Close();
   109     delete iBitmapScaler;
   110     delete iFiles;
   111     delete iImageDecoder;
   112     delete iImageEncoder;
   113     RFbsSession::Disconnect();
   114     delete iImageMetadataResolver;
   115     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::~CCmMmShrinker() end"));
   116     }
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CCmMmShrinker::DoCancel
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 void CCmMmShrinker::DoCancel()
   123     {
   124     ClearShrinker();
   125     }
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // CCmMmShrinker::RunError
   129 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 #ifdef _DEBUG
   132 TInt CCmMmShrinker::RunError( TInt aError )
   133 #else //_DEBUG
   134 TInt CCmMmShrinker::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
   135 #endif // _DEBÚG
   136     {
   137     TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::RunError error = %d"),
   138                                                              aError ));
   140     // NOTE!!!
   141     // Should we continue from the next file, if there's error in the 
   142     // middle of the shrinking operation
   143     iShrinkIndex++;
   144     iState = EIdle;
   145     SetActive();
   146     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   147     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   148     return KErrNone;
   149     }
   151 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 // CCmMmShrinker::ShrinkImagesL
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 //
   155 void CCmMmShrinker::ShrinkImagesL( CDesCArray& aFiles )
   156     {
   157     // Cancel 1st
   158     Cancel();
   160     // Add processed files 
   161     if ( &aFiles )
   162         {
   163         delete iFiles; 
   164         iFiles = NULL;
   165         iFiles = new ( ELeave ) CDesC16ArrayFlat( aFiles.Count() );
   166         for (TInt i = 0; i < aFiles.Count(); i++)
   167             {
   168             iFiles->AppendL( aFiles[i] );
   169             }
   170         }
   171     // Start the action
   172     iShrinkIndex = 0;
   173     iState = EIdle;
   174     SetActive();
   175     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   176     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone);    
   177     }
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 // CCmMmShrinker::SetObserver
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 //
   183 void CCmMmShrinker::SetObserver( MCmMmObserver* aObserver )
   184     {
   185     iObserver = aObserver;
   186     }
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CCmMmShrinker::RunL
   190 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 //
   192 void CCmMmShrinker::RunL()
   193     {
   194     TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::RunL status = %d"),
   195                                                              iStatus.Int() ));
   197     // If all files have been processed, notify the observer.
   198     if ( iShrinkIndex >= iFiles->Count() )
   199         {
   200         if ( iObserver )
   201             {
   202             iObserver->ShrinkCompleteL( KErrNone );
   203             }
   204         }
   205     else 
   206         {
   207         if ( iState == EIdle )
   208             {
   209             const TDesC& origFilename = (*iFiles)[iShrinkIndex];
   210             iImageMetadataResolver->CaptureOrginalMetadataL( origFilename );
   211             // Check that file exists (entry is not actually used)
   212             TEntry entry;
   213             User::LeaveIfError( iFileSession.Entry( origFilename, entry ));
   214             iStartTime.HomeTime();
   215             CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = NULL;
   216             TRAPD( error, 
   217                    imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( 
   218                         iFileSession,
   219                         origFilename,
   220                         CImageDecoder::EOptionNone ) );
   221             if ( error )
   222                 {
   223                 if ( iObserver )
   224                     {
   225                     iObserver->ShrinkCompleteL( error );
   226                     }
   227                 }
   228             else
   229             	{
   230             	TUid imageType = KNullUid;
   231 	            TUid imageSubType = KNullUid;
   232 	            imageDecoder->ImageType( 0, imageType, imageSubType );
   234 	            if (  imageType == KImageTypeBMPUid )
   235 	                {
   236 	                iState = EScale;
   237 	                }
   238 	            else if ( imageType == KImageTypeGIFUid ||
   239 	                      imageType == KImageTypePNGUid ||
   240 	                      imageType == KImageTypeJPGUid )
   241 	                {
   242 	                iState = EDecode;
   243 	                }
   244 	            else
   245 	                {
   246 	                if ( iObserver )
   247 	                    {
   248 	                    iObserver->ShrinkCompleteL( KErrNone );
   249 	                    }
   250 	                }
   252 	            delete imageDecoder;
   253 	            imageDecoder = NULL;
   254             	}
   255             }
   257         TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: status = %d"),
