changeset 0 7f85d04be362
child 30 5ec426854821
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:      storage for devices with extended information
    15 *
    16 */
    24 #include "upnpdevicerepository.h"
    26 #include "upnpavdeviceextended.h"
    28 #include <upnpservice.h>
    29 #include <upnpdevice.h>
    30 #include <upnpavcontrolpoint.h>
    32 // CONSTANTS
    33 _LIT8( KSearch,                     "Search" );
    34 _LIT8( KVolume,                     "Volume" );
    35 _LIT8( KCreateObject,               "CreateObject" );
    36 _LIT8( KPause,                      "Pause");
    37 _LIT8( KSetVolume,                  "SetVolume");
    38 _LIT8( KGetVolume,                  "GetVolume");
    39 _LIT8( KGetMute,                    "GetMute");
    40 _LIT8( KSetMute,                    "SetMute");
    41 _LIT8( KMediaServer,                "MediaServer" );
    42 _LIT8( KFriendlyName,               "friendlyName" );
    43 _LIT8( KAVTransportService,         "AVTransport" );
    44 _LIT8( KRenderingControlService,    "RenderingControl" );
    45 _LIT8( KSetNextUri,                 "SetNextAVTransportURI" );
    46 _LIT8( KDestroyObject,              "DestroyObject" );
    47 _LIT8( KDlnaDoc,                    "dlna:X_DLNADOC" );
    48 _LIT8( KDlnaCap,                    "dlna:X_DLNACAP" );
    49 _LIT8( KAudioUpload,                "audio-upload" );
    50 _LIT8( KImageUpload,                "image-upload" );
    51 _LIT8( KVideoUpload,                "av-upload" );
    52 _LIT8( KCreateChildContainer,       "create-child-container" );
    53 _LIT8( KDMS,                        "DMS" );
    54 _LIT8( KDMP,                        "DMP" );
    55 _LIT8( KDMR,                        "DMR" );
    57 const TInt KFirstSubscription = 1;
    59 _LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpavcontrollerserver.txt");
    60 #include "upnplog.h"
    62 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================
    64 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::NewL
    66 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
    67 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 CUPnPDeviceRepository* CUPnPDeviceRepository::NewL
    69     (
    70     CUpnpAVControlPoint& aControlPoint
    71     )
    72     {
    73     CUPnPDeviceRepository* rep= new(ELeave)
    74         CUPnPDeviceRepository( aControlPoint );
    75     CleanupStack::PushL( rep );
    76     rep->ConstructL();
    77     CleanupStack::Pop();
    78     return rep;
    79     }
    81 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::~CUPnPDeviceRepository
    83 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
    84 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 CUPnPDeviceRepository::~CUPnPDeviceRepository()
    86     {     
    87     iDevices.ResetAndDestroy();
    88     iDevices.Close();
    89     }
    91 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::CUPnPDeviceRepository
    93 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
    94 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 CUPnPDeviceRepository::CUPnPDeviceRepository
    96     (
    97     CUpnpAVControlPoint& aControlPoint
    98     ):
    99     iControlPoint( aControlPoint ),
   100     iIsWlanActive( ETrue )    
   101     {
   102     }
   104 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConstructL
   106 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   107 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConstructL()
   109     {
   110     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConstructL" );
   111     }
   113 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddDeviceL
   115 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   116 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddDeviceL( CUpnpDevice& aDevice )
   118     {
   119     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddDeviceL" );
   121     CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* dev = CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::NewL();
   122     CleanupStack::PushL( dev );
   124     // Check if it's a dlna device
   125     TPtrC8 ptr = aDevice.GetProperty( KDlnaDoc );
   126     if( ptr.Length() > 0 )
   127         {
   128         __LOG( "Dlna compatible device!" );
   129         // It's a dlna device
   130         dev->SetDlnaCompatible( ETrue );
   132         if( ptr.FindC( KDMS ) != KErrNotFound )
   133             {
   134             dev->SetDLNADeviceType( CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::EDMS );
   135             }
   136         else if( ptr.FindC( KDMR ) != KErrNotFound )
   137             {
   138             dev->SetDLNADeviceType( CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::EDMR );
   139             }
   140         else if( ptr.FindC( KDMP ) != KErrNotFound )
   141             {
   142             dev->SetDLNADeviceType( CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::EDMP );
   143             }        
   145         // Check dlna capabilities
   146         ptr.Set( aDevice.GetProperty( KDlnaCap ) );
   147         if( ptr.Find( KAudioUpload ) != KErrNotFound )        
   148             {
   149             __LOG( "Audio upload supported!" );
   150             dev->SetAudioUpload( ETrue );
   151             }
   152         if( ptr.Find( KImageUpload ) != KErrNotFound )
   153             {
   154             __LOG( "Image upload supported!" );
   155             dev->SetImageUpload( ETrue );
   156             }
   157         if( ptr.Find( KVideoUpload ) != KErrNotFound )
   158             {
   159             __LOG( "Video upload supported!" );
   160             dev->SetVideoUpload( ETrue );
   161             }
   162         if( ptr.Find( KCreateChildContainer ) != KErrNotFound )
   163             {
   164             __LOG( "Create child container supported!" );
