branchnew development branch with rendering state machine and other goodies
changeset 38 5360b7ddc251
parent 0 7f85d04be362
--- a/upnpavcontroller/upnpxmlparser/src/upnpitemtoxml.cpp	Fri Sep 17 08:31:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/upnpavcontroller/upnpxmlparser/src/upnpitemtoxml.cpp	Mon Nov 01 12:37:49 2010 +0200
@@ -1,945 +1,975 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:      generates XML from an UPNP item
-// System
-#include <e32base.h>
-// upnp stack api
-#include <upnpstring.h>
-#include <upnpitem.h>
-#include <upnpdlnaprotocolinfo.h>
-// upnpframework / avcontroller helper api
-#include "upnpconstantdefs.h" // for upnp definitions
-#include "upnpitemutility.h"
-// xmlparser internal
-#include "upnpitemtoxml.h"
-_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpxmlparser.txt");
-#include "upnplog.h"
-_LIT8(KItemHeading1,            "<item id=\"");
-_LIT8(KItemHeading2,            "\" parentID=\"");
-_LIT8(KItemHeading3False,       "\" restricted=\"0\">");
-_LIT8(KItemHeading3True,        "\" restricted=\"1\">");
-_LIT8(KItemTitleBegin,          "<dc:title>");
-_LIT8(KItemTitleEnd,            "</dc:title>");
-_LIT8(KItemDateBegin,           "<dc:date>");
-_LIT8(KItemDateEnd,             "</dc:date>");
-_LIT8(KItemClassBegin,          "<upnp:class>");
-_LIT8(KItemClassEnd,            "</upnp:class>");
-_LIT8(KItemPInfoEmpty,          "<res protocolInfo=\"*:*:*:*\"></res>");
-_LIT8(KItemPInfoEmptyDlna,      "<res protocolInfo=\"*:*:");
-_LIT8(KDlnaPn,                  "DLNA.ORG_PN=" );
-_LIT8(KColon,                   ":"); 
-_LIT8(KItemPInfoBegin,          "<res protocolInfo=\"");
-_LIT8(KItemPInfoMiddle,         ">");
-_LIT8(KItemPInfoEnd,            "</res>");
-_LIT8(KItemPInfoEnd2,            "\"></res>");
-_LIT8(KItemEnd,                 "</item>");
-_LIT8(KQuotationMark,           "\" ");
-_LIT8(KItemSize,                "size=\"");
-_LIT8(KItemDuration,            "duration=\"");
-_LIT8(KItemResolution,          "resolution=\"");
-// Music metadata
-_LIT8(KItemArtistBegin,         "<upnp:artist>");
-_LIT8(KItemArtistEnd,           "</upnp:artist>");
-_LIT8(KItemCreatorBegin,        "<dc:creator>");
-_LIT8(KItemCreatorEnd,          "</dc:creator>");
-_LIT8(KItemAlbumBegin,          "<upnp:album>");
-_LIT8(KItemAlbumEnd,            "</upnp:album>");
-_LIT8(KItemGenreBegin,          "<upnp:genre>");
-_LIT8(KItemGenreEnd,            "</upnp:genre>");
-_LIT8(KItemAlbumArtURIBegin,    "<upnp:albumArtURI>");
-_LIT8(KItemAlbumArtURIEnd,      "</upnp:albumArtURI>");
-    "&lt;DIDL-Lite "
-    "xmlns=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/&quot; "
-    "xmlns:dc=&quot;http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/&quot; "
-    "xmlns:upnp=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/&quot;"
-    "&gt;");
-_LIT8(KDIDLEndXmlEscaped, "&lt;/DIDL-Lite&gt;");
-_LIT8( KAsterisk, "*" );
-const TInt KBufLen = 256;
-const TInt KDateStringLength        = 10;
-const TInt KDateTimeStringLength    = 19;
-const TInt KMaxDateStringLength     = 30;
-const TInt KSeparatorAscii          = 58;
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::CUpnpItemToXML
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CUpnpItemToXML::CUpnpItemToXML( const CUpnpItem& aItem ) :
-    iItem( const_cast<CUpnpItem*>(&aItem) )
-    {
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpItemToXML::ConstructL()
-    {
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CUpnpItemToXML* CUpnpItemToXML::NewL( const CUpnpItem& aItem )
-    {
-    CUpnpItemToXML* self = CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC( aItem );
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return self;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CUpnpItemToXML* CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC( const CUpnpItem& aItem )
-    {
-    CUpnpItemToXML* self = new( ELeave ) CUpnpItemToXML( aItem );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    return self;
-    }
-// Destructor
-    {
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlL
-// Returns XML buffer
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlL( const TBool /*aIncludeChilds = ETrue */ ) 
-    {
-    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlL" );
-    const TInt bufferSize = 64; // Buffer size, grows dynamicly in 64b steps
-    CBufFlat *pBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferSize );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( pBuf );
-    RBufWriteStream stream( *pBuf );
-    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
-    // Then add the actual data
-    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading1() );
-    // xml encoding added
-    HBufC8* encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( iItem->Id().Length() );
-    encodeTemp->Des().Copy( iItem->Id() );
-    HBufC8* tempPtr = NULL;
-    tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-    stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-    tempPtr = NULL;
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-    encodeTemp = NULL;
-    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading2() );
-    stream.WriteL( iItem->ParentId() );
-    if (iItem->Restricted())
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemHeading3True() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemHeading3False() );
-        }
-    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleBegin() );
-    // xml encoding added
-    encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( iItem->Title().Length() );
-    encodeTemp->Des().Copy( iItem->Title() );
-    tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-    stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-    tempPtr = NULL;
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-    encodeTemp = NULL;    
-    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleEnd() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemClassBegin() );
-    stream.WriteL( iItem->ObjectClass() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemClassEnd() );
-     // Music meta data information
-    const TDesC8& artist = GetValueFromElement( KElementArtist ); 
-    if ( artist != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemArtistBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( artist.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( artist );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        stream.WriteL( KItemArtistEnd );
-        }
-    const TDesC8& creator = GetValueFromElement( KElementCreator ); 
-    if ( creator != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemCreatorBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( creator.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( creator );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        stream.WriteL( KItemCreatorEnd );
-        }
-    const TDesC8& album = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbum ); 
-    if ( album != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( album.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( album );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        //stream.WriteL( Album() );
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumEnd );
-        }
-    const TDesC8& genre = GetValueFromElement( KElementGenre );     
