changeset 0 7f85d04be362
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnpharvester/common/cmsqlwrapper/src/cmsqlconnection.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:52:00 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:      SQLite Connection class
+#include <utf.h>
+#include "cmsqlclausedef.h"
+#include "cmsqlresolutionpropertyitem.h"
+#include "cmsqlaudioitem.h"
+#include "cmsqlvideoitem.h"
+#include "cmsqlimageitem.h"
+#include "cmfilllistitem.h"
+#include "cmfillrule.h"
+#include "cmsqlpropertycollector.h"
+#include "cmsqlpropertycontainer.h"
+#include "cmsqlconnection.h"
+#include "msdebug.h"
+_LIT8( KCmSqlPragmaCacheSize, 
+    "PRAGMA cache_size=1024;PRAGMA page_size=4096;"
+    );                   
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+_LIT( KCmSqlWrapper, "SqlWrapper");
+#endif // _DEBUG
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCmSqlConnection* CCmSqlConnection::NewL()
+    {
+    TRACE(Print(_L("[SQL wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::NewL()")));
+    CCmSqlConnection* self = CCmSqlConnection::NewLC();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::NewLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCmSqlConnection* CCmSqlConnection::NewLC()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::NewLC"));
+    CCmSqlConnection* self = new ( ELeave ) CCmSqlConnection();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;  
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::~CCmSqlConnection
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::~CCmSqlConnection"));
+    CloseDb();
+    if( iAsyncDbHandler )
+        {
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Cancel();
+        delete iAsyncDbHandler;       
+        }
+    delete iCountQuery;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::OpenDb
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::OpenDb( const TDesC& aDb )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::OpenDb"));
+    TInt err( iDatabase.Open( aDb, NULL ) );
+    if( err == KErrNone )
+        {
+        err = iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlPragmaCacheSize );        
+        if ( err != KErrNone )
+            {
+            TRACE(Print(_L("[SQL wrapper]\t KCmSqlPragmaCacheSize\
+             error %d"), err));        
+            }        
+        }
+    return err;    
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::CloseDb
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::CloseDb()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::CloseDb"));
+    iDatabase.Close();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::CreateDbFile
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::CreateDbFile( const TDesC& aDb )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::CreateDbFile"));
+    return iDatabase.Create( aDb );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::Validate
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCmSqlConnection::Validate()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::Validate"));
+    TBool retval = EFalse;
+    // In the test period it is useful that the database is re-created
+    // every run. because most of the test cases are automatic and require
+    // a known initial state.
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, 
+        KCmSqlValidateTableExistence );
+    // Loop only one row in results
+    if( err )
+        {
+        ret = KErrGeneral;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        err = iStatement.Next();    
+        if ( err != KSqlAtRow )  
+            {
+            ret = KErrGeneral;       
+            }
+        iStatement.Reset();
+        iStatement.Close();          
+        }    
+    if ( ret == KErrNone ) 
+        {
+        retval = ETrue;
+        }
+    return retval;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::ExecuteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::ExecuteL( const TDesC8& aCommand )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::ExecuteL"));
+    TInt err( iDatabase.Exec( aCommand ) );
+    if ( KErrNone > err  )
+        {
+#ifdef _DEBUG        
+        TPtrC errorMsg( iDatabase.LastErrorMessage() );
+        TRACE(Print(_L("[SQL wrapper]\t errorMsg: %S"), &errorMsg ));
+        User::Leave( err );    
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::CancelAsyncOperation
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::CancelAsyncOperation()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::CancelAsyncOperation"));
+    if( ECmSqlBaseItemGet == iMode || ECmSqlFillItemGet == iMode ||
+        ECmSqlPropertyValueGet == iMode )
+        {
+        iStatement.Reset();
+        iStatement.Close();        
+        }
+    iMode = ECmSqlIdle;        
+    if ( iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrCancel );
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Cancel();
+        TRACE(Print(_L("[SQL wrapper]\t Canceled...")));
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::SetMsId
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::SetMsId( TUint aId )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::SetMsId"));
+    iMsId = aId;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::SetQuota
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::SetQuota( TInt64 aQuota )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::SetQuota"));
+    iQuota = aQuota;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchAdd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchAdd( 
