--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnpframework/upnpmusicadapter/src/upnpmusicadapter.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:52:00 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: handles music playing within UPnP framework
+// MPX framework api
+#include <mpxcommonframeworkdefs.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionplaylist.h>
+#include <mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h>
+#include <mpxmediaarray.h>
+#include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
+#include <mpxmediacontainerdefs.h>
+#include <mpxplaybackutility.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionutility.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionplaylist.h>
+#include <mpxplaybackmessage.h>
+#include <mpxviewutility.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionpath.h>
+#include <mpxcollectionmessage.h>
+#include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
+// upnpframework / avcontroller api
+#include "upnpavcontroller.h"
+#include "upnpavbrowsingsession.h"
+#include "upnpavdevice.h"
+// musicadapter internal
+#include "upnpmpxhelper.h"
+#include "upnpplaylistfiller.h"
+#include "upnpmusicadapter.h"
+// debug
+_LIT16( KComponentLogfile, "musicadapter.txt" );
+#include "upnplog.h"
+// constants
+_LIT16( KTempPlaylistTitle, "TempPlaylist" );
+const TUid KRemotePlayerUid = { 0x200075D8 }; // Remote player UID
+const TUid KLocalPlayerUid = { 0x200075D9 }; // Local player UID
+const TUid KHomeConnectUid = { 0x10208A0A }; // Home Connect app UID
+const TUid KPlaybackDialogUid = { 0x101FFCBD }; // UPnPPlayback dialog UID
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::NewL
+// 1st phase constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CUPnPMusicAdapter* CUPnPMusicAdapter::NewL(
+MUPnPAVController& aAVController )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::NewL" );
+ CUPnPMusicAdapter* self = new(ELeave) CUPnPMusicAdapter( aAVController );
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter: self = %x", self );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::CUPnPMusicAdapter
+// Default constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUPnPMusicAdapter::CUPnPMusicAdapter( MUPnPAVController& aAVController )
+ : iAVController( aAVController )
+ {
+ iTrackArray = 0;
+ iPlaylist = 0;
+ iState = EStateIdle;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::ConstructL
+// 1st phase constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ConstructL" );
+ // Create playbackutility for playback comands
+ iPlaybackUtility = MMPXPlaybackUtility::NewL( KHomeConnectUid, this );
+ __LOG1( "iPlaybackUtility = %x", iPlaybackUtility );
+ // Create collectionutility
+ iCollectionUtility = MMPXCollectionUtility::NewL( this,
+ KHomeConnectUid );
+ __LOG1( "iCollectionUtility = %x", iCollectionUtility );
+ // Get an instance of view utility
+ iViewUtility = MMPXViewUtility::UtilityL();
+ __LOG1( "iViewUtility = %x", iViewUtility );
+ // internal MPX helper for some advanced operations
+ iMpxHelper = CUPnPMpxHelper::NewL( KHomeConnectUid );
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ConstructL - end" );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::~CUPnPMusicAdapter
+// Destructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CUPnPMusicAdapter::~CUPnPMusicAdapter()
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::~CUPnPMusicAdapter()" );
+ if ( iCurrentFillerState == EFillerStateFilling )
+ {
+ iCurrentFiller->CancelFill();
+ }
+ delete iMedia;
+ delete iCurrentFiller;
+ delete iTrackArray;
+ delete iPlaylist;
+ delete iWait;
+ delete iMpxHelper;
+ if( iPlaybackUtility )
+ {
+ iPlaybackUtility->Close();
+ iPlaybackUtility = 0;
+ }
+ if( iCollectionUtility )
+ {
+ iCollectionUtility->Close();
+ iCollectionUtility = 0;
+ }
+ if( iViewUtility )
+ {
+ iViewUtility->Close();
+ iViewUtility = 0;
+ }
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::~CUPnPMusicAdapter - End" );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicLiteInRemoteL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicLiteInRemoteL(
+ CEikAppUi* aAppUi,
+ MUPnPPlaylistFiller* aFiller,
+ const CUpnpAVDevice& aRenderer )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicLiteInRemoteL" );
+ InitState();
+ iAppUi = aAppUi;
+ iRemotePlayer = ETrue;
+ TakeOwnershipOfTheFiller( aFiller );
+ iTargetDevice = &aRenderer;
+ // Create and fill playlist
+ CreatePlayListL();
+ // show the UI
+ UiShowLoopL();
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInRemoteL returns %d",
+ iReturnCode );
+ return iReturnCode;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicLiteInLocalL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicLiteInLocalL(