-    if ( genre != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemGenreBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( genre.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( genre );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        //stream.WriteL( Genre() );
-        stream.WriteL( KItemGenreEnd );
-        } 
-    const TDesC8& albumarturi = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbumArtUri );     
-    if ( albumarturi != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( albumarturi.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( albumarturi );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;        
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIEnd );
-        }
-    const TDesC8& date = GetValueFromElement( KElementDate );         
-    if ( date != KNullDesC8 )
-        {        
-        if( ValidateDateL( date ) )
-            {
-            stream.WriteL( KItemDateBegin );
-            // xml encoding added
-            encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( date.Length() );
-            encodeTemp->Des().Copy( date );
-            tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-            CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-            stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-            tempPtr = NULL;
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-            encodeTemp = NULL;
-            stream.WriteL( KItemDateEnd );
-            }
-        }
-    RUPnPElementsArray elArray;
-    CleanupClosePushL( elArray );
-    UPnPItemUtility::GetResElements( *iItem, elArray );
-    TInt count = elArray.Count();
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-        {
-        // Res-element starts
-        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoBegin );
-        const CUpnpAttribute* attrproinfo = UPnPItemUtility
-            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeProtocolInfo );
-        if ( attrproinfo )
-            {        
-            stream.WriteL( attrproinfo->Value() );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );
-            }
-        const CUpnpAttribute* attrsize = UPnPItemUtility
-            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeSize );            
-        if ( attrsize )
-            {
-            stream.WriteL( KAttributeSize );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( attrsize->Value() );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );                   
-            }         
-        const CUpnpAttribute* attrresolution = UPnPItemUtility
-            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeResolution );
-        if ( attrresolution )
-            {
-            stream.WriteL( KAttributeResolution );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( attrresolution->Value() );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );                        
-            }        
-        const CUpnpAttribute* attrduration = UPnPItemUtility
-            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeDuration );        
-        if ( attrduration )
-            {           
-            if( ValidateDurationL( attrduration->Value() ) )
-                {
-                stream.WriteL( KAttributeDuration );
-                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
-                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-                stream.WriteL( attrduration->Value() );
-                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                // Format of duration is not valid, do not include it
-                // Fixes ESLX-7AYFD6
-                }    
-            }        
-        const CUpnpAttribute* attrbitrate = UPnPItemUtility
-            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeBitrate );
-        if ( attrbitrate )
-            {
-            stream.WriteL( KAttributeBitrate );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( attrbitrate->Value() );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
-            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );
-            } 
-        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoMiddle );
-        // Get the content URI
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( elArray[ i ]->Value().Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( elArray[ i ]->Value() );
-        // Encode the content URI
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        // Write the encoded content URI
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        // Clean up
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        // Res-element ends
-        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoEnd );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &elArray );                  
-    stream.WriteL( KItemEnd() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream.Close();
-    TPtrC8 start = pBuf->Ptr(0);
-    // JLi: Do NOT decode retBuffer since it will be given to XML Parser
-    HBufC8* retBuffer = start.AllocL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pBuf );
-    return retBuffer;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlEmptyL
-// Returns object's XML description. This version of the method is used to
-// create the XML with empty <res> tag.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlEmptyL()
-    {
-    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlEmptyL" );
-    const TInt bufferSize = 64; // Buffer size, grows dynamicly in 64b steps
-    CBufFlat *pBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferSize );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( pBuf );
-    RBufWriteStream stream( *pBuf );
-    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
-    // Then add the actual data
-    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading1() );
-    stream.WriteL( iItem->Id() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading2() );
-    stream.WriteL( iItem->ParentId() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading3False() );
-    //stream.WriteL( KItemEndTag() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleBegin() );
-    // xml encode name
-    HBufC8* encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( iItem->Title().Length() );
-    encodeTemp->Des().Copy( iItem->Title() );
-    HBufC8* tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr ); 
-    stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleEnd() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemClassBegin() );
-    stream.WriteL( iItem->ObjectClass() );
-    stream.WriteL( KItemClassEnd() );
-    // Music meta data information
-    const TDesC8& artist = GetValueFromElement( KElementArtist ); 
-    if ( artist != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemArtistBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( artist.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( artist );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        stream.WriteL( KItemArtistEnd );
-        }
-    const TDesC8& creator = GetValueFromElement( KElementCreator ); 