   165             dev->SetCreateChildContainer( ETrue );
   166             }        
   167         }   
   169     if( aDevice.DeviceType().Find( KMediaServer ) != KErrNotFound )
   170         {
   171         dev->SetDeviceType( CUpnpAVDevice::EMediaServer );
   172         }
   173     else
   174         {
   175         dev->SetDeviceType( CUpnpAVDevice::EMediaRenderer );
   176         }
   178     dev->SetFriendlyNameL( aDevice.DescriptionProperty( KFriendlyName ) );
   180     dev->SetUuidL( aDevice.Uuid() );   
   182     dev->SetLocal( aDevice.Local() );
   184     ParseDeviceServicesL( aDevice, *dev );
   185     CleanupStack::Pop( dev );
   186     iDevices.Append( dev );
   187     }
   189 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddProtocolInfoL
   191 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   192 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddProtocolInfoL(
   194     const TDesC8& aUuid, const TDesC8& aSource, const TDesC8& aSink )
   195     {
   196     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddProtocolInfoL" );
   198     // Find the device
   199     TInt count = iDevices.Count();
   200     CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* dev = NULL;
   201     for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   202         {
   203         if( iDevices[ i ]->Uuid() == aUuid )
   204             {
   205             dev = iDevices[ i ];
   206             i = count;
   207             }
   208         }
   209     if( dev )
   210         {
   211         if( dev->DeviceType() == CUpnpAVDevice::EMediaServer )
   212             {
   213             dev->SetSourceProtocolInfoL( aSource );
   214             dev->SetSinkProtocolInfoL( aSink );
   215             dev->SetCapabilitiesBySupportedMimeTypesL( aSource );
   216             }
   217         else
   218             {
   219             dev->SetSourceProtocolInfoL( aSource );
   220             dev->SetSinkProtocolInfoL( aSink );
   221             dev->SetCapabilitiesBySupportedMimeTypesL( aSink );    
   222             }
   223         dev->SetPInfoReceived( ETrue );        
   224         }
   225     else
   226         {
   227         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   228         }    
   229     return *dev;
   230     }
   232 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::Remove
   234 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   235 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::Remove( const TDesC8& aUuid )
   237     {
   238     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::Remove" );
   240     TInt count = iDevices.Count();
   241     for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   242         {
   243         if( iDevices[ i ]->Uuid() == aUuid )
   244             {
   245             delete iDevices[ i ];
   246             iDevices.Remove( i );
   247             i = count;
   248             }
   249         }
   251     }
   253 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::FindDeviceL
   255 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   256 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& CUPnPDeviceRepository::FindDeviceL(
   258     const TDesC8& aUuid )
   259     {
   260     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::FindDeviceL" );
   262     CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* tmp = NULL;
   263     TInt count = iDevices.Count();
   264     for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   265         {
   266         if( iDevices[ i ]->Uuid() == aUuid )
   267             {
   268             tmp = iDevices[ i ];
   269             i = count;
   270             }
   271         }
   272     if( !tmp )
   273         {
   274         __LOG( "FindDeviceL - not found" );
   276         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   277         }
   278     return *tmp;    
   279     }
   281 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::DeviceList
   283 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   284 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 const RPointerArray<CUpnpAVDeviceExtended>&
   286     CUPnPDeviceRepository::DeviceList() const
   287     {
   288     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::DeviceList" );
   290     return iDevices;
   291     }
   293 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   294 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::SubscribeDeviceL
   295 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   296 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::SubscribeDeviceL( const TDesC8& aUuid )
   298     {
   299     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SubscribeDeviceL" );
   300     __LOG8( aUuid );
   302     // Find the device and increase subscription count/check if we have
   303     // subscribed already
   304     TInt count = iDevices.Count();
   305     TInt subscriptionCount = KErrNotFound;
   306     TInt index;
   307     for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   308         {
   309         if( aUuid.Compare( iDevices[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )
   310             {
   311             subscriptionCount = iDevices[ index ]->IncreaseSubscriptionCount();
   312             index = count;
   313             }
   314         }
   315     if( subscriptionCount == KFirstSubscription )
   316         {
   317         __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - First subscription" ); 
   319         // Start subsciption for AVTransport and RenderingControl services
   320         // Find the device
   321         const RPointerArray<CUpnpDevice>& devList =
   322             iControlPoint.DeviceList();
   323         count = devList.Count();
   324         for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   325             {