   258             iStatus.Int() ));
   260         switch ( iState )
   261             {
   262             case EDecode:
   263                 {
   264                 const TDesC& origFilename = (*iFiles)[iShrinkIndex];
   265                 TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: Decoding file \
   266                     %S"), &origFilename ));
   268                 delete iImageDecoder;
   269                 iImageDecoder = NULL;
   270                 delete iBitmap;
   271                 iBitmap = NULL;
   273                 iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( iFileSession,
   274                                                          origFilename, CImageDecoder::EOptionNone );
   275                 iBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   276                 TInt error = iBitmap->Create(
   277                     iImageDecoder->FrameInfo().iOverallSizeInPixels,
   278                     iImageDecoder->FrameInfo().iFrameDisplayMode );
   279                 if ( error != KErrNone )
   280                     {
   281                     TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::RunL \
   282                         error: %d"), error ));
   283                     if ( iObserver )
   284                         {
   285                         TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t Clearing shrinker" )));                        
   286                         ClearShrinker();
   287                         iObserver->ShrinkCompleteL( error );
   288                         }
   289                     Cancel();
   290                     }
   291                 else 
   292                     {
   293                     iImageDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmap );
   295                     iState = EScale;
   296                     SetActive();
   297                     }
   298                 break;
   299                 }
   300             case EScale:
   301                 {
   302                 const TDesC& origFilename = (*iFiles)[iShrinkIndex];
   303                 TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: Scaling file \
   304                     %S"), &origFilename ));
   306                 // If converting is still ongoing we should continue it
   307                 if ( iStatus == KErrUnderflow )
   308                     {
   309                     TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: \
   310     Still decoding file %S"), &origFilename ));
   311                     iImageDecoder->ContinueConvert( &iStatus );
   312                     SetActive();
   313                     }
   314                 else 
   315                     {
   316                     delete iBitmapScaler;
   317                     iBitmapScaler = NULL;
   318                     iBitmapScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
   320                     iBitmapScaler->Scale( &iStatus, *iBitmap, iScreenSize );
   321                     iState = EEncode;
   322                     SetActive();
   324                     delete iImageDecoder;
   325                     iImageDecoder = NULL;
   326                     }
   328                 break;
   329                 }
   330             case EEncode:
   331                 {
   332                 const TDesC& origFilename = (*iFiles)[iShrinkIndex];
   333                 TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: Encoding file \
   334                     %S"), &origFilename ));
   336                 delete iImageEncoder;
   337                 iImageEncoder = NULL;
   339                 // Shrink into private directory
   340                 PrivatePath( iFileSession, iTempFilename, origFilename );
   342                 // Check that if the file already exists somehow...
   343                 if ( iTempFilename == origFilename )
   344                     {
   345                     // Delete the original
   346                     iFileSession.Delete( origFilename );
   347                     }
   348                 iImageEncoder = CImageEncoder::FileNewL(
   349                     iFileSession,
   350                     iTempFilename,
   351                     CImageEncoder::EOptionNone,
   352                     KImageTypeJPGUid );
   354                 iImageEncoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmap );
   355                 iState = EReplace;
   357                 SetActive();
   358                 break;
   359                 }
   360             case EReplace:
   361                 {
   362                 const TDesC& origFilename = (*iFiles)[iShrinkIndex];
   363                 TRACE( Print(
   364                     _L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: Replacing file %S"),
   365                     &origFilename) );                                                 
   367                 TInt error = iFileSession.Replace( 
   368                     iTempFilename, 
   369                     origFilename );                                       
   371                 TRACE( Print(
   372                     _L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker: Replace done err: %d"),
   373                     error ) );
   375                 // Resolve orginal image metadata!!!
