changeset 0 7f85d04be362
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:      CUpnpUnsharerAo class implementation
    15  *
    16 */
    25 #include "upnpdlnaprofiler.h"
    26 #include "upnpcdsreselementutility.h"
    27 #include "upnpcommonutils.h"
    28 #include <upnpelement.h>
    30 #include "upnpunsharerao.h"
    32 _LIT( KComponentLogfile, "contentserver.txt");
    33 #include "upnplog.h"
    35 // CONSTANTS
    36 const TInt KDefaultBrowseReqCount( 20 );
    37 const TInt KDefaultBrowseStartingInd( 0 );
    39 using namespace UpnpContentServer;
    41 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================
    43 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::CUpnpUnsharerAo
    45 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    46 // might leave.
    47 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 CUpnpUnsharerAo::CUpnpUnsharerAo( MUpnpSharingCallback* aCallback,
    50                                   TInt aPriority )
    51     : CActive( aPriority ),
    52       iCallback( aCallback )
    53     {
    54     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
    55     iTotalItems = KErrNotFound;
    56     iAllTotalItems = 0;
    57     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    58     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
    59     }
    61 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::~CUpnpUnsharerAo()
    63 // C++ destructor.
    64 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 //
    66 CUpnpUnsharerAo::~CUpnpUnsharerAo()
    67     {
    68     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
    69     delete iFileSharing;
    70     iFileSharing = NULL;
    71     iMediaServer.Close();
    73     if ( IsActive() )
    74         {
    75         __LOG1("IsActive: true  iCurrentOperation: %d", iCurrentOperation );
    76         iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
    77         TRequestStatus* stat = &iStatus;
    78         User::RequestComplete( stat, KErrNone );
    79         }
    81     Cancel();
    83     Cleanup();
    84     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
    85     }
    87 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::RunL
    89 // Called when asyncronous request is ready
    90 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 //
    92 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::RunL()
    93     {
    94     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
    95     if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrCorrupt ||
    96         iStatus.Int() == KErrNoMemory ||
    97         iStatus.Int() == KErrDiskFull )
    98         {
    99         iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   100         }
   102     if ( iStopRequested == MUpnpSharingCallback::ESharingPause )
   103         {
   104         delete iFileSharing;
   105         iFileSharing = NULL;
   106         iFileSharing = CUpnpFileSharing::NewL();
   107         iStopRequested = MUpnpSharingCallback::ESharingNoStop;
   108         }
   110     switch ( iCurrentOperation )
   111         {
   112     case EInitialize :
   113         {
   114         TInt err( InitializeL( iUpContainer ) );
   115         if ( !err )
   116             {
   117             QueryContainersFromMediaServerL( iUpContainer );
   118             }
   119         else
   120             {
   121             iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   122             SelfComplete( KErrNone );
   123             }
   124         }
   125         break;
   126     case EQueryContainersFromMediaServer :
   127         {
   128         QueryContainersFromMediaServerL( iCurrentContainerId );
   129         }
   130         break;
   131     case EQueryContainersFromMediaServerResult :
   132         {
   133         QueryContainersFromMediaServerResultL();
   134         }
   135         break;
   136     case EQueryItemsFromMediaServer :
   137         {
   138         QueryContainerItemsL( iCurrentContainerId );
   139         }
   140         break;
   141     case EUnshareItemList:
   142         {
   143         UnshareItemListL();
   144         }
   145         break;
   146     case EQueryItemsFromMediaServerResult :
   147         {
   148         QueryContainerItemsResultL();
   149         }
   150         break;
   151     case EUnshareContainer :
   152         {
   153         UnshareContainerL();
   154         }
   155         break;
   156     case EUnshareContainerResult :
   157         {
   158         UnshareContainerResultL();
   159         }
   160         break;
   161     case ENotActive :
   162         {
   163         Cleanup();
   164         if ( iCallback )
   165             {
   166             iCallback->CompleteSharingOperationL( iStatus.Int(), 0 );
   167             }
   168         }
   169         break;
   170     default :
   171         break;
   172         }
   174     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   175     }
   177 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::DoCancel
   179 // Cancels active object
   180 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 //
   182 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::DoCancel()
   183     {
   184     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   185     // NOTE: The cancelling of mediaserver request must be made in destructor
   186     // because there is no cancel in CUpnpFileSharing
   187     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   188     }
   190 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::RunError
   192 // Handle leaves
   193 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 //
   195 TInt CUpnpUnsharerAo::RunError( TInt aError )
   196     {
   197     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   198     TInt ret( KErrNone );
   199     if ( aError == KErrNoMemory ||
   200          aError == KErrDiskFull ||
   201          aError == KErrCorrupt )
   202         {
   203         iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   204         SelfComplete( aError );