-    if ( creator != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemCreatorBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( creator.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( creator );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        stream.WriteL( KItemCreatorEnd );        
-        }
-    const TDesC8& album = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbum ); 
-    if ( album != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( album.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( album );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        //stream.WriteL( Album() );
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumEnd );        
-        }
-    const TDesC8& genre = GetValueFromElement( KElementGenre );     
-    if ( genre != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemGenreBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( genre.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( genre );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;
-        //stream.WriteL( Genre() );
-        stream.WriteL( KItemGenreEnd );        
-        }
-    const TDesC8& albumarturi = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbumArtUri );     
-    if ( albumarturi != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIBegin );
-        // xml encoding added
-        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( albumarturi.Length() );
-        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( albumarturi );
-        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-        tempPtr = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-        encodeTemp = NULL;       
-        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIEnd );        
-        }
-    const TDesC8& date = GetValueFromElement( KElementDate );         
-    if ( date != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        if( ValidateDateL( date ) )
-            {
-            stream.WriteL( KItemDateBegin );
-            // xml encoding added
-            encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( date.Length() );
-            encodeTemp->Des().Copy( date );
-            tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
-            CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
-            stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
-            tempPtr = NULL;
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
-            encodeTemp = NULL;
-            stream.WriteL( KItemDateEnd );
-            }       
-        }
-    // Create dlna compliant protocolinfo
-    const RUPnPElementsArray& elms = iItem->GetElements();
-    CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo* pInfo = NULL; 
-    HBufC8* duration  = NULL;
-    HBufC8* size  = NULL;
-    HBufC8* resolution  = NULL;
-    HBufC8* info = NULL;
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < elms.Count(); i++)
-        {
-        if( elms[ i ]->Name() == KElementRes )
-            {
-            const RUPnPAttributesArray& attr = elms[ i ]->GetAttributes();
-            for( TInt j = 0; j < attr.Count(); j++ )
-                {
-                if( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeProtocolInfo )
-                    {
-                    pInfo = CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo::NewL( attr[ j ]->Value() );
-                    if ( pInfo )
-                        {
-                        CleanupStack::PushL( pInfo );
-                        info = HBufC8::NewLC( KBufLen );
-                        }
-                    }
-                if ( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeDuration )
-                    {
-                    duration= HBufC8::NewLC( attr[ j ]->Value().Length() );
-                    duration->Des().Copy( attr[ j ]->Value() );
-                    }
-                if ( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeSize )
-                    {
-                    size = HBufC8::NewLC( attr[ j ]->Value().Length() );
-                    size->Des().Copy( attr[ j ]->Value() );
-                    }
-                if ( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeResolution )
-                    {
-                    resolution = HBufC8::NewLC( attr[ j ]->Value().Length() );
-                    resolution->Des().Copy( attr[ j ]->Value() );
-                    }
-                }
-            i = elms.Count();
-            }
-        }
-    if( pInfo )
-        {
-        info->Des().Copy( KItemPInfoEmptyDlna );
-        info->Des().Append( pInfo->ThirdField() ); // Third param )
-        info->Des().Append( KColon );
-        if( pInfo->PnParameter().Length() > 0 )
-            {
-            info->Des().Append( KDlnaPn );
-            info->Des().Append( pInfo->PnParameter() ); // Fourth param )
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            info->Des().Append( KAsterisk );
-            }    
-        if ( resolution )
-            {
-            info->Des().Append( KQuotationMark );
-            info->Des().Append( KItemResolution );
-            info->Des().Append( *resolution );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resolution );
-            resolution = NULL;
-            }
-        if ( duration )
-            {
-            info->Des().Append( KQuotationMark );
-            info->Des().Append( KItemDuration );
-            info->Des().Append( *duration );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( duration );
-            duration = NULL;
-            }
-        if ( size )
-            {
-            info->Des().Append( KQuotationMark );
-            info->Des().Append( KItemSize );
-            info->Des().Append( *size );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( size );
-            size = NULL;
-            }
-        info->Des().Append( KItemPInfoEnd2 );
-        stream.WriteL( *info );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( info );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pInfo );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoEmpty );    
-        }    
-    stream.WriteL( KItemEnd() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
-    TPtrC8 start = pBuf->Ptr(0);
-    HBufC8* tmpBuffer = start.AllocL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pBuf );
-    return tmpBuffer;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::AsResultArgumentL
-// Returns object's XML description that is embedded inside a DIDL-LITE tag. 
-// The <res> tag of xml description is empty.The returned value is xml encoded
-// can therefore be used for example when creating a CreateObject action.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::AsResultArgumentL()
-    {
-    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::AsResultArgumentL" );
-    HBufC8* asEmptyXml = this->AsXmlEmptyL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( asEmptyXml );
-    // Xml must be encoded because eventually it will be embedded inside 
-    // another Xml tag (Elements tag in CreateObject action).
-    HBufC8* encodedItem = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( asEmptyXml );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( asEmptyXml );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( encodedItem );
-    // Put item xml inside DIDL-LITE tag which must also be xml encoded.
