changeset 40 08b5eae9f9ff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnpframework/upnpthumbnail/src/upnpthumbnailcreator.cpp	Wed Nov 03 11:45:09 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:      
+//  Include Files  
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <mdeproperty.h>
+#include <mdeinstanceitem.h>
+#include <mdeitem.h>
+#include <mdesession.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <thumbnaildata.h>
+#include <ImageConversion.h>
+#include "upnpthumbnailcreator.h"  // CUpnpThumbnailCreator
+#include "upnpthumbnailcreatorObserver.h"
+#include "upnpfileutilitytypes.h"
+_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpthumbnailcreator.txt");
+_LIT(KSystemFilePath, "c:\\system\\temp\\");
+#include "upnplog.h"
+const TInt KSmallWidth = 640;
+const TInt KSmallHeight = 480;
+const TInt KMediumWidth = 1024;
+const TInt KMediumHeight = 768;
+const TInt KLargeWidth = 4096;
+const TInt KLargeHeight = 4096;
+const TInt KThumbnailWidth = 160;
+const TInt KThumbnailHeight = 160;
+const TInt KSmallIconWidth = 48;
+const TInt KSmallIconHeight = 48;
+const TInt KLargeIconWidth = 160;
+const TInt KLargeIconHeight = 160;
+//  Member Functions
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::NewLC
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+EXPORT_C CUpnpThumbnailCreator* CUpnpThumbnailCreator::NewLC(
+        MUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver& aMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver,
+        const TDesC& aFilePath,
+        TThumbnailDlnaSize aSize)
+    {
+    CUpnpThumbnailCreator* self = new (ELeave) CUpnpThumbnailCreator(
+            aMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver, aSize);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(aFilePath);
+    return self;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::NewL
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+EXPORT_C CUpnpThumbnailCreator* CUpnpThumbnailCreator::NewL(
+        MUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver& aMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver,
+        const TDesC& aFilePath,
+        TThumbnailDlnaSize aSize)
+    {
+    __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:NewL() aFilePath: &s", &aFilePath);    
+    CUpnpThumbnailCreator* self = CUpnpThumbnailCreator::NewLC(
+            aMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver,aFilePath, aSize);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::MdeObjectId
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+EXPORT_C TInt CUpnpThumbnailCreator::MdeObjectId() const
+    {
+    return iObjectid;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailFilePath
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h // CI: RM return TDesC &
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailFilePath() const
+    {
+    __ASSERT( iThumbnailFilePath, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+    return *iThumbnailFilePath;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::Thumbnail
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap& CUpnpThumbnailCreator::Thumbnail() const
+    {
+    __ASSERT( iThumbnail, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+    return *iThumbnail;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::~CUpnpThumbnailCreator
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:~CUpnpThumbnailCreator()");
+    if (IsActive())
+        {
+        Cancel();
+        }
+    delete iImageFilePath;
+    delete iMdEQuery;
+    delete iMdESession;
+    delete iThumbnail; 
+    delete iThmbManager;
+    delete iImageEncoder;
+    if(iThumbnailFilePath != NULL)
+        {
+        iFsSession.Delete(iThumbnailFilePath->Des());
+        delete iThumbnailFilePath;
+        }
+    iFsSession.Close();
+    }
+ * MMdESessionObserver  virtual methods
+ ********************************************************************/ 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleSessionOpened
+// See mdesession.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleSessionOpened(CMdESession& /*aSession*/, 
+                                                            TInt aError)
+    {
+    __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:HandleSessionOpened() %d", aError);
+    CompleteRequest(aError);
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleSessionError
+// See mdesession.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleSessionError(CMdESession& /*aSession*/, 
+                                                            TInt aError)
+    {
+     __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:HandleSessionError() %d", aError);
+     CompleteRequest(aError);
+    }
+ * MMdEQueryObserver virtual methods
+ ********************************************************************/
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleQueryNewResults
+// See mdequery.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleQueryNewResults(CMdEQuery& aQuery, 
+                                                TInt aFirstNewItemIndex,
+                                                TInt aNewItemCount)
+    {
+    CMdEObjectQuery& query = (CMdEObjectQuery &) aQuery;
+    if (aNewItemCount > 0)
+        {
+        TInt i( aFirstNewItemIndex);
+        for ( ; i < (aFirstNewItemIndex+aNewItemCount); i++)
+            {
+            CMdEObject* object = (CMdEObject*)query.TakeOwnershipOfResult(i);
+            if(object->Uri().CompareF(iImageFilePath->Des()) == 0)