   205         }
   207     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   208     return ret;
   209     }
   211 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainersFromMediaServerL
   213 // (other items are commented in header)
   214 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainersFromMediaServerL( TInt aId )
   217     {
   218     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   219     CUpnpBrowseCriteria* browseCriteria = CreateBrowseCriteriaLC();
   220     browseCriteria->SetStartingIndex( iContainerBrowsePosition );
   222     if ( iContainerList )
   223         {
   224         delete iContainerList;
   225         iContainerList = NULL;
   226         }
   227     iContainerList = CUpnpContainerList::NewL();
   229     // Get shared containers to iContainerList
   230     iFileSharing->GetSharedContainerListL( aId,
   231                                            *browseCriteria,
   232                                            *iContainerList,
   233                                            iTotalContainers,
   234                                            iStatus );
   235     iCurrentOperation = EQueryContainersFromMediaServerResult;
   236     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( browseCriteria );
   237     SetActive();
   239     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   240     }
   242 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainersFromMediaServerResultL
   244 // (other items are commented in header)
   245 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 //
   247 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainersFromMediaServerResultL()
   248     {
   249     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   250     CUpnpContainer* nextContainer( NULL );
   251     TInt containerCount( iContainerList->ObjectCount() );
   252     if ( containerCount )
   253         {
   254         // there are subcontainers -> store them and query if they
   255         // have subcontainers
   256         iContainerLists.AppendL( iContainerList ); //Transfer ownership
   257         // check if we neet to get containers in segments
   259         if ( iContainerBrowsePosition + containerCount 
   260              >= iTotalContainers )
   261             {
   262             // all segments queried
   263             // next container under processing is always last in the list
   264             nextContainer =
   265                 static_cast< CUpnpContainer* >(
   266                     iContainerList->operator[](
   267                         containerCount - 1 ) );
   268             iCurrentContainerId = UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt(
   269                 nextContainer->Id());
   270             iContainerList = NULL;
   271             iContainerBrowsePosition = 0;
   272             }
   273         else
   274             {
   275             __LOG("CUpnpUnsharerAo: retrieving next segment");
   276             // set the starting position for retrieving next segment
   277             iContainerBrowsePosition += KDefaultBrowseReqCount;
   278             iContainerList = NULL;
   279             }
   281         iCurrentOperation = EQueryContainersFromMediaServer;
   282         }
   283     else
   284         {
   285         // no subcontainers -> query the items
   286         if ( iContainerLists.Count() )
   287             {
   288             CUpnpContainerList* contList =
   289                 iContainerLists[ iContainerLists.Count()-1 ];
   290             nextContainer =
   291                 static_cast< CUpnpContainer* >(
   292                     contList->operator[](
   293                         contList->ObjectCount() - 1 ) );
   294             iCurrentContainerId = UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt(
   295                 nextContainer->Id() );
   296             // there should be at least the initial container
   297             iCurrentOperation = EQueryItemsFromMediaServer;
   299             delete iContainerList;
   300             iContainerList = NULL;
   302             iCurrentOperation  = EQueryItemsFromMediaServer;
   304             }
   305         else
   306             {
   307             // error: no initial container
   308             iCurrentOperation  = ENotActive;
   310             }
   311         }
   312     SelfComplete( KErrNone );
   313     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   314     }
   316 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainerItemsL
   318 // (other items are commented in header)
   319 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 //
   321 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainerItemsL( TInt aId )
   322     {
   323     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   324     delete iItemList;
   325     iItemList = NULL;
   326     iItemList = CUpnpItemList::NewL();
   327     if ( !iFileSharing )
   328         {
   329         User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   330         }
   331     CUpnpBrowseCriteria* browseCriteria = CreateBrowseCriteriaLC();
   332     if ( iTotalItems == KErrNotFound )
   333         {
   334         iFileSharing->GetSharedItemListL (
   335             aId, *browseCriteria,
   336             *iItemList, iTotalItems, iStatus );
   338         if ( iTotalItems > 0 )
   339             {
   340             iAllTotalItems += iTotalItems;
   341             }
   342         }
   343     else
   344         {
   345         TInt tmp( 0 );
   346         iFileSharing->GetSharedItemListL (
   347             aId, *browseCriteria,
   348             *iItemList, tmp, iStatus );
   350         if ( tmp > 0 )
   351             {
   352             iAllTotalItems += tmp;
   353             }
   354         }
   355     iCurrentOperation = EQueryItemsFromMediaServerResult;
   356     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( browseCriteria );
   357     SetActive();
   358     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   359     }