+    RPointerArray<CCmSqlGenericItem>& aItems, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchAdd"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;        
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {    
+        iIndex = 0;
+        iGenericItems = &aItems;
+        iMode = ECmSqlGenericItemAdd;  
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchAdd, this ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        }            
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ACCmSqlConnection::syncBatchAddPropertyItems 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchAddPropertyItems( 
+    RPointerArray<CCmSqlPropertyItem>& aItems, TCmMetadataField aField,
+    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchAddPropertyItems"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;        
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {    
+        iIndex = 0;
+        iField = aField;
+        iPropertyItems = &aItems;
+        iMode = ECmSqlPropertyItemAdd;
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchAdd, this ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        } 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::SyncAddPropertyItemL 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::SyncAddPropertyItemL( 
+    CCmSqlPropertyItem& aItem, TCmMetadataField aField )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::SyncAddPropertyItemL"));
+    iIndex = 0;
+    iField = aField;
+    RPointerArray<CCmSqlPropertyItem> temp;
+    CleanupClosePushL( temp );
+    temp.AppendL( &aItem );
+    iPropertyItems = &temp;
+    AddPropertyItemL();
+    FormatRowCountQueryL( aField );
+    // Autoincremented row index is used as a item id
+    aItem.SetId( RowCountL() );
+    delete iCountQuery;
+    iCountQuery = NULL;
+    temp.Reset();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &temp );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchDelete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchDelete( 
+    RPointerArray<CCmSqlBaseItem>& aItems, 
+    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AsyncBatchDelete"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;        
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {
+        iBaseItems = &aItems;
+        iIndex = 0;    
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchDelete, this ) );
+        }        
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        } 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::AsyncMetadataDelete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AsyncMetadataDelete( RArray<TInt>& aMsIds, 
+    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AsyncMetadataDelete"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;         
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {
+        iMsIds = &aMsIds;
+        iIndex = 0;
+        iMode = ECmSqlDeletingMetadata;    
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchDelete, this ) );
+        }        
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        } 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DeleteOldestMediaItemsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::DeleteOldestMediaItemsL( TCmMediaType aType, 
+    TInt64 aCount )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DeleteOldestMediaItemsL"));
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlSelectLimitHarvestDate );
+    TInt64 timestamp( KErrNone );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    iStatement.BindInt( 0, aType );
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 1, aCount );
+    while( KSqlAtRow == iStatement.Next() )
+        {
+        timestamp = iStatement.ColumnInt64( 0 );
+        }
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();    
+    if( timestamp )
+        {
+        err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlDeleteOldestMediaItems );
+        User::LeaveIfError( err );
+        iStatement.BindInt64( 0, timestamp );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 1, aType );
+        iStatement.Exec();
+        iStatement.Reset();
+        iStatement.Close();  
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DeleteUnusedPropertys()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::DeleteUnusedPropertys( )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DeleteUnusedPropertys"));
+    iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedAlbums );
+    iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedArtists );
+    iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedGenres );
+    iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedUpnpclasses );
+    iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlDeleteUnusedUpnpProfileIds );  
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::GetItemsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::GetItemsL( RPointerArray<CCmSqlBaseItem>& aItems,
+    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::GetItemsL"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;         
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {    
+        iBaseItems = &aItems;
+        iMode = ECmSqlBaseItemGet;
+        iIndex = 0;
+        TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, 
+            KCmSqlSelectGenericItem );
+        User::LeaveIfError( err );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 0, iMsId );   
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchGetL, this ) );
+        }        
