New development branch with e.g. rendering state machine and a simple Qt example application using it.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: XML SAX Parser for UPnP.
// system / xml parser api
#include <xml/parser.h>
#include <xml/parserfeature.h>
#include <xml/matchdata.h>
#include <xml/xmlparsererrors.h>
// upnp stack api
#include <upnpstring.h>
// dlnasrv / mediaserver api
#include <upnpcontainer.h>
#include <upnpitem.h>
#include <upnpelement.h>
// dlnasrv / internal api's
#include "upnpcdsreselementutility.h"
// dlnasrv / xmlparser internal
#include "upnpobjectstack.h"
#include "upnpitemtoxml.h"
#include "upnpxmlstringutility.h"
#include "upnpxmlparser.h"
_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpxmlparser.txt");
#include "upnplog.h"
_LIT8( KXmlMimeType, "text/xml" );
_LIT8( KLIB2XML, "libxml2" );
_LIT8( KContainer, "container" );
_LIT8( KItem, "item" );
_LIT8( KTitle, "title" );
_LIT8( KClass, "class" );
_LIT8( KContentURI, "res" );
_LIT8( KId, "id" );
_LIT8( KParentId, "parentId" );
_LIT8( KRestricted, "restricted" );
_LIT8( KComma, ":" );
_LIT8( KTrue, "1" );
_LIT8( KDIDL, "DIDL-Lite" );
_LIT8( KDesc, "desc" );
_LIT8( KDlnaDoc, "X_DLNADOC" );
_LIT8( KSpace, " " );
_LIT8( KImportUri, "importUri" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::CUPnPXMLParser()
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::ConstructL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::ConstructL()
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::CostructL" );
iStack = CUPnPObjectStack::NewL();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::NewL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUPnPXMLParser* self = CUPnPXMLParser::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::NewLC
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUPnPXMLParser* self = new( ELeave ) CUPnPXMLParser();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::~CUPnPXMLParser
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::~CUPnPXMLParser" );
if ( iStack )
delete iStack;
delete iElementValue;
delete iNewElement;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::ResetMember
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::ResetMember()
iResultRoot = NULL;
delete iStack;
iStack = NULL;
delete iElementValue; iElementValue = NULL;
delete iNewElement; iNewElement = NULL;
iTitle = 0;
iObjectClass = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::ParseResultDataL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CUPnPXMLParser::ParseResultDataL(
RPointerArray<CUpnpObject>& aResultArray,
const TDesC8& aData )
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::ParseResultDataL, begin" );
if ( !aData.Length() )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iResultRoot = &aResultArray;
// Create parser
CMatchData* matchData = CMatchData::NewLC();
matchData->SetMimeTypeL( KXmlMimeType );
matchData->SetVariantL( KLIB2XML );
CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC( *matchData, *this );
parser->EnableFeature( Xml::EReportNamespaceMapping );
TRAPD( err, Xml::ParseL( *parser,aData ) );
// if the xml contained control character
if( EXmlInvalidToken == err )
__LOG1 ( "CUPnPXMLParser::ParseResultDataL Can not Parse \
error code %d " ,err );
HBufC8* FiltrateBuffer =
UpnpXmlStringUtility::RemoveXmlControlCharactersL( aData );
//if remove some control characters.
if( FiltrateBuffer )
CleanupStack::PushL( FiltrateBuffer );
iStack = CUPnPObjectStack::NewL();
iResultRoot = &aResultArray;
Xml::ParseL( *parser, *FiltrateBuffer );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( FiltrateBuffer );
User::Leave( err );
else if ( KErrNone != err )
User::Leave( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( matchData );
iResultRoot = NULL;
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::ParseResultDataL, end" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::ItemAsXMLLC
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CUPnPXMLParser::ItemAsXmlLC( const CUpnpItem& aItem )
CUpnpItemToXML* tmpXmlItem = CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC( aItem );
HBufC8* raw = tmpXmlItem->AsXmlL();
CleanupStack::PushL( raw );
HBufC8* encoded = UpnpString::EncodeXmlStringL( raw );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( raw );
CleanupStack::PushL( encoded );
HBufC8* tagged = tmpXmlItem->CreateUnDecodedXmlL( *encoded );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encoded );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpXmlItem );
CleanupStack::PushL( tagged );
return tagged;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::XmlForCreateObjectLC
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CUPnPXMLParser::XmlForCreateObjectLC(
const CUpnpItem& aItem )
CUpnpItemToXML* tmpXmlItem = CUpnpItemToXML::NewLC( aItem );
HBufC8* tempXmlDataBlock = tmpXmlItem->AsResultArgumentL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpXmlItem );
CleanupStack::PushL( tempXmlDataBlock );
return tempXmlDataBlock;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::ContainerToXmlLC
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CUPnPXMLParser::ContainerToXmlLC(
const CUpnpContainer& /*aContainer*/ )
// Not implemented
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartDocumentL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartDocumentL(
const RDocumentParameters& /*aDocParam*/,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndDocumentL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndDocumentL( TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartElementL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement,
const RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
TInt aErrorCode )
__LOG1( "CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartElementL, error code: %d", aErrorCode );
if ( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
const TDesC8& desName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
const TDesC8& prefix = aElement.Prefix().DesC();
// Delete content, since there may be some stuff between the elements
// (comments, whitespace etc.)
