* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The header of content server main scheduler class
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include "upnpcontentserverdefs.h"
#include "upnpcontentserverclient.h"
#include "upnpcontentsharingobserver.h"
#include "upnpsharingcallback.h"
#include "upnpsharingrequest.h"
#include "upnpmediaserverclient.h"
#include "upnpcontentsharerao.h"
class CUpnpSelectionReader;
class CUpnpContentMetadataUtility;
class CUpnpSharingRequest;
class CUpnpContentServer;
class CUpnpCdsLiteObjectArray;
* Helper class for storing pending request
class TUpnpPendingSharingRequest
* Kind of operation this information is related to
* images&videos or playlists
TInt iMediaType;
* Array containing requested sharing items.
RArray<TInt> iMarkedItems;
* A class to schedule the active objects in server
* @since S60 3.1
class CUpnpContentServerHandler : public CBase,
public MUpnpSharingCallback
* 2-phased constructor.
static CUpnpContentServerHandler* NewL(
CUpnpContentServer* aServer );
* Perform initialization of the handler
* @since S60 5.2
void InitializeL();
* C++ destructor.
virtual ~CUpnpContentServerHandler();
* Sets the observer to session class
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aObserver Pointer to observer in session class
void SetContentSharingObserverL(
MUpnpContentSharingObserver* aObserver );
* Start the media server upload listener, leave if error
* @since S60 3.1
void StartUploadListenerL();
* Stop the media server upload listener, leave if error
* @since S60 3.1
void StopUploadListenerL();
* Get the strings for the UI
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aContainerType Type of the content requested
void GetSelectionContentL( const TInt& aContainerType );
* Get the selected items for the UI
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aMarkedItems Array of previous sharing selections
* @param aType Type of selections to request
void GetSelectionIndexesL( RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
const TInt aType );
* Start sharing
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @param aType Type of sharing selections
void ChangeShareContentL( const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
const TInt aType );
* First read the selections then refresh.
* Leaves with KErrServerBusy if sharing is ongoing
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aType Type of refresh requested
void RefreshShareContentL(
TInt aType );
* Determines if it is possible to stop the server
* @since S60 3.1
TBool CanStop() const;
* Switch media server offline, change internal states accordingly
* @since S60 3.1
TBool ConnectionLostL();
// from MUpnpSharingCallback
* The CUpnpContentSharingAo uses this to indicate it has done sharing
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aErr Error code
* @param aType Type of sharing completed
void CompleteSharingOperationL(
const TInt& aErr, const TInt& aType );
* Cancel the current sharing operation
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aErr Error code
void CancelSharingOperationL(
const TInt& aErr );
* Update the progress PubSub key
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aProgress Progress to update
void SetProgressL(
const TInt& aProgress );
* C++ constructor.
* @since S60 3.1
CUpnpContentServerHandler( CUpnpContentServer* aServer );
* The main sharing loop
* @since S60 5.2
void DoShare( );
* Cleanup resources, also state variables are cleaned
* @since S60 3.1
void Cleanup();
* 2nd phase constructor.
