changeset 0 7f85d04be362
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     1 /** @file
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  ProtocolInfo base functionality class 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "upnpprotocolinfo.h"
    21 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include <e32cons.h>
    25 const char KProtocolInfoDelimeter = ':'; 
    28 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    29 //  CProtocolInfo::CProtocolInfo()
    30 //  Constructor of the class
    31 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    32 CUpnpProtocolInfo::CUpnpProtocolInfo()
    33     {
    34     }
    36 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    37 //  CProtocolInfo::~CProtocolInfo()
    38 //  Destructor of the class
    39 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    40 CUpnpProtocolInfo::~CUpnpProtocolInfo()
    41     {
    42     delete iFirstParameter; 
    43     delete iSecondParameter; 
    44     delete iThirdParameter; 
    45     delete iFourthParameter;    
    46     delete iProtocolInfo;
    47     }
    50 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // CProtocolInfo::NewL
    52 // Factory method for creating instance of class. aInputString must contain protocolInfo string.
    53 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    54 EXPORT_C CUpnpProtocolInfo* CUpnpProtocolInfo::NewL()
    55     {
    56     CUpnpProtocolInfo* newElement = new (ELeave) CUpnpProtocolInfo();
    57     CleanupStack::PushL( newElement );
    58     CleanupStack::Pop( newElement );
    59     return newElement; 
    60     }
    62 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CProtocolInfo::NewL
    64 // Factory method for creating instance of class. aInputString must contain protocolInfo string.
    65 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    66 EXPORT_C CUpnpProtocolInfo* CUpnpProtocolInfo::NewL(const TDesC8& aInputString)
    67     {
    68     CUpnpProtocolInfo* newElement = new (ELeave) CUpnpProtocolInfo();
    69     CleanupStack::PushL( newElement );
    70     newElement->BaseConstructL( aInputString );     
    71     CleanupStack::Pop( newElement );
    72     return newElement; 
    73     }
    75 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //  CProtocolInfo::BaseConstructL(TDesC8& aInputString)
    77 //  Method for creating instance of class. aInputString must contain protocolInfo string.
    78 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    79 void CUpnpProtocolInfo::BaseConstructL(const TDesC8& aInputString)
    80     {
    81     TInt result = ParseL( aInputString );
    82     if ( result != KErrNone ) 
    83         {
    84         User::Leave( result );            
    85         }
    86     }
    89 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    90 //  CProtocolInfo::ParseL(TDesC8& aInputString)
    91 //  Parses aInputString into protocolInfo object.
    92 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
    93 TInt CUpnpProtocolInfo::ParseL(const TDesC8& aInputString)
    94     {
    95     TLex8 input(aInputString);
    96     TInt i = 0;
    97     TInt result = KErrNone;
    98     while( (!input.Eos()) )
    99         {
   100         ParseAtomToDelimeter( input, KProtocolInfoDelimeter);
   101         SetParameterL(i++, input.MarkedToken());
   102         SkipAndMark( input, 1 );
   103         }
   105     return result;        
   106     }
   108 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   109 //  CProtocolInfo::GetFourthParameterParameterLength
   110 //  This function returns length of the string containing all relevant information from fourth ProtocolInfo field. 
   111 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   112 TInt CUpnpProtocolInfo::GetFourthParameterLength()
   113     {
   114     if ( FourthField() != KNullDesC8)
   115         {
   116         return iFourthParameter->Length();
   117         }
   118     else
   119         {
   120         return 0;        
   121         }    
   122     }
   124 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   125 //  CProtocolInfo::ParseAtomToDelimeter(TLex8& aLexeme, TChar aDelimeter)
   126 //  It marks a string placed between start position and aDelimeter
   127 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   128 void CUpnpProtocolInfo::ParseAtomToDelimeter(TLex8& aLexeme, TChar aDelimeter)
   129     {
   130     aLexeme.Mark(); 
   131     while( ( aLexeme.Peek() != aDelimeter ) && ( !aLexeme.Eos() ) )
   132         {
   133         aLexeme.Inc();        
   134         }
   135     }
   137 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   138 //  CProtocolInfo::SetParameterL(TInt aWhich, TDesC8& aValue)    
   139 //  Sets protcolInfo parameters in object.
