changeset 40 08b5eae9f9ff
parent 39 6369bfd1b60d
child 41 b4d83ea1d6e2
--- a/upnpsettings/multiselectionui/src/upnpmultiselectionutility.cpp	Mon Nov 01 13:44:24 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:      Multiselection dialog implementation
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <avkon.mbg>
-#include <eikclbd.h>
-#include <aknlists.h>
-#include <AknsUtils.h>
-#include <cupnpmultiselectionui.rsg>
-#include "upnpmultiselectionutility.h"
-#include "upnpfilesharingengine.h"
-_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "multiselectionui.txt");
-#include "upnplog.h"
-// Format string for listbox items
-_LIT( KItemFormatString, "1\t%S" );
-const TInt KShareNoneIndex = 0; // listbox index of "do not share"
-const TInt KShareAllIndex = 1;  // listbox index of "share all"
-const TInt KPredefinedSelections = 2; // Share none and share all
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CUpnpMultiselectionUtility
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CUpnpMultiselectionUtility");
-    iShareNoneSelected = EFalse;
-    iShareAllSelected = EFalse;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CUpnpMultiselectionUtility
-// C++ default destructor.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::~CUpnpMultiselectionUtility");
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL()
-// Collects selected items to member variable for later use
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL( 
-    CEikListBox* aListBox, TBool aFirstRun )
-    {
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL begin");
-    const CArrayFix<TInt>* indexes = NULL;
-    //get the true indexes of marked items
-    CAknListBoxFilterItems* filter 
-            = static_cast < CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel* >     
-                            ( aListBox->Model() )->Filter();
-    if ( filter )
-        {
-        // Filter knows all.
-        filter->UpdateSelectionIndexesL();
-        indexes = filter->SelectionIndexes();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // No filter.
-        indexes = aListBox->View()->SelectionIndexes();
-        }
-    if ( indexes->Count() > 0 )
-        {
-        // obtain selection state  
-        TShareSelectionState selectionState = 
-            ShareSelectionStateFromArray( *indexes );
-        // make some decisions based on the tabs selected
-        DoSelectionLogicL( aListBox, aFirstRun,
-            indexes, filter, selectionState );
-        }
-    else // no items selected
-        {
-        __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-No items selected");
-        filter->ResetFilteringL();
-        aListBox->View()->SelectItemL( KShareNoneIndex );
-        }
-    // update iShareNoneSelected and iShareAllSelected member variables
-    iShareNoneSelected = EFalse;
-    iShareAllSelected = EFalse;
-    const CArrayFix<TInt>* indexesAfter = NULL;
-    if ( filter )
-        {
-        // Filter knows all.
-        filter->UpdateSelectionIndexesL();
-        indexesAfter = filter->SelectionIndexes();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // No filter.
-        indexesAfter = aListBox->View()->SelectionIndexes();
-        }
-    for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < indexesAfter->Count() ; i++ ) 
-        {
-        if ( indexesAfter->At( i ) == KShareNoneIndex ) 
-            {
-            iShareNoneSelected = ETrue;
-            }
-        else if ( indexesAfter->At( i ) == KShareAllIndex ) 
-            {
-            iShareAllSelected = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL end");
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::DoSelectionLogicL
-// Do some decisions based on the selection state
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::DoSelectionLogicL( 
-    CEikListBox* aListBox,
-    TBool aFirstRun,
-    const CArrayFix<TInt>* aIndexes,
-    CAknListBoxFilterItems* aFilter,
-    TShareSelectionState aSelectionState )
-    {
-    const TInt arrayGranularity( aIndexes->Count() + 1 );
-    // If "do not share" was not selected before and it is now, unselect
-    // all except "do not share".
-    if ( ( aSelectionState == EShareNoneSelected ||
-           aSelectionState == EShareNoneAndShareAllSelected ) && 
-         !iShareNoneSelected )
-        {
-        // Create new selectionindexarray with only "do not share" 
-        // selected and assign it to the listbox.
-        __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL:\
-Do not share selected");
-        CListBoxView::CSelectionIndexArray* noneArr = 
-            new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( arrayGranularity );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( noneArr );
-        noneArr->AppendL( KShareNoneIndex );
-        aListBox->SetSelectionIndexesL( noneArr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noneArr );
-        }
-    // if "share all" was not selected before and it is now, select all
-    // except "do not share". 
-    // OR if this method is executed first time (from PostLayoutDynInitL)
-    // and share all is selected, then we trust that all items should be 
-    // selected.  
