changeset 0 7f85d04be362
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:      Cds Sync Implementation Header
    15 *
    16 */
    24 #ifndef __CDSSYNCIMPL_H__
    25 #define __CDSSYNCIMPL_H__
    27 #include <e32cons.h>
    28 #include <e32base.h> 
    29 #include <f32file.h>
    30 #include "cdssync.h"
    31 #include <xml/parser.h>
    32 #include <xml/contenthandler.h>
    34 // Forward declarations
    35 class CCdsSyncSqlAo;
    36 class MCmSqlMain;
    37 class CCmSqlPropertyItem;
    38 class CCmSqlGenericItem;
    39 class CCmSqlBaseItem;
    41 typedef RPointerArray<CCmSqlPropertyItem> CCmSqlPropertyItemArray;
    43 using namespace Xml;
    45 /**
    46  *  CItemResource class definition
    47  *
    48  *  @lib cdssync.lib
    49  *  @since S60 5.1
    50  */
    51 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CItemResource ) : public CBase 
    52 {
    53 public:
    55     /**
    56      * Two-phased constructor.
    57      */
    58     static CItemResource* NewLC();
    60     /**
    61      * Two-phased constructor.
    62      */    
    63     static CItemResource* NewL();
    65     /**
    66      * Destructor
    67      */
    68     virtual ~CItemResource();
    70 private:
    71     /**
    72      * Performs the first phase of two phase construction.
    73      */
    74     CItemResource();
    76     /**
    77      * Performs the second phase construction.
    78      */    
    79     void ConstructL();
    81 public:
    82     /**
    83      * Track duration
    84      */
    85     HBufC8* iDuration;   // owned
    86     /**
    87      * Track bitrate
    88      */    
    89     HBufC8* iBitrate;    // owned
    90     /**
    91      * File size
    92      */
    93     HBufC8* iSize;       // owned
    94     /**
    95      * Item resolution
    96      */
    97     HBufC8* iResolution; // owned
    98     /**
    99      * Item uri
   100      */
   101     HBufC8* iUri;        // owned
   102     /**
   103      * Item protocol
   104      */
   105     HBufC8* iProtocol;   // owned
   106 };
   109 /**
   110  * CCdsSyncImpl class definition
   111  *
   112  * @lib cdssync.lib
   113  *
   114  * @since S60 5.1
   115  */    
   116 class CCdsSyncImpl : public CActive, 
   117                      public MContentHandler 
   118       {
   120 private:
   122     // Syncronization status
   123     enum TCdsSyncStatus
   124         {
   125         ECdsSyncIdle,
   126         ECdsSyncInitializing,
   127         ECdsSyncReadyToParse,
   128         ECdsSyncParsing,
   129         ECdsSyncFinalizing
   130         };
   132 public:
   134     /**
   135      * Two-phased constructor.
   136      */
   137     static CCdsSyncImpl* NewLC();
   139     /**
   140      * Two-phased constructor.
   141      */    
   142     static CCdsSyncImpl* NewL();
   144     /**
   145      * Destructor
   146      */    
   147     ~CCdsSyncImpl();
   149 public: // new functions    
   151     /**
   152      * Initializes data
   153      *
   154      * @Since S60 5.1
   155      * @param aSourceDataArray, source data
   156      * @param aDeviceId, device id where data is retrieved
   157      * @param aObserver, process observer
   158      * @param aAddGranularity, data granularity
   159      */    
   160     void InitL( RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aSourceDataArray,
   161                          const TInt& aDeviceId, 
   162                          MCdsSyncObserver& aObserver,
   163                          TInt aAddGranularity);
   165     /**
   166      * Notifies when data is added
   167      *
   168      * @Since S60 5.1
   169      * @param aSourceDataComplete, indicates if all source data is added
   170      */
   171     void NotifySourceDataAddedL( 
   172         TBool aSourceDataComplete = EFalse );
   174     /**
   175      * Cancels operation and cleans data
   176      *
   177      * @Since S60 5.1     
   178      */
   179     void ResetL();
   181     /**
   182      * Called when operation is completed
   183      *
   184      * @Since S60 5.1
   185      * @param aErrCode, error code
   186      */    
   187     void OperationsCompleteL( TInt aErrCode );
   189     /**
   190      * Notifies observer about progress
   191      *
   192      * @Since S60 5.1
   193      * @param aItemCount, processed items
   194      */
   195     void ProgressL( TInt aItemCount );
   197     /**
   198      * Returns the chunk count to be processed including current chunk
   199      *
   200      * @Since S60 5.1
   201      * @return TInt, chunk count
   202      */    
   203     TInt ChunkCount();
   205     /**
   206      * Returns successfully processed item count. 
   207      *
   208      * @since S60 5.1
   209      * @return TInt, count of items that has been processed successfully.