   326             if( aUuid.Compare( devList[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )
   327                 {
   328                 break;
   329                 }
   330             }
   332         // Find the AVTransport service and subscribe
   333         RPointerArray<CUpnpService>& servList =
   334             devList[ index ]->ServiceList();
   335         count = servList.Count();
   336         CUpnpService* tempService = NULL;
   337         for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   338             {
   339             if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
   340                 KAVTransportService ) >= 0 )
   341                 {
   342                 tempService = servList[ index ];
   343                 index = count;
   344                 }
   345             }
   346         if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
   347             {
   348             // AVTransport service found for the device, subscribe
   349             __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - Subscribe for AVTransport" ); 
   350             iControlPoint.SubscribeL( tempService ); 
   351             }
   352         else
   353             {     
   354             // Service not found, can't subscribe
   355             __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - AVTransport service not found" );
   356             }
   358         tempService = NULL;
   359         for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   360             {
   361             if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
   362                 KRenderingControlService ) >= 0 )
   363                 {
   364                 tempService = servList[ index ];
   365                 index = count;
   366                 }
   367             }
   368         if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
   369             {
   370             // RenderingControl service found for the device, subscribe
   371             __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - Subscribe for RenderingControl" ); 
   372             iControlPoint.SubscribeL( tempService ); 
   373             }
   374         else
   375             {     
   376             // Service not found, can't subscribe
   377             __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - RenderingControl service not found" );
   378             }                    
   379         }
   380     else if( subscriptionCount == KErrNotFound ) 
   381         {
   382         __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - device not found" );
   383         }
   384     else
   385         {
   386         // Subscribed already, do nothing
   387         __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - Subscription done already, ignoring!" ); 
   388         }        
   389     }
   391 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::UnSubscribeDeviceL
   393 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   394 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::UnSubscribeDeviceL( const TDesC8& aUuid )
   396     {
   397     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::UnSubscribeDeviceL" );
   398     __LOG8( aUuid );
   400     // Find the device and decrease subscription count/check if it's needed
   401     // to unsubscribe
   402     TInt count = iDevices.Count();
   403     TInt subscriptionCount = KErrNotFound;
   404     TInt index;
   405     for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   406         {
   407         if( aUuid.Compare( iDevices[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )
   408             {
   409             subscriptionCount = 
   410                 iDevices[ index ]->DecreaseSubscriptionCount();
   411             index = count;
   412             }
   413         }    
   415     if( subscriptionCount == 0 )
   416         {   
   417         // Start unsubsciption for AVTransport and RenderingControl services
   418         // Find the device
   419         const RPointerArray<CUpnpDevice>& devList =
   420             iControlPoint.DeviceList();
   421         count = devList.Count();
   422         for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   423             {
   424             if( aUuid.Compare( devList[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )
   425                 {
   426                 break;
   427                 }
   428             }
   430         // Find the AVTransport service and unsubscribe
   431         RPointerArray<CUpnpService>& servList =
   432             devList[ index ]->ServiceList();
   433         count = servList.Count();
   434         CUpnpService* tempService = NULL;
   435         for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   436             {
   437             if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
   438                 KAVTransportService ) >= 0 )
   439                 {
   440                 tempService = servList[ index ];
   441                 index = count;
   442                 }
   443             }
   444         if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
   445             {
   446             // AVTransport service found for the device, unsubscribe
   447             __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - UnSubscribe AVTransport" ); 
   448             iControlPoint.UnsubscribeL( tempService ); 
   449             }
   450         else
   451             {     
   452             // Service not found, can't unsubscribe
   453             __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - AVTransport service not found" );
   454             }
   456         tempService = NULL;
   457         for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
   458             {
   459             if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
