changeset 0 7f85d04be362
child 38 5360b7ddc251
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Upnp framework's common utility functions
    15 *
    16 */
    20 // System
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <upnpstring.h>
    23 #include <apmrec.h>
    24 #include <apgcli.h>
    25 #include <WlanCdbCols.h>            // WLAN_SERVICE
    26 #include <caf/content.h>                // CAF (WM-DRM check)
    27 #include <caf/agent.h>                  // CAF (WM-DRM check)
    28 #include <commdb.h>
    29 #include <in_sock.h> 
    30 #include <pathinfo.h>
    32 // upnp stack api
    33 #include <upnpcontainerlist.h>
    34 #include <upnpcontainer.h>
    35 #include <upnpitem.h>
    36 #include <upnpdevice.h>
    38 // upnpframework / avcontroller helper api
    39 #include <upnpconstantdefs.h>
    41 // utilities internal
    42 #include "upnpfileutilitytypes.h"
    43 #include "upnpcommonutils.h"
    45 _LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnputilities.txt");
    46 #include "upnplog.h"
    48 // CONSTANTS
    49 _LIT8( KMimeAudio,          "audio" );
    50 _LIT8( KMimeVideo,          "video" );
    51 _LIT8( KMimeImage,          "image" );
    52 _LIT8( KMimePlaylist,       "audio/mpegurl" );
    54 _LIT16( KXHtml16,           ".XHTML" );
    55 _LIT16( KHtml16,            ".HTML" );
    56 _LIT16( KXml16,             ".XML" );
    57 _LIT16( KTxt16,             ".TXT" );
    58 _LIT16( KJpeg16,            ".JPEG" );
    59 _LIT16( KJpg16,             ".JPG" );
    60 _LIT16( KGif16,             ".GIF" );
    61 _LIT16( KPng16,             ".PNG" );
    62 _LIT16( KMpeg16,            ".MPEG" );
    63 _LIT16( KMpg16,             ".MPG" );
    64 _LIT16( KMpeg416,           ".MPEG4" );
    65 _LIT16( KAvi16,             ".AVI" );
    66 _LIT16( KMp316,             ".MP3" );
    67 _LIT16( KAac16,             ".AAC" );
    68 _LIT16( KWma16,             ".WMA" );
    69 _LIT8( KXHtml,              "application/vnd.pwg-xhtml-print" );
    70 _LIT8( KHtml,               "text/html" );
    71 _LIT8( KXml,                "text/xml" );
    72 _LIT8( KTxt,                "text/plain" );
    73 _LIT8( KJpg,                "image/jpeg" );
    74 _LIT8( KGif,                "image/gif" );
    75 _LIT8( KPng,                "image/png" );
    76 _LIT8( KMpeg,               "video/mpeg" );
    77 _LIT8( KMpeg4,              "video/mpeg4" );
    78 _LIT8( KMp3,                "audio/mpeg" );
    79 _LIT8( KAac,                "audio/aac" );
    80 _LIT8( KWma,                "audio/x-ms-wma" );
    81 _LIT8( KAvi,                "video/x-msvideo" );
    84 _LIT(  KLineFeed,           "\r\n");
    85 _LIT8( KHttpDes,            "http://" );
    86 _LIT( KTemp,                "upnpfwtemp");
    88 _LIT8( KUnderScore,         "_" );
    89 _LIT8( KStar,               "*" );
    90 _LIT8( KColon,              ":");
    91 _LIT8( KKorp,               "<" );
    92 _LIT8( KProk,               ">" );
    93 _LIT8( KQuotation,          "\"" );
    94 _LIT8( KDoubleBackSlash,    "\\" );
    95 _LIT8( KSlash,              "/" );
    96 _LIT8( KQuestionMark,       "?" );
    97 _LIT8( KPipe,               "|" );
    98 _LIT8( KTab,                "\t" );
    99 _LIT8( KSpace,              " " );
   101 const TInt KPlaceHolderLength       = 28;
   102 const TInt KBufferLength            = 256;
   103 const TInt KBufferLengthSmall       = 10;
   104 const TInt KCodeSemicolon           = 58;
   105 const TInt KMask                    = 0xFF;
   106 const TInt KCodeDot                 = 46;
   109 _LIT( KUpnpDateString,"%F%Y-%M-%D");
   110 const TInt KMaxDateStringLength = 30;