-    else if ( ( ( aSelectionState == EShareAllSelected || 
-                  aSelectionState == EShareNoneAndShareAllSelected ) &&
-                  !iShareAllSelected ) 
-              || aSelectionState == EShareAllSelected && aFirstRun )
-        {
-        // Create new selectionindexarray with "share all" and all other
-        // items except "do not share" selected and assign it to the 
-        // listbox.
-        __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-All files selected");
-        TInt itemCount = aFilter->NonFilteredNumberOfItems();
-        CListBoxView::CSelectionIndexArray* allArr = 
-            new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( arrayGranularity );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( allArr );
-        allArr->AppendL( KShareAllIndex );
-        for ( TInt i( KPredefinedSelections ); i < itemCount; i++ )
-            {
-            allArr->AppendL( i );
-            }
-        aFilter->ResetFilteringL();
-        aListBox->SetSelectionIndexesL( allArr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( allArr );
-        }
-    // if share all selection is removed
-    else if ( aSelectionState == EItemsSelected && 
-              iShareAllSelected ) 
-        {
-        // Create new selectionindexarray with only "do not share" 
-        // selected and assign it to the listbox.
-        __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-Do not share selected");
-        CListBoxView::CSelectionIndexArray* noneArr = 
-            new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( arrayGranularity );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( noneArr );
-        noneArr->AppendL( KShareNoneIndex );
-        aListBox->SetSelectionIndexesL( noneArr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noneArr );
-        }
-    // if only some individual items have been modified
-    else if ( aSelectionState == EItemsSelected && 
-              !iShareAllSelected &&
-              !iShareNoneSelected ) 
-        {
-        // do nothing. selections are kept as they are
-        }
-    // if share none is selected with some individual item, 
-    // unselect share none
-    else if ( aSelectionState == EShareNoneSelected && aIndexes->Count() > 1 ) 
-        {
-        // Create similar selectionindexarray without "do not share" 
-        // selected and assign it to the listbox.
-        __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-Do not share selected");
-        for( TInt y=0; y < aIndexes->Count(); y++ )
-            {
-            TInt itemIndex = aIndexes->At(y);
-            if ( itemIndex == 0 || itemIndex == 1 )
-                {
-                aListBox->View()->DeselectItem( 
-                    aFilter->VisibleItemIndex(itemIndex) );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( aSelectionState == EShareAllSelected &&
-              aIndexes->Count() < aFilter->NonFilteredNumberOfItems() - 1 ) 
-        {
-        if ( aIndexes->Count() > 0 ) 
-            {
-            // all items were selected and some item (not share all) has 
-            // been unselected -> remove selection also from share all.
-            __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-Do not share selected");
-            for( TInt y=0; y < aIndexes->Count(); y++ )
-                {
-                TInt itemIndex = aIndexes->At(y);
-                if ( itemIndex == KShareAllIndex )
-                    {
-                    aListBox->View()->DeselectItem( 
-                        aFilter->VisibleItemIndex( itemIndex ) );
-                    }
-                }
-            if ( !aListBox->View()->SelectionIndexes()->Count() ) 
-                {
-                // Last individual item has been unselected.
-                // Create new selectionindexarray with only 
-                // "do not share" selected and assign it to the listbox.
-                __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-Do not share selected");
-                CListBoxView::CSelectionIndexArray* noneArr = 
-                    new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( arrayGranularity );
-                CleanupStack::PushL( noneArr );
-                noneArr->AppendL( KShareNoneIndex );
-                aListBox->SetSelectionIndexesL( noneArr );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noneArr );
-                }
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            // some item unselected and no other items left except 
-            // "share all"
-            // Create new selectionindexarray with only "do not share" 
-            // selected and assign it to the listbox.