-    HBufC8* retval = CreateUnDecodedXmlL( *encodedItem );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedItem );
-    return retval;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::CreateUnDecodedXmlL
-// Fills common DIDL-Lite XML headers over the given XML fragment.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::CreateUnDecodedXmlL( const TDesC8& aData )
-    {
-    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::CreateUnDecodedXmlL" );
-    const TInt bufferSize = 128; // Buffer size
-    CBufFlat *pBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferSize );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( pBuf );
-    RBufWriteStream stream( *pBuf );
-    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
-    stream.WriteL( KDIDLBeginXmlEscaped() );
-    stream.WriteL( aData );
-    stream.WriteL( KDIDLEndXmlEscaped() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream ); // stream.Close();
-    TPtrC8 start = pBuf->Ptr(0);
-    HBufC8* tmpBuffer = start.AllocL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pBuf );
-    return tmpBuffer;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::GetValueFromElement
-// Returns the value of an element.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TDesC8& CUpnpItemToXML::GetValueFromElement(
-    const TDesC8& aElementName )
-    {
-    const RUPnPElementsArray& elms = iItem->GetElements();
-    TInt count = elms.Count();
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
-        {
-        if( elms[ i ]->Name() == aElementName )
-            {
-            return elms[ i ]->Value();
-            }
-        }
-    return KNullDesC8;              
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDateL
-// Validates dc:date
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDateL( const TDesC8& aDate )
-    {
-    TDateTime time;    
-    TBuf<KMaxDateStringLength> formatDateString;
-    HBufC* dateString = HBufC::NewL( aDate.Length() );
-    dateString->Des().Copy( aDate );
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TInt year = 0;
-    TInt month = 1; 
-    TInt day = 1;
-    TInt hours = 0;
-    TInt minutes = 0;
-    TInt seconds = 0;
-    if( aDate.Length() >= KDateStringLength )
-    {
-        TLex lex( dateString->Des().Left( 4 ) ); //Year
-        err = lex.Val( year );
-        if(  err == KErrNone )
-        {
-            lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 5,2 ) ); //Month
-            TInt err = lex.Val( month );
-            if(  err == KErrNone )
-            {
-                lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 8,2 ) ); //Day
-                TInt err = lex.Val(day);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (err)
-    {
-        return EFalse;
-    }
-    if( aDate.Length() >= KDateTimeStringLength )
-    {
-        TLex lex( dateString->Des().Mid( 11,2 ) ); //Hours
-        err = lex.Val( hours );
-        if(  err == KErrNone )
-        {
-            lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 14,2 ) ); //Minutes
-            TInt err = lex.Val( hours );
-            if(  err == KErrNone )
-            {
-                lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 17,2 ) ); //Seconds
-                TInt err = lex.Val( hours );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (err)
-    {
-        return EFalse;
-    }
-    TBool retVal = EFalse;
-    //DateTime month and day are 0-based
-    if( time.Set( year, TMonth(month - 1), 
-            day - 1, hours, minutes, seconds,0 ) == KErrNone )
-        {
-        retVal = ETrue;
-        }
-    delete dateString;
-    return retVal;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDurationL
-// Validates res@duration
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDurationL( const TDesC8& aDuration )
-    {
-    TBool retVal = ETrue;
-    TLex8 input( aDuration );
-    // Hours
-    ParseToDelimeter( input, TChar( KSeparatorAscii ) );
-    TInt hours = input.MarkedToken().Length();
-    if( !input.Eos() )
-        {
-        input.SkipAndMark( 1 ); // Skip the delimeter
-        }
-    if( hours < 1 || hours > 5 ) // hours must be 1-5 digits long
-        {
-        retVal = EFalse;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Minutes
-        ParseToDelimeter( input, TChar( KSeparatorAscii ) );   
-        TInt minutes = input.MarkedToken().Length();
-        if( !input.Eos() )
-            {
-            input.SkipAndMark( 1 ); // Skip the delimeter
-            }
-        if( minutes != 2 ) // minutes must be 2 digits long
-            {
-            retVal = EFalse;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Seconds
-            ParseToDelimeter( input, TChar( KSeparatorAscii ) );
-            TInt seconds = input.MarkedToken().Length();
-            if( seconds < 2 || seconds > 6 ) // seconds must be 2-6 digits
-            // long
-                {
-                retVal = EFalse;
-                }
-            if( !input.Eos() )
-                {
-                // Something is wrong, we should be in the end        
-                retVal = EFalse;
-                }            
-            }    
-        }    
-    return retVal;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CUpnpItemToXML::ParseToDelimeter
-// Parse to a given delimeter
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CUpnpItemToXML::ParseToDelimeter( TLex8& aLex, TChar aDelimeter )
-    {
-    aLex.Mark();
-    TChar chr = 0;
-    while( !aLex.Eos() )
-        {
-        chr = aLex.Peek();
-        if( chr == aDelimeter )
-            {
-            break;
-            }
-        aLex.Inc();        
-        }
-    }    
-//  End of File
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:      generates XML from an UPNP item
+// System
+#include <e32base.h>
+// upnp stack api
+#include <upnpstring.h>
+// dlnasrv / mediaserver api
+#include <upnpitem.h>
+#include <upnpdlnaprotocolinfo.h>
+// dlnasrv / avcontroller helper api
+#include "upnpconstantdefs.h" // for upnp definitions
+#include "upnpitemutility.h"
+// xmlparser internal
+#include "upnpitemtoxml.h"
+_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpxmlparser.txt");
+#include "upnplog.h"
+_LIT8(KItemHeading1,            "<item id=\"");
+_LIT8(KItemHeading2,            "\" parentID=\"");
+_LIT8(KItemHeading3False,       "\" restricted=\"0\">");
+_LIT8(KItemHeading3True,        "\" restricted=\"1\">");
+_LIT8(KItemTitleBegin,          "<dc:title>");
+_LIT8(KItemTitleEnd,            "</dc:title>");
+_LIT8(KItemDateBegin,           "<dc:date>");
+_LIT8(KItemDateEnd,             "</dc:date>");
+_LIT8(KItemClassBegin,          "<upnp:class>");
+_LIT8(KItemClassEnd,            "</upnp:class>");
+_LIT8(KItemPInfoEmpty,          "<res protocolInfo=\"*:*:*:*\"></res>");
+_LIT8(KItemPInfoEmptyDlna,      "<res protocolInfo=\"*:*:");
+_LIT8(KDlnaPn,                  "DLNA.ORG_PN=" );
+_LIT8(KColon,                   ":"); 
+_LIT8(KItemPInfoBegin,          "<res protocolInfo=\"");
+_LIT8(KItemPInfoMiddle,         ">");
+_LIT8(KItemPInfoEnd,            "</res>");
+_LIT8(KItemPInfoEnd2,            "\"></res>");
+_LIT8(KItemEnd,                 "</item>");
+_LIT8(KEqual,                   "=");
+_LIT8(KQuotationMark,           "\" ");