   140 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   141 void CUpnpProtocolInfo::SetParameterL(TInt aWhich, const TDesC8& aValue)    
   142     {
   143     switch ( aWhich )
   144         {
   145         case 0: // FIrst parameter.
   146             SetFirstFieldL(aValue);
   147             break;
   148         case 1: //Second parameter
   149             SetSecondFieldL(aValue);
   150             break; 
   151         case 2: // third parameter. 
   152             SetThirdFieldL(aValue);
   153             break;
   154         case 3: // fourth parameter. 
   155             SetFourthFieldL(aValue);
   156             break;
   157         default: 
   158             User::Leave(KErrTooBig);
   159         }
   160     }
   162 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   163 //  CProtocolInfo::SkipAndMark(TLex8& aLexer, TInt aValue)
   164 //  Skips aValue characters and marks after end of skipping.
   165 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   166 void CUpnpProtocolInfo::SkipAndMark(TLex8& aLexer, TInt aValue)
   167     {
   168     if (!aLexer.Eos())
   169         {
   170         aLexer.SkipAndMark(aValue);
   171         }
   172     }
   174 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   175 //  CProtocolInfo::Skip(TLex8& aLexer, TInt aValue)
   176 //  Skips aValue characters. Do not mark
   177 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   178 void CUpnpProtocolInfo::Skip(TLex8& aLexer, TInt aValue)
   179     {
   180     if (!aLexer.Eos())
   181         {
   182         aLexer.Inc(aValue);
   183         }
   184     }    
   186 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   187 //  CProtocolInfo::CheckBooleanValue()
   188 //  Check if character contains correct value for boolean type (1 or 0)
   189 //-----------------------------------------------------------------     
   190 TInt CUpnpProtocolInfo::CheckBooleanValue(TChar aCharacter)
   191     {
   192     if (aCharacter == '0' || 
   193         aCharacter == '1')
   194         return KErrNone;
   195     else
   196         return KErrArgument;
   197     }
   199 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   200 // CProtocolInfo::GetProtocolInfoLength()
   201 // Returns the length of the string currently stored in the class.
   202 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   203 TInt CUpnpProtocolInfo::GetProtocolInfoLength()
   204     {
   205     TInt result = 0; 
   206     result += FirstField().Length();
   207     result++;
   208     result += SecondField().Length();
   209     result++; 
   210     result += ThirdField().Length(); 
   211     result++; 
   212     result += GetFourthParameterLength();
   213     return result; 
   214     }
   217 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   218 //  CProtocolInfo::GetProtocolInfoL()
   219 //  Getter for pointer to ProtocolInfo
   220 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   221 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CUpnpProtocolInfo::ProtocolInfoL()
   222     {
   223     const TInt size = GetProtocolInfoLength();
   224     HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL(size);
   225     CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
   226     TPtr8 bufPtr(buffer->Des());
   227     bufPtr.Append(FirstField());
   228     bufPtr.Append(KProtocolInfoDelimeter);
   229     bufPtr.Append(SecondField());
   230     bufPtr.Append(KProtocolInfoDelimeter);
   231     bufPtr.Append(ThirdField());
   232     bufPtr.Append(KProtocolInfoDelimeter);
   233     GetFourthParameterInternalL(bufPtr);
   234     if ( iProtocolInfo ) 
   235         {
   236         delete iProtocolInfo;
   237         iProtocolInfo = NULL;            
   238         }
   239     iProtocolInfo = bufPtr.Alloc();
   240     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
   241     return iProtocolInfo->Des();    
   242     }
   244 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   245 //  CProtocolInfo::GetFirstField()
   246 //  Getter for pointer to first parameter.