+ CEikAppUi* aAppUi,
+ MUPnPPlaylistFiller* aFiller )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicLiteInLocalL" );
+ InitState();
+ iAppUi = aAppUi;
+ iRemotePlayer = EFalse;
+ TakeOwnershipOfTheFiller( aFiller );
+ iTargetDevice = 0;
+ // Create and fill playlist
+ CreatePlayListL();
+ // show the UI
+ UiShowLoopL();
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInLocalL returns %d",
+ iReturnCode );
+ return iReturnCode;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInRemoteL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInRemoteL(
+ CEikAppUi* aAppUi,
+ CUPnPPlayListFiller* aFiller,
+ const CUpnpAVDevice& aRenderer )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInRemoteL" );
+ InitState();
+ iAppUi = aAppUi;
+ iRemotePlayer = ETrue;
+ TakeOwnershipOfTheFiller( aFiller );
+ iTargetDevice = &aRenderer;
+ // Create and fill playlist
+ CreatePlayListL();
+ // show the UI
+ UiShowLoopL();
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInRemoteL returns %d",
+ iReturnCode );
+ return iReturnCode;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInLocalL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInLocalL(
+ CEikAppUi* aAppUi,
+ CUPnPPlayListFiller* aFiller )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInLocalL" );
+ InitState();
+ iAppUi = aAppUi;
+ iRemotePlayer = EFalse;
+ TakeOwnershipOfTheFiller( aFiller );
+ iTargetDevice = 0;
+ // Create and fill playlist
+ CreatePlayListL();
+ // show the UI
+ UiShowLoopL();
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::ExecuteMusicInLocalL returns %d",
+ iReturnCode );
+ return iReturnCode;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::Dismiss
+// Dismiss the music player UI
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CUPnPMusicAdapter::Dismiss( TInt aReturnCode )
+ {
+ Exit( aReturnCode );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::UiShowLoop
+// Wait to show the UI
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::UiShowLoopL()
+ {
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // PART 1 - wait part
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ if ( iState == EStatePreparing )
+ {
+ // Not yet ready to go. Wait until signalled to proceed
+ iWait = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait();
+ __LOG( "UiShowLoopL: wait..." );
+ iState = EStatePreparingWait;
+ iWait->Start();
+ delete iWait;
+ iWait = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __LOG( "UiShowLoopL: no need to wait" );
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ // PART 2 - action part
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ if ( iState == EStateInitialising )
+ {
+ __LOG( "Activate playback view" );
+ iViewUtility->ActivateViewL( KPlaybackDialogUid );
+ iState = EStateClosing;
+ }
+ else if ( iState == EStateClosing )
+ {
+ // Exit signalled before UI was shown
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // illegal state
+ __PANICD( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ }
+ iState = EStateIdle;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::DisplayUI
+// Commands the UI to show
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::DisplayUI()
+ {
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::DisplayUI() in state %d",
+ iState );
+ if ( iState == EStatePreparing )
+ {
+ // UiShowLoop can show UI directly - no wait
+ iState = EStateInitialising;
+ }
+ else if ( iState == EStatePreparingWait )
+ {
+ // release wait loop in UiShowLoop
+ __ASSERTD( iWait != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ iState = EStateInitialising;
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // should never be here
+ __PANICD( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::Exit
+// Performs cleanup and releases the execute thread
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::Exit( TInt aReturnCode )
+ {
+ __LOG2( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::Exit(%d) in state %d",
+ aReturnCode, iState );
+ if ( iState == EStatePreparing )
+ {
+ // change state - UiShowLoop will exit immediately
+ iReturnCode = aReturnCode;
+ iState = EStateClosing;
+ }
+ if ( iState == EStatePreparingWait )
+ {
+ // release wait loop in UiShowLoop
+ __ASSERTD( iWait != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ iReturnCode = aReturnCode;
+ iState = EStateClosing;
+ iWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ else if ( iState == EStateInitialising ||
+ iState == EStateRunning )
+ {
+ __ASSERTD( iViewUtility != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ iReturnCode = aReturnCode;
+ iState = EStateClosing;
+ // Send a close command to plugin with this error code.
