* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: a device data class used internally in AVC server
// Include files
#include <e32base.h>
#include "upnpavdevice.h"
class CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo;
class CUpnpItem;
class TInetAddr;
* Extended UPnP device. Contains protocolinfo and a reference count for
* subscibe actions.
class CUpnpAVDeviceExtended: public CUpnpAVDevice
* Defines DLNA device types.
enum TDLNADeviceType
EUPnP = 0,
* Static 1st phase constructor
* @param aDevice base device
* @return new instance
static CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* NewL( const CUpnpAVDevice& aDevice );
* Static 1st phase constructor
* @param aDevice base device
* @return new instance
static CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* NewL(
const CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& aDevice );
* Static 1st phase constructor
* @return new timer instance
static CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* NewL();
* Destructor
virtual ~CUpnpAVDeviceExtended();
* Private constructor
* 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
public: // New functions
* Sets sink protocolinfo
* @param aProtocolInfo sink protocolinfo
void SetSinkProtocolInfoL( const TDesC8& aProtocolInfo );
* Returns devices sink protocolinfos as an array
* @return array of protocolinfos
const RPointerArray<CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo>&
SinkProtocolInfo() const;
* Sets source protocolinfo
* @param aProtocolInfo source protocolinfo
void SetSourceProtocolInfoL( const TDesC8& aProtocolInfo );
* Returns devices source protocolinfos as an array
* @return array of protocolinfos
const RPointerArray<CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo>&
SourceProtocolInfo() const;
* Increases devices subscription count
* @return subscription count
TInt IncreaseSubscriptionCount();
* Decreases devices subscription count
* @return subscription count
TInt DecreaseSubscriptionCount();
* Returns subscription count
* @return subscription count
TInt SubscriptionCount() const;
* Sets device capabilities
* @param aListOfMimeTypes
void SetCapabilitiesBySupportedMimeTypesL(
const TDesC8& aListOfMimeTypes );
* Sets if the device is a local device (S60 Media Server)
* @param aLocal
void SetLocal( TBool aLocal );
* Return if the device is local
* @return ETrue if the device is local
TBool Local() const;
* Matches protocolinfo and return ETrue if it matches
* @param aProtocolInfo objects protocolinfo
* @return ETrue if it matches
TBool MatchSinkProtocolInfo( const TDesC8& aInfo ) const;
* Validates transfer
* @param aProtocolInfo objects protocolinfo
* @return ETrue if it matches
TBool ValidateTransfer( const TDesC8& aInfo ) const;
* Sets sink protocolinfo
* @param aProtocolInfo
const TDesC8& FindFirstMatchingInSinkL(
const CUpnpItem& aItem ) const;
* Matches objectclass to protocolInfo
* @param aObjectClass
* @param aProtocolInfo
TBool MatchType( const TDesC8& aObjectClass, const TDesC8&
aProtocolInfo ) const;
* Sets if the device supports audio upload
* @param aAudioUpload
void SetAudioUpload( TBool aAudioUpload );
* Return if the device supports audio upload
* @return ETrue if the device supports audio upload
TBool AudioUpload() const;
* Sets if the device supports image upload
* @param aImageUpload
void SetImageUpload( TBool aImageUpload );
* Return if the device supports image upload
* @return ETrue if the device supports image upload
TBool ImageUpload() const;
* Sets if the device supports video upload
* @param aVideoUpload
void SetVideoUpload( TBool aVideoUpload );
* Return if the device supports video upload
* @return ETrue if the device supports video upload
TBool VideoUpload() const;
* Sets if the device supports CreateChildContainer
* @param aCreateChildContainer
void SetCreateChildContainer( TBool aCreateChildContainer );
* Return if the device supports video upload
* @return ETrue if the device supports video upload
TBool CreateChildContainer() const;
* Sets if the device supports DestroyObject
* @param aDestroyObject
void SetDestroyObject( TBool aDestroyObject );
* Return if the device supports DestroyObject
* @return ETrue if the device is local
TBool DestroyObject() const;
* Sets if the protocolInfo has been received
* @param aPInfoReceived
void SetPInfoReceived( TBool aPInfoReceived );
* Return if the device has received protocolInfo
* @return ETrue if the device has received protocolInfo
TBool PInfoReceived() const;
* Setter for CM:PrepareForConnection availibility
* @param aPrepareForConnection
void SetPrepareForConnection( TBool aPrepareForConnection );
* Getter for CM:PrepareForConnection availibility
* @return ETrue if the device supports CM:PrepareForConnection
TBool PrepareForConnection() const;
* Setter for DLNA device type
* @param aDeviceType
void SetDLNADeviceType( TDLNADeviceType aDeviceType );
* Getter for DLNA device type
* @return DLNA device type
TDLNADeviceType DLNADeviceType() const;
* Setter for icon url
* @param aAddress address of device
* @param aUrlBase base url for icon url
* @param aIconUrl icon url relative to base url
void SetIconUrlL( const TInetAddr& aAddress, const TDesC8& aUrlBase,
const TDesC8& aIconUrl );
* Getter for icon url
* @return Icon url
TPtrC8 IconUrl() const;
private: // MUpnpDeviceIconDownloadObserver
void DeviceIconDownloadCompleted( const TDesC8& aDeviceUuid, TInt aError );
* Sets source protocolinfo
* @param aProtocolInfo source protocolinfo
void SetSourceProtocolInfoL(
const RPointerArray<CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo>& aProtocolInfo );
* Sets sink protocolinfo
* @param aProtocolInfo sink protocolinfo
void SetSinkProtocolInfoL(
const RPointerArray<CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo>& aProtocolInfo );
* Parses descriptor to a delimeter
* @param aLexer lexer representing a descriptor
* @param aDelimeter delimeter character
void ParseToDelimeter( TLex8& aLex, TChar aDelimeter );
* Judge character to be able remove
* @param aCharacter is a character
* @return ETrue if the character can be removed
TBool IsIllegalCharacter( TChar aCharacter ) const;
* Parses descriptor perhaps have illegal characters
* @param aPtr representing a descriptor
* @return a new hbufc8 buffer
HBufC8* RemoveIllegalCharactersL( const TDesC8& aPtr ) const;
* Match given protocolInfo to source protocolinfo.
* @param aInfo protocolInfo
* @return ETrue if given protocolInfo matches to source protocolInfo
TBool MatchSourceProfileId( const TDesC8& aInfo ) const;
* Match given protocolInfo to sink protocolinfo
* (DLNA profile id based mathing)
* @param aInfo protocolInfo
* @return ETrue if given protocolInfo matches to sink protocolInfo
TBool MatchSinkProfileId( const TDesC8& aInfo ) const;
* Match given protocolInfo to sink protocolinfo.
* (MIME type based matching)
* @param aInfo protocolInfo
* @return ETrue if given protocolInfo matches to sink protocolInfo
TBool MatchSinkMime( const TDesC8& aInfo ) const;
* Source protocolinfo. Own.
RPointerArray<CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo> iSourceProtocolInfo;
* Sink protocolinfo. Own.
RPointerArray<CUpnpDlnaProtocolInfo> iSinkProtocolInfo;
TInt iSubscriptionCount;
TBool iLocal;
TBool iAudioUpload;
TBool iImageUpload;
TBool iVideoUpload;
TBool iCreateChildContainer;
TBool iDestroyObject;
TBool iPInfoReceived;
TBool iPrepareForConnection;
TDLNADeviceType iDLNADeviceType;
HBufC8* iIconUrl; // Own, can be NULL