   114 _LIT8( KAudioSupport,        "audio/" );
   115 _LIT8( KImageSupport,        "image/" );
   116 _LIT8( KVideoSupport,        "video/" );
   118 _LIT8( KImageJpeg,         	"=JPEG_" );
   119 _LIT8( KImagePng,          	"=PNG_" );
   121 _LIT8( KAudioAc3,         	"=AC3" );
   122 _LIT8( KAudioAmr,         	"=AMR_" );
   123 _LIT8( KAudioAtra,         	"=ATRAC3plus" );
   124 _LIT8( KAudioLpcm,         	"=LPCM" );
   125 _LIT8( KAudioMp3,         	"=MP3" );
   126 _LIT8( KAudioAac,         	"=AAC_" );
   127 _LIT8( KAudioHeaac,        	"=HEAAC_" );
   128 _LIT8( KAudioBsac,         	"=BSAC_" );
   129 _LIT8( KAudioWmab,         	"=WMABASE" );
   130 _LIT8( KAudioWmaf,         	"=WMAFULL" );
   132 _LIT8( KAudioWmap,         	"=WMAPRO" );
   133 _LIT8( KVideoMpeg,          "=MPEG" );
   134 _LIT8( KVideoAvc,          	"=AVC_" );
   135 _LIT8( KVideoWmvm,         	"=WMVMED_" );
   136 _LIT8( KVideoVmvh,          "=WMVHIGH_" );
   137 _LIT8( KVideoWmvh,          "=WMVHM_" );
   138 _LIT8( KVideoWmvspll,       "=WMVSPLL_" );
   139 _LIT8( KVideoWmvspml,       "=WMVSPML_" );
   140 // ============================ LOCAL FUNCTIONS =============================
   142 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // UPnPCommonUtils::MemoryCardStateL
   144 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 EXPORT_C TBool UPnPCommonUtils::MemoryCardStateL()
   147     {
   148     TDriveInfo driveInfo;
   150     TBool status = EFalse;
   151     RFs fileServer;
   152     User::LeaveIfError( fileServer.Connect() );
   153     CleanupClosePushL( fileServer );
   154     TInt error = fileServer.Drive( driveInfo, EDriveE );
   155     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fileServer );
   157     //check if memory card is present
   158     if ( error == KErrNone && driveInfo.iType == EMediaHardDisk )
   159         {
   160         status = ETrue;
   161         }
   163     return status;
   164     }
   166 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 // UPnPCommonUtils::ResolveMimeTypeL
   168 // Resolves the MIME type of a file. Leaves in error cases.
   169 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 EXPORT_C HBufC8* UPnPCommonUtils::ResolveMimeTypeL( const TDesC& aFileName )
   171     {
   172     HBufC8* mimetype = NULL;
   174     mimetype = GetMimeTypeByExtensionL( aFileName );
   176     // If the mime type was not recognized by the extension, try the 
   177     // platform mime type recognizer
   178     if( !mimetype )
   179         {           
   180         // finding server
   181         RApaLsSession sess; 
   182         TInt error = sess.Connect();
   184         // We have FS, File and RApaLs open
   185         if ( error == KErrNone )
   186             {
   187             CleanupClosePushL( sess );
   189             TUid id = TUid::Uid( 0 );
   190             TDataType type;
   192             error = sess.AppForDocument( aFileName, id, type );
   194             if( error == KErrNone )
   195                 {
   196                 mimetype = HBufC8::NewL( type.Des8().Length() + 
   197                                          KLineFeed().Length() );
   198                 mimetype->Des().Append( type.Des8() );
   199                 mimetype->Des().Append( KLineFeed() );
   200                 }
   202             // Clean up
   203             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &sess );
   204             }
   205         }
   207     return mimetype;
   208     }
   210 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 // UPnPCommonUtils::GetMimeTypeByExtensionL
   212 // Resolves the type of a file. Leaves in error cases.