+ // Plugin will notify that it is not available,
+ // and then the player UI will exit
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iPlaybackUtility->CommandL(
+ EPbCmdClose, KMusicPluginMessageExit ) );
+ }
+ else if ( iState == EStateClosing )
+ {
+ // do nothing - already in exit process
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // should never be here
+ __PANICD( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::CreatePlayList
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::CreatePlayListL()
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::CreatePlayList" );
+ __ASSERTD( iState == EStateIdle, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ iState = EStatePreparing;
+ // Get collection Uid
+ iPlaylistCollectionId = KInMemoryCollection;
+ iPlaylistCollectionId = iCollectionUtility->Collection()
+ .CollectionIDL( iPlaylistCollectionId );
+ // Create and fill the playlist
+ iTrackArray = CMPXMediaArray::NewL();
+ __LOG( "Filling object list" );
+ iCurrentFiller->FillL( *this, *iTrackArray );
+ if ( iCurrentFillerState == EFillerStateIdle )
+ {
+ iCurrentFillerState = EFillerStateFilling;
+ }
+ iMedia = CMPXMedia::NewL();
+ // set collection id
+ iMedia->SetTObjectValueL<TUid>(
+ KMPXMediaGeneralCollectionId, iPlaylistCollectionId );
+ // Set type
+ iMedia->SetTObjectValueL<TMPXGeneralType>(
+ KMPXMediaGeneralType, EMPXItem );
+ // Set category
+ iMedia->SetTObjectValueL<TMPXGeneralCategory>(
+ KMPXMediaGeneralCategory, EMPXPlaylist );
+ // Set title
+ iMedia->SetTextValueL(
+ KMPXMediaGeneralTitle, KTempPlaylistTitle );
+ // set contents
+ iMedia->SetCObjectValueL(
+ KMPXMediaArrayContents, iTrackArray );
+ // set size
+ __LOG1( "Set Array count=%d", iCurrentFiller->PlaylistSize() );
+ iMedia->SetTObjectValueL(
+ KMPXMediaArrayCount, iCurrentFiller->PlaylistSize() );
+ __LOG( "Create collection playlist" );
+ // Create collection playlist
+ iMpxHelper->AddAndOpenL( KHomeConnectUid, *iMedia );
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::CreatePlayList - end" );
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCollectionMessage
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCollectionMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg,
+ TInt aErr )
+ {
+ __LOG1( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCollectionMessage: error %d", aErr );
+ if( aMsg && aErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TInt event = KErrNotSupported;
+ TInt type = KErrNotSupported;
+ TInt data = KErrNotSupported;
+ if( aMsg->IsSupported( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent ) )
+ {
+ event = *aMsg->Value<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent );
+ }
+ if( aMsg->IsSupported( KMPXMessageGeneralType ) )
+ {
+ type = *aMsg->Value<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralType );
+ }
+ if( aMsg->IsSupported( KMPXMessageGeneralData ) )
+ {
+ data = *aMsg->Value<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralData );
+ }
+ TRAPD( error, DoHandleCollectionMessageL( event, type, data ) );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ __LOG1( "DoHandleCollectionMessageL: leave with %d", error );
+ Exit( error );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Exit( aErr );
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandleCollectionMessageL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandleCollectionMessageL(
+ TInt aEvent, TInt /*aType*/, TInt /*aData*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandleCollectionMessageL" );
+ switch ( aEvent )
+ {
+ case TMPXCollectionMessage::EPathChanged:
+ {
+ __LOG( "HandleCollectionMessageL: EPathChanged" );
+ if ( iState == EStatePreparing || iState == EStatePreparingWait )
+ {
+ __LOG( "Pick up playlist from collection" );
+ CMPXCollectionPath* path =
+ iCollectionUtility->Collection().PathL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( path );
+ // select track with given index
+ __LOG1( "Set selected index = %d",
+ iCurrentFiller->SelectedIndex() );
+ path->Set( iCurrentFiller->SelectedIndex() );
+ __LOG( "Ccreating new playlist" );
+ delete iPlaylist;
+ iPlaylist = NULL;
+ iPlaylist = CMPXCollectionPlaylist::NewL( *path );
+ __LOG1( "iPlaylist = %x", iPlaylist );
+ iPlaylist->SetEmbeddedPlaylist( ETrue );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );
+ // Disable repeat and shuffle modes
+ iPlaylist->SetRepeatEnabled( EFalse );
+ iPlaylist->SetShuffleEnabledL( EFalse );
+ // Get subplayers if remote playback
+ if( iRemotePlayer )
+ {
+ __LOG( "calling SubPlayerNamesL" );
+ iPlaybackUtility->PlayerManager().SubPlayerNamesL( *this,
+ KRemotePlayerUid );
+ }
+ else // Local playback. Get subplayer is no needed.