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        } 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::GetFillItemsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::GetFillItemsL( RPointerArray<CCmFillListItem>& aItems,
+    TDesC8& aClause, CCmFillRule& aRule, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::GetFillItemsL"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));  
+    iStatus = &aStatus;    
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {    
+        iList = &aRule;
+        iIndex = 0;
+        iListSize = 0;
+        iListMaxSize = 0;
+        iFillItems = &aItems;
+        iMode = ECmSqlFillItemGet;
+        if( EMbits == iList->LimitType() )
+            {
+            // Converting list max size to bytes
+            iListMaxSize = ( iList->Amount() * 1000000 );
+            }
+        // Unlimited lists are limited to mmc quota    
+        else if( EUnlimited == iList->LimitType() )
+            {
+            iListMaxSize = iQuota;
+            }
+        TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, aClause );
+        User::LeaveIfError( err );  
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchGetL, this ) );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        } 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::GetPropertyValuesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::GetPropertyValuesL( 
+    RPointerArray<CCmSqlPropertyItem>& aItems, TDesC8& aClause,
+    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::GetPropertyValuesL"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;        
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {
+        iPropertyItems = &aItems;
+        iIndex = 0;
+        iMode = ECmSqlPropertyValueGet;
+        TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, aClause );
+        User::LeaveIfError( err );
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchGetL, this ) );        
+        }        
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        }  
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::GetFilteredPropertyValuesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::GetFilteredPropertyValuesL( 
+    CCmSqlPropertyCollector& aPropertys, const TDesC8& aClause, 
+    TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::GetFilteredPropertyValuesL"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iAsyncDbHandler,\
+        User::Panic( KCmSqlWrapper, KErrCorrupt ));
+    iStatus = &aStatus;        
+    if( !iAsyncDbHandler->IsActive() )
+        {
+        iPropertyCollector = &aPropertys;
+        iIndex = 0;
+        iMode = ECmSqlFilteredPropertyGet;
+        TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, aClause );
+        User::LeaveIfError( err );
+        iAsyncDbHandler->Start( TCallBack( BatchGetL, this ) );  
+        }        
+    else
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNotReady );
+        }     
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::GetMediaCountL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::GetMediaCountL( TInt64& aCount, 
+    TCmMediaType aType )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::GetMediaCountL"));
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlSelectMediaCount );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    err = iStatement.BindInt( 0, aType );
+    if( !err )
+        {
+        if( KSqlAtRow == iStatement.Next() )
+            {
+            aCount = iStatement.ColumnInt( 0 );
+            }
+        iStatement.Reset();
+        iStatement.Close();
+        }        
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::ExistsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCmSqlConnection::ExistsL( const CCmBaseListItem& aItem, 
+    const TInt aDevId )    
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::ExistsL"));
+    TBool exists( EFalse );
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlSelectItemId );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    // convert lowercase
+    TBuf<KMaxFileName> temp;
+    temp.Copy(aItem.PrimaryText());
+    temp.LowerCase();
+    iStatement.BindText( 0, temp );
+    iStatement.BindInt( 1, aItem.Size() );
+    iStatement.BindInt( 2, aDevId );     
+    if( KSqlAtRow == iStatement.Next() )
+        {
+        exists = ETrue;
+        }
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();
+    return exists;            
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::BatchAdd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::BatchAdd( TAny* aDbHandler )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::BatchAdd"));
+    return ((CCmSqlConnection*)aDbHandler)->DoBatchAdd();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchAdd
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchAdd()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchAdd"));
+    TInt ret( EFalse );
+    // Add items in chucks of X items ( x must be changeable )
+    // return true if not all added
+    TInt err( iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlBeginTransaction ) ); 
+    TInt added( 0 );
+    switch( iMode )
+        {
+        case ECmSqlPropertyItemAdd:
+            {
+            if( iPropertyItems )
+                {
+                LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t Adding property item batch"));
+                // Add batch size pcs. items at a time
+                for( TInt i = iIndex; i < iPropertyItems->Count() && 
+                    ( ( added + 1 ) % KCmSqlBatchSize != 0 ) ; i++ )
+                    {
+                    if( ( *iPropertyItems )[i] )
+                        {                            