+                {
+                iObjectid = object->Id();
+                CompleteRequest(KErrNone);
+                break;
+                }
+            delete object;
+            }
+        if(i == (aFirstNewItemIndex + aNewItemCount))
+            {
+            CompleteRequest(KErrNotFound);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleQueryCompleted
+// See mdequery.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::HandleQueryCompleted(CMdEQuery& /*aQuery*/, 
+                                                                TInt aError)
+    {
+     __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:HandleQueryCompleted() %d",aError);
+     if(aError != KErrNone)
+         {
+         CompleteRequest(aError);
+         }     
+    }
+ * MThumbnailManagerObserver virtual methods
+ ********************************************************************/
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailPreviewReady
+// See thumbnailmanagerobserver.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailPreviewReady(MThumbnailData& /*aThumbnail*/,
+                                                TThumbnailRequestId /*aId*/ )
+    {    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailReady
+// See thumbnailmanagerobserver.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailReady(TInt aError, 
+                                            MThumbnailData& aThumbnail, 
+                                            TThumbnailRequestId /*aId*/ )
+    {
+    // This function must not leave.
+     __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:ThumbnailReady() %d",aError);
+    delete iThumbnail; iThumbnail = NULL;
+    if ( aError == KErrNone )
+        {
+        // Claim ownership of the bitmap instance for later use
+        iThumbnail = aThumbnail.DetachBitmap();
+        }
+    CompleteRequest(aError);
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::NotifyCompletion
+// See upnpbitmapconverterobserver.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ThumbnailReady(TInt aError)
+    {
+    if(iThumbnailFilePath)
+        {
+        TInt ret = iFsSession.SetAtt(iThumbnailFilePath->Des(),KEntryAttHidden,KEntryAttArchive); 
+        __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:NotifyCompletion - thumbnail attribute hidden result %d",ret);
+        }
+    iMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver.ThumbnailCreatorReady(aError);    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::CUpnpThumbnailCreator
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+        MUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver& aMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver,
+        TThumbnailDlnaSize aSize)
+        :CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
+        iMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver(aMUpnpThumbnailCreatorObserver),
+        iThumbnailDlnaSize (aSize)
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ConstructL
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ConstructL(const TDesC& aFilePath)
+    {
+    // second phase constructor, anything that may leave must be constructed here
+    __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:ConstructL() ");
+    iState = EIdle;
+    User::LeaveIfError(iFsSession.Connect());
+    iImageFilePath = aFilePath.AllocL();
+    ConvertDlnaSizeToImageSize();
+    iThmbManager = CThumbnailManager::NewL( *this );
+    // Set flags: Keep aspect ratio and allow smaller image than requested
+    iThmbManager->SetFlagsL(static_cast<CThumbnailManager::TThumbnailFlags>(
+    CThumbnailManager::EDefaultFlags | CThumbnailManager::EAllowAnySize )); 
+    // Preferred size is 160x120 (or less)
+    iThmbManager->SetThumbnailSizeL( ConvertDlnaSizeToImageSize() );
+    iState = EInitializeMde;
+    iMdESession = CMdESession::NewL(*this);
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    SetActive();
+    }
+TSize CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ConvertDlnaSizeToImageSize()
+    {
+    TSize thumbnailSize;
+    switch (iThumbnailDlnaSize)
+        {
+        case ESmall:
+            {
+            thumbnailSize = TSize (KSmallWidth, KSmallHeight);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EMedium:
+            {
+            thumbnailSize = TSize (KMediumWidth, KMediumHeight);
+            break;
+            }
+        case ELarge:
+            {
+            thumbnailSize = TSize (KLargeWidth, KLargeHeight);
+            break;
+            }
+        case EThumbnail:
+            {
+            thumbnailSize = TSize (KThumbnailWidth, KThumbnailHeight);
+            break;
+            }
+        case ESmallIcon:
+            {
+            thumbnailSize = TSize (KSmallIconWidth, KSmallIconHeight);
+            break;
+            }
+        case ELargeIcon:
+            {
+            thumbnailSize = TSize (KLargeIconWidth, KLargeIconHeight);
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ConvertDlnaSizeToImageSize - Not Expected!" );
+            __PANIC( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return thumbnailSize;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::QueryMdeL
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::QueryMdeL()
+    {
+     __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:QueryMdeL() ");
+    User::LeaveIfNull(iMdESession); //CI: LeaveIfNull() leaves with KErrNoMemory is this the idea? or can this even happen??
