New development branch with e.g. rendering state machine and a simple Qt example application using it.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: upnpsettings localisable strings
* upnpappwizard
//d:Text for the wait dialog when file sharing is in progress
#define qtn_iupnp_wait_sharing "Turning sharing on"
//d:Text for the wait dialog shown while sharing is turned off
#define qtn_iupnp_wait_sharing_off "Turning sharing off"
//d:Message when starting sharing
//d:Purpose is to describe that this is a background operation
#define qtn_iupnp_wait_updating_content "Updating shared content on the background. This may take several minutes. The application can be closed meanwhile."
//d:Message title when starting background sharing
#define qtn_iupnp_updating_content_header "Updating shared content"
//d:Error message when file sharing activation fails
#define qtn_iupnp_start_sharing_error "Sharing activation failed"
//d:Header for wizard step 1
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_1 "Setup wizard 1/9"
//d:Message for wizard step 1.
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_1 "This wizard sets up Home Media for browsing and sharing files. Please run the wizard within range of your WLAN."
//d:Header for wizard step 2
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_2 "Device name 2/9"
//d:Message for wizard step 2
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_2 "Enter a device name you want to show on your network"
//d:Header for wizard step 3
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_3 "My device name 3/9"
//d:Header for wizard step 4
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_4 "Access point 4/9"
//d:Message for wizard step 4
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_4 "Define your Home access point or choose \"%U\" to select it manually each time"
//d:Header for wizard step 5
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_5 "Home access point 5/9"
//d:Static list item in wizard iap selection list.
#define qtn_iupnp_always_ask "Always ask"
//d:Static list item in wizard iap selection list.
//d:The user can create and edit iap items.
#define qtn_iupnp_create_new "Create / edit"
//d:Header for wizard step 6
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_6 "File sharing 6/9"
//d:Message for wizard step 6.
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_6_2 "Select the content that is shown on the Home Network when sharing is on. You can select to share individual albums and playlists or all the files of a media type."
//d:Header for wizard step 7
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_7 "Share images & video 7/9"
//d:Header for wizard step 8
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_8 "Share music 8/9"
//d:Header for wizard step 9
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_head_9 "Setup wizard 9/9"
//d:Message for wizard step 9a.
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_9a_2 "The Home Media options are available in media applications and sharing is turned on."
//d:Message for wizard step 9b.
#define qtn_iupnp_wizard_9b_2 "The Home Media options are available in media applications but sharing is turned off."
//d:Middle soft key
//d:for wizard dialogs
#define qtn_iupnp_softkey_next "Next"
* upnpmultiselectionui
//d:Title text for the multiselection dialog when
//d:image and video albums are shown
//d:This is visible in the title pane
#define qtn_iupnp_title_visual "Images & videos"
//d:Title text for the multiselection dialog when
//d:playlists are shown
//d:This is visible in the title pane
#define qtn_iupnp_title_music "Music"
//d:Text for the second item of the multiselection listbox
//d:With this selection all files from specific folders
//d:will be shared
#define qtn_iupnp_set_share_all "Share all files"
//d:Text for wait note
//d:Indicates that phone is collecting files to share
#define qtn_iupnp_saving_changes_note "Saving changes"
//d:Text for wait note
//d:Indicates that phone is searching files to display to user
#define qtn_iupnp_searching_files_note "Searching files"
//d:Text for the first item of the multiselection listbox
//d:With this selection all files from specific folders
//d:will be shared
#define qtn_iupnp_set_do_not_share "Do not share"
//d:Middle soft key
//d:for unselecting the playlists & albums
#define qtn_iupnp_msk_unselect "Unselect"
* upnpgsplugin
//d:line text for the Home Media -listbox item of
#define qtn_iupnp_gs_caption "Home Media"
//d:upnp gs settings view title
//d:This is visible in the title pane
#define qtn_iupnp_title_sharing "Settings"
//d:First line text for the access point -listbox item of
//d:settings dialog
//d:Through "home access point" phone can communicate with
//d:other devices in the network
#define qtn_iupnp_home_ap "Home access point"
//d:First line text for the device name -listbox item of
//d:settings dialog
//d:User can set the device name that other devices can see
#define qtn_iupnp_device_name "Device name"
//d:Warning text when "all networks" selected from the allowed connections
//d:of settings dialog
#define qtn_iupnp_conf_unsecure "Unsecured wireless LAN connections involve security hazards. Continue anyway?"
