* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Localization strings for upnpframework subsystem.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (UPnPAiwEngine, UPnPAiwProvider, UPnPCommand)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Application interworking (AIW) menu command.
//d:Enables usage of external UPnP Media Rendering device.
#define qtn_iupnp_aiw_enable_external_string "Show via home net."
//d:Application interworking (AIW) menu command.
//d:Disables usage of external UPnP Media Rendering device.
#define qtn_iupnp_aiw_disable_external_string "Stop showing"
//d:Application interworking (AIW) menu command.
//d:Copies the selected files to an external UPnP Media Server device.
#define qtn_iupnp_aiw_copy_to_external_string "Copy to home network"
//d:Application interworking (AIW) menu command.
//d:Moves the selected files to an external UPnP Media Server device.
#define qtn_iupnp_aiw_move_to_external_string "Move to home network"
//d:Connecting wait note.
//d:Shown while waiting for connection to get established.
#define qtn_iupnp_command_connecting "Connecting"
//d:Preparing playback wait note.
//d:Shown while waiting playback on remote device to start.
#define qtn_iupnp_command_prep_playback "Preparing playback"
//d:Note shown when one file has been copied to
//d:remote server device.
#define qtn_iupnp_info_copy_ext_one "1 file copied to %U"
//d:Note shown when multiple files have been copied to
//d:remote server device. Shown also when no files have been
//d:copied to remote server device. Happens when all files
//d:are drm protected.
#define qtn_iupnp_info_copy_ext_many "%N files copied to %U"
//d:Note shown when one file has been moved to
//d:remote server device.
#define qtn_iupnp_info_move_ext_one "1 file moved to %U"
//d:Note shown when multiple files have been copied to
//d:remote server device. Shown also when no files have been
//d:moved to remote server device. Happens when all files
//d:are drm protected.
#define qtn_iupnp_info_move_ext_many "%N files moved to %U"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (UPnPAdvFind, UPnPBrowseSearchUI)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Media type selection title
#define qtn_iupnp_media_type "Media type"
//d:Media type selection list title
#define qtn_iupnp_media_type_title "Media type"
//d:media type selection item
//d:when selected, images, video clips and music files are searched
#define qtn_iupnp_mt_all "All"
//d:media type selection item
//d:when selected only images are searched
#define qtn_iupnp_mt_image "Images"
//d:media type selection item
//d:when selected only videos are searched
#define qtn_iupnp_mt_video "Video clips"
//d:media type selection item
//d:when selected only music files are searched
#define qtn_iupnp_mt_music "Music files"
//d:file name editor title
#define qtn_iupnp_find_file "Title"
//d:artist editor item title
#define qtn_iupnp_find_artist "Artist"
//d:album editor item title
#define qtn_iupnp_find_album "Album name"
//d:genre editor item title
#define qtn_iupnp_find_genre "Genre"
//d:date from editor item title
#define qtn_iupnp_find_date_from "Date from"
//d:date until editor item title
#define qtn_iupnp_find_date_until "Date until"
//d:find results window title
#define qtn_iupnp_search_results "Find results"
//d:wait note text when search is ongoing
#define qtn_iupnp_finding_results_note "Finding results"
//d:text for navi pane. tells the user how many files were found
#define qtn_iupnp_nof_files "%N files"
//d:text for navi pane. tells the user how many files were found
#define qtn_iupnp_nof_file "1 file"
//d:result window error note text
//d:error note is shown when too many result files are found
#define qtn_iupnp_too_big_cache_note_text "Too many items, showing only %N"
//d:Copy file error note
#define qtn_iupnp_copy_failed "Copy failed. Some files may not be copied."
//d:Used to describe when there is no memory while the user is copying files
#define qtn_iupnp_running_out_of_memory "Running out of memory. Some files might not be copied."
//d:progress info when data is being found from a media server
#define qtn_iupnp_finding "Finding %N%"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (UPnPCommonUI)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Command in options list in short term memories.
//d:Show image or video on external device.
#define qtn_iupnp_show_ext_main "Show"
//d:Command in options list in short term memories.
//d:Play music file on external device.