+_LIT8(KItemSize,                "size=\"");
+_LIT8(KItemDuration,            "duration=\"");
+_LIT8(KItemResolution,          "resolution=\"");
+// Music metadata
+_LIT8(KItemArtistBegin,         "<upnp:artist>");
+_LIT8(KItemArtistEnd,           "</upnp:artist>");
+_LIT8(KItemCreatorBegin,        "<dc:creator>");
+_LIT8(KItemCreatorEnd,          "</dc:creator>");
+_LIT8(KItemAlbumBegin,          "<upnp:album>");
+_LIT8(KItemAlbumEnd,            "</upnp:album>");
+_LIT8(KItemGenreBegin,          "<upnp:genre>");
+_LIT8(KItemGenreEnd,            "</upnp:genre>");
+_LIT8(KItemAlbumArtURIBegin,    "<upnp:albumArtURI>");
+_LIT8(KItemAlbumArtURI,         "<upnp:albumArtURI ");
+_LIT8(KItemAlbumArtURIEnd,      "</upnp:albumArtURI>");
+    "&lt;DIDL-Lite "
+    "xmlns=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/&quot; "
+    "xmlns:dc=&quot;http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/&quot; "
+    "xmlns:upnp=&quot;urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/&quot;"
+    "&gt;");
+_LIT8(KDIDLEndXmlEscaped, "&lt;/DIDL-Lite&gt;");
+_LIT8( KAsterisk, "*" );
+const TInt KBufLen = 256;
+const TInt KDateStringLength        = 10;
+const TInt KDateTimeStringLength    = 19;
+const TInt KMaxDateStringLength     = 30;
+const TInt KSeparatorAscii          = 58;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::CUpnpItemToXML
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpItemToXML::CUpnpItemToXML( const CUpnpItem& aItem ) :
+    iItem( const_cast<CUpnpItem*>(&aItem) )
+    {
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpItemToXML::ConstructL()
+    {
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpItemToXML* CUpnpItemToXML::NewL( const CUpnpItem& aItem )
+    {
+    CUpnpItemToXML* self = CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC( aItem );
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpItemToXML* CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC( const CUpnpItem& aItem )
+    {
+    CUpnpItemToXML* self = new( ELeave ) CUpnpItemToXML( aItem );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlL
+// Returns XML buffer
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlL( const TBool /*aIncludeChilds = ETrue */ ) 
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlL" );
+    const TInt bufferSize = 64; // Buffer size, grows dynamicly in 64b steps
+    CBufFlat *pBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( pBuf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *pBuf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // Then add the actual data
+    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading1() );
+    // xml encoding added
+    HBufC8* encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( iItem->Id().Length() );
+    encodeTemp->Des().Copy( iItem->Id() );
+    HBufC8* tempPtr = NULL;
+    tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+    stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+    tempPtr = NULL;
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+    encodeTemp = NULL;
+    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading2() );
+    stream.WriteL( iItem->ParentId() );
+    if (iItem->Restricted())
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemHeading3True() );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemHeading3False() );
+        }
+    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleBegin() );
+    // xml encoding added
+    encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( iItem->Title().Length() );
+    encodeTemp->Des().Copy( iItem->Title() );
+    tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+    stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+    tempPtr = NULL;
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+    encodeTemp = NULL;    
+    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleEnd() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemClassBegin() );
+    stream.WriteL( iItem->ObjectClass() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemClassEnd() );
+     // Music meta data information
+    const TDesC8& artist = GetValueFromElement( KElementArtist ); 
+    if ( artist != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemArtistBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( artist.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( artist );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        stream.WriteL( KItemArtistEnd );
+        }
+    const TDesC8& creator = GetValueFromElement( KElementCreator ); 
+    if ( creator != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemCreatorBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( creator.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( creator );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        stream.WriteL( KItemCreatorEnd );
+        }
+    const TDesC8& album = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbum ); 
+    if ( album != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( album.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( album );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        //stream.WriteL( Album() );
+        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumEnd );
+        }
+    const TDesC8& genre = GetValueFromElement( KElementGenre );     
+    if ( genre != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemGenreBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( genre.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( genre );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        //stream.WriteL( Genre() );
+        stream.WriteL( KItemGenreEnd );
+        } 
+    const TDesC8& albumarturi = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbumArtUri );
+    if ( albumarturi != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        CUpnpElement* elem = 
+        (CUpnpElement*)(UPnPItemUtility::FindElementByName( *iItem, KElementAlbumArtUri() ));
+        if( elem )
+            {
+            stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURI );
+            const RUPnPAttributesArray& attrArray = elem->GetAttributes();
+            for( TInt i(0); i < attrArray.Count(); ++i )
+                {
+                stream.WriteL( attrArray.operator [](i)->Name() );
+                stream.WriteL( KEqual );
+                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+                stream.WriteL( attrArray.operator [](i)->Value() ); 
+                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+                }            
+            stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoMiddle );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIBegin );
+            }
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( albumarturi.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( albumarturi );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;        
+        stream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIEnd );
+        }
+    const TDesC8& date = GetValueFromElement( KElementDate );         
+    if ( date != KNullDesC8 )
+        {        
+        if( ValidateDateL( date ) )
+            {
+            stream.WriteL( KItemDateBegin );
+            // xml encoding added