   213 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 EXPORT_C HBufC8* UPnPCommonUtils::GetMimeTypeByExtensionL(
   215     const TDesC& aFileName )
   216     {
   217     HBufC8* mimetype = NULL;
   218     HBufC* tempFilename = aFileName.AllocL();
   219     CleanupStack::PushL( tempFilename );
   221     // Convert letters to upper case
   222     tempFilename->Des().UpperCase();
   224     TParse parse;
   225     parse.Set( tempFilename->Des(), NULL, NULL );
   226     TBufC<KMaxName> ext( parse.Ext() );
   228     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempFilename );
   229     tempFilename = NULL;
   231     // FindC and length calculation is used,
   232     // because compareC does not work for undefined reason  
   234     if ( ext.FindC( KHtml16 ) == 0 && 
   235          ext.Length() == KHtml16().Length() )
   236         {
   237         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KHtml().Length() );
   238         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   239         mimetype->Des().Append( KHtml() );
   240         }
   241     else if ( ext.FindC( KXml16 ) == 0 && 
   242               ext.Length() == KXml16().Length() )
   243         {
   244         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KXml().Length() );
   245         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   246         mimetype->Des().Append( KXml() );
   247         }
   248     else if ( ext.FindC( KTxt16 ) == 0 && 
   249               ext.Length() == KTxt16().Length() )
   250         {
   251         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KTxt().Length() );
   252         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   253         mimetype->Des().Append( KTxt() );
   254         }
   255     else if ( ( ext.FindC( KJpg16 ) == 0 && 
   256                 ext.Length() == KJpg16().Length() ) ||
   257                 ( ext.FindC( KJpeg16 ) == 0 && 
   258                   ext.Length() == KJpeg16().Length() ) )
   259         {
   260         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KJpg().Length() );
   261         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   262         mimetype->Des().Append( KJpg() );
   263         }       
   264     else if ( ext.FindC( KGif16 ) == 0 && 
   265               ext.Length() == KGif16().Length() )
   266         {
   267         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KGif().Length() );
   268         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   269         mimetype->Des().Append( KGif() );
   270         }   
   271     else if ( ext.FindC( KPng16 ) == 0 && 
   272               ext.Length() == KPng16().Length() )
   273         {
   274         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KPng().Length() );
   275         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   276         mimetype->Des().Append( KPng() );
   277         }
   278     else if ( ( ext.FindC( KMpg16 ) == 0 &&
   279                 ext.Length() == KMpg16().Length() ) ||
   280                 ( ext.FindC( KMpeg16 ) == 0 &&
   281                   ext.Length() == KMpeg16().Length() ) )
   282         {
   283         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KMpeg().Length() );
   284         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   285         mimetype->Des().Append( KMpeg() );
   286         }
   287     else if ( ( ext.FindC( KMpeg416 ) == 0 && 
   288                 ext.Length() == KMpeg416().Length() ) )
   289         {
   290         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KMpeg4().Length() );
   291         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   292         mimetype->Des().Append( KMpeg4() );
   293         }
   294     else if ( ext.FindC( KAvi16 ) == 0 && 
   295               ext.Length() == KAvi16().Length() )
   296         {
   297         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KAvi().Length() );
   298         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   299         mimetype->Des().Append( KAvi() );
   300         }
   301     else if ( ext.FindC( KMp316 ) == 0 && 
   302               ext.Length() == KMp316().Length() )
   303         {
   304         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KMp3().Length() );
   305         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   306         mimetype->Des().Append( KMp3() );
   307         }
   308     else if ( ext.FindC( KXHtml16 ) == 0 && 
   309               ext.Length() == KXHtml16().Length() )
   310         {
   311         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KXHtml().Length() );
   312         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   313         mimetype->Des().Append( KXHtml() );
   314         }
   315     else if ( ext.FindC( KAac16 ) == 0 && 
   316               ext.Length() == KAac16().Length() )
   317         {
   318         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KAac().Length() );
   319         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   320         mimetype->Des().Append( KAac() );
   321         }
   322     else if ( ext.FindC( KWma16 ) == 0 && 
   323               ext.Length() == KWma16().Length() )
   324         {
   325         mimetype = HBufC8::NewLC( KWma().Length() );
   326         mimetype->Des().Zero();
   327         mimetype->Des().Append( KWma() );
   328         }
   329     else
   330         {
   331         // Mime type not recognized. Return NULL.        
   332         }
   334     if( mimetype )
   335         {
   336         CleanupStack::Pop( mimetype );
   337         }
   339     return mimetype;
   340     }
   342 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 // UPnPCommonUtils::ResolveFileTypeL
   344 // Resolves the MIME type of a file. Leaves in error cases.
   345 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 EXPORT_C TUPnPItemType UPnPCommonUtils::ResolveFileTypeL(
   347                                                     const TDesC& aFileName )
   348     {
   349     TUPnPItemType returnValue = ETypeOther;
   351     if( aFileName != KNullDesC )
   352         {
   354         HBufC8* mimetype = NULL;
   355         mimetype = ResolveMimeTypeL( aFileName );
   356         if( mimetype )
   357             {
   358             CleanupStack::PushL( mimetype );
   360             if( mimetype->Des().Find( KMimeImage() ) >= 0 )
   361                 {
   362                 returnValue = ETypeImage;
   363                 }
   364             else if( mimetype->Des().Find( KMimePlaylist() ) >= 0 )
   365                 {
   366                 returnValue = ETypePlaylist;
   367                 }
   368             else if( mimetype->Des().Find( KMimeAudio() ) >= 0 )
   369                 {
   370                 returnValue = ETypeAudio;
   371                 }
   372             else if( mimetype->Des().Find( KMimeVideo() ) >= 0 )
   373                 {
   374                 returnValue = ETypeVideo;
   375                 }
   376             else
   377                 {
   378                 returnValue = ETypeOther;
   379                 }
   381             // Clean up
   382             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mimetype );
   383             mimetype = NULL;
   384             }
   385         else
   386             {
   387             returnValue = ETypeOther;
   388             }
   389         }
   390     else
   391         {
   392         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   393         }
   395     return returnValue;
   396     }
   398 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   399 // UPnPCommonUtils::ReplacePlaceHolderInURIL
   400 // Replaces IP address and port number placeholders of the RES element's URI
   401 // string of the given item.