#define qtn_iupnp_play_ext_main "Play"
//d:Shows or plays an item on the handset
//d:Item in qtn_iupnp_show_ext_main or qtn_iupnp_play_ext_main
#define qtn_iupnp_on_device "On device"
//d:Shows or plays an item via network - on a remote device
//d:Item in qtn_iupnp_show_ext_main or qtn_iupnp_play_ext_main
#define qtn_iupnp_via_homenet "Via home net"
//d:External server dialog navi pane text when searching media servers
#define qtn_iupnp_server_search_main "Searching"
//d:External server dialog text if folder is empty
#define qtn_iupnp_main_empty "(empty)"
//d:Find dialog / container view text if folder is empty
#define qtn_iupnp_no_files_found "No files found"
//d:Time format on navigation pane when playing video on remote device
#define qtn_iupnp_sep_slash "%0U/%1U"
//d:Softkey command
//d:Continue video display
#define qtn_iupnp_sk_continue "Continue"
//d:Softkey command
//d:Replay video display
#define qtn_iupnp_sk_replay "Replay"
//d:Information note header for UPnP media renderer selection
#define qtn_iupnp_select_player "Select player:"
//d:Information note header for UPnP device selection
#define qtn_iupnp_select_device "Select device:"
//d:Title pane text
#define qtn_iupnp_title_ext_media_2 "Home Media"
//d:submenu title when copying file from external device to handset
#define qtn_iupnp_copy_main "Copy"
//d:Dialog title when image showing on a remote renderer is active
#define qtn_iupnp_title_showing "Showing"
//d:Used to describe the result of copying one file
#define qtn_iupnp_info_copy_one "1 file copied"
//d:Used to describe the result when no files copied
#define qtn_iupnp_info_copy_none "No files were copied"
//d:Used to describe the result of copying multiple files
#define qtn_iupnp_info_copy_many "%N files copied"
//d:Used to describe when UPnP device does not support the operation
//d:or is not compatible with given media
#define qtn_iupnp_err_not_supported "Selected device does not support this operation"
//d:Wait note shown while content list is updating
#define qtn_iupnp_wait_list_update "Updating list"
//d:Wait note running until the playback starts
#define qtn_iupnp_prog_prep_playback "Preparing playback"
//d:Used when user tries to copy an empty folder
#define qtn_iupnp_no_items_to_play_text "Container does not contain any supported items"
//d:Wait note shown while opening a server for browsing
#define qtn_iupnp_wait_opening_server "Opening"
//d:progress info when data is being retrieved from a media server
#define qtn_iupnp_updating "Updating %N%"
//d:Information note header for music playback device selection
#define qtn_iupnp_popup_play "Play:"
//d:Information note header for image/video playback device selection
#define qtn_iupnp_popup_show "Show:"
//d:Show or play an item on the handset
#define qtn_iupnp_popup_on_device "On device"
//d:Show or play an item via network - on a remote device
#define qtn_iupnp_popup_via_home_net "Via Home net"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Strings are used by multiple components.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//d:Skipping DRM files note.
//d:Indicates that DRM protected files will be skipped
//d:during processing of files (show, play, copy, move).
#define qtn_iupnp_drm_file_text "Skipping DRM protected files."
//d:Connection failed note
#define qtn_iupnp_err_con_failed "Connection failed"
//d:Used to describe media rendering fails due to unknown error
#define qtn_iupnp_err_rendering_failed_unknown "Playback failed on the remote device for unknown error. Try again"
//d:Used to describe when an UPnP operation failed on the remote device
#define qtn_iupnp_err_general_failure "Selected device refused the operation"
//d:Used to describe when the connection is lost
//d:while the user is copying files
#define qtn_iupnp_err_conn_lost_copy "Connection lost, some files may not be copied"
//d:Used to describe when the connection is lost
//d:while the user is moving files
#define qtn_iupnp_err_conn_lost "Connection lost, some files may not be moved"
//d:Used to describe when rendering is failed
//d:while some other controlpoint is using rendere
#define qtn_iupnp_renderer_in_use "%U is already in use. Please try again later."
// End of File