+            encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( date.Length() );
+            encodeTemp->Des().Copy( date );
+            tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+            stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+            tempPtr = NULL;
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+            encodeTemp = NULL;
+            stream.WriteL( KItemDateEnd );
+            }
+        }
+    RUPnPElementsArray elArray;
+    CleanupClosePushL( elArray );
+    UPnPItemUtility::GetResElements( *iItem, elArray );
+    TInt count = elArray.Count();
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        {
+        // Res-element starts
+        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoBegin );
+        const CUpnpAttribute* attrproinfo = UPnPItemUtility
+            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeProtocolInfo );
+        if ( attrproinfo )
+            {        
+            stream.WriteL( attrproinfo->Value() );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );
+            }
+        const CUpnpAttribute* attrsize = UPnPItemUtility
+            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeSize );            
+        if ( attrsize )
+            {
+            stream.WriteL( KAttributeSize );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( attrsize->Value() );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );                   
+            }         
+        const CUpnpAttribute* attrresolution = UPnPItemUtility
+            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeResolution );
+        if ( attrresolution )
+            {
+            stream.WriteL( KAttributeResolution );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( attrresolution->Value() );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );                        
+            }        
+        const CUpnpAttribute* attrduration = UPnPItemUtility
+            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeDuration );
+        if ( attrduration )
+            {           
+            if( ValidateDurationL( attrduration->Value() ) )
+                {
+                stream.WriteL( KAttributeDuration );
+                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
+                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+                stream.WriteL( attrduration->Value() );
+                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+                stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // Format of duration is not valid, do not include it
+                // Fixes ESLX-7AYFD6
+                }    
+            }        
+        const CUpnpAttribute* attrbitrate = UPnPItemUtility
+            ::FindAttributeByName( *elArray[ i ], KAttributeBitrate );
+        if ( attrbitrate )
+            {
+            stream.WriteL( KAttributeBitrate );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaEQ );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( attrbitrate->Value() );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaQuot );
+            stream.WriteL( KCriteriaSpace );
+            } 
+        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoMiddle );
+        // Get the content URI
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( elArray[ i ]->Value().Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( elArray[ i ]->Value() );
+        // Encode the content URI
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        // Write the encoded content URI
+        stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        // Clean up
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        // Res-element ends
+        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoEnd );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &elArray );                  
+    stream.WriteL( KItemEnd() );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream.Close();
+    TPtrC8 start = pBuf->Ptr(0);
+    // JLi: Do NOT decode retBuffer since it will be given to XML Parser
+    HBufC8* retBuffer = start.AllocL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pBuf );
+    return retBuffer;
+    }
+void CUpnpItemToXML::FillMetaDataL(RBufWriteStream& aStream)
+    {
+    HBufC8* encodeTemp = NULL;
+    HBufC8* tempPtr = NULL;
+    const TDesC8& artist = GetValueFromElement( KElementArtist ); 
+    if ( artist != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemArtistBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( artist.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( artist );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        aStream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemArtistEnd );
+        }
+    const TDesC8& creator = GetValueFromElement( KElementCreator ); 
+    if ( creator != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemCreatorBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( creator.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( creator );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        aStream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemCreatorEnd );        
+        }
+    const TDesC8& album = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbum ); 
+    if ( album != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemAlbumBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( album.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( album );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        aStream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        //aStream.WriteL( Album() );
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemAlbumEnd );        
+        }
+    const TDesC8& genre = GetValueFromElement( KElementGenre );     
+    if ( genre != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemGenreBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( genre.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( genre );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        aStream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;
+        //aStream.WriteL( Genre() );
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemGenreEnd );        
+        }
+    const TDesC8& albumarturi = GetValueFromElement( KElementAlbumArtUri );
+    if ( albumarturi != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIBegin );
+        // xml encoding added
+        encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( albumarturi.Length() );
+        encodeTemp->Des().Copy( albumarturi );
+        tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+        aStream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+        tempPtr = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+        encodeTemp = NULL;       
+        aStream.WriteL( KItemAlbumArtURIEnd );        
+        }
+    const TDesC8& date = GetValueFromElement( KElementDate );         
+    if ( date != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        if( ValidateDateL( date ) )
+            {
+            aStream.WriteL( KItemDateBegin );
+            // xml encoding added
+            encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( date.Length() );
+            encodeTemp->Des().Copy( date );