delete iElementValue; iElementValue = NULL;
if ( !desName.CompareF( KContainer ) ) // Container element
CUpnpContainer* tmpContainer = CUpnpContainer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpContainer );
SetAttributesL( *tmpContainer, aAttributes );
//push into the stack, ownership is transferred
iStack->PushL( tmpContainer );
CleanupStack::Pop( tmpContainer );
else if ( !desName.CompareF( KItem ) ) // Item element
CUpnpItem* tmpItem = CUpnpItem::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpItem );
SetAttributesL( *tmpItem, aAttributes );
//push into the stack, ownership is transferred
iStack->PushL( tmpItem );
CleanupStack::Pop( tmpItem );
else if( !desName.CompareF( KTitle ) ) // Title element
// check that we have item or container. cause leave if not
if ( iStack->Count() == 0)
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// We should have an item or a container already!
//__ASSERTD( iStack->Top(), __FILE__, __LINE__ );
iTitle = ETrue;
else if( !desName.CompareF( KClass ) ) // Object class element
// check that we have item or container. cause leave if not
if ( iStack->Count() == 0)
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// We should have an item or a container already!
// __ASSERTD( iStack->Top(), __FILE__, __LINE__ );
iObjectClass = ETrue;
// Ignore DIDL-Lite, desc and X_DLNADOC -elements (DLNA req)
else if( desName.Compare( KDIDL ) == KErrNone ||
desName.Compare( KDesc ) == KErrNone ||
desName.Compare( KDlnaDoc ) == KErrNone
// Ignore
// check that we have item or container. cause leave if not
if ( iStack->Count() == 0)
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// We should have an item or a container already!
//__ASSERTD( iStack->Top(), __FILE__, __LINE__ );
if( prefix.Length() > 0 ) // If there is a namespace (upnp: etc)
HBufC8* name = HBufC8::NewLC( prefix.Length() +
KComma().Length() + desName.Length() ) ;
name->Des().Copy( prefix );
name->Des().Append( KComma );
name->Des().Append( desName );
// Create a new element
__ASSERTD( !iNewElement, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
iNewElement = CUpnpElement::NewL( *name );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
// Create a new element
__ASSERTD( !iNewElement, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
iNewElement = CUpnpElement::NewL( desName );
// Set attributes for element
SetAttributesL( aAttributes );
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndElementL, end" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndElementL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement,
TInt aErrorCode )
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLSAXParser::OnEndElementL(), begin" );
if ( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
const TDesC8& desName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
if ( !desName.CompareF( KContainer ) || !desName.CompareF( KItem ) )
iResultRoot->AppendL( iStack->Top() );
iStack->Pop(); // Remove object from stack.
