changeset 0 7f85d04be362
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7f85d04be362
     1 /** @file   
     2  * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
     7  * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description:  Defines CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine
    15  *
    16  */
    17 // INCLUDES
    18 #include <e32property.h> 
    19 #include "upnpsecuritymanagerengine.h"
    20 #include "upnpsecuritydbconnection.h"
    21 _LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpsecurityserver.txt");
    22 #include "upnplog.h"
    24 // ============================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
    26 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    27 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine
    28 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    29 // might leave.
    30 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    31 //
    32 CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine()
    33     {
    34     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::\
    35 CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine" );
    36     }
    38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ConstructL
    40 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    41 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 //
    43 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ConstructL()
    44     {
    45     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ConstructL" );
    47     // create database connection object
    48     iDbConnection = CUpnpSecurityDbConnection::NewL();
    49     iDbConnection->OpenDatabaseL();
    51     // Clean the access lists after phone reboot 
    52     ResetListsOnFirstRunL();
    54     // load lists from database
    55     iDbConnection->GetAllFilenamesL( iAllowedFiles );
    56     iDbConnection->GetAllIpAddressesL( iAllowedAddresses );
    57     }
    59 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ResetListsOnFirstRunL
    61 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 //
    63 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ResetListsOnFirstRunL()
    64     {
    65     // create RProperty used as reboot marker
    66     TInt err = RProperty::Define( RProcess().SecureId(), EUPnPSecManFirstRun,
    67         RProperty::EInt );
    68     if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists )
    69         {
    70         // property wasn't defined, so it's the first run and we clear lists
    71         User::LeaveIfError( err ); // other errors may occur
    73         // clear lists
    74         ResetFileListL();
    75         ResetAddressListL();
    76         }
    77     }
    79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::NewL
    81 // Two-phased constructor.
    82 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 //
    84 CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine* CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::NewL()
    85     {
    86     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::NewL" );
    88     CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine* self =
    89             new (ELeave) CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine();
    90     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    91     self->ConstructL();
    92     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    93     return self;
    94     }
    96 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine
    98 // Destructor.
    99 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 //
   101 CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::~CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine()
   102     {
   103     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::\
   104 ~CUpnpAuthorisationNotifier" );
   106     // Reset whitelists
   107     iAllowedFiles.ResetAndDestroy();
   108     iAllowedAddresses.Reset();
   110     delete iDbConnection;
   111     }
   113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ResetFileListL
   115 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 //
   117 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ResetFileListL()
   118     {
   119     iAllowedFiles.ResetAndDestroy();
   120     iDbConnection->DeleteAllFilenamesL();
   121     }
   123 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ResetAddressListL
   125 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::ResetAddressListL()
   128     {
   129     iAllowedAddresses.Reset();
   130     iDbConnection->DeleteAllIpAddressesL();
   131     }
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::CheckAuthorizationL
   135 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 //
   137 TAccessType CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::CheckAuthorization(
   138     const TInetAddr& aIpAddress, const TDesC& aFileName )
   139     {
   140     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::CheckAuthorization" );
   142     TAccessType accessType = ENoneAllowed;
   144     // Check the lists 
   145     TInt addressFound = KErrNotFound;
   146     if ( aIpAddress != TInetAddr( KInetAddrNone ) )
   147         {
   148         addressFound = FindAddressFromArray( aIpAddress );
   149         }
   150     TInt fileFound = KErrNotFound;
   151     if ( aFileName.Length() > 0 )
   152         {
   153         fileFound = FindFileFromArray( aFileName );
   154         }
   156     // Neither address or file was not
   157     if ( (addressFound == KErrNotFound) && (fileFound == KErrNotFound) )
   158         {
   159         accessType = ENoneAllowed;
   160         }
   161     // Address could be found but file not
   162     else if ( (addressFound >= 0) && (fileFound == KErrNotFound) )
   163         {
   164         accessType = EAddressAllowed;
   165         }
   166     // File could be found but not address
   167     else if ( (addressFound == KErrNotFound) && (fileFound >= 0) )
   168         {
   169         accessType = EFileAllowed;
   170         }
   171     // Both were in the white lists
   172     else
   173         {
   174         accessType = EFileAndAddressAllowed;
   175         }
   177     return accessType;
   178     }
   180 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::AddNewFileL
   182 // Adds new file to allowed file array, if not existing yet.