+            tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr );
+            aStream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+            tempPtr = NULL;
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+            encodeTemp = NULL;
+            aStream.WriteL( KItemDateEnd );
+            }       
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlEmptyL
+// Returns object's XML description. This version of the method is used to
+// create the XML with empty <res> tag.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlEmptyL()
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::AsXmlEmptyL" );
+    const TInt bufferSize = 64; // Buffer size, grows dynamicly in 64b steps
+    CBufFlat *pBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( pBuf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *pBuf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    // Then add the actual data
+    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading1() );
+    stream.WriteL( iItem->Id() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading2() );
+    stream.WriteL( iItem->ParentId() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemHeading3False() );
+    //stream.WriteL( KItemEndTag() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleBegin() );
+    // xml encode name
+    HBufC8* encodeTemp = HBufC8::NewLC( iItem->Title().Length() );
+    encodeTemp->Des().Copy( iItem->Title() );
+    HBufC8* tempPtr = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( encodeTemp );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( tempPtr ); 
+    stream.WriteL( *tempPtr );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempPtr );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeTemp );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemTitleEnd() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemClassBegin() );
+    stream.WriteL( iItem->ObjectClass() );
+    stream.WriteL( KItemClassEnd() );
+    FillMetaDataL(stream);    
+    // Create dlna compliant protocolinfo
+    const RUPnPElementsArray& elms = iItem->GetElements();
+    CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo* pInfo = NULL; 
+    HBufC8* duration  = NULL;
+    HBufC8* size  = NULL;
+    HBufC8* resolution  = NULL;
+    HBufC8* info = NULL;
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < elms.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        if( elms[ i ]->Name() == KElementRes )
+            {
+            const RUPnPAttributesArray& attr = elms[ i ]->GetAttributes();
+            //pInfo must be checked first
+            for( TInt j = 0; j < attr.Count(); j++ )
+                {
+                if( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeProtocolInfo )
+                    {
+                    pInfo = CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo::NewL(
+                            attr[ j ]->Value() );
+                    if ( pInfo )
+                        {
+                        CleanupStack::PushL( pInfo );
+                        info = HBufC8::NewLC( KBufLen );
+                        info->Des().Copy( KItemPInfoEmptyDlna );
+                        info->Des().Append( pInfo->ThirdField() ); // Third param )
+                        info->Des().Append( KColon );
+                        if( pInfo->PnParameter().Length() > 0 )
+                            {
+                            info->Des().Append( KDlnaPn );
+                            info->Des().Append( pInfo->PnParameter() ); // Fourth param )
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                            info->Des().Append( KAsterisk );
+                            }   
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            //if there is pInfo we can continue with other elements
+                if (pInfo)
+                    {
+                    for (TInt j = 0; j < attr.Count(); j++)
+                        {
+                        if ( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeDuration )
+                            {
+                            duration= HBufC8::NewLC( attr[ j ]->Value().Length() );
+                            duration->Des().Copy( attr[ j ]->Value() );
+                            info->Des().Append( KQuotationMark );
+                            info->Des().Append( KItemDuration );
+                            info->Des().Append( *duration );
+                            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( duration );
+                            duration = NULL;
+                            }
+                        if ( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeSize )
+                            {
+                            size = HBufC8::NewLC( attr[ j ]->Value().Length() );
+                            size->Des().Copy( attr[ j ]->Value() );
+                            info->Des().Append( KQuotationMark );
+                            info->Des().Append( KItemSize );
+                            info->Des().Append( *size );
+                            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( size );
+                            size = NULL;
+                            }
+                        if ( attr[ j ]->Name() == KAttributeResolution )
+                            {
+                            resolution = HBufC8::NewLC( attr[ j ]->Value().Length() );
+                            resolution->Des().Copy( attr[ j ]->Value() );
+                            info->Des().Append( KQuotationMark );
+                            info->Des().Append( KItemResolution );
+                            info->Des().Append( *resolution );
+                            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resolution );
+                            resolution = NULL;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+            i = elms.Count();
+            }
+        }
+    if( pInfo )
+        {
+        info->Des().Append( KItemPInfoEnd2 );
+        stream.WriteL( *info );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( info );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pInfo );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        stream.WriteL( KItemPInfoEmpty );    
+        }    
+    stream.WriteL( KItemEnd() );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+    TPtrC8 start = pBuf->Ptr(0);
+    HBufC8* tmpBuffer = start.AllocL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pBuf );
+    return tmpBuffer;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::AsResultArgumentL
+// Returns object's XML description that is embedded inside a DIDL-LITE tag. 
+// The <res> tag of xml description is empty.The returned value is xml
+// encoded can therefore be used for example when creating a CreateObject
+// action. (other items were commented in a header).
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::AsResultArgumentL()
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::AsResultArgumentL" );
+    HBufC8* asEmptyXml = this->AsXmlEmptyL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( asEmptyXml );
+    // Xml must be encoded because eventually it will be embedded inside 
+    // another Xml tag (Elements tag in CreateObject action).