   402 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 //
   404 EXPORT_C void UPnPCommonUtils::ReplacePlaceHolderInURIL( 
   405                                             CUpnpItem& aItem,
   406                                             const TInetAddr& aAddress )
   407     {
   408     __LOG( "UPnPCommonUtils::ReplacePlaceHolderInURIL" );
   410     const RUPnPElementsArray& elms = aItem.GetElements();
   412     TInt count = elms.Count();
   413     TInt i = 0;
   414     for( ; i < count; i++)
   415         {
   416         if( elms[ i ]->Name() == KElementRes )
   417             {
   418             TPtrC8 ptrC( elms[ i ]->Value() );
   420             HBufC8* addrBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( KBufferLength );
   421             addrBuf->Des().Append( KHttpDes );
   422             TBuf8<KBufferLengthSmall> buf;
   423             TChar separator( KCodeSemicolon );
   424             TChar dot( KCodeDot );
   425             TUint32 addr = aAddress.Address();
   426             buf.Num( addr >> 24 ); // First part of the ip address
   427             addrBuf->Des().Append( buf );
   428             addrBuf->Des().Append( dot );
   429             buf.Num( ( addr >> 16 ) & KMask ); // Second part of ip address
   430             addrBuf->Des().Append( buf );
   431             addrBuf->Des().Append( dot );
   432             buf.Num( ( addr >> 8 ) & KMask ); // Third part of the ip address
   433             addrBuf->Des().Append( buf );
   434             addrBuf->Des().Append( dot );
   435             buf.Num( addr & KMask ); // last part of the ip address
   436             addrBuf->Des().Append( buf );
   437             addrBuf->Des().Append( separator );
   439             buf.Num( aAddress.Port() ); // port number
   440             addrBuf->Des().Append( buf );
   442             // Append rest of the uri
   443             addrBuf->Des().Append( ptrC.Mid( KPlaceHolderLength ) );
   445             __LOG8( *addrBuf );
   447             elms[ i ]->SetValueL( *addrBuf );
   449             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( addrBuf );
   450             i = count;
   451             }
   452         }    
   453     }
   455 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 // UPnPCommonUtils::ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharactersL
   457 // Replaces the illegal filename characters from the given filename string
   458 // and returns a new fixed filename string. 8bit version.
   459 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 //
   461 EXPORT_C HBufC8* UPnPCommonUtils::ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharactersL( 
   462                                         const TDesC8& aFileName )
   463     {
   464     // Note that this implementation is a bit slow since it goes through the 
   465     // descriptor many times. Only one iteration would be optimal solution.
   466     HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( aFileName.Length() );
   467     TPtr8 ptr = buf->Des();
   468     ptr.Copy( aFileName );
   470     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr, 
   471                                        KProk(),
   472                                        KUnderScore() );
   473     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   474                                        KKorp(),
   475                                        KUnderScore() );        
   476     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   477                                        KQuotation(),
   478                                        KUnderScore() );
   479     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   480                                        KDoubleBackSlash(),
   481                                        KUnderScore() );
   482     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr, 
   483                                        KSlash(),
   484                                        KUnderScore() );
   485     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   486                                        KStar(),
   487                                        KUnderScore() );
   488     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   489                                        KPipe(),
   490                                        KUnderScore() );
   491     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   492                                        KColon(),
   493                                        KUnderScore() );
   494     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   495                                        KQuestionMark(),
   496                                        KUnderScore() );
   497     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr,
   498                                        KTab(),
   499                                        KUnderScore() );
   500     CleanupStack::Pop(); // Can't pop by name, name invalid now
   501     return buf;
   502     }    
   504 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   505 // UPnPCommonUtils::ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharactersL
   506 // Replaces the illegal filename characters from the given filename string
   507 // and returns a new fixed filename string. 16bit version.
   508 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 //
   510 EXPORT_C HBufC* UPnPCommonUtils::ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharactersL( 
   511                                         const TDesC& aFilename )
   512     {
   513     HBufC8* convertedParam = NULL;
   514     convertedParam = UpnpString::FromUnicodeL( aFilename );
   515     CleanupStack::PushL( convertedParam );
   517     HBufC8* replacedFilename8 = NULL;
   518     replacedFilename8 = ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharactersL( *convertedParam );
   519     CleanupStack::PushL( replacedFilename8 );
   521     HBufC* replacedFilename16 = NULL;
   522     replacedFilename16 = UpnpString::ToUnicodeL( *replacedFilename8 );
   524     // Clean up
   525     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( replacedFilename8 );
   526     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( convertedParam );
   528     return replacedFilename16;
   529     }    
   531 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   532 // UPnPCommonUtils::IsPlaylistContainerL
   533 // Checks if the given CUpnpObject is a playlist container.
