changeset 0 7f85d04be362
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnpmediaserver/contentdirectoryservice/src/upnptransfercontroller.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:52:00 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+/** @file
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include "upnptransfercontroller.h"
+#include "upnpcontentdirectory.h"
+#include "upnpcontentdirectorydb.h"
+#include "upnpfiletransfertimerobserver.h"
+#include "upnpfiletransferevent.h"
+#include "upnpcontentdirectoryeventobserver.h"
+#include "upnpfiletransfer.h"
+#include "upnphttpmessage.h"
+#include "upnpautodestroyobjectlist.h"
+#include "upnpcdutils.h"
+#include "upnptransferinterface.h"
+#include "upnpstring.h"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::CUpnpTransferController
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpTransferController::CUpnpTransferController( CUpnpContentDirectory* aCd ):
+    iContentDirectory(aCd)
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpTransferController::ConstructL()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpTransferController* CUpnpTransferController::NewL( CUpnpContentDirectory* aCd )
+    {
+    CUpnpTransferController* self = 
+    new (ELeave) CUpnpTransferController( aCd );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    iFileTransfers.ResetAndDestroy();
+        // clear timers
+    iStatusTimers.ResetAndDestroy();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::HttpResponseReceivedL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpTransferController::HttpResponseReceivedL(  TInt aSessionId,
+                                                    TInt aStatusCode ) 
+    {
+    TInt transferId = Transfer( aSessionId);
+    if ( transferId == KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        return; 
+        }
+    if( aStatusCode < 0)     
+        {   
+        if( iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->TransferState() != ECompleted )
+            {
+            //stopped transfer
+            if(aStatusCode == KErrCancel)
+                {   
+                 iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->SetTransferState( EStopped);
+                }
+            //error in transfer
+            else
+                {
+                 iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->SetTransferState( EError); 
+                }                
+            iContentDirectory->GetAutoDestroyObjectList()->TransferFailL( iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->ImportNumber() );
+            iContentDirectory->RemoveFileTransferFromTransferIDsStateVariableL( aSessionId );
+            // remove the transfer after 30s
+            CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver* timer = 
+                        CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver::NewLC( 
+                        this, aSessionId );
+            iStatusTimers.AppendL(timer); 
+            CleanupStack::Pop(timer);
+            // send event to MS
+            if( aStatusCode == KErrCancel)
+                {
+                CUpnpFileTransfer::TTransferType type =
+                        iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->TransferType();
+                iContentDirectory->NotifyTransferStoppedL( aSessionId, type); 
+                }
+             else
+                {
+                //transfer with error
+                iContentDirectory->NotifyTransferFailL( aSessionId, aStatusCode );     
+                }
+            }                        
+        }   
+    else if( aStatusCode == EHttpOk )
+        {
+        CUpnpFileTransferEvent* transferEvent = iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->Event();
+        if( iContentDirectory->IsDrmFileL( transferEvent->FilePath() ))
+            {
+            iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->SetTransferState(EError);
+            iContentDirectory->GetAutoDestroyObjectList()->TransferFailL( iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->ImportNumber() );
+            // send event to MS - AM -???
+            iContentDirectory->NotifyTransferFailL( aSessionId, aStatusCode ); 
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->SetTransferState(ECompleted);
+            // checking if transfer was GET. In that case we have to 
+            // create res tag for that file to CDS
+            if ( iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->TransferType() != CUpnpFileTransfer::EExport )
+                {
+                // 16-bit -> 8-bit conversion
+                HBufC8* filenameBuffer = UpnpString::FromUnicodeL( transferEvent->FilePath() );
+                CleanupStack::PushL( filenameBuffer );               
+                TPtr8 buffPtr = filenameBuffer->Des();
+                TInt ret = iContentDirectory->CreateResTagL( aSessionId, 
+                                                            buffPtr , 
+                                                            iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->ImportNumber() );
+                User::LeaveIfError( ret );                                                                
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(filenameBuffer);               
+                iContentDirectory->TransferCompleteL( iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->ImportNumber() ,
+                                        iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->ObjectId() );
+			    }
+            //send event to MS
+            iContentDirectory->NotifyOutgoingTransferL( aSessionId );
+            }
+        // remove the transfer after 30s
+        CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver* timer = 
+                        CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver::NewLC( 
+                        this, aSessionId );
+        iStatusTimers.AppendL(timer); 
+        CleanupStack::Pop(timer);
+        iContentDirectory->RemoveFileTransferFromTransferIDsStateVariableL( aSessionId );       
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        //needed?