+    HBufC8* encodedItem = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( asEmptyXml );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( asEmptyXml );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( encodedItem );
+    // Put item xml inside DIDL-LITE tag which must also be xml encoded.
+    HBufC8* retval = CreateUnDecodedXmlL( *encodedItem );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedItem );
+    return retval;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::CreateUnDecodedXmlL
+// Fills common DIDL-Lite XML headers over the given XML fragment.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CUpnpItemToXML::CreateUnDecodedXmlL( const TDesC8& aData )
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUpnpItemToXML::CreateUnDecodedXmlL" );
+    const TInt bufferSize = 128; // Buffer size
+    CBufFlat *pBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufferSize );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( pBuf );
+    RBufWriteStream stream( *pBuf );
+    CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+    stream.WriteL( KDIDLBeginXmlEscaped() );
+    stream.WriteL( aData );
+    stream.WriteL( KDIDLEndXmlEscaped() );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream ); // stream.Close();
+    TPtrC8 start = pBuf->Ptr(0);
+    HBufC8* tmpBuffer = start.AllocL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pBuf );
+    return tmpBuffer;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::GetValueFromElement
+// Returns the value of an element.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC8& CUpnpItemToXML::GetValueFromElement(
+    const TDesC8& aElementName )
+    {
+    const RUPnPElementsArray& elms = iItem->GetElements();
+    TInt count = elms.Count();
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+        {
+        if( elms[ i ]->Name() == aElementName )
+            {
+            return elms[ i ]->Value();
+            }
+        }
+    return KNullDesC8;              
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDateL
+// Validates dc:date
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDateL( const TDesC8& aDate )
+    {
+    TDateTime time;    
+    TBuf<KMaxDateStringLength> formatDateString;
+    HBufC* dateString = HBufC::NewL( aDate.Length() );
+    dateString->Des().Copy( aDate );
+    TInt err = KErrNone;
+    TInt year = 0;
+    TInt month = 1; 
+    TInt day = 1;
+    TInt hours = 0;
+    TInt minutes = 0;
+    TInt seconds = 0;
+    if( aDate.Length() >= KDateStringLength )
+    {
+        TLex lex( dateString->Des().Left( 4 ) ); //Year
+        err = lex.Val( year );
+        if(  err == KErrNone )
+        {
+            lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 5,2 ) ); //Month
+            TInt err = lex.Val( month );
+            if(  err == KErrNone )
+            {
+                lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 8,2 ) ); //Day
+                TInt err = lex.Val(day);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (err)
+    {
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+    if( aDate.Length() >= KDateTimeStringLength )
+    {
+        TLex lex( dateString->Des().Mid( 11,2 ) ); //Hours
+        err = lex.Val( hours );
+        if(  err == KErrNone )
+        {
+            lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 14,2 ) ); //Minutes
+            TInt err = lex.Val( hours );
+            if(  err == KErrNone )
+            {
+                lex.Assign( dateString->Des().Mid( 17,2 ) ); //Seconds
+                TInt err = lex.Val( hours );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (err)
+    {
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+    TBool retVal = EFalse;
+    //DateTime month and day are 0-based
+    if( time.Set( year, TMonth(month - 1), 
+            day - 1, hours, minutes, seconds,0 ) == KErrNone )
+        {
+        retVal = ETrue;
+        }
+    delete dateString;
+    return retVal;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDurationL
+// Validates res@duration
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CUpnpItemToXML::ValidateDurationL( const TDesC8& aDuration )
+    {
+    TBool retVal = ETrue;
+    TLex8 input( aDuration );
+    // Hours
+    ParseToDelimeter( input, TChar( KSeparatorAscii ) );
+    TInt hours = input.MarkedToken().Length();
+    if( !input.Eos() )
+        {
+        input.SkipAndMark( 1 ); // Skip the delimeter
+        }
+    if( hours < 1 || hours > 5 ) // hours must be 1-5 digits long
+        {
+        retVal = EFalse;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Minutes
+        ParseToDelimeter( input, TChar( KSeparatorAscii ) );   
+        TInt minutes = input.MarkedToken().Length();
+        if( !input.Eos() )
+            {
+            input.SkipAndMark( 1 ); // Skip the delimeter
+            }
+        if( minutes != 2 ) // minutes must be 2 digits long
+            {
+            retVal = EFalse;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Seconds
+            ParseToDelimeter( input, TChar( KSeparatorAscii ) );
+            TInt seconds = input.MarkedToken().Length();
+            if( seconds < 2 || seconds > 6 ) // seconds must be 2-6 digits
+            // long
+                {
+                retVal = EFalse;
+                }
+            if( !input.Eos() )
+                {
+                // Something is wrong, we should be in the end        
+                retVal = EFalse;
+                }            
+            }    
+        }    
+    return retVal;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpItemToXML::ParseToDelimeter
+// Parse to a given delimeter
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpItemToXML::ParseToDelimeter( TLex8& aLex, TChar aDelimeter )
+    {
+    aLex.Mark();
+    TChar chr = 0;
+    while( !aLex.Eos() )
+        {
+        chr = aLex.Peek();
+        if( chr == aDelimeter )
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        aLex.Inc();        
+        }
+    }    
+//  End of File