   534 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 //
   536 EXPORT_C TBool UPnPCommonUtils::IsPlaylistContainerL( 
   537                                         const CUpnpObject& aContainer )
   538     {
   539     TBool returnValue = EFalse;
   540     if( aContainer.ObjectType() != EUPnPContainer ||
   541         aContainer.ObjectClass() == KNullDesC8 )
   542         {
   543         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   544         }
   545     else
   546         {
   547         if( aContainer.ObjectClass().CompareF( KClassPlaylist() ) == 0 )
   548             {
   549             returnValue = ETrue;
   550             }        
   551         }
   552     return returnValue;
   553     }
   555 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 // UPnPCommonUtils::FindContainerByTitle
   557 // Finds container from CUpnpContainerList by title field
   558 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 //
   560 EXPORT_C CUpnpContainer* UPnPCommonUtils::FindContainerByTitle(
   561     const CUpnpContainerList& aList, const TDesC8& aTitle )
   562     {
   563     TBool notFound( ETrue );
   564     TInt index( 0 );
   565     CUpnpContainer* tmp( NULL );
   567     while ( index < aList.ObjectCount() && notFound )
   568         {
   569         tmp = static_cast< CUpnpContainer* >
   570             ( aList[ index ] );
   571         if ( tmp->Title().Compare( aTitle ) == 0 )
   572             {
   573             notFound = EFalse;
   574             }
   575         else
   576             {
   577             tmp = NULL;
   578             }
   579         index++;
   580         }
   581     return tmp;
   582     }
   584 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 // UPnPCommonUtils::IntToDesC8LC
   586 // Returns IntValue for aObject
   587 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   588 //
   589 EXPORT_C HBufC8* UPnPCommonUtils::IntToDesC8LC( 
   590     const TInt& aObject )
   591     {
   592     HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(12);
   593     TPtr8 ptrBuf = buf->Des();
   595     ptrBuf.Num(aObject);
   597     return buf;
   598     }
   600 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 // UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt
   602 // Returns IntValue for aObject
   603 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 //
   605 EXPORT_C TInt UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt( 
   606     const TDesC8& aObject )
   607     {
   608     TLex8 lex( aObject );
   610     TInt lValue( KErrArgument );
   612     lex.Val( lValue );
   613     return lValue;
   614     }
   616 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   617 // UPnPCommonUtils::TTimeToUPnPDateL
   618 // see upnpcommonutils.h
   619 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   620 EXPORT_C HBufC* UPnPCommonUtils::TTimeToUPnPDateL( TTime aTime )
   621     {
   622     TBuf<KMaxDateStringLength> date;        
   623     aTime.FormatL( date, KUpnpDateString );
   625     return date.AllocL();
   626     }
   628 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   629 // UPnPCommonUtils::RenameFileL
   630 // see upnpcommonutils.h
   631 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   632 EXPORT_C HBufC* UPnPCommonUtils::RenameFileL( const TDesC& aFilePath )
   633     {
   635     //get the file extension include '.',e.g .jpg
   636     TInt dot = aFilePath.LocateReverse( KCodeDot );
   637     HBufC* extension = NULL;
   638     if( dot > 0 ) //if there is extension
   639         {
   640         extension = aFilePath.Right( aFilePath.Length() - dot ).AllocL();
   641         CleanupStack::PushL( extension );
   642         }
   643     else //if there is no extension
   644         {
   645         dot = aFilePath.Length();
   646         }
   647     // get the file path without extension: http://1.2.3//test
   648     HBufC* leftString = aFilePath.Left( dot ).AllocL(); 
   649     CleanupStack::PushL( leftString );
   651     //rename it: http:://1.2.3//test_upnptemp.jpg
   652     HBufC* name_upnpfwtemp = NULL;
   653     if( extension )
   654         {
   655         name_upnpfwtemp = HBufC::NewL( leftString->Length() + 
   656                                           KTemp().Length() + 
   657                                           extension->Length() );    
   658         }
   659     else
   660         {
   661         name_upnpfwtemp = HBufC::NewL( leftString->Length() + 
   662                                        KTemp().Length() );
   663         }
   665     name_upnpfwtemp->Des().Append( *leftString );
   666     name_upnpfwtemp->Des().Append( KTemp() );
   668     if( extension )
   669         {
   670         name_upnpfwtemp->Des().Append( *extension );
   671         }
   674     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( leftString );
   676     if( extension )
   677         {
   678         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( extension );
   679         }
   682     CleanupStack::PushL( name_upnpfwtemp );
   684     // try to rename the file
   685     RFs fsSession;
   686     User::LeaveIfError( fsSession.Connect() ); // connect session
   687     CleanupClosePushL( fsSession );
   689     TInt error = fsSession.Rename( aFilePath, *name_upnpfwtemp );
