changeset 0 7f85d04be362
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:      Proxy for downloading upnp files and playing locally
    15 *
    16 */
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <upnpitem.h>
    25 #include "upnpitemutility.h" // for ResourceFromItemL
    26 #include "upnpavcontroller.h"
    27 #include "upnpmusicdownloadproxy.h"
    28 #include "upnpsingleton.h"
    29 #include "upnptrack.h"
    31 _LIT( KComponentLogfile, "musicplugins.txt");
    32 #include "upnplog.h"
    34 #include "upnppluginserrortranslation.h"
    36 // CONSTANTS
    37 // ** a message to music player to complete an immediate exit
    38 const TInt KMusicPluginMessageExit = 3001;
    39 const TUid KLocalPlayerDefinitionUid = { 0x101FFC06 };
    41 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    43 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::NewL
    45 // 1st phase constructor.
    46 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy* CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::NewL( 
    49     MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver& aObs )
    50     {
    51     CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy* p = new ( ELeave )
    52         CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy( aObs );
    53     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy: NewL this=%d", p );
    54     CleanupStack::PushL( p );
    55     p->ConstructL();
    56     CleanupStack::Pop();
    57     return p;
    58     }
    60 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy
    62 // Default constructor.
    63 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // 
    65 CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy(
    66     MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver& aObs )
    67     : iProxyState( EStateUninitialised )
    68     {
    69     iObs = &aObs;
    70     iLocalPlayer = NULL;
    71     iSingleton = NULL;
    72     iTrack = NULL;
    73     }
    75 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::ConstructL
    77 // 1st phase constructor.
    78 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 //  
    80 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::ConstructL()
    81     {
    82     __LOG( "DownloadProxy: ConstructL" );
    84     // Construct the underlying local plugin
    85     iLocalPlayer = CMPXPlaybackPlugin::NewL(
    86         KLocalPlayerDefinitionUid );
    88     // Create handle to singleton
    89     iSingleton = CUPnPSingleton::GetInstanceL();
    90     }
    92 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::~CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy
    94 // Destructor.
    95 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 //
    97 CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::~CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy()
    98     {
    99     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy: destructor [%d]",
   100        this );
   101     Cleanup();
   103     // Free memory of owned members
   104     delete iLocalPlayer;
   105     CUPnPSingleton::LoseInstance( iSingleton );
   106     }
   109 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // Methods from CMPXPlaybackPlugin
   111 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::InitialiseL
   115 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 //  
   117 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::InitialiseL( const TDesC& aSong )
   118     {
   119     __LOG2( "DownloadProxy::InitialiseL(%S) [%d]",
   120         &aSong, this );
   122     __ASSERTD( iProxyState == EStateUninitialised,__FILE__, __LINE__ );
   124     iProxyState = EStatePreparing;
   126     // Create local track object to resolving URI
   127     delete iTrack;
   128     iTrack = 0;
   129     iTrack = CUPnPTrack::NewL( iSingleton->AVC() );
   130     iTrack->ResolveURIL( aSong, *this, CUPnPTrack::EDirectionLocal );
   131     iProxyState = EStateDownloading;
   132     }
   134 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::InitialiseL
   136 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //  
   138 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::InitialiseL( RFile& /*aSong*/ )
   139     {
   140     // Not used. Only remote file is supported
   141     __PANICD( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
   142     User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   143     }
   145 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleMetaData
   147 // from MUPnPTrackMetaDataObserver
   148 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 // 
   150 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::ResolveURIComplete( TInt aError )
   151     {
   152     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::ResolveURIComplete [%d]", this );
   153     __ASSERTD( iProxyState == EStateDownloading,__FILE__, __LINE__ );
   155     if ( aError == KErrNone )
   156         {                        
   157         TRAPD( initerror, iLocalPlayer->InitialiseL( 
   158             iTrack->FilePath() ) );
   160         if ( initerror != KErrNone )
   161             {
   162             __LOG1( "DownloadProxy:local player init leaves: %d",
   163                 initerror );
   164             Cleanup();
   165             iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   166             //translate error
   167             initerror = TUpnpPluginsErrorTranslation::ErrorTranslate( 
   168                 initerror );
   169             iObs->HandlePluginEvent( 
   170             MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPInitialised, 0, initerror );
   171             }
   172         else
   173             {
   174             iProxyState = EStateInitialisingLocally;
   175             }
   176         }
   177     else
   178         {
   179         __LOG1("DownloadProxy::ResolveURIComplete: error %d",
   180             aError );
   181         Cleanup();
   182         iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   183         aError = TUpnpPluginsErrorTranslation::ErrorTranslate( 
   184                 aError );
   185         iObs->HandlePluginEvent( 
   186             MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPInitialised,
   187             0, aError );
   188         }
   189     }
   191 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   192 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CommandL
   193 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 //  
   195 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CommandL( TMPXPlaybackCommand aCmd, 
   196     TInt aData )
   197     {
   198     __LOG2( "DownloadProxy::CommandL(%d) [%d]", aCmd, this );
   200     if( iProxyState == EStateActive )
   201         {
   202         // ACTIVE state: all commands are forwarded to local plugin
   203         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: command in active state" );