+                        TRAP_IGNORE( AddPropertyItemL() );
+                        }
+                    iIndex++;    
+                    ret = ETrue;
+                    added++;
+                    }                               
+                } 
+            break;
+            }        
+        case ECmSqlGenericItemAdd:
+            {
+            if( iGenericItems )
+                {
+                LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t Adding generic item batch"));
+                // Add batch size pcs. items at a time
+                for( TInt i = iIndex; i < iGenericItems->Count()  && 
+                    ( ( added + 1 ) % KCmSqlBatchSize != 0 ) ; i++ )
+                    {
+                    if( (*iGenericItems)[i] )
+                        {
+                        TRAP_IGNORE( AddItemL() );
+                        TRAP_IGNORE( AddResourceL() );
+                        }
+                    iIndex++;     
+                    ret = ETrue;
+                    added++;
+                    }                                
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }    
+        }
+    err = iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlCommit );         
+    if( !ret )
+        {
+        LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t Completing Async batch add..."));
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNone );   
+        }            
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::BatchDelete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::BatchDelete( TAny* aDbHandler )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::BatchDelete"));
+    return ((CCmSqlConnection*)aDbHandler)->DoBatchDelete();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchDelete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchDelete()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchDelete"));
+    TInt ret( EFalse );
+    // Delete items in chucks of KCmSqlBatchSize items
+    // return true if not all deleted
+    if( iMode == ECmSqlDeletingMetadata )
+        {
+        if( iIndex < iMsIds->Count() )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( 
+                DeleteMetadataFromDefServerL( (*iMsIds)[iIndex] ) );
+            iIndex++;
+            ret = ETrue;            
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TInt err( iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlBeginTransaction ) );
+        TInt count( 0 );
+        for( TInt i = iIndex; i < iBaseItems->Count() && 
+            ((count + 1 ) % KCmSqlBatchSize != 0 ) ; i++ )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( DeleteItemL() );
+            TRAP_IGNORE( DeleteResourceL() ); 
+            count++;
+            iIndex++;
+            ret = ETrue;     
+            }    
+        err = iDatabase.Exec( KCmSqlCommit );        
+        }
+    if( !ret )
+        {
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNone );
+        }                
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::BatchGetL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::BatchGetL( TAny* aDbHandler )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::BatchGetL"));
+    return ((CCmSqlConnection*)aDbHandler)->DoBatchGetL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchGetL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchGetL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DoBatchGetL() start"));
+    TInt ret( EFalse ); 
+    // Get items in chucks of KCmSqlBatchSize
+    TInt stat( KSqlAtRow ); 
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < KCmSqlBatchSize && 
+        stat == KSqlAtRow ; i++ )
+        {
+        stat = iStatement.Next();
+        if( stat == KSqlAtRow )
+            {
+            CollectItemDataL();
+            ret = ETrue;
+            if( iMode == ECmSqlFillItemGet && 
+                iListSize > iListMaxSize && 
+                iListMaxSize )
+                {
+                stat = KSqlAtEnd;
+                }
+            } 
+        }
+    // If no items found or quota is full    
+    if( stat == KSqlAtEnd || !ret )
+        {
+        ret = EFalse;
+        iStatement.Reset();
+        iStatement.Close();
+        iMode = ECmSqlIdle;
+        User::RequestComplete( iStatus, KErrNone );
+        }        
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::CollectItemDataL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::CollectItemDataL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::CollectItemDataL"));
+    switch( iMode )
+        {
+        case ECmSqlFillItemGet:
+            {
+            CCmFillListItem* item = CCmFillListItem::NewLC(
+                iList->Priority(), iList->ListId(), iList->Status(),
+                iList->Selected() );
+            item->SetMediaType( iList->MediaType() );    
+            item->SetPrimaryTextL( iStatement.ColumnTextL( 0 ) );
+            item->SetSecondaryTextL( iStatement.ColumnTextL( 1 ) );
+            TPtrC8 data;
+            item->SetSize(iStatement.ColumnInt( 2 ) );
+            iListSize = iListSize + item->Size(); 
+            data.Set( iStatement.ColumnBinaryL( 3 ) ); 
+            item->SetUriL( data );
+            item->SetDevId(iStatement.ColumnInt( 4 ) );   
+            data.Set( iStatement.ColumnBinaryL( 5 ) );
+            item->SetItemIdL( data );
+            item->SetDbId( iStatement.ColumnInt64( 6 ) );             
+            if( iListSize > iListMaxSize && iListMaxSize )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iFillItems->AppendL( item ); 