* @since S60 3.1
void ConstructL();
* Get id of the default container determined by aType
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aType Determines which container id is returned
TInt GetContainerId( const TInt aType ) const;
* Set the values of the iImageVideoSharingReq or iMusicSharingReq
* depending of aType
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @param aType Type of sharing selections
* @param aPendingRequest Pending request or not
void SetSharingRequestL(
const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
const TInt aType );
* Handle errors from active objects
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aError Error code
void HandleError( TInt aError );
* Get filenames of currently selected playlists/albums
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @param aType Type of sharing selections (EImageAndVideo
* or EPlaylist)
* @param aSharingType Type of sharing (EShareNone, EShareAll,
* EShareMany)
* @param aFilenames Array containing filenames
* @param aClfIds Array containing collection ids
void GetSelectionFilenamesL( const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
const TInt aType,
const TInt aSharingType,
CDesCArray& aFilenames,
CDesCArray& aClfIds );
* Get filenames of all image and video files
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aFilenames Array containing filenames
void GetAllImageAndVideoFilenamesL(
CDesCArray& aFilenames );
* Get filenames of all music files
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aFilenames Array containing filenames
void GetAllMusicFilenamesL(
CDesCArray& aFilenames );
* Get filenames of currently selected albums
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @param aFilenames Array containing filenames
* @param aClfIds Array containing collection ids
void GetSelectedImgAndVideoFilenamesL(
const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
CDesCArray& aFilenames,
CDesCArray& aClfIds );
* Get filenames of currently selected playlists
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @param aFilenames Array containing filenames
* @param aClfIds Array containing playlist ids
void GetSelectedMusicFilenamesL(
const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
CDesCArray& aFilenames,
CDesCArray& aClfIds );
* Resolves files to be shared and unshared lists
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aClfFilePaths Array containing clf file paths
* @param aCdsObjects Array containing cds objects
* @param aToBeSharedFiles Array containing files to be shared
* @param aToBeUnsharedSharedFiles Array containing files to be unshared
* @param aType Type of sharing selections (EImageAndVideo
* or EPlaylist
void CompareCdsToClfL(
CDesCArray& aClfFilePaths,
CUpnpCdsLiteObjectArray& aCdsObjects,
RArray<TFileName>& aToBeSharedFiles,
RArray<TFileName>& aToBeUnsharedSharedFiles,
const UpnpContentServer::TUpnpMediaType aType );
* Creates sharing request
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aType Type of sharing selections (EImageAndVideo
* or EPlaylist)
* @param aSharingType Type of sharing (EShareNone, EShareAll,
* EShareMany)
void CreateSharingRequestL(
TInt aType,
TInt aSharingType );
* Sets sharing request information
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aType Type of sharing selections (EImageAndVideo
* or EPlaylist)
* @param aShareArray Array containing filenames to be shared
* @param aUnshareArray Array containing filenames to be unshared
* @param aClfIds Array containing collection ids
void SetSharingRequestInfo(
TInt aType,
RArray<TFileName>* aShareArray,
RArray<TFileName>* aUnshareArray,
CDesCArray* aClfIds );
* Resets the pending request info
* @since S60 5.2
void ResetPendingRequestInfo();
* Saves the pending request info
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @param aType Type of sharing selections (EImageAndVideo
* or EPlaylist)
void SavePendingRequestInfoL(
const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems,
const TInt aType );
* Resolves the wanted sharing type based on the marked items
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aMarkedItems The new sharing selections
* @return Sharing type (EShareNone, EShareAll, EShareMany)
TInt SharingType( const RArray<TInt>& aMarkedItems );
* Pointer to server process, used for stopping it
* Not owned
CUpnpContentServer* iServer;
* Pointer to CLF interface
* owned
CUpnpContentMetadataUtility* iMetadata;
* The sharing engine
* owned
CUpnpContentSharerAo* iAo;
* Pointer to corresponding session observer for returning results
* not owned
MUpnpContentSharingObserver* iContentSharingObserver;
* Gets the albums/playlists to UI
* owned
CUpnpSelectionReader* iReader;
* Currently processed media type, KErrNotFound if no sharing
* ongoing
TInt iOngoingSharingType;
* The buffer for image and video sharing requests
* owned
CUpnpSharingRequest* iVisualSharingReq;
* The buffer for music sharing requests
* owned
CUpnpSharingRequest* iMusicSharingReq;
* The array for any sharing request which is not yet scheduled
* to run.
TUpnpPendingSharingRequest iPendingSharingReqInfo;
* MediaServer Handle
* Owned
RUpnpMediaServerClient* iMediaServer;
* Error code, reset after transferred to client
TInt iErrorToClient;
* The Publish subscribe key to deliver progress infromation about
* sharing
RProperty iProgressProperty;
* Sharing algorithm for handling sharing and unsharing operations
* Owned
MUpnpSharingAlgorithm* iSharingAlgorithm;
// End of file