   460                 KRenderingControlService ) >= 0 )
   461                 {
   462                 tempService = servList[ index ];
   463                 index = count;
   464                 }
   465             }
   466         if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
   467             {
   468             // RenderingControl service found for the device, subscribe
   469             __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - UnSubscribe RenderingControl" ); 
   470             iControlPoint.UnsubscribeL( tempService ); 
   471             }
   472         else
   473             {     
   474             // Service not found, can't subscribe
   475             __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - RenderingControl service not\
   476 found" );
   477             }                    
   478         }
   479     else if( subscriptionCount == KErrNotFound ) 
   480         {
   481         __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - device not found" );
   482         }
   483     else
   484         {
   485         // No need to unsubscibe
   486         }           
   487     }
   489 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConnectionLost()
   490     {
   491     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConnectionLost" );
   492     iIsWlanActive = EFalse;
   493     iDevices.ResetAndDestroy();
   494     }
   496 TBool CUPnPDeviceRepository::IsWlanActive()
   497     {
   498     __LOG1( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::IsWlanActive, %d", (TInt)iIsWlanActive );
   499     return iIsWlanActive;
   500     }
   502 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 // CUPnPDeviceRepository::ParseDeviceServicesL
   504 // See upnpdevicerepository.h
   505 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 void CUPnPDeviceRepository::ParseDeviceServicesL( CUpnpDevice& aSource,
   507     CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& aTarget )
   508     {
   509     __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::ParseDeviceServicesL" );
   511     TBool createObjectSupported = EFalse;
   512     TBool getMuteSupported = EFalse;
   513     TBool setMuteSupported = EFalse;
   514     TBool getVolumeSupported = EFalse;
   515     TBool setVolumeSupported = EFalse;
   517     RPointerArray<CUpnpService>services = aSource.ServiceList();
   519     TInt i;
   520     TInt count = services.Count(); 
   521     for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   522         {
   523         // Get max volume if it exists
   524         CUpnpStateVariable* volumeState = 
   525                 services[ i ]->StateVariable( KVolume );
   527         // If volume info found, save it to the device
   528         if( volumeState )
   529             {
   530             TInt maxVolume = volumeState->MaxValue();
   531             // If max volume not defined, it is set to 100
   532             if( maxVolume == KErrNotFound )
   533                 {
   534                 maxVolume = 100;
   535                 }
   536             aTarget.SetMaxVolume( maxVolume );
   537             }
   539         // Get the actions
   540         RPointerArray<CUpnpAction> actions;
   541         services[ i ]->GetActionList( actions );
   543         // Go through the action elements
   544         TInt j;
   545         TInt count2 = actions.Count();
   546         for( j = 0; j < count2; j++ )
   547             {
   548             TDesC8& actionName = actions[ j ]->Name();
   550             if( actionName != KNullDesC8 )
   551                 {
   552                 if( actionName.Find( KCreateObject ) >= 0 )
   553                     {
   554                     createObjectSupported = ETrue;
   555                     }
   556                 if( actionName.Compare( KSearch ) == 0 )
   557                     {
   558                     aTarget.SetSearchCapability( ETrue );
   559                     }
   560                 if( actionName.Find( KPause ) >= 0 )
   561                     {
   562                     aTarget.SetPauseCapability( ETrue );
   563                     }
   564                 if( actionName.Find( KGetVolume ) >= 0 )
   565                     {
   566                     getVolumeSupported = ETrue;
   567                     }
   568                 if( actionName.Find( KSetVolume ) >= 0 )
   569                     {
   570                     setVolumeSupported = ETrue;
   571                     }
   572                 if( actionName.Find( KGetMute ) >= 0 )
   573                     {
   574                     getMuteSupported = ETrue;
   575                     }
   576                 if( actionName.Find( KSetMute ) >= 0 )
   577                     {
   578                     setMuteSupported = ETrue;
   579                     }
   580                 if( actionName.Find( KSetNextUri ) >= 0 )
   581                     {
   582                     aTarget.SetNextAVTransportUri( ETrue );
   583                     }
   584                 if( actionName.Find( KDestroyObject ) >= 0 )
   585                     {
   586                     aTarget.SetDestroyObject( ETrue );
   587                     }                    
   588                 }
   589             }
   590         }
   592     // Set copy support
   593     if( createObjectSupported )
   594         {
   595         aTarget.SetCopyCapability( ETrue );
   596         }
   598     // Set volume support
   599     if( getVolumeSupported &&
   600         setVolumeSupported )
   601         {
   602         aTarget.SetVolumeCapability( ETrue );
   603         }
   605     // Set mute support
   606     if( getMuteSupported &&
   607         setMuteSupported )
   608         {
   609         aTarget.SetMuteCapability( ETrue );
   610         }
   611     }        
   613 // end of file