+ {
+ __LOG( "calling SelectPlayerL(local)" );
+ iPlaybackUtility->PlayerManager().SelectPlayerL(
+ KLocalPlayerUid );
+ __LOG("calling InitL");
+ iPlaybackUtility->InitL( *iPlaylist, ETrue );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleSubPlayerNamesL
+// From MMPXPlaybackCallback
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleSubPlayerNamesL( TUid aPlayer,
+ const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers, TBool aComplete, TInt aError )
+ {
+ TRAPD( error, DoHandleSubPlayerNamesL(
+ aPlayer, aSubPlayers, aComplete, aError ) );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ __LOG1( "HandleSubPlayerNamesL: leave with %d", error );
+ Exit( error );
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandleSubPlayerNamesL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandleSubPlayerNamesL( TUid /*aPlayer*/,
+ const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers, TBool /*aComplete*/, TInt aError )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleSubPlayerNamesL" );
+ if( aError == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Find out Subplayer index
+ TInt count = aSubPlayers->MdcaCount();
+ TInt subplayerIndex = KErrNotFound;
+ TBuf<256> id16;
+ id16.Copy( iTargetDevice->FriendlyName() );
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ // If subplayer match.
+ if( !aSubPlayers->MdcaPoint(i).Compare( id16 ) )
+ {
+ subplayerIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( subplayerIndex != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ __LOG1( "calling SelectSubPlayerL(%d)", subplayerIndex );
+ iPlaybackUtility->PlayerManager().SelectSubPlayerL(
+ KRemotePlayerUid, subplayerIndex );
+ iTargetDevice = 0;
+ __LOG( "calling InitL" );
+ iPlaybackUtility->InitL( *iPlaylist, ETrue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __LOG( "HandleSubPlayerNamesL: subplayer not found! " );
+ Exit( KErrNotFound );
+ }
+ }
+ else // Error with SubPlayerNamesL
+ {
+ __LOG1( "HandleSubPlayerNamesL: Error=%d", aError );
+ Exit( aError );
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandlePlaybackMessage
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandlePlaybackMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg,
+ TInt aErr )
+ {
+ __LOG1( "HandlePlaybackMessage: error %d", aErr );
+ if( aMsg && aErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ if (aMsg->IsSupported(KMPXMessageGeneralId))
+ {
+ TInt id = static_cast<TInt>(
+ *aMsg->Value<TMPXMessageId>(KMPXMessageGeneralId));
+ TInt error(KErrNone);
+ if ( id==KMPXMessageGeneral )
+ {
+ TInt event = KErrNotSupported;
+ TInt type = KErrNotSupported;
+ TInt data = KErrNotSupported;
+ if( aMsg->IsSupported( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent ) )
+ {
+ event = *aMsg->Value<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent );
+ }
+ if( aMsg->IsSupported( KMPXMessageGeneralType ) )
+ {
+ type = *aMsg->Value<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralType );
+ }
+ if( aMsg->IsSupported( KMPXMessageGeneralData ) )
+ {
+ data = *aMsg->Value<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralData );
+ }
+ TRAP( error, DoHandlePlaybackMessageL( event, type, data ) );
+ }
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ __LOG1( "DoHandlePlaybackMessage: leave with %d", error );
+ Exit( error );
+ }
+ } // else dummy message
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandlePlaybackMessageL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandlePlaybackMessageL(
+ TInt aEvent, TInt /*aType*/, TInt /*aData*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::DoHandlePlaybackMessageL" );
+ switch ( aEvent )
+ {
+ case TMPXPlaybackMessage::EPlayerChanged:
+ {
+ if ( iState == EStatePreparing ||
+ iState == EStatePreparingWait )
+ {
+ DisplayUI();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TMPXPlaybackMessage::EInitializeComplete:
+ {
+ if ( iState == EStateInitialising )
+ {
+ __LOG( "Calling CommandL( EPbCmdPlay )" );
+ iState = EStateRunning;
+ iPlaybackUtility->CommandL( EPbCmdPlay );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Unused callbacks here
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandlePropertyL
+// From MMPXPlaybackCallback
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandlePropertyL(
+ TMPXPlaybackProperty /*aProperty*/, TInt /*aValue*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandlePropertyL - Not used." );
+ // Not used.