   183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 //
   185 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::AddNewFileL( const TDesC& aFileName )
   186     {
   187     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::AddNewFileL" );
   189     if ( FindFileFromArray( aFileName ) == KErrNotFound )
   190         {
   191         HBufC* tmpBuffer = aFileName.AllocLC();
   192         iAllowedFiles.AppendL( tmpBuffer );
   193         CleanupStack::Pop( tmpBuffer );
   194         iDbConnection->AddFilenameL( aFileName );
   195         }
   196     }
   198 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::RemoveFileL
   200 // Removes file from allowed array.
   201 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 //
   203 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::RemoveFileL( const TDesC& aFileName )
   204     {
   205     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::RemoveFileL" );
   207     TInt index = FindFileFromArray( aFileName );
   208     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   209         {
   210         __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine, \
   211 file removed from whitelist." );
   212         delete iAllowedFiles[index];
   213         iAllowedFiles.Remove( index );
   214         iDbConnection->DeleteFilenameL( aFileName );
   215         }
   216     else
   217         {
   218         __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine, \
   219 FILE NOT FOUND!" );
   220         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   221         }
   222     }
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::FindFileFromArray
   226 // Finds file from array and returns the index.
   227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 TInt CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::FindFileFromArray( const TDesC& aFileName )
   230     {
   231     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::\
   232 FindFileFromArray" );
   234     TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
   235     for ( TInt index = 0; index < iAllowedFiles.Count(); ++index )
   236         {
   237         // Check if file names are the same
   238         // Use folding to remove case sensitiveness
   239         if ( aFileName.CompareF( *iAllowedFiles[index] ) == 0 )
   240             {
   241             retVal = index;
   242             break;
   243             }
   244         }
   246     __LOG2( "CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::FindFileFromArray(%S) retVal=%d",
   247             &aFileName, retVal );
   249     return retVal;
   250     }
   252 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::AddNewAddressL
   254 // Adds new address to allowed address array, if not existing yet.
   255 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 //
   257 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::AddNewAddressL( const TInetAddr& aIpAddress )
   258     {
   259     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::AddNewAddressL" );
   261     if ( FindAddressFromArray( aIpAddress ) == KErrNotFound )
   262         {
   263         iAllowedAddresses.AppendL( aIpAddress );
   264         iDbConnection->AddIpAddressL( aIpAddress );
   265         }
   266     }
   268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::RemoveAddressL
   270 // Removes existing address from IP address array.
   271 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 //
   273 void CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::RemoveAddressL( const TInetAddr& aIpAddress )
   274     {
   275     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::RemoveAddressL" );
   277     TInt index = FindAddressFromArray( aIpAddress );
   278     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   279         {
   280         iAllowedAddresses.Remove( index );
   281         iDbConnection->DeleteIpAddressL( aIpAddress );
   282         __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine, \
   283 address remove from array." );
   284         }
   285     else
   286         {
   287         __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine, \
   288 address NOT found from the array!" );
   289         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   290         }
   291     }
   293 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   294 // CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::FindAddressFromArray
   295 // Finds file from array and returns the index.
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 TInt CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::FindAddressFromArray(
   299     const TInetAddr& aIpAddress )
   300     {
   301     __LOG( "[UpnpSecurity]\t CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::\
   302 FindAddressFromArray" );
   304     TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
   305     for ( TInt index = 0; index < iAllowedAddresses.Count(); ++index )
   306         {
   307         // Compare only IP Address
   308         if ( iAllowedAddresses[index].Address() == aIpAddress.Address() )
   309             {
   310             retVal = index;
   311             break;
   312             }
   313         }
   315     TFileName ipAddress;
   316     aIpAddress.Output( ipAddress );
   317     __LOG2( "CUpnpSecurityManagerEngine::FindAddressFromArray(%S) retVal=%d",
   318             &ipAddress, retVal );
   320     return retVal;
   321     }
   323 // End of File