   204         iLocalPlayer->CommandL( aCmd, aData );
   205         }
   206     else if ( iProxyState == EStatePreparing && aCmd == EPbCmdClose )
   207         {
   208         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Close during prepare" );
   209         Cleanup();
   210         iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   211         iObs->HandlePluginEvent( MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPClosed,
   212             0, KErrNone );
   213         }
   214     else if( iProxyState == EStateDownloading && aCmd == EPbCmdClose )
   215         {
   216         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Close during download" );
   217         Cleanup(); // this will cancel ongoing copy
   218         iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   219         iObs->HandlePluginEvent( MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPClosed,
   220             0, KErrNone );
   221         }
   222     else if( iProxyState == EStateInitialisingLocally && 
   223         aCmd == EPbCmdClose )
   224         {
   225         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Close when initialising locally" );
   226         iLocalPlayer->CommandL( aCmd, aData );
   227         }
   228     else if( iProxyState == EStateUninitialised && aCmd == EPbCmdClose )
   229         {
   230         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Close when uninitialized" );
   231         iObs->HandlePluginEvent( MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPClosed,
   232             0, KErrNone );
   233         }
   234     else if( ( iProxyState == EStatePreparing ||
   235         iProxyState == EStateDownloading ||
   236         iProxyState == EStateInitialisingLocally ||
   237         iProxyState == EStateUninitialised ) && aCmd == EPbCmdStop )
   238         {
   239         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Stop during any state" );
   240         iLocalPlayer->CommandL( aCmd, aData );
   241         }
   242     else // Not initialized
   243         {
   244         __LOG1( "DownloadProxy: Command not supported in this state: %d",
   245             iProxyState );
   246         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );    
   247         }
   249     // check for messages from upnp framework (aData param)
   250     if ( aCmd == EPbCmdClose &&
   251         aData == KMusicPluginMessageExit )
   252         {
   253         __LOG( "CommandL(Close, exit) -> cleanup and terminate" );
   255         // cancel things that are ongoing
   256         Cleanup();
   257         iLocalPlayer->CancelRequest();
   258         iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   260         // Create event to user
   262         iObs->HandlePluginEvent(
   263             MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPPlayerUnavailable,
   264             0, KErrDisconnected);
   265         }
   266     }
   268 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SetL
   270 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //  
   272 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SetL( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
   273     TInt aValue )
   274     {
   275     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::SetL [%d]", this );
   276     __LOG1( "Property=%d", (TInt)aProperty );
   277     iLocalPlayer->SetL( aProperty, aValue );
   278     }
   280 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   281 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::ValueL
   282 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 //  
   284 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::ValueL( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty ) const
   285     {
   286     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::ValueL [%d]", this );
   287     iLocalPlayer->ValueL( aProperty );
   288     }
   290 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SubPlayerNamesL
   292 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 //  
   294 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SubPlayerNamesL()
   295     {
   296     iLocalPlayer->SubPlayerNamesL();
   297     }
   299 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SelectSubPlayerL
   301 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 //   
   303 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SelectSubPlayerL( TInt aIndex )
   304     {
   305     iLocalPlayer->SelectSubPlayerL( aIndex );
   306     }
   308 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SubPlayerName
   310 // Returns current sub player name
   311 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 // 
   313 const TDesC& CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SubPlayerName()
   314     {
   315     return iLocalPlayer->SubPlayerName();
   316     }
   318 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SubPlayerIndex
   320 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   321 //  
   322 TInt CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SubPlayerIndex() const
   323     {
   324     return iLocalPlayer->SubPlayerIndex();
   325     }
   327 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   328 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::MediaL
   329 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 //
   331 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::MediaL( const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs )
   332     {
   333     // Get metadata from media server
   334     if( iTrack )
   335         {
   336         __LOG1( "DownloadProxy: Get metadata [%d]", this );
   337         iTrack->GetMetaDataL( aAttrs, *iObs );
   338         }
   339     else
   340         {
   341         __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Get metadata - no track!" );
   342         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   343         }
   344     }
   346 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CancelRequest
   348 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   349 //
   350 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CancelRequest()
   351     {
   352     __LOG( "CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CancelRequest" );
   353     if( iProxyState == EStateDownloading )
   354         {
   355         Cleanup(); // this will cancel ongoing copy
   356         iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   357         // Send "downloading cancelled" event to the user 
   358         iObs->HandlePluginEvent( 
   359             MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPDownloadingCanceled,
   360             0, KErrGeneral );
   361         }
   362     iLocalPlayer->CancelRequest();
   363     }
   366 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SetObserver
   368 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 //