+    CMdENamespaceDef& namespacedef = iMdESession->GetDefaultNamespaceDefL();
+    CMdEObjectDef& objectdef = namespacedef.GetObjectDefL(
+                                    MdeConstants::Image::KImageObject);
+    iMdEQuery = iMdESession->NewObjectQueryL(namespacedef, objectdef, this);
+    iMdEQuery->SetResultMode(EQueryResultModeItem);
+    iMdEQuery->FindL();
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    SetActive();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::ParseImageMediaObjectL
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::GetThumbnail()
+    {
+     __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:GetThumbnail() ");
+    // object id is available for the image,
+    // thumbnail manager can give us the thumbnail.
+    iThmbManager->GetThumbnailL(iObjectid);
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    SetActive();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::PrepareThumbnailFilePathL
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::PrepareThumbnailFilePathL()
+    {
+     __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:PrepareThumbnailFilePathL() ");
+    TFileName path(KSystemFilePath);    
+    //User::LeaveIfError(iFsSession.SessionPath(path));
+    TInt ret = iFsSession.MkDir(path);
+    //handle when creation of the path fails.
+    if(ret == KErrNone || ret == KErrAlreadyExists )
+        {
+        TParse p;
+        p.Set(iImageFilePath->Des(),NULL,NULL);
+        TFileName filenameandext(p.NameAndExt());
+        path.Append(filenameandext);
+        iThumbnailFilePath = path.AllocL();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::Leave(ret);
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpThumbnailCreator::SaveThumbnailL
+// See upnpthumbnailcreator.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::EncodeAndSaveThumbnailL()
+    {
+     __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:SaveThumbnailL() ");
+     PrepareThumbnailFilePathL();
+     iImageEncoder = CImageEncoder::FileNewL(iFsSession,*iThumbnailFilePath,
+             CImageEncoder::EOptionNone, KImageTypeJPGUid,KNullUid );
+     iImageEncoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iThumbnail );
+     SetActive();     
+    }
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::CompleteRequest(TInt aError)
+    {
+    TRequestStatus* stat = &iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete( stat, aError );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpBitmapConverter::RunL
+// See upnpbitmapconverter.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::RunL()
+    {
+    __LOG1( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:RunL() iStatus=%d", iStatus.Int());
+    if (iStatus.Int() < 0)
+        {
+        ThumbnailReady(iStatus.Int());
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        switch (iState)
+            {
+            case EIdle:
+                {
+                break;
+                }
+            case EInitializeMde:
+                {
+                iState = EQueryingImage;
+                QueryMdeL();
+                break;
+                }
+            case EQueryingImage:
+                {
+                iState = EFetchingThumbnail;
+                GetThumbnail();
+                break;
+                }
+            case EFetchingThumbnail:
+                {
+                iState = EConvertingThumbnail;
+                EncodeAndSaveThumbnailL();
+                break;
+                }
+            case EConvertingThumbnail:
+                {
+                ThumbnailReady(iStatus.Int());             
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+TInt CUpnpThumbnailCreator::RunError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    iState = EIdle;
+    ThumbnailReady(aError);
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpBitmapConverter::DoCancel
+// See upnpbitmapconverter.h
+void CUpnpThumbnailCreator::DoCancel()
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUpnpThumbnailCreator:DoCancel()");
+    if (iState == EConvertingThumbnail)
+        {
+        iImageEncoder->Cancel();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TRequestStatus* stat = &iStatus;
+        User::RequestComplete( stat, KErrCancel );        
+        }
+    }