   361 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainerItemsResultL
   363 // (other items are commented in header)
   364 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::QueryContainerItemsResultL()
   367     {
   368     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   369     if ( !iItemList )
   370         {
   371         User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   372         }
   373     TInt objCount( iItemList->ObjectCount() );
   374     if ( objCount && ( iExecStatus < iTotalItems ) )
   375         {
   376         // unshare the items in parts
   377         iCurrentOperation = EUnshareItemList;
   379         }
   380     else
   381         {
   382         // the container iCurrentContainerId is empty -> unshare it unless it
   383         // is the container received at the start
   385         if ( iContainerLists.Count() > 1 )
   386             {
   387             iCurrentOperation = EUnshareContainer;
   388             }
   389         else
   390             {
   391             // all done
   392             iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   393             }
   394         }
   396     if ( iExecStatus > 0  )
   397         {
   398         iCallback->SetProgressL( iExecStatus );
   399         }
   401     SelfComplete( KErrNone );
   402     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   403     }
   405 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnshareItemListL
   407 // (other items are commented in header)
   408 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 //
   410 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnshareItemListL()
   411     {
   412     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   414     iExecStatus += iItemList->ObjectCount();
   415     iFileSharing->UnshareItemListL( *iItemList, iUnsharePosition, iStatus );
   417     delete iItemList;
   418     iItemList = NULL;
   419     iCurrentOperation = EQueryItemsFromMediaServer;
   420     SetActive();
   421     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   422     }
   424 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnshareContainerL
   426 // (other items are commented in header)
   427 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 //
   429 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnshareContainerL()
   430     {
   431     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   432     iFileSharing->UnshareContainerL( iCurrentContainerId, iStatus );
   433     iCurrentOperation = EUnshareContainerResult;
   434     iExecStatus = 0;
   435     iTotalItems = KErrNotFound;
   436     SetActive();
   437     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   438     }
   440 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnshareContainerResultL
   442 // (other items are commented in header)
   443 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   444 //
   445 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnshareContainerResultL()
   446     {
   447     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   449     if ( iContainerLists.Count() )
   450         {
   451         // one container is now fully handled -> remove from list of
   452         // containers
   453         CUpnpContainerList* contList =
   454             iContainerLists[ iContainerLists.Count()-1 ];
   455         // note: iCurrentContainerId is always last in the list
   456         contList->RemoveAndDestroy( *UPnPCommonUtils::IntToDesC8LC(
   457             iCurrentContainerId ) );
   458         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // UPnPCommonUtils::IntToDesC8LC
   459         if ( contList->ObjectCount() )
   460             {
   461             // get the next container ( last of the list ) to process
   462             TInt nextPos = contList->ObjectCount() - 1;
   463             CUpnpContainer* nextContainer = static_cast< CUpnpContainer* >(
   464                 contList->operator[]( nextPos ));
   465             iCurrentContainerId = UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt(
   466                 nextContainer->Id());
   467             // Restart cycle: query if it has subcontainers
   468             iCurrentOperation = EQueryContainersFromMediaServer;
   470             }
   471         else
   472             {
   473             // one directory hierarchy is empty
   474             CUpnpContainerList* removeList = iContainerLists[
   475                 iContainerLists.Count()-1 ];
   476             iContainerLists.Remove( iContainerLists.Count()-1 );
   477             delete removeList;
   478             if ( iContainerLists.Count() )
   479                 {
   480                 // go back in containerlists
   481                 contList =
   482                     iContainerLists[ iContainerLists.Count()-1 ];
   483                 TInt backPos( contList->ObjectCount() - 1 );
   484                 CUpnpContainer* nextContainer =
   485                     static_cast< CUpnpContainer* >(
   486                         contList->operator[]( backPos ));
   487                 iCurrentContainerId = UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt(
   488                     nextContainer->Id() );
   489                 // Restart cycle: query if it has items
   490                 // no need to query containers
   491                 iCurrentOperation = EQueryItemsFromMediaServer;
   493                 }
   494             else
   495                 {
   496                 // all done
   497                 iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   498                 }
   499             }
   500         }
   501     else
   502         {
   503         // all done
   504         iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   505         }
   506     SelfComplete( KErrNone );
   507     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   508     }
   510 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   511 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::EmptyContainer