+                CleanupStack::Pop( item );
+                }
+            break;
+            }        
+        case ECmSqlBaseItemGet:
+            {
+            CCmSqlBaseItem* item = CCmSqlBaseItem::NewL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL( item ); 
+            item->SetId( iStatement.ColumnInt64( 0 ) );
+            TPtrC8 data = iStatement.ColumnBinaryL( 1 );
+            item->SetCdsIdL( data );
+            item->SetHashL( iStatement.ColumnTextL( 2 ) );
+            item->SetSearchId( iStatement.ColumnInt64( 3 ) );
+            iBaseItems->AppendL( item );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( item );
+            break;
+            }        
+        case ECmSqlPropertyValueGet:
+            {
+            CCmSqlPropertyItem* item = CCmSqlPropertyItem::NewL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL( item );
+            item->SetId( iStatement.ColumnInt64( 0 ) );
+            TPtrC data16 = iStatement.ColumnTextL( 1 );
+            HBufC8* data8bitBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(
+                data16.Length());
+            TPtr8 data8bitPtr = data8bitBuf->Des();
+            TInt conversionError = 
+                CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( data8bitPtr, 
+                    data16 );
+            if( !conversionError )
+                {
+                item->SetNameL( data8bitPtr );
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data8bitBuf );                    
+            item->SetStatus( ETrue );
+            iPropertyItems->AppendL( item );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( item );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmSqlFilteredPropertyGet:
+            {
+            TInt couunt = iPropertyCollector->PropertyContainerCount();
+            for( TInt i = 0 ; i < couunt; i++ )
+                {
+                CCmSqlPropertyContainer* temp = 
+                    iPropertyCollector->PropertyContainer( i );
+                switch( temp->Type() )
+                    {
+                    case ECmTitle:
+                        {
+                        GetFilteredPropertysL( *temp, 0, 1 );
+                        break;
+                        }                    
+                    case ECmArtist:
+                        {
+                        GetFilteredPropertysL( *temp, 2, 3 );
+                        break;
+                        }                    
+                    case ECmAlbum:
+                        {
+                        GetFilteredPropertysL( *temp, 4, 5 );
+                        break;
+                        }                    
+                    case ECmGenre:
+                        {
+                        GetFilteredPropertysL( *temp, 6, 7 );
+                        break;
+                        }                    
+                    default:
+                        {
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }                       
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::AddItemL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AddItemL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AddItemL"));
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertItem );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );        
+    // Bind item prameters
+    if( &(*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->CdsId() ) 
+        {
+        iStatement.BindBinary( 0, 
+            (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->CdsId() );            
+        }
+    if( &(*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Hash() )
+        {
+        iStatement.BindText( 1, 
+            (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Hash() );                            
+        }
+    if( &(*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Uri()  )
+        {
+        iStatement.BindBinary( 2, 
+            (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Uri() );                             
+        }
+    if( &(*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Title() )
+        {
+        HBufC* data16bitBuf = HBufC::NewLC(
+            iGenericItems->operator[](iIndex)->Title().Length());
+        TPtr data16bitPtr = data16bitBuf->Des();
+        TInt conversionError = 
+            CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( data16bitPtr, 
+                (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Title() );
+        if( !conversionError )
+            {
+            iStatement.BindText( 3, data16bitPtr );
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data16bitBuf );
+        }
+    iStatement.BindInt( 5, iMsId ); 
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 8, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Date().Int64() ); 
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 9, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->HarvestDate().Int64() );
+    iStatement.BindInt( 10, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->Size() );
+    iStatement.BindInt( 11, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->MediaType() );
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 12, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->UpnpclassId() );         
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 17, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->UpnpProfileId() );
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 18, 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->SearchId() );        
