changeset 40 08b5eae9f9ff
parent 39 6369bfd1b60d
child 41 b4d83ea1d6e2
--- a/upnpharvester/common/cmsqlwrapper/inc/cmsqlclausedef.h	Mon Nov 01 13:44:24 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:      SQL clause definitions
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Misc definitions
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-_LIT8( KCmSqlEmpty, "" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSpace, " " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlLeftBracket, " ( " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlRightBracket, " ) " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlComma, ", " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDot, "." );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlEqual, " = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlGreater, " >= " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSmaller, " <= " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlLike, " LIKE " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSemicolon, ";" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlVariable, "? " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAppendString, "%S " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlConsistOf, " %%S% " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlBeginsWith, " %S% " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlEndsWith, " %%S " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAppendInteger, "%d " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAppendLong, "%ld " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDummyTrueCriteria, "1 " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDummyFalseCriteria, "0 " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelect, "SELECT " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlFrom, "FROM " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAs, "AS " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlIn, "IN " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlOr, "OR" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAnd, "AND " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAll, "* " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlOrderByDate, "ORDER BY Date " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlOrderByRandom, "ORDER BY Random() " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlLimit, "LIMIT " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlOffset, "OFFSET " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAsc, "ASC ");
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDesc, "DESC " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSortValue, "sortvalue" ); // Used when sorting object
-                                   // query by property value
-_LIT8( KCmSqlCollateNoCase, " COLLATE NOCASE " ); // case insensitive sort
-_LIT8( KCmSqlBaseSelect, 
-       "SELECT Title, Date, Size, Uri, DeviceId, ItemId, Id "
-       "FROM Items WHERE (" 
-     );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlMusicSelect, "SELECT Title, a.Value, Size, Uri, DeviceId, "
-                          "ItemId, Id FROM Items LEFT JOIN Artists a "
-                          "ON Items.ArtistId = a.ArtistId LEFT JOIN Albums b "
-                          "ON Items.AlbumId = b.AlbumId "
-                          "WHERE ("
-                          );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectArtistById, "Items.ArtistId = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectAlbumById, "Items.AlbumId = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectGenreById, "Items.GenreId = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectResolutionById, "Items.ResolutionId = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectUpnpclassById, "Items.UpnpclassId = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlFilterUpnpProfileId, "Items.ProfileId != " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectTitle, "Items.Id = " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectDuration, "Items.Duration " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectBitrate, "Items.Bitrate " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectSize, "Items.Size " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectDeviceId, "Items.DeviceId = ");
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectDate, "Items.Date ");
-_LIT8( KCmSqlArtist, "Artists " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAlbum, "Albums " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlGenre, "Genres " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlUpnpclass, "Upnpclasses " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlResolutions, "Resolutions " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlUpnpProfiles, "UpnpProfiles " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlArtistId, "ArtistId" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlAlbumId, "AlbumId" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlGenreId, "GenreId" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlProfileId, "ProfileId" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlUpnpclassId, "UpnpclassId" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlResolutionId, "ResolutionId" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectMediatype, " ( Mediatype = %d ) " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlFreeTextSelectAudio, 
-    "( Items.Title LIKE \'%%%S%%\' ) OR ( a.Value LIKE \'%%%S%%\' ) OR "