   512 // (other items are commented in header)
   513 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 //
   515 TInt CUpnpUnsharerAo::EmptyContainer( TInt& aContainerId )
   516     {
   517     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   519     TInt err( KErrNotFound );
   521     iUpContainer = aContainerId;
   522     iCurrentContainerId = aContainerId;
   523     iCurrentOperation = EInitialize;
   524     SelfComplete( KErrNone );
   525     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   526     return err;
   527     }
   529 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   530 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::RequestStop
   531 // ( other items are commented in header )
   532 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   533 //
   534 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::RequestStop(
   535     MUpnpSharingCallback::TSharingStopType aStopType )
   536     {
   537     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   538     iStopRequested = aStopType;
   539     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   540     }
   542 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   543 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::InitializeL
   544 // (other items are commented in header)
   545 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 //
   547 TInt CUpnpUnsharerAo::InitializeL( TInt& aContainerId )
   548     {
   549     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   550     // First initialize resources
   551     iFileSharing = CUpnpFileSharing::NewL();
   552     TInt error( iMediaServer.Connect() );
   553     if ( !error )
   554         {
   555         // start offline if not started
   556         TInt status( RUpnpMediaServerClient::EStopped );
   557         iMediaServer.Status( status );
   558         if ( status == RUpnpMediaServerClient::EStopped )
   559             {
   560             error = iMediaServer.StartOffline();
   561             }
   562         if ( !error )
   563             {
   564             CUpnpContainerList* beginList = CUpnpContainerList::NewLC();
   565             CUpnpContainer* beginContainer = CUpnpContainer::NewL();
   566             CleanupStack::PushL( beginContainer );
   567             beginContainer->SetIdL(
   568                 *UPnPCommonUtils::IntToDesC8LC( aContainerId ) );
   569             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // IntToDesC8LC
   570             beginList->AppendObjectL( *beginContainer ); //Transfer ownership
   571             CleanupStack::Pop( beginContainer );
   572             iContainerLists.AppendL( beginList ); //Transfer ownership
   573             CleanupStack::Pop( beginList );
   574             }
   575         }
   577     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   578     return error;
   579     }
   581 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::CreateBrowseCriteriaLC
   583 // (other items are commented in header)
   584 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 //
   586 CUpnpBrowseCriteria* CUpnpUnsharerAo::CreateBrowseCriteriaLC() const
   587     {
   588     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   589     CUpnpBrowseCriteria* browseCriteria = CUpnpBrowseCriteria::NewLC();
   590     browseCriteria->SetRequestedCount( KDefaultBrowseReqCount );
   591     browseCriteria->SetStartingIndex( KDefaultBrowseStartingInd );
   592     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   593     return browseCriteria;
   594     }
   596 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   597 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::SelfComplete
   598 // Complete own request
   599 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   600 //
   601 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::SelfComplete( TInt aError )
   602     {
   603     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   604     SetActive();
   605     TRequestStatus* stat = &iStatus;
   606     User::RequestComplete( stat, aError );
   607     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   608     }
   610 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   611 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::Cleanup
   612 // (other items are commented in header)
   613 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 //
   615 void CUpnpUnsharerAo::Cleanup()
   616     {
   617     __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   618     iExecStatus = 0;
   619     iTotalItems = KErrNotFound;
   620     iTotalContainers = KErrNotFound;
   621     iContainerBrowsePosition = 0;
   623     iCurrentContainerId = KErrNotFound;
   624     iUpContainer = KErrNotFound;
   625     iStopRequested = MUpnpSharingCallback::ESharingNoStop;
   627     delete iItemList;
   628     iItemList = NULL;
   629     delete iContainerList;
   630     iContainerList = NULL;
   632     iContainerLists.ResetAndDestroy();
   634     iCurrentOperation = ENotActive;
   636     __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
   637     }
   639 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   640 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnSharingProgress
   641 // (the usage in header)
   642 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   643 //
   644 TInt CUpnpUnsharerAo::UnSharingProgress( ) 
   645     { 
   646     TInt progress( 0 );
   647     if ( iExecStatus >= 0 )
   648         {
   649         progress = iExecStatus;
   650         }
   651     return progress;
   652     }
   654 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   655 // CUpnpUnsharerAo::TotalItemsForUnShare
   656 // (the usage in header)
   657 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   658 //
   659 TInt CUpnpUnsharerAo::TotalItemsForUnShare( ) 
   660     {
   661     TInt items( 0 );
   662     if ( iTotalItems >= 0 )
   663         {
   664         items = iTotalItems;
   665         }
   666     return items;
   667     }
   669 // End of file