+    switch( (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->MediaType() )
+        {
+        case ECmAudio:
+            {
+            CCmSqlAudioItem* item = static_cast<CCmSqlAudioItem*>(
+                (*iGenericItems)[iIndex] );
+            iStatement.BindInt( 6, item->Duration() );
+            iStatement.BindInt( 7, item->Bitrate() );                     
+            iStatement.BindInt64( 13, item->ArtistId() );
+            iStatement.BindInt64( 14, item->AlbumId() );
+            iStatement.BindInt64( 15, item->GenreId() );
+            if( &item->AlbumArtUri()  )
+                {
+                iStatement.BindBinary( 4, item->AlbumArtUri() );
+                }            
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmVideo:
+            {
+            CCmSqlVideoItem* item = static_cast<CCmSqlVideoItem*>(
+                (*iGenericItems)[iIndex] );
+            iStatement.BindInt64( 15, item->GenreId() );
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmImage:
+            {
+            CCmSqlImageItem* item = static_cast<CCmSqlImageItem*>(
+                (*iGenericItems)[iIndex] );                    
+            iStatement.BindInt64( 16, item->ResolutionId() );
+            }            
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    iStatement.Exec();        
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();        
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::AddPropertyItemL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AddPropertyItemL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AddPropertyItemL"));
+    TInt err( KErrNone );
+    switch( iField )
+        {
+        case ECmArtist:
+            {
+            err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertArtist );
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmAlbum:
+            {
+            err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertAlbum );
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmGenre:
+            {
+            err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertGenre );
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmUpnpClass:
+            {
+            err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertUpnpclass );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmProfileId:
+            {
+            err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertUpnpProfile );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmResolution:
+            {
+            err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertResolution );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    HBufC* data16bitBuf = HBufC::NewLC(
+        (*iPropertyItems)[iIndex]->Name().Length());
+    TPtr data16bitPtr = data16bitBuf->Des();
+    TInt conversionError = 
+        CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( data16bitPtr, 
+            (*iPropertyItems)[iIndex]->Name() );
+    if( !conversionError )
+        {
+        iStatement.BindText( 0, data16bitPtr );
+        }    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data16bitBuf );                  
+    if( ECmResolution == iField )
+        {
+        CCmSqlResolutionPropertyItem* resolution =
+            static_cast<CCmSqlResolutionPropertyItem*> 
+            ( (*iPropertyItems)[iIndex] );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 1, resolution->Width() );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 2, resolution->Height() );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 3, resolution->PixelCount() );
+        resolution = NULL;                                                 
+        }            
+    iStatement.Exec();
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::AddResourceL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::AddResourceL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::AddResourceL"));
+    TPtrC8 uri;
+    TInt size( KErrNone );
+    TInt duration( KErrNone );
+    TInt bitrate( KErrNone );
+    TInt64 resolutionId( KErrNone );
+    TInt err( KErrNone );    
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < 
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->ResourceCount(); 
+        i++ )
+        {
+        FormatRowCountQueryL( ECmTitle );
+        // Resources references to it's item
+        TInt64 itemId( RowCountL() );        
+        err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlInsertResource );
+        User::LeaveIfError( err );
+        (*iGenericItems)[iIndex]->GetResource( uri, size,
+            duration, bitrate, resolutionId, i );
+         // Bind item prameters
+        iStatement.BindInt64( 0, itemId );
+        iStatement.BindInt64( 1, resolutionId );
+        if( &uri )
+            {
+            iStatement.BindBinary( 2, uri );
+            }
+        iStatement.BindInt( 3, size );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 4, duration );
+        iStatement.BindInt( 5, bitrate );
+        iStatement.Exec();
+        iStatement.Reset();
+        iStatement.Close();            
+        }          
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DeleteItemL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::DeleteItemL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DeleteItemL"));
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlDeleteItem );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 0,  
+        (*iBaseItems)[iIndex]->Id() );    
+    iStatement.Exec();
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();     