   691     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fsSession );
   692     CleanupStack::Pop( name_upnpfwtemp ); 
   694     if( KErrNone == error )
   695         {
   696         return name_upnpfwtemp; //transfer ownership
   697         }
   698     else
   699         {
   700         delete name_upnpfwtemp;
   701         return NULL;
   702         }
   704     }
   706 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   707 // UPnPCommonUtils::DeleteTempFilesL
   708 // see upnpcommonutils.h
   709 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   710 EXPORT_C void UPnPCommonUtils::DeleteTempFilesL()
   711     {
   712     __LOG("UPnPCommonUtils::\
   713 DeleteTempFilesL begin");
   715     RFs fs;
   716     User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // connect session
   717     CleanupClosePushL( fs );
   719     CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( fs );
   720     CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
   721     _LIT( KAnyChar, "*");
   722     _LIT( KAnyExtension, "*.*");
   723     _LIT( KUpnpUploadTempDirectory, "Download\\Media\\temp\\" );
   725     // clean phone memory
   726     HBufC* path = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
   727     TPtrC mcDrive( PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath() );
   728     path->Des().Append( mcDrive );
   729     path->Des().Append( KUpnpUploadDirectory );
   730     path->Des().Append( KAnyChar );
   731     path->Des().Append( KTemp );
   732     path->Des().Append( KAnyExtension );
   733     fileMan->Delete( *path );
   735     path->Des().Zero();
   736     path->Des().Append( mcDrive );
   737     path->Des().Append( KUpnpUploadTempDirectory );
   738     path->Des().Append( KAnyExtension );
   739     fileMan->Delete( *path );
   740     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );
   742     // clean memory card
   743     path = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
   744     TPtrC phoneDrive( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() );
   745     path->Des().Append( phoneDrive );
   746     path->Des().Append( KUpnpUploadDirectory );
   747     path->Des().Append( KAnyChar );
   748     path->Des().Append( KTemp );
   749     path->Des().Append( KAnyExtension );
   750     fileMan->Delete( *path );
   752     path->Des().Zero();
   753     path->Des().Append( phoneDrive );
   754     path->Des().Append( KUpnpUploadTempDirectory );
   755     path->Des().Append( KAnyExtension );
   756     fileMan->Delete( *path );
   757     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );
   759     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileMan );
   760     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fs );
   762     __LOG("UPnPCommonUtils::\
   763 DeleteTempFilesL end");
   764     }
   766 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   767 // UPnPCommonUtils::IsImageSupported
   768 // see upnpcommonutils.h
   769 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------    
   770  EXPORT_C TBool UPnPCommonUtils::IsImageSupported( const TDesC8& aProtocolInfo )
   771 	{
   772 	// simple check
   773 	if( aProtocolInfo.Find( KImageSupport ) >= 0 )
   774 		{
   775 		return ETrue;
   776 		}
   779 	// check mime types	
   780 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KImageJpeg ) > 0 )
   781 		{
   782 		return ETrue;
   783 		}
   785 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KImagePng ) > 0 )
   786 		{
   787 		return ETrue;
   788 		}
   790 	return EFalse;
   791 	}
   794 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   795 // UPnPCommonUtils::IsAudioSupported
   796 // see upnpcommonutils.h
   797 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   798 EXPORT_C TBool UPnPCommonUtils::IsAudioSupported( const TDesC8& aProtocolInfo )
   799 	{
   800 	// simple check
   801 	if( aProtocolInfo.Find( KAudioSupport ) >= 0 )
   802 		{
   803 		return ETrue;
   804 		}
   807 	// check mime types	
   808 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioAc3 ) > 0 )
   809 		{
   810 		return ETrue;
   811 		}
   813 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioAmr ) > 0 )
   814 		{
   815 		return ETrue;
   816 		}
   818 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioAtra ) > 0 )
   819 		{
   820 		return ETrue;
   821 		}
   823 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioLpcm ) > 0 )
   824 		{
   825 		return ETrue;
   826 		}
   828 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioMp3 ) > 0 )
   829 		{
   830 		return ETrue;
   831 		}
   833 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioAac ) > 0 )
   834 		{
   835 		return ETrue;
   836 		}
   838 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioHeaac ) > 0 )
   839 		{
   840 		return ETrue;
   841 		}
   843 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioBsac ) > 0 )
   844 		{
   845 		return ETrue;
   846 		}
   848 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioWmab ) > 0 )
   849 		{
   850 		return ETrue;
   851 		}
   853 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioWmaf ) > 0 )
   854 		{
   855 		return ETrue;
   856 		}
   858 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KAudioWmap ) > 0 )
   859 		{
   860 		return ETrue;
   861 		}
   864 	return EFalse;
   865 	}