+        //
+        }                        
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::StopTransferResourceL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUpnpErrorCode CUpnpTransferController::StopTransferResourceL(  TInt aId  )
+    {
+    TInt transferIndex = Transfer( aId ); 
+    if( KErrNotFound == transferIndex )
+        {
+        User::Leave( ENoFileTransfer );
+        }
+    if(iFileTransfers[ transferIndex ]->TransferState() == ::ETransferInProgress)
+        {
+        CUpnpFileTransfer::TTransferType type = 
+                            iFileTransfers[ transferIndex ]->TransferType();
+        if(type == CUpnpFileTransfer::EImport)
+            {
+            iContentDirectory->TransferHandler()->CancelDownload(aId);    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iContentDirectory->TransferHandler()->CancelUpload(aId);
+            }                    
+        }
+    return EHttpOk;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::Transfer
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CUpnpTransferController::Transfer( TInt aTransferId )
+    {
+    for( TInt transferIndex(0); 
+        transferIndex < iFileTransfers.Count(); 
+        transferIndex++ )
+        {
+        if( iFileTransfers[transferIndex]->TransferId() == aTransferId )
+            {
+            return transferIndex;
+            }
+        }
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::IsMaxImportExportTransfers
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CUpnpTransferController::IsMaxImportExportTransfers()
+    {  
+    /*
+    * This function limits total number of import/export transfers, according to
+    * current number of transfers, which are in progress state and pending import/export transfers
+    * Note: Any better algorithm can be used as well
+    */
+    TInt numberOfInProgressTransfers = 0;
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileTransfers.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        if( iFileTransfers[i]->TransferState() == ::ETransferInProgress )
+            {
+            ++numberOfInProgressTransfers;
+            }
+        }
+    // Note: "+ 1" because e.g future 4th transfer discovers only 3 previous transfers, 
+    // and if KMaxImportExportTransfers = 3, 4th transfer should be forbidden now.        
+    return ( ( numberOfInProgressTransfers + 1 ) > KMaxImportExportTransfers );   
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::TransferInternal
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpFileTransferEvent* CUpnpTransferController::RemoveTransferLC( TInt aTransferId )
+    {
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileTransfers.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        if( iFileTransfers[i]->TransferId() == aTransferId )
+            {
+            CUpnpFileTransferEvent* event = iFileTransfers[i]->RemoveEvent();
+            if(event)
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PushL( event );
+                return event;    
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                return NULL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+     return NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpTransferController::TransferInternal
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CUpnpFileTransferEvent* CUpnpTransferController::TransferL( TInt aTransferId )
+    {
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileTransfers.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        if( iFileTransfers[i]->TransferId() == aTransferId )
+            {
+            CUpnpFileTransferEvent* event = iFileTransfers[i]->Event(); 
+            return event;
+            }
+        }
+     return NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpContentDirectory::TransferEvent
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpTransferController::TransferEvent(
+                                    CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver* aTimer)
+    {
+    // remove transfer
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < iFileTransfers.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        if( iFileTransfers[i]->TransferId() == aTimer->TransferId() )
+            {
+            delete iFileTransfers[i];
+            iFileTransfers.Remove(i);
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    // remove timer
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < iStatusTimers.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        if( iStatusTimers[i] == aTimer )
+            {
+            delete  iStatusTimers[i];
+            iStatusTimers.Remove(i);
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpContentDirectory::AddIncomingTransferInternalL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpTransferController::AddIncomingTransferInternalL( CUpnpHttpMessage* aHttpMsg )
+    {    
+    TInt objId = iContentDirectory->ContentDirectoryDb()->GetObjIdByAttrLikeL(KImportUri8,  aHttpMsg->SenderPathFromHeader());    
+    CUpnpFileTransferEvent* event = CUpnpFileTransferEvent::NewLC();
+    event->SetProgressState( CUpnpFileTransferEvent::ECompleted );        
+    event->SetDirection( CUpnpFileTransferEvent::EIncoming );        
+    event->SetContentDirectoryObjectId( objId );
+    event->SetTransferId( aHttpMsg->SessionId() );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event );         
+    TInt transferid = Transfer(aHttpMsg->SessionId());          
+    if( transferid == KErrNotFound)
+        User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+    iFileTransfers[transferid]->SetEvent(event);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpContentDirectory::TransferFailL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpTransferController::TransferFailL(CUpnpHttpMessage* aHttpMsg)
+    {
+    TPtrC8 path( aHttpMsg->DestinationPath() );
+    if( path.Length() )
+        {
+        iContentDirectory->GetAutoDestroyObjectList()->TransferFailL( UpnpCdUtils::ResIdFromUriL( path ) );
+        }
+    TInt transferId = Transfer( aHttpMsg->SessionId() );
+    if ( transferId != KErrNotFound )
+         {
+         if ( !path.Length() )
+             {
+             iContentDirectory->GetAutoDestroyObjectList()->TransferFailL( iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->ImportNumber() );    
+             }
+         iContentDirectory->RemoveFileTransferFromTransferIDsStateVariableL( aHttpMsg->SessionId() );
+         if(iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->TransferState () ==::ETransferInProgress  )
+             {
+             iFileTransfers[ transferId ]->SetTransferState( EError );
+             }
+            CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver* timer = 
+                        CUpnpFileTransferTimerObserver::NewLC( 
+                                            this, aHttpMsg->SessionId() );
+            iStatusTimers.AppendL( timer ); 
+            CleanupStack::Pop( timer );
+        }
+    // send event to MS
+    NotifyTransferFailL( aHttpMsg );    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUpnpContentDirectory::NotifyTransferFailL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUpnpTransferController::NotifyTransferFailL( CUpnpHttpMessage* aHttpMsg )
+    {    
+    CUpnpFileTransferEvent* event = RemoveTransferLC( aHttpMsg->SessionId() );
+    if( event )
+        {
+        event->SetProgressState( CUpnpFileTransferEvent::EFailed );                   
+        event->SetErrorCode( aHttpMsg->Error() );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( event);
+        iContentDirectory->EventObserver()->FileTransferEvent( event );
+        }
+    }
+// End of File