author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:43:44 +0000
changeset 6 4134134ef418
parent 0 7f85d04be362
permissions -rw-r--r--
Create CompilerCompatibility branch

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:      Class for retrieving and selecting media renderers


#include <e32base.h>
#include <mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h>

class CUPnPMusicPlayer;
class MUPnPAVRenderingSession;

 * Class for handling playback state machine functionality
 * @lib upnpmusicplugins.lib
 * @since S60 v3.1
class CUPnPValueStateMachine : public CBase

public: // construction / destruction

     * Static 1st phase constructor
     * @since Series 60 3.1
     * @param aParent the parent plugin instance
     * @param aRenderingSession for playback commands
    static CUPnPValueStateMachine* NewL( 
        CUPnPMusicPlayer& aParent,
        MUPnPAVRenderingSession& aRenderingSession );

     * Destructor
     * @since Series 60 3.1
    virtual ~CUPnPValueStateMachine();

public: // datatypes used in this class
     * current type of operation
    enum TOperationType
        EOperationNone,     // no operation going on
        EOperationValue,    // value get
        EOperationSet,      // value set
        EOperationDurationQuery, // internal duration query
        EOperationPositionQuery, // internal position query
        EOperationVolumeQuery, // internal volume query
        EOperationMute // internal mute

     * An internal operation class
    class TOperation
        /** construction */
        TOperation( TOperationType aType )
            : iType( aType ) {}
        TOperation( TOperationType aType, TInt aValue )
            : iType( aType )
            , iValue( aValue ) {}
        TOperation( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty, TInt aValue )
            : iType( EOperationSet )
            , iProperty( aProperty )
            , iValue( aValue ) {}
        TOperation( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty )
            : iType( EOperationValue )
            , iProperty( aProperty ) {}

        /** setters */
        void operator=( TOperationType aType )
            iType = aType;
        void Set( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty, TInt aValue )
            iType = EOperationSet;
            iProperty = aProperty;
            iValue = aValue;
        void Set( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty )
            iType = EOperationValue;
            iProperty = aProperty;
        void Reset()
            iType = EOperationNone;
        /** comparision */
        TBool operator==( TOperationType aType )
            return ( iType == aType );
        TBool Compare( TOperationType aType, TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty )
            return ( iType == aType && iProperty == aProperty );
        TBool None()
            return ( iType == EOperationNone );
        /** identifies the operation type */
        TOperationType iType;
        /** playback property, if op == Value or Set */
        TMPXPlaybackProperty iProperty;
        /** playback property value, if op == Set */
        TInt iValue;

     * A result of validation query.
     * Indicates what to do with a Value- or a Set- call
    enum TValidationResult
        EHandle, // handle the call in value state machine
        EHandleStatic, // handle the call statically in v.s.m.
        EErrorNotReady, // async error (KErrNotReady)
        EErrorNotSupported, // async error (KErrNotSupported)
        EIgnore // do absolutely nothing

public: // services
    * A method to copy some static renderer-specific values from
    * another instance of a state machine. Note that one instance is
    * track specific, so track specific cached values are NOT copied,
    * (track duration etc.) but renderer specific values are copied
    * (volume etc)
    * @param aOther another instance to copy values from
    void CopyValues( const CUPnPValueStateMachine& aOther );

    * See CMPXPlaybackPlugin
    void SetL( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty, TInt aValue );

    * See CMPXPlaybackPlugin
    void ValueL( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty );
    * See MUPnPRenderiongSessionObserver
    void VolumeResult( TInt aError, TInt aVolumeLevel,
        TBool aActionResponse );
    * See MUPnPRenderiongSessionObserver
    void MuteResult( TInt aError, TBool aMute, TBool aActionResponse );
    * See MUPnPRenderiongSessionObserver
    void PositionInfoResult( TInt aStatus, const TDesC8& aTrackPosition,
        const TDesC8& aTrackLength );

     * Initiates a duration request, which will be reported to
     * the plugin observer as a change event
    void DurationQueryL();
     * Initiates a position request
    void PositionQueryL();

     * Initiates a volume request, which will be reported to
     * the plugin observer as a change event
    void VolumeQueryL();

     * Initiates an internal mute request, which will not be reported.
     * @param aMute if other than zero, mute will be activated
    void MuteRequestL( TInt aMute );

     * Validates a Value- or Set- call with given property in given
     * player state. There will be a result indicating what to do with
     * the call.
     * @param aProperty the property to be either get or set
     * @param aSetting true if setting the value, false if getting
     * @param aPlayerState state of the player plugin
     * @param aIsReady is remote device to gíve playback information
     * @return result of validation
    static TValidationResult ValidatePropertyInState(
        TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
        TBool aSetting,
        TInt aPlayerState,
        TBool aIsReady );

     * A static version of Value query - this one is capable of handling
     * some fixed Value queries that do not need network resources
    static void ValueStatic(
         TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
         MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver& aPlaybackObs );

     * Cancels any ongoing operation
     * (actually it just resets the state so the result will be ignored
     * and not reported)
    void Cancel();


     * Private default constructor
     * @since Series 60 3.1
     * @param aParent the parent plugin instance
     * @param aRenderingSession for playback commands
        CUPnPMusicPlayer& aParent,
        MUPnPAVRenderingSession& aRenderingSession );

     * Checks if operations are in the queue, and executes
    void CheckOperationInQueueL();
     * Check if given property are in queue
     * @param aProperty property to be searched
     * @return Etrue if found
    TBool FoundFromQueue( TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty );

private: // data
     * Parent plugin instance
    CUPnPMusicPlayer&                   iParent;
     * Rendering session
    MUPnPAVRenderingSession&            iRendererSession;
     * currently ongoing operation
    TOperation                          iCurrentOperation;

     * queue of operations pending
    RArray<TOperation>                  iOperationQueue;

     * current renderer volume level.
     * cached internally to avoid unnecessary message traffic.
    TInt                                iRendererVolume;

     * current renderer muted state (1 = muted, 0 = normal)
     * cached internally to avoid unnecessary message traffic.
    TInt                                iRendererMuted;