   210      */
   211     TInt ProcessedItemCount();
   213     /**
   214      * Sets search index to cds sync
   215      *
   216      * @since S60 5.1
   217      * @param aSearchIndex, search index
   218      */    
   219     void SetSearchIndex( const TInt aSearchIndex );    
   221     /**
   222      * Chunk complete callback
   223      *
   224      * @since S60 5.1
   225      */    
   226     void ChunkCompleteL();
   228 // From base class MContentHandler        
   230     /**
   231      * From MContentHandler
   232      * See base class definition
   233      */     
   234     void OnStartDocumentL( const RDocumentParameters& aDocParam, 
   235                            TInt aErrorCode );
   236     /**
   237      * From MContentHandler
   238      * See base class definition
   239      */
   240     void OnEndDocumentL( TInt aErrorCode );
   242     /**
   243      * From MContentHandler
   244      * See base class definition
   245      */
   246     void OnStartElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, 
   247                           const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, 
   248                           TInt aErrorCode );
   250     /**
   251      * From MContentHandler
   252      * See base class definition
   253      */
   254     void OnEndElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode );
   256     /**
   257      * From MContentHandler
   258      * See base class definition
   259      */
   260     void OnContentL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode );
   262     /**
   263      * From MContentHandler
   264      * See base class definition
   265      */
   266     void OnStartPrefixMappingL( const RString& aPrefix, 
   267                                 const RString& aUri, 
   268                                 TInt aErrorCode);
   270     /**
   271      * From MContentHandler
   272      * See base class definition
   273      */
   274     void OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& aPrefix, TInt aErrorCode );
   276     /**
   277      * From MContentHandler
   278      * See base class definition
   279      */
   280     void OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode );
   282     /**
   283      * From MContentHandler
   284      * See base class definition
   285      */
   286     void OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& aName, TInt aErrorCode );
   288     /**
   289      * From MContentHandler
   290      * See base class definition
   291      */
   292     void OnProcessingInstructionL( const TDesC8& aTarget, 
   293                                    const TDesC8& aData, 
   294                                    TInt aErrorCode);
   296     /**
   297      * From MContentHandler
   298      * See base class definition
   299      */
   300     void OnError( TInt aErrorCode );
   302     /**
   303      * From MContentHandler
   304      * See base class definition
   305      */
   306     TAny* GetExtendedInterface( const TInt32 aUid );
   308 // From base class CActive
   310     /**
   311      * From CActive
   312      * See base class definition
   313      */
   314     void RunL();
   316     /**
   317      * From CActive
   318      * See base class definition
   319      */    
   320     void DoCancel();
   322 private:
   324     /**
   325      * Performs the first phase of two phase construction.
   326      */    
   327     CCdsSyncImpl();
   329     /**
   330      * Performs the second phase construction.
   331      */        
   332     void ConstructL();
   334     /**
   335      * Parses profile id
   336      *
   337      * @since S60 5.1
   338      * @param aItem, item data
   339      * @param aRes, item resource
   340      */
   341     void ParseProfileIdL( CCmSqlGenericItem& aItem,
   342                           const CItemResource& aRes ) const;
   344     /**
   345      * Starts background parsing
   346      *
   347      * @since S60 5.1
   348      */
   349     TInt DoBackgroundParseL();
   351     /**
   352      * Background parsing callback
   353      *
   354      * @since S60 5.1
   355      * @param aCdsSync, observer
   356      */
   357     static TInt BackgroundParseL( TAny *aCdsSync );
   359     /**
   360      * Finds attributes
   361      *
   362      * @since S60 5.1
   363      * @param aName, local name
   364      * @param aPref, prefix
   365      * @param aAttributes, attribute array
   366      */
   367     TInt FindAttribute( const TDesC8& aName, 
   368                         const TDesC8& aPref, 
   369                         const RAttributeArray& aAttributes ) const;
   371     /**
   372      * Parses resolution information
   373      *
   374      * @since S60 5.1
   375      * @param aDes, buffer to be parsed
   376      * @param aWidth, image widht
   377      * @param aHeight, image height
   378      */
   379     void ParseResolution( const TDesC8& aDes,
   380                           TUint& aWidth,
   381                           TUint& aHeight ) const;
   383     /**
   384      * Parses value from descriptor
   385      *
   386      * @since S60 5.1
   387      * @param aDes, buffer to be parsed
   388      * @return TUInt, parsed value     
   389      */
   390     TUint ParseUint( const TDesC8& aDes ) const;
   392     /**
   393      * Parses value from descriptor
   394      *
   395      * @since S60 5.1
   396      * @param aDes, buffer to be parsed
   397      * @return TInt64, parsed value     
   398      */
   399     TInt64 ParseInt64( const TDesC8& aDes ) const;
   401     /**
   402      * Parses track duration