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DeleteResourceL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::DeleteResourceL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::DeleteResourceL"));
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlDeleteResource );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    iStatement.BindInt64( 0,  
+        (*iBaseItems)[iIndex]->Id() );
+    iStatement.Exec();
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();      
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::DeleteMetadataFromDefServerL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::DeleteMetadataFromDefServerL( const TInt aMsId )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::\
+    DeleteMetadataFromDefServerL"));
+    TRACE(Print(_L("[SQL wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::\
+        DeleteMetadataFromDefServerL aMsId = %d"), aMsId ));    
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, KCmSqlDeleteMetadata );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    iStatement.BindInt( 0, aMsId );    
+    iStatement.Exec();
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();     
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::FormatRowCountQueryL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::FormatRowCountQueryL( TCmMetadataField aField )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::FormatRowCountQueryL"));
+    switch( aField )
+        {
+        case ECmArtist:
+            {
+            FormatCountQueryL( KCmSqlArtistId(), KCmSqlArtist() );  
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmAlbum:
+            {
+            FormatCountQueryL( KCmSqlAlbumId(), KCmSqlAlbum() );            
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmGenre:
+            {
+            FormatCountQueryL( KCmSqlGenreId(), KCmSqlGenre() );            
+            break;
+            }            
+        case ECmUpnpClass:
+            {
+            FormatCountQueryL( KCmSqlUpnpclassId(), KCmSqlUpnpclass() );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmProfileId:
+            {
+            FormatCountQueryL( KCmSqlProfileId(), KCmSqlUpnpProfiles() );
+            break;            
+            }
+        case ECmResolution:
+            {
+            FormatCountQueryL( KCmSqlResolutionId(), KCmSqlResolutions() );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmTitle:
+            {
+            delete iCountQuery;
+            iCountQuery = NULL;
+            iCountQuery = HBufC8::NewL( KCmSqlSelectMaxItemIndex().Length() );
+            iCountQuery->Des().Append( KCmSqlSelectMaxItemIndex );            
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::RowCountL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt64 CCmSqlConnection::RowCountL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::RowCountL"));
+    TInt err = iStatement.Prepare( iDatabase, *iCountQuery );
+    TInt64 count( KErrNone );
+    User::LeaveIfError( err );
+    err = iStatement.Next();
+    if ( KSqlAtRow == err )  
+        {
+        count = iStatement.ColumnInt( 0 );
+        }
+    iStatement.Reset();
+    iStatement.Close();
+    return count;          
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::FormatCountQueryL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::FormatCountQueryL( const TDesC8& aId, 
+    const TDesC8& aTable )
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::FormatCountQueryL"));
+    delete iCountQuery;
+    iCountQuery = NULL;    
+    iCountQuery = HBufC8::NewL( KCmSqlSelectMaxIndex().Length() + 
+       aId.Length() + aTable.Length() + KCmSqlSemicolon().Length() );
+    HBufC8* temp = HBufC8::NewLC( KCmSqlSelectMaxIndex().Length() + 
+       aTable.Length() + KCmSqlSemicolon().Length() );               
+    temp->Des().Append( KCmSqlSelectMaxPropertyIndex );            
+    iCountQuery->Des().Format( temp->Des(), &aId, &aTable );
+    iCountQuery->Des().Append( KCmSqlSemicolon );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( temp );    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::GetFilteredPropertysL()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::GetFilteredPropertysL( 
+    CCmSqlPropertyContainer& aContainer, const TInt aIndex1, 
+    const TInt aIndex2 )
+    {
+    CCmSqlPropertyItem* item = CCmSqlPropertyItem::NewLC();
+    item->SetId( iStatement.ColumnInt64( aIndex1 ) );
+    item->SetStatus( ETrue );
+    TPtrC data16 = iStatement.ColumnTextL( aIndex2 );
+    HBufC8* data8bitBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(
+            data16.Length() * 3 );
+    TPtr8 data8bitPtr = data8bitBuf->Des();
+    TInt conversionError =
+        CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( data8bitPtr,
+            data16 );
+    if( !conversionError )
+        {
+        item->SetNameL( data8bitPtr );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data8bitBuf );
+    if( !aContainer.IsDuplicate( *item ) )
+        {
+        aContainer.AddPropertyItemL( item );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( item );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::CCmSqlConnection
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::CCmSqlConnection"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCmSqlConnection::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCmSqlConnection::ConstructL()
+    {
+    LOG(_L("[SQL Wrapper]\t CCmSqlConnection::ConstructL"));
+    iAsyncDbHandler = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );      
+    }    
+// End of file