-            __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::CollectSelectedItemsL: \
-Do not share selected");
-            CListBoxView::CSelectionIndexArray* noneArr = 
-                new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( arrayGranularity );
-            CleanupStack::PushL( noneArr );
-            noneArr->AppendL( KShareNoneIndex );
-            aListBox->SetSelectionIndexesL( noneArr );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noneArr );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::ConvertSelectionsForEngineL
-// Convert the selections from UI to engine as "old style selections"
-// Has effect only if "Share All" is selected
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::ConvertSelectionsForEngineL( 
-    CArrayFix<TInt>& aSelections ) const
-    {
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::ConvertSelectionsForEngineL begin");
-    for ( TInt i(0); i < aSelections.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        if ( aSelections.At( i ) == KShareAllIndex )
-            {
-            aSelections.Reset();
-            aSelections.AppendL( KShareAllIndex );
-            i = aSelections.Count();
-            }
-        }
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::ConvertSelectionsForEngineL end");
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendIconToArray
-// Load a possibly skinned icon (with mask) and append it to an
-// icon array.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendIconToArrayL(CAknIconArray* aArray,
-                                               MAknsSkinInstance* aSkin,
-                                               const TDesC& aMbmFile,
-                                               const TAknsItemID& aID,
-                                               TInt aBitmapId,
-                                               TInt aMaskId) const
-    {
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendIconToArrayL begin");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aArray != NULL, User::Leave(KErrArgument));
-    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
-    CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
-    AknsUtils::CreateIconLC( aSkin, aID,
-        bitmap, mask, aMbmFile, aBitmapId, aMaskId );
-    CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
-    icon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
-    // icon now owns the bitmaps, no need to keep on cleanup stack.
-    CleanupStack::Pop(2); // mask, bitmap
-    bitmap = NULL;
-    mask = NULL;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
-    aArray->AppendL( icon );
-    // aArray now owns the icon, no need to delete.
-    CleanupStack::Pop(icon);
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendIconToArrayL end");
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendShareAllSelectionL
-// Appends "share all files" item to the listbox
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendShareAllSelectionL(
-                                    CDesCArray* aListBoxArray ) const
-    {
-    __LOG("CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendShareAllSelectionL begin");
-    HBufC* item = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( item );
-    HBufC* item2 = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( item2 );
-    HBufC* itemText1 = StringLoader::LoadLC( 
-    HBufC* itemText2 = StringLoader::LoadLC(
-    // create item string for the listbox (icon + album name)
-    item->Des().Format( KItemFormatString, itemText1 );
-    item2->Des().Format( KItemFormatString, itemText2 );
-    // append "share all files" -selection to the listbox
-    aListBoxArray->AppendL( item2->Des() );
-    aListBoxArray->AppendL( item->Des() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // stringloader
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // item item2
-    __LOG( "CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::AppendShareAllSelectionL end" );
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::SetShareSelectionState
-// (Commented in the header)
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::SetShareSelectionState( 
-    TShareSelectionState aSelectionState ) 
-    {
-    switch ( aSelectionState )
-        {
-        case EShareNoneSelected:
-            {
-            iShareNoneSelected = ETrue;
-            iShareAllSelected = EFalse;
-            break;
-            }
-        case EShareAllSelected:
-            {
-            iShareNoneSelected = EFalse;
-            iShareAllSelected = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-        case ENoShareNoneOrShareAllSelected:
-            {
-            iShareNoneSelected = EFalse;
-            iShareAllSelected = EFalse;
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            // Should not be reached.
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::ShareSelectionStateFromArray
-// (Commented in the header)
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    CUpnpMultiselectionUtility::ShareSelectionStateFromArray( 
-    const CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexes ) const
-    {
-    TShareSelectionState retval = EUndefined;
-    TBool shareNoneFound = EFalse;
-    TBool shareAllFound = EFalse;
-    TBool itemsSelected = EFalse;
-    // Check if the indexes array contains do not share or share all.
-    for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < aIndexes.Count() ; i++ ) 
-        {
-        if ( aIndexes.At( i ) == KShareNoneIndex ) 
-            {
-            shareNoneFound = ETrue;
-            }
-        else if ( aIndexes.At( i ) == KShareAllIndex )  
-            {
-            shareAllFound = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    // 
-    if ( !shareAllFound && !shareNoneFound ) 
-        {
-        // "do not share" or "share all" are not selected. Check if there are
-        // other items selected.
-        if ( aIndexes.Count() ) 
-            {
-            itemsSelected = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    // set retval
-    if ( itemsSelected ) 
-        {
-        retval = EItemsSelected;
-        }    
-    else if ( shareNoneFound && !shareAllFound ) 
-        {
-        retval = EShareNoneSelected;
-        }
-    else if ( !shareNoneFound && shareAllFound ) 
-        {
-        retval = EShareAllSelected;
-        }    
-    else if ( shareNoneFound && shareAllFound ) 
-        {
-        retval = EShareNoneAndShareAllSelected;
-        }
-    else if ( !shareNoneFound && !shareAllFound ) 
-        {
-        retval = ENoShareNoneOrShareAllSelected;
-        }
-    return retval;
-    }
-// End of file