else if( KErrNone != desName.CompareF( KDIDL ))
CUpnpObject* obj = (CUpnpObject*)iStack->Top();
__ASSERTD( obj, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
if ( iElementValue )
SetValueToElementL( *obj, *iElementValue );
SetValueToElementL( *obj, KNullDesC8 );
delete iElementValue; iElementValue = NULL;
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLSAXParser::OnEndElementL(), end" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnContentL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnContentL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode )
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLSAXParser::OnContentL(), begin" );
if ( !iStack->Count() || aErrorCode != KErrNone )
if( !iElementValue ) //if 1st time
iElementValue = HBufC8::NewL(aBytes.Length());
HBufC8* previousValue = iElementValue;
iElementValue = HBufC8::NewL( previousValue->Des().Length() +
aBytes.Length() );
iElementValue->Des().Append( *previousValue );
iElementValue->Des().Append( aBytes );
delete previousValue;
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLSAXParser::OnContentL(), end" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartPrefixMappingL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnStartPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/,
const RString& /*aUri*/,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndPrefixMappingL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL( const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnSkippedEntityL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& /*aName*/,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnProcessingInstructionL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnProcessingInstructionL( const TDesC8& /*aTarget*/,
const TDesC8& /*aData*/,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::OnError
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::OnError( TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
// No implementation needed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::GetExtendedInterface
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAny* CUPnPXMLParser::GetExtendedInterface( const TInt32 /*aUid*/ )
// No implementation needed
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL( CUpnpObject& aObject,
const RAttributeArray& aAttributes )
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL" );
if ( iStack->Count() )
// Object has a parent.
// Should not really happen, but implemented anyways
__LOG( "Object has a parent!" );
if ( iStack->Top()->ObjectType() != EUPnPContainer )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
CUpnpContainer* container = (CUpnpContainer*)iStack->Top();
container->AppendObjectL( aObject );
RAttribute attribute;
TInt count = aAttributes.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < count; i++ ) // Read attributes.
attribute = aAttributes[ i ];
const TDesC8& name = attribute.Attribute().LocalName().DesC();
if( !name.CompareF( KId ) )
aObject.SetIdL( attribute.Value().DesC() );
if( !name.CompareF( KParentId ) )
aObject.SetParentIdL( attribute.Value().DesC() );
if( !name.CompareF( KRestricted ) )
if ( !attribute.Value().DesC().CompareF( KTrue ) ) // restricted
aObject.SetRestricted( ETrue );
else // no restriction
aObject.SetRestricted( EFalse );
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL - End" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::SetValueToElementL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::SetValueToElementL( CUpnpObject& aItem,
const TDesC8& aValue )
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::SetValueToElementL()" );
if( iTitle )
__LOG( "SetValueToElementL() - title element" );
aItem.SetTitleL( aValue );
iTitle = EFalse;
else if( iObjectClass )
__LOG( "SetValueToElementL() - objectclass element" );
aItem.SetObjectClassL( aValue );
iObjectClass = EFalse;
// See if it's the res-element
else if( iNewElement && // NULL Check
iNewElement->Name().Compare( KContentURI ) == KErrNone )
__LOG( "SetValueToElementL() - res element" );
// Check that uri is absolute
if( UpnpCdsResElementUtility::IsUriAbsolute( aValue ) )
__LOG( "valid res-element" );
iNewElement->SetValueL( aValue );
aItem.AddElementL( iNewElement ); // Ownership is transferred
iNewElement = NULL;
// if CreateObjectResponse, there is importuri
// no need to check res-element
TInt found = EFalse;
RUPnPAttributesArray elArray = iNewElement->GetAttributes();
TInt count = elArray.Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if( elArray[ i ]->Name() == KImportUri )
i = count;
found = ETrue;
__LOG( "SetValueToElementL() - ImportUri found" );
if( found )
__LOG( "no res-element but import uri found" );
iNewElement->SetValueL( KNullDesC8 );
aItem.AddElementL( iNewElement ); // Ownership is transferred
iNewElement = NULL;
__LOG( "invalid res-element" );
delete iNewElement;
iNewElement = NULL;
__LOG( "SetValueToElementL() - unknown element" );
if( iNewElement )
// Check for empty values
if( aValue == KNullDesC8 || aValue == KSpace )
// Do not add empty values
delete iNewElement; iNewElement = NULL;
iNewElement->SetValueL( aValue );
aItem.AddElementL( iNewElement ); // Ownership is transferred
iNewElement = NULL;
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::SetValueToElementL() End" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL
// See upnpxmlparser.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL( const RAttributeArray& aAttributes )
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL" );
RAttribute attribute;
TInt count = aAttributes.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count ; i++ )
attribute = aAttributes[i];
const TDesC8& name = attribute.Attribute().LocalName().DesC();
CUpnpAttribute* att = CUpnpAttribute::NewLC();
att->SetNameL( name );
att->SetValueL( attribute.Value().DesC() );
__ASSERTD( iNewElement, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
iNewElement->AddAttributeL( att );
CleanupStack::Pop( att );
__LOG( "CUPnPXMLParser::SetAttributesL End" );
// end of file