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleMediaL
+// From MMPXPlaybackCallback
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleMediaL(
+ const CMPXMedia& /*aProperties*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleMediaL - Not used" );
+ // Not used.
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCollectionMediaL
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCollectionMediaL(
+ const CMPXMedia& /*aMedia*/,
+ TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCollectionMediaL - Not used!" );
+ // Not used
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleOpenL
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver.
+// Handles the collection entries being opened.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleOpenL(
+ const CMPXMedia& /* aEntries */,
+ TInt /* aIndex */,
+ TBool /* aComplete */,
+ TInt /* aError */ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleOpenL - not used!" );
+ // Not used
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleOpenL
+// From MMPXCollectionObserver.
+// Handles the item being opened.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleOpenL(
+ const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& /*aPlaylist*/,
+ TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleOpenL - not used!" );
+ // Not used
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleEmbeddedOpenL
+// From MMPXCHelperEmbeddedOpenObserver
+// Handles errors from that occured in embedded mode
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCommandComplete(
+ CMPXCommand* aCommandResult, TInt /*aError*/ )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::HandleCommandComplete - not used!" );
+ delete aCommandResult;
+ // Not used
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::InitState
+// initialises the state before execution
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::InitState()
+ {
+ iReturnCode = KErrNone;
+ if ( iState != EStateIdle )
+ {
+ // dispose the wait object (just in case)
+ delete iWait;
+ iWait = 0;
+ // dispose temporary class members
+ delete iTrackArray;
+ iTrackArray = 0;
+ delete iMedia;
+ iMedia = 0;
+ delete iPlaylist;
+ iPlaylist = 0;
+ // reset state
+ iState = EStateIdle;
+ }
+ if ( !iViewUtility )
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP( error, iViewUtility = MMPXViewUtility::UtilityL() );
+ if( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ __LOG( "InitState: Creating viewutility leaves" );
+ Exit( error );
+ }
+ __LOG1( "iViewUtility = %x", iViewUtility );
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::TakeOwnershipOfTheFiller
+// this one should be pretty self-explanatory.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::TakeOwnershipOfTheFiller(
+ MUPnPPlaylistFiller* aFiller )
+ {
+ if ( iCurrentFiller != 0 )
+ {
+ delete iCurrentFiller;
+ iCurrentFiller = 0;
+ }
+ iCurrentFiller = aFiller;
+ iCurrentFillerState = EFillerStateIdle;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::Complete
+// Default constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPMusicAdapter::Complete( MUPnPPlaylistFiller* aFiller )
+ {
+ __LOG( "CUPnPMusicAdapter::Complete" );
+ if ( aFiller == iCurrentFiller )
+ {
+ iCurrentFillerState = EFillerStateComplete;
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::AVController
+// Returns the shared AVController resource
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MUPnPAVController& CUPnPMusicAdapter::AVController()
+ {
+ return iAVController;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::CollectionUiHelper
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUid CUPnPMusicAdapter::PlaylistCollectionId()
+ {
+ return iPlaylistCollectionId;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPMusicAdapter::CollectionUtility
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MMPXCollectionUtility& CUPnPMusicAdapter::CollectionUtility()
+ {
+ return *iCollectionUtility;
+ }