   376                 TRAPD( mdError, iImageMetadataResolver->ResolveMetadataL(
   377                         origFilename ) );
   378                 if( mdError )
   379                     {
   380                     TRACE( Print(
   381                         _L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t Metadata resolving error : %d"),
   382                         mdError ) );                    
   383                     }
   385                 iStopTime.HomeTime();
   387                 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds t =
   388                     iStartTime.MicroSecondsFrom( iStopTime );
   389                 error =  iDbManager.IncrementShrinkTimeL(
   390                     iFiles->Count(),
   391                     iStartTime.MicroSecondsFrom( iStopTime ).Int64() / 1000 );
   393                 iState = EIdle;
   394                 iShrinkIndex++;
   395                 SetActive();
   396                 TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   397                 User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   398                 break;
   399                 }
   400             case EIdle:
   401             	{
   402             	TRACE( Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::RunL() \
   403                 Idle state")) );
   404                 break;
   405                 }
   406             default:
   407                 {
   408                 TRACE( Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::RunL() \
   409                 Incorrect state")) );
   410                 if ( iObserver )
   411                     {
   412                     iObserver->ShrinkCompleteL( iStatus.Int() );
   413                     }
   414                 Cancel();
   415                 break;
   416                 }
   417             }
   418         }
   419     }
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 // CCmMmShrinker::ScreenSizeL
   424 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426 TSize CCmMmShrinker::ScreenSizeL()
   427     {
   428     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::ScreenSizeL() start"));
   430     TSize screenSize( KScreenWidth, KScreenHeight );
   431     RWsSession session;
   433     TInt error = session.Connect() ;
   434     CleanupClosePushL( session );
   435     if ( !error )
   436         {
   437         CWsScreenDevice* screenDevice = 
   438             new ( ELeave ) CWsScreenDevice( session );
   439         if ( screenDevice && !screenDevice->Construct() )
   440             {
   441             TSize temp( KScreenWidth, KScreenHeight );
   442             temp = screenDevice->SizeInPixels();
   443             // Use landscape mode in shrinking
   444             TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t Image height = %d"),temp.iWidth));
   445             TRACE(Print(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t Image width = %d"),temp.iHeight)); 
   446             screenSize.iHeight = temp.iWidth;
   447             screenSize.iWidth = temp.iHeight;
   448             }
   449         delete screenDevice;
   450         screenDevice = NULL;
   451         }
   453     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &session );
   455     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::ScreenSizeL() end"));
   456     return screenSize;
   457     }
   459 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 // CCmMmShrinker::PrivatePath
   461 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   462 //   
   463 void CCmMmShrinker::PrivatePath( RFs& aFs, 
   464                                  TFileName& aPrivatePath, 
   465                                  const TFileName& aOriginal )
   466     {
   467     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::PrivatePath() start"));
   469     aPrivatePath.Zero();
   471     TParse nameParse;
   472     nameParse.Set( aOriginal, NULL, NULL );
   474     aPrivatePath.Append( nameParse.Drive() );
   475     TFileName privatePath;
   476     TInt err = aFs.PrivatePath( privatePath );
   477     if ( !err )
   478         {
   479         aPrivatePath.Append( privatePath );
   481         // Now the path contains everything but filename and extension
   482         // => check that the directory exists. If not, it will be created.
   483         // Possible error is ignored at the moment 
   484         // (normal case is KErrAlreadyExists)
   485         err = aFs.MkDirAll( aPrivatePath );
   488         aPrivatePath.Append( nameParse.NameAndExt() );
   489         }
   490     LOG(_L("[MEMORY MNGR]\t CCmMmShrinker::PrivatePath() end"));
   491     }
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 // CCmMmShrinker::ClearShrinker
   495 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 //
   497 void CCmMmShrinker::ClearShrinker()
   498     {
   499     if ( iImageDecoder )
   500         {
   501         iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   502         delete iImageDecoder;
   503         iImageDecoder = NULL;
   504         }
   505     if ( iBitmapScaler )
   506         {
   507         iBitmapScaler->Cancel();
   508         delete iBitmapScaler;
   509         iBitmapScaler = NULL;        
   510         }
   511     if ( iImageEncoder )
   512         {
   513         iImageEncoder->Cancel();
   514         delete iImageEncoder;
   515         iImageEncoder = NULL;        
   516         }
   517     if( iBitmap )
   518         {
   519         delete iBitmap;
   520         iBitmap = NULL;
   521         }
   522     }
   524 // End of file