   370 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::SetObserver(MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver& aObs)
   371     {
   372     CMPXPlaybackPlugin::SetObserver( aObs );
   374     iLocalPlayer->SetObserver( *this ); 
   375     }
   377 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // Methods from MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
   379 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandlePluginEvent
   383 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 // 
   385 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandlePluginEvent( TEvent aEvent,
   386     TInt aData, TInt aError )
   387     {
   388     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::HandlePluginEvent [%d]", this );
   390     switch( aEvent )
   391         {
   392         case EPInitialised:
   393             {
   394             __ASSERTD( iProxyState == EStateInitialisingLocally,__FILE__, 
   395                 __LINE__ );
   396             __LOG1( "DownloadProxy: initialised event, err=%d",
   397                 aError );
   399             // Proxied local plugin initialized
   400             if ( aError == KErrNone )
   401                 {
   402                 iProxyState = EStateActive;
   404                 iObs->HandlePluginEvent( aEvent, aData, aError );
   405                 }
   406             else
   407                 {
   408                 iProxyState = EStateClosing;
   409                 TRAP_IGNORE (
   410                     iLocalPlayer->CommandL( EPbCmdClose, 0 ) );
   411                 }
   413             if ( iProxyState == EStateActive )
   414                 {
   415                 TRAP_IGNORE(
   416                     iTrack->SendMediaChangedEventL( *iObs );
   417                     );
   418                 }
   419             break;
   420             }
   421         case EPPlaying:             // fall through
   422         case EPPlayComplete:        // fall through
   423         case EPPaused:              // fall through
   424         case EPStopped:             // fall through
   425         case EPDownloadStarted:     // fall through
   426         case EPDownloadingComplete: // fall through
   427         case EPSubPlayersChanged:   // fall through
   428         case EPVolumeChanged:       // fall through
   429         case EPSetComplete:
   430             {
   431             __LOG2( "DownloadProxy plugin event=%d err=%d",
   432                 (TInt)aEvent, aError );
   434             // Just forward event to the user.
   435             aError = TUpnpPluginsErrorTranslation::ErrorTranslate( 
   436                     aError );
   437             iObs->HandlePluginEvent( aEvent, aData, aError );
   438             break;
   439             }
   440         case EPClosed:
   441             {
   442             __LOG( "DownloadProxy: closed event" );
   444             // a Stop command has changed. It will send back a Stopped event 
   445             // and then a Closed event. Following Pause command will not be 
   446             // accepted in Uninitialized state and CommandL() will leave. 
   447             // This change in MPX was necessary to let engine know the file 
   448             // was closed. One additional aData parameter is passed in 
   449             // iObs->HandlePluginEvent(MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPClosed, 
   450             //    EPbCmdStop, KErrNone); to know the difference between a 
   451             // real Close and a Stop/Close. When this happens, EPClosed event
   452             // should be ignored.
   453             if( aData == EPbCmdStop )
   454                 {
   455                 break;
   456                 }
   458             Cleanup();
   460             // If iProxyState is EStateClosing, initialise of 
   461             // localplaybackplugin is failed -> send initialised event with
   462             // an error code to the user.
   463             // Otherwise forward event to the user normally.
   464             if( iProxyState == EStateClosing )
   465                 {
   466                 iObs->HandlePluginEvent( 
   467                     MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver::EPInitialised,
   468                     0, KErrNotSupported );
   469                 }
   470             else
   471                 {
   472                 aError = TUpnpPluginsErrorTranslation::ErrorTranslate( 
   473                         aError );
   474                 iObs->HandlePluginEvent( aEvent, aData, aError );
   475                 }
   476             iProxyState = EStateUninitialised;
   477             break;
   478             }
   479         default:
   480             {
   481             __LOG( "DownloadProxy: Default event?" );
   482             break;
   483             }
   484         }
   485     }
   487 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   488 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleProperty
   489 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 // 
   491 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleProperty( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
   492     TInt aValue, TInt aError )
   493     {
   494     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::HandleProperty [%d]", this );
   496     iObs->HandleProperty( aProperty, aValue, aError );
   497     }
   499 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   500 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleSubPlayerNames
   501 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 // 
   503 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleSubPlayerNames( TUid aPlayer, 
   504     const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers, TBool aComplete, TInt aError )
   505     {
   506     iObs->HandleSubPlayerNames( aPlayer, aSubPlayers, aComplete, aError );
   507     }
   509 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   510 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleMedia
   511 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // 
   513 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::HandleMedia( const CMPXMedia& aProperties,
   514     TInt aError )
   515     {
   516     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::HandleMedia [%d]", this );
   518     iObs->HandleMedia( aProperties, aError );
   519     }
   521 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   522 // CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::CleanUpSession
   523 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   524 // 
   525 void CUPnPMusicDownloadProxy::Cleanup()
   526     {
   527     __LOG1( "DownloadProxy::Cleanup [%d]", this );
   528     if( iTrack )
   529         {
   530         delete iTrack;
   531         iTrack = 0;
   532         }
   533     __LOG( "DownloadProxy::Cleanup - End");
   534     }