//d:Left softkey text for the error dialog of sharing activation
#define qtn_iupnp_conf_continue "Continue"
//d:Text for information note
//d:Indicates that setting could not be set yet because connection active
#define qtn_iupnp_ibu_gallery_connectionactive_note "Cannot change setting while connection to home media is active"
//d:Heading of the IAP setting page
#define qtn_iupnp_ap_head_set "Home access point"
//d:Heading of the Device Name setting page
#define qtn_iupnp_head_set_device_name "Device name"
//d:Home Network IAP option text "User defined" in setting item
#define qtn_iupnp_ap_user_defined "User Defined"
//d:Home Network IAP option text "Always ask" in setting page
#define qtn_iupnp_ap_ask_set "Always ask"
//d:Home Network IAP option text "Create / edit" in setting page
#define qtn_iupnp_ap_new_set "Create / edit"
//d:Home Network IAP option text "None" in setting page
#define qtn_iupnp_ap_none_set "None"
//d:Text for information note
//d:Indicates that Gallery UI has been changed
#define qtn_iupnp_ibu_gallery_update_note_title_2 "Availability changed"
//d:Text for information note
//d:Indicates that Home Network features are available in media gallery
#define qtn_iupnp_ibu_gallery_update_note_2 "Home Media features are now available. Use \"Sharing\" to select what content you want to share."
//d:Text for information note
//d:Indicates that Home Network features are removed from media gallery
#define qtn_iupnp_ibu_gallery_notavail_note_2 "Home Media features removed from the device."
//d:Supported memory setting title in settings page
#define qtn_iupnp_copy_location "Copy location"
* upnpsharingui
//d:Text for the title of share content -dialog
//d:This is visible in the title pane
//d:Collection of shared files
#define qtn_iupnp_title_share "Share content"
//d:Menu text for manual refresh
#define qtn_iupnp_options_update_content "Refresh collection"
//d:First line text for the settings listbox item of
//d:share content dialog
#define qtn_iupnp_set_sharing "Sharing"
//d:Second line text for the share content listbox item
//d:Indicates that file sharing is active
#define qtn_iupnp_set_sharing_on "On"
//d:Second line text for the shard content listbox
//d:Indicates that file sharing is disabled
#define qtn_iupnp_set_sharing_off "Off"
//d:Information note text when sharing has been turned off.
//d:Indicates that phone can not be seen through wlan network.
#define qtn_iupnp_phone_hidden "Phone is now hidden from Home network"
//d:Information note text when sharing has been turned on.
//d:Indicates that phone can be seen through wlan network.
#define qtn_iupnp_phone_visible "Phone is now visible to Home network"
//d:First line text for the share content -listbox item
//d:With this option user can select image and video files
//d:and albums for sharing
#define qtn_iupnp_visual_albums "Images & videos"
//d:First line text for the music listbox item of share content -dialog
//d:With this option user can select music files
//d:and playlists for sharing
#define qtn_iupnp_music_pl "Music"
//d:Alternative second line text for the images & videos -listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that sharing is in progress and displays the progress in percents
#define qtn_iupnp_updating_progress "Updating %N%"
//d:Alternative second line text for the images & videos -listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that nothing (images & videos) is shared
#define qtn_iupnp_visual_nothing "Nothing selected"
//d:Alternative second line text for the images & videos -listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that some files
#define qtn_iupnp_visual_one "Selected files"
//d:Alternative second line text for the images & videos -listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that all files are shared
#define qtn_iupnp_visual_many "All files"
//d:Alternative second line text for the music listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that nothing (music) is shared
#define qtn_iupnp_music_nothing "Nothing selected"
//d:Alternative second line text for the music listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that some playlists are shared
#define qtn_iupnp_music_one "Selected playlists"
//d:Alternative second line text for the music listbox item of
//d:share content -dialog
//d:Indicates that all music files are shared
#define qtn_iupnp_music_many "All files"
// End of File