   403      *
   404      * @since S60 5.1
   405      * @param aDes, buffer to be parsed
   406      * @return TReal, duration
   407      */
   408     TReal ParseDuration( const TDesC8& aDes ) const;
   410     /**
   411      * Parses time
   412      *
   413      * @since S60 5.1
   414      * @param aDes, buffer to be parsed
   415      * @return TTime, parsed time
   416      */    
   417     TTime ParseTime( const TDesC8& aDes ) const;
   419     /**
   420      * Calculates hash value
   421      *
   422      * @since S60 5.1  
   423      * @return HBufC, hash value
   424      */
   425     HBufC8* CalculateHashL() const;
   427     /**
   428      * Append escpace characters to hash value
   429      *
   430      * @since S60 5.1
   431      * @param aHash, hash value
   432      * @return HBufC, hash value with escape charachters
   433      */
   434     HBufC* EscapeHashLC( const TDesC8& aHash ) const;
   436     /**
   437      * Gets property ID
   438      *
   439      * @since S60 5.1
   440      * @param aMetadataIndex, index for metadata type table
   441      * @param aValue, property name
   442      * @return TInt64, property id
   443      */
   444     TInt64 GetPropertyIdL( TInt aMetadataIndex, const TDesC8& aValue ) const;
   446     /**
   447      * Clears item data
   448      *
   449      * @since S60 5.1
   450      */
   451     void CleanItemData();
   453     /**
   454      * Removes unchanged items
   455      *
   456      * @since S60 5.1
   457      */
   458     void RemoveUnchangedItems();
   460     /**
   461      * Parses uri
   462      *
   463      * @since S60 5.1
   464      */
   465     void ParseUri();
   467 private:
   469     /**
   470      * Cds Sync observer
   471      */
   472     MCdsSyncObserver*   iObserver;                          // not owned
   473     /**
   474      * Parser
   475      */
   476     CParser*            iParser;                            // owned
   477     /**
   478      * Metadata database
   479      */
   480     MCmSqlMain*         iMetadataDb;                        // owned
   481     /**
   482      * Active object for low priority processing
   483      */
   484     CIdle*              iBackground;                        // owned
   485     /**
   486      * Cds Sync active object
   487      */
   488     CCdsSyncSqlAo*      iSqlAo;                             // owned
   489     /**
   490      * Data chuck
   491      */
   492     HBufC8* iCurrentDocument;                               // owned
   493     /**
   494      * Sync status
   495      */
   496     TCdsSyncStatus    iState;
   497     /**
   498      * Data buffer
   499      */
   500     HBufC8* iCurrentContent;                                // owned
   501     /**
   502      * Item id
   503      */    
   504     HBufC8* iItemId;                                        // owned
   505     /**
   506      * Artist name
   507      */
   508     HBufC8* iArtist;                                        // owned
   509     /**
   510      * Album name
   511      */
   512     HBufC8* iAlbum;                                         // owned
   513     /**
   514      * Title
   515      */
   516     HBufC8* iTitle;                                         // owned
   517     /**
   518      * Album class
   519      */
   520     HBufC8* iClass;                                         // owned
   521     /**
   522      * Music genre
   523      */    
   524     HBufC8* iGenre;                                         // owned
   525     /**
   526      * Album data
   527      */
   528     HBufC8* iDate;                                          // owned
   529     /**
   530      * Description field
   531      */
   532     HBufC8* iDescription;                                   // owned
   533     /**
   534      * Album art
   535      */
   536     HBufC8* iAlbumArtUri;                                   // owned
   537     /**
   538      * Item resource array
   539      */
   540     RPointerArray<CItemResource> iResources;                // items owned
   541     /**
   542      * Flag for indicating that source data is ready
   543      */
   544     TBool iSourceDataComplete;
   545     /**
   546      * Datachunk index
   547      */
   548     TInt iChunkIndex;
   549     /**
   550      * Amount of unchanged items
   551      */
   552     TInt iUnchangedItemCount;
   553     /**
   554      * Hash order
   555      */    
   556     TLinearOrder<CCmSqlBaseItem> iHashOrder;
   557     /**
   558      * Name order
   559      */
   560     TLinearOrder<CCmSqlPropertyItem> iNameOrder;
   561     /**
   562      * Source data array
   563      */
   564     RPointerArray<HBufC8>* iSourceDataArray;                // not owned
   565     /**
   566      * Name array
   567      */
   568     RPointerArray<CCmSqlPropertyItemArray> iNames;          // items owned
   569     /**
   570      * Array of items to add
   571      */
   572     RPointerArray<CCmSqlGenericItem> iItemsToAdd;           // items owned
   573     /**
   574      * Array of items in the database
   575      */
   576     RPointerArray<CCmSqlBaseItem> iItemsInDb;               // items owned
   577     /**
   578      * File server session
   579      */
   580     RFs iFs;
   581     /**
   582      * Search index
   583      */    
   584     TInt iSearchIndex;
   585     /**
   586      * Count of processed items
   587      */ 
   588     TInt iProcessedItems;
   589 #ifdef _DEBUG
   590     /**
   591      * Hash time
   592      */ 
   593     TInt64 iHashTime;
   594 #endif // _DEBUG
   595     };
   596 #endif // __CDSSYNCIMPL_H__