   870 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   871 // UPnPCommonUtils::IsVideoSupported
   872 // see upnpcommonutils.h
   873 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   874 EXPORT_C TBool UPnPCommonUtils::IsVideoSupported( const TDesC8& aProtocolInfo )
   875 	{
   876 	// simple check
   877 	if( aProtocolInfo.Find( KVideoSupport ) >= 0 )
   878 		{
   879 		return ETrue;
   880 		}
   883 	// check mime types		
   884 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoMpeg ) > 0 )
   885 		{
   886 		return ETrue;
   887 		}
   889 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoAvc ) > 0 )
   890 		{
   891 		return ETrue;
   892 		}
   894 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoWmvm ) > 0 )
   895 		{
   896 		return ETrue;
   897 		}
   899 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoVmvh ) > 0 )
   900 		{
   901 		return ETrue;
   902 		}
   904 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoWmvh ) > 0 )
   905 		{
   906 		return ETrue;
   907 		}
   909 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoWmvspll ) > 0 )
   910 		{
   911 		return ETrue;
   912 		}
   914 	if( aProtocolInfo.FindC( KVideoWmvspml ) > 0 )
   915 		{
   916 		return ETrue;
   917 		}
   919 	return EFalse;
   920 	}
   922 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   923 // UPnPCommonUtils::FileExtensionByMimeTypeL
   924 // See upnpfileutility.h
   925 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   926 //
   927 EXPORT_C HBufC* UPnPCommonUtils::FileExtensionByMimeTypeL(
   928     const TDesC8& aMimeType )
   929     {
   930     HBufC* fileExt = NULL;
   932     // XHTML
   933     if( aMimeType.CompareC( KXHtmlMime ) == 0 )
   934         {
   935         fileExt = KXHtmlExt().AllocL();
   936         }
   937     // HTML
   938     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KHtmlMime ) == 0 )
   939         {
   940         fileExt = KHtmlExt().AllocL();
   941         }
   942     // XML
   943     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KXmlMime1 ) == 0 ||
   944              aMimeType.CompareC( KXmlMime2 ) == 0 ||
   945              aMimeType.CompareC( KXmlMime3 ) == 0  )
   946         {
   947         fileExt = KXmlExt().AllocL();
   948         }
   949     // TXT    
   950     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KTxtMime )  == 0 ||
   951              aMimeType.CompareC( KTxtMime2 ) == 0 ||
   952              aMimeType.CompareC( KTxtMime3 ) == 0 ||
   953              aMimeType.CompareC( KTxtMime4 ) == 0 ||
   954              aMimeType.CompareC( KTxtMime5 ) == 0 ||
   955              aMimeType.CompareC( KTxtMime6 ) == 0  )
   956         {
   957         fileExt = KTxtExt().AllocL();
   958         }
   959     // JPEG
   960     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KJpegMime ) == 0 )
   961         {
   962         fileExt = KJpegExt().AllocL();
   963         }
   964     // JPG
   965     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KJpegMime2 ) == 0 ||
   966              aMimeType.CompareC( KJpegMime3 ) == 0 ||
   967              aMimeType.CompareC( KJpegMime4 ) == 0 ||
   968              aMimeType.CompareC( KJpegMime5 ) == 0  )
   969         {
   970         fileExt = KJpgExt().AllocL();
   971         }
   972     // GIF    
   973     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KGifMime )  == 0 ||
   974              aMimeType.CompareC( KGifMime2 ) == 0 ||
   975              aMimeType.CompareC( KGifMime3 ) == 0  )
   976         {
   977         fileExt = KGifExt().AllocL();
   978         }
   979     // PNG    
   980     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KPngMime )  == 0 ||
   981              aMimeType.CompareC( KPngMime2 ) == 0 ||
   982              aMimeType.CompareC( KPngMime3 ) == 0  )
   983         {
   984         fileExt = KPngExt().AllocL();
   985         }
   986     // MPG    
   987     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime1 )  == 0 ||
   988              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime2 )  == 0 ||
   989              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime3 )  == 0 ||
   990              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime4 )  == 0 ||
   991              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime5 )  == 0 ||
   992              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime6 )  == 0 ||
   993              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime7 )  == 0 ||
   994              aMimeType.CompareC( KMpgMime10 ) == 0  )
   995         {
   996         fileExt = KMpgExt1().AllocL();
   997         }
   998     // MPEG4    
   999     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KMpeg4Mime )  == 0 )
  1000         {
  1001         fileExt = KMpeg4Ext().AllocL();
  1002         }
  1003     // MP4        
  1004     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KMp4Mime )  == 0 ||
  1005              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp4Mime2 ) == 0 ||
  1006              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp4Mime3 ) == 0  )
  1007         {
  1008         fileExt = KMp4Ext().AllocL();
  1009         }
  1010     // AVI
  1011     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime1 ) == 0 ||
  1012              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime2 ) == 0 ||