-    "( b.Value LIKE \'%%%S%%\' ) " );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlFreeTextSelectImageOrVideo, "( Items.Title LIKE \'%%%S%%\' ) " );
-_LIT8(KCmSqlBeginTransaction, "BEGIN;");
-_LIT8(KCmSqlCommit, "COMMIT;");
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectMaxIndex, "SELECT count(*) FROM %S" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectMaxPropertyIndex, "SELECT MAX( %S ) FROM %S" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectMaxItemIndex, "SELECT MAX( Id ) FROM Items;" );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectItemId, "SELECT Id FROM Items WHERE "
-    "( LOWER(Title) = ? AND Size = ? AND DeviceId = ? )" 
-    );  
-_LIT8( KCmSqlFilteredPropertySelect, "SELECT Items.Id, Items.Title, "
-    "Items.ArtistId, b.Value, Items.AlbumId, a.Value, Items.GenreId, "
-    "c.Value FROM Items LEFT JOIN Artists b "
-    "ON Items.ArtistId = b.ArtistId LEFT JOIN Albums a "
-    "ON Items.AlbumId = a.AlbumId LEFT JOIN Genres c "
-    "ON Items.GenreId = c.GenreId "
-    "WHERE Items.Mediatype = 2 "
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlFilteredPropertySelectVideo, "SELECT Id, Title "
-    "FROM Items WHERE Mediatype = 0 "
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlWhere,
-    "WHERE "
-    );
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Inserting item
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertItem,
-    "INSERT INTO Items( " 
-    "ItemId, Hash, Uri, Title, AlbumArtUri, DeviceId, Duration, Bitrate, "
-    "Date, HarvestDate, Size, Mediatype, UpnpclassId, ArtistId, AlbumId, "
-    "GenreId, ResolutionId, ProfileId, SearchId )"
-    "VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting resource
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertResource,
-    "INSERT INTO Resources( " 
-    "ResItemId, ResResolution, ResUri, Size, ResDuration, ResBitrate )"
-    "VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting artist into artist table
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertArtist,
-    "INSERT INTO Artists( " 
-    "Value ) "
-    "VALUES( ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting album into album table
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertAlbum,
-    "INSERT INTO Albums( " 
-    "Value ) "
-    "VALUES( ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting genre into genre table    
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertGenre,
-    "INSERT INTO Genres( " 
-    "Value ) "
-    "VALUES( ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting upnp class into upnp class table
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertUpnpclass,
-    "INSERT INTO Upnpclasses( " 
-    "Value ) "
-    "VALUES( ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting upnp class into upnp class table
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertUpnpProfile,
-    "INSERT INTO UpnpProfiles( " 
-    "Value ) "
-    "VALUES( ? );"
-    );
-// Inserting resolution into resolution table
-_LIT8( KCmSqlInsertResolution,
-    "INSERT INTO Resolutions( " 
-    "Value, Width, Height, PixelCount ) "
-    "VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ? );"
-    );        
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Selecting items harvested from the defined server
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectGenericItem, 
-    "SELECT Id, ItemId, Hash, SearchId "
-    "FROM Items "
-    "WHERE DeviceId = ? "
-    "ORDER BY Hash;"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectPropertyValues,
-    "SELECT * FROM %S "
-    "ORDER BY Value;"    
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlValidateTableExistence,
-    "SELECT count(*)"
-        " FROM Items;"
-        );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectTitleAndId,  
-    "SELECT Id, Title "
-    "FROM Items "
-    "WHERE MediaType = %d "
-    "ORDER BY Title;"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectMediaCount,
-    "SELECT count(*) FROM Items WHERE Mediatype = ?;"
-    );            
-_LIT8( KCmSqlSelectLimitHarvestDate,
-    "SELECT HarvestDate FROM Items WHERE ( Mediatype = ? ) ORDER BY "
-    "HarvestDate ASC LIMIT ?;"
-    );
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteItem, 
-    "DELETE FROM Items "
-    "WHERE Id = ? ;"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteResource, 
-    "DELETE FROM Resources "
-    "WHERE ResItemId = ? ;"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteMetadata, 
-    "DELETE FROM Items WHERE DeviceId = ?;" 
-    );        
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteOldestMediaItems, 
-    "DELETE FROM Items WHERE HarvestDate <= ? AND MediaType = ?;"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedAlbums, 
-    "DELETE FROM Albums WHERE AlbumId "
-    "NOT IN ( SELECT AlbumId FROM Items );"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedArtists, 
-    "DELETE FROM Artists WHERE ArtistId "
-    "NOT IN ( SELECT ArtistId FROM Items );"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedGenres,
-    "DELETE FROM Genres WHERE GenreId "
-    "NOT IN ( SELECT GenreId FROM Items );"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedUpnpclasses,
-    "DELETE FROM Upnpclasses WHERE UpnpclassId "
-    "NOT IN ( SELECT UpnpclassId FROM Items );"
-    );
-_LIT8( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedUpnpProfileIds,
-    "DELETE FROM UpnpProfiles WHERE ProfileId "
-    "NOT IN ( SELECT ProfileId FROM Items );"
-    );
-#endif // __CMSQLCLAUSEDEF_H__