New development branch with e.g. rendering state machine and a simple Qt example application using it.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Logging facility for UPnP framework
// ***************************************************
// * How to use UPnP framework logging facility
// * 1. define KComponentLogfile
// * _LIT( KComponentLogfile, "AVControlServer.txt");
// * 2. if you want, define one of these macros:
// * __FILE_LOGGING__ (logging to file)
// * __CONSOLE_LOGGING__ (logging to console)
// * 3. have flogger in mmp-file
// * 4. now you can use the log interface
// * __LOG( char* strz )
// * __LOG1( char* strz, p1 )
// * __LOG2( char* strz, p1, p2 )
// * __LOG3( char* strz, p1, p2, p3 )
// * __LOG8( const TDesC8& msg )
// * __LOG16( const TDesC16& msg )
// ***************************************************
#ifndef __UPNPLOGGING_H__
#define __UPNPLOGGING_H__
#include <e32std.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
// activate default logging mode in debug builds
//#define __FILE_LOGGING__
#endif //_DEBUG
#if defined(__CONSOLE_LOGGING__)
#include <f32file.h>
#define __LOG( strz ) RDebug::Print(_L(strz))
#define __LOG1( strz,p1 ) RDebug::Print(_L(strz),p1)
#define __LOG2( strz,p1,p2 ) RDebug::Print(_L(strz),p1,p2)
#define __LOG3( strz,p1,p2,p3 ) \
#define __LOG8( msg ) Debug8(msg)
#define __LOG16( msg ) RDebug::Print(msg)
#define __LOG8_1( strz,p1 ) RDebug::Printf(strz, p1)
inline void Debug8( const TDesC8& aMsg )
RDebug::RawPrint( aMsg );
inline void __Dummy_KComponentLogfile()
// this dummy function is to avoid compiler warning #177-D:
// variable was declared but never referenced
TUint16 c = KComponentLogfile()[0];
c = 0;
#elif defined(__FILE_LOGGING__)
#include <flogger.h>
// Subdirectory under c:\logs -directory
_LIT(KLogDir, "upnpframework");
#define __LOG( strz ) Print16(_L(strz))
#define __LOG1( strz,p1 ) Print16(_L(strz),p1)
#define __LOG2( strz,p1,p2 ) Print16(_L(strz),p1,p2)
#define __LOG3( strz,p1,p2,p3 ) \
#define __LOG8( msg ) Print8( _L8( "%S" ), &msg )
#define __LOG16( msg ) Print16( _L16( "%S" ), &msg )
#define __LOG8_1( strz,p1 ) Print8(_L8(strz),p1)
// Writes a log text to a file using file logger
inline void Print16( const TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ... )
VA_LIST list;
RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KLogDir, KComponentLogfile,
EFileLoggingModeAppend, aFmt, list );
VA_END( list );
// Writes a log text to a file using file logger
inline void Print8( const TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt, ... )
VA_LIST list;
RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KLogDir, KComponentLogfile,
EFileLoggingModeAppend, aFmt, list );
VA_END( list );
#else // !(__CONSOLE_LOGGING__ | __FILE_LOGGING__)
#define __LOG( strz )
#define __LOG1( fmt,p1 )
#define __LOG2( fmt,p1,p2 )
#define __LOG3( fmt,p1,p2,p3 )
#define __LOG8( msg )
#define __LOG16( msg )
#define __LOG8_1( strz,p1 )
#endif // __UPNPLOGGING_H__