  1013              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime3 ) == 0 ||
  1014              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime4 ) == 0 ||
  1015              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime5 ) == 0 ||
  1016              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime6 ) == 0 ||
  1017              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime7 ) == 0 ||
  1018              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime8 ) == 0 ||
  1019              aMimeType.CompareC( KAviMime9 ) == 0 )
  1020         {
  1021         fileExt = KAviExt().AllocL();
  1022         }
  1023     // MP3
  1024     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime1 )  == 0 ||
  1025              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime2 )  == 0 ||
  1026              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime3 )  == 0 ||
  1027              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime4 )  == 0 ||
  1028              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime5 )  == 0 ||
  1029              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime6 )  == 0 ||
  1030              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime7 )  == 0 ||
  1031              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime8 )  == 0 ||
  1032              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime9 )  == 0 ||
  1033              aMimeType.CompareC( KMp3Mime10 ) == 0 )
  1034         {
  1035         fileExt = KMp3Ext().AllocL();
  1036         }
  1037     // AAC    
  1038     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KAacMime )   == 0 ||
  1039              aMimeType.CompareC( KAacMime2 )  == 0 ||
  1040              aMimeType.CompareC( KAacMime3 )  == 0 ||
  1041              aMimeType.CompareC( KAacMime4 )  == 0 )
  1042         {
  1043         fileExt = KAacExt().AllocL();
  1044         }
  1045     //M4a
  1046     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KM4aMime )   == 0 )
  1047        {
  1048        fileExt = KM4aExt().AllocL();
  1049        }
  1050     // WMA    
  1051     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KWmaMime )   == 0 ||
  1052              aMimeType.CompareC( KWmaMime2 )  == 0 )
  1053         {
  1054         fileExt = KWmaExt().AllocL();
  1055         }
  1056     // BMP
  1057     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime )  == 0 ||
  1058              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime2 ) == 0 ||
  1059              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime3 ) == 0 ||
  1060              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime4 ) == 0 ||
  1061              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime5 ) == 0 ||
  1062              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime6 ) == 0 ||
  1063              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime7 ) == 0 ||
  1064              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime8 ) == 0 ||
  1065              aMimeType.CompareC( KBmpMime9 ) == 0  )
  1066         {
  1067         fileExt = KBmpExt().AllocL();
  1068         }
  1069     // 3GP
  1070     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KAudio3gpp ) == 0 ||
  1071              aMimeType.CompareC( KVideo3gpp ) == 0 ) 
  1072         {
  1073         fileExt = K3gpExt().AllocL();
  1074         }
  1075     // AMR
  1076     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KAudioAMR )  == 0 )
  1077         {
  1078         fileExt = KAmrExt().AllocL();
  1079         }
  1080     // WAV
  1081     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KAudioWav ) == 0 ||
  1082              aMimeType.CompareC( KAudioXWav ) == 0 ||
  1083              aMimeType.FindC( KAudioL16 ) != KErrNotFound )
  1084         {
  1085         fileExt = KWavExt().AllocL();
  1086         }
  1087     // Real audio    
  1088     else if ( aMimeType.CompareC( KRAMime8 )  == 0 )
  1089         {
  1090         fileExt = KRAExt().AllocL();
  1091         }
  1092     // TTS    
  1093     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KVideoTts )  == 0 )
  1094         {
  1095         fileExt = KTtsExt().AllocL();
  1096         }
  1097     // WMV    
  1098     else if( aMimeType.CompareC( KWmvMime )  == 0 )
  1099         {
  1100         fileExt = KWmvExt().AllocL();        
  1101         }
  1102     return fileExt;
  1103     }
  1105 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1106 // UPnPCommonUtils::FixListboxItemTextL
  1107 // Removes the tab character of the given text
  1108 // and returns a new fixed text string. 8bit version.
  1109 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1110 //
  1111 EXPORT_C HBufC8* UPnPCommonUtils::FixListboxItemTextL( const TDesC8& aText )
  1112     {
  1113     HBufC8* fixedText = HBufC8::NewLC( aText.Length() );
  1114     TPtr8 ptr = fixedText->Des();
  1115     ptr.Copy( aText );
  1117     UpnpString::StringReplaceInPlaceL( ptr, 
  1118                                        KTab(),
  1119                                        KSpace() );   
  1120     CleanupStack::Pop(); // Can't pop by name, name invalid now
  1121     return fixedText;
  1122     }
  1124 //  End of File