   247 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   248 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CUpnpProtocolInfo::FirstField()
   249     {
   250     if ( iFirstParameter )
   251         {
   252         return iFirstParameter->Des(); 
   253         }
   254     else
   255         {
   256         return KNullDesC8();
   257         }
   258     }
   260 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //  CProtocolInfo::SetFirstFieldL(TDesC8& aValue)
   262 //  Setter for first parameter.
   263 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   264 EXPORT_C void CUpnpProtocolInfo::SetFirstFieldL(const TDesC8& aValue)
   265     {
   266     if ( aValue == KNullDesC8 )
   267         {
   268         return; 
   269         }
   270     if ( iFirstParameter )
   271         {
   272         delete iFirstParameter; 
   273         iFirstParameter = NULL;
   274         }
   275     iFirstParameter = aValue.AllocL();
   276     }
   278 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   279 //  CProtocolInfo::GetSecondField()
   280 //  Getter for second parameter.
   281 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   282 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CUpnpProtocolInfo::SecondField()
   283     {
   284     if ( iSecondParameter )
   285         {
   286         return iSecondParameter->Des(); 
   287         }
   288     else
   289         {
   290         return KNullDesC8();
   291         }
   292     }
   294 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CProtocolInfo::SetSecondFieldL(TDesC8& aValue)
   296 //  Setter for second parameter.
   297 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   298 EXPORT_C void CUpnpProtocolInfo::SetSecondFieldL(const TDesC8& aValue)
   299     {
   300     if ( aValue == KNullDesC8 )
   301         {
   302         return; 
   303         }
   304     if ( iSecondParameter )
   305         {
   306         delete iSecondParameter;
   307         iSecondParameter = NULL; 
   308         }
   309     iSecondParameter = aValue.AllocL();
   310     }
   312 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   313 //  CProtocolInfo::GetThirdField()
   314 //  Getter for third parameter.
   315 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   316 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CUpnpProtocolInfo::ThirdField()
   317     {
   318     if ( iThirdParameter )
   319         {
   320         return iThirdParameter->Des(); 
   321         }
   322     else 
   323         {
   324         return KNullDesC8();
   325         }
   326     }
   328 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   329 //  CProtocolInfo::SetThirdFieldL(TDesC8& aValue)
   330 //  Setter for third parameter.
   331 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   332 EXPORT_C void CUpnpProtocolInfo::SetThirdFieldL(const TDesC8& aValue)
   333     {
   334     if ( iThirdParameter )
   335         {
   336         delete iThirdParameter; 
   337         iThirdParameter = NULL;
   338         }
   339     iThirdParameter = aValue.AllocL();
   341     }
   343 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   344 //  CProtocolInfo::GetFourthField()
   345 //  Getter for fourth parameter.
   346 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   347 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CUpnpProtocolInfo::FourthField()
   348     {
   349     if ( iFourthParameter )
   350         {
   351         return iFourthParameter->Des(); 
   352         }
   353     else 
   354         {
   355         return KNullDesC8(); 
   356         }
   357     }
   359 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   360 //  CProtocolInfo::SetFourthFieldL(TDesC8& aValue)
   361 //  Setter for fourth parameter value.
   362 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   363 EXPORT_C void CUpnpProtocolInfo::SetFourthFieldL(const TDesC8& aValue)
   364     {
   365     if ( iFourthParameter )
   366         {
   367         delete iFourthParameter; 
   368         iFourthParameter = NULL;
   369         }
   370     iFourthParameter = aValue.AllocL();
   371     }
   373 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   374 //  CProtocolInfo::GetFourthParameterInternalL
   375 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
   376 void CUpnpProtocolInfo::GetFourthParameterInternalL(TDes8& aBuffer)
   377     {
   378     aBuffer.Append(FourthField());        
   379     }
   381 //end of file