New development branch with e.g. rendering state machine and a simple Qt example application using it.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of base DLNA profile resolver class for audio
* files.
// system includes
// includes
#include <mdaaudiosampleeditor.h> // CMdaAudioConvertUtility
#include <badesca.h> // CDesC16ArrayFlat
#include "upnpaudiosolverbase.h"
_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "dlnaprofiler.txt");
#include "upnplog.h"
// constants
_LIT( KTargetAudioFile, "c:\\unnecessary.txt" );
// audio mime types
_LIT8( KAudioMpeg, "audio/mpeg" );
_LIT8( KAudio3gpp, "audio/3gpp" );
_LIT8( KAudioMp4, "audio/mp4" );
_LIT8( KAudioL16, "audio/L16" );
_LIT8( KAudioAdts, "audio/vnd.dlna.adts" );
_LIT8( KAudioWma, "audio/x-ms-wma" );
// audio profiles
_LIT( KLpcm, "LPCM" );
_LIT( KMp3, "MP3" );
_LIT( KAac_iso, "AAC_ISO" );
_LIT( KAac_iso_320, "AAC_ISO_320" );
_LIT( KAac_mult5_iso, "AAC_MULT5_ISO" );
_LIT( KWmabase, "WMABASE" );
_LIT( KWmafull, "WMAFULL" );
_LIT( KWmapro, "WMAPRO" );
const TInt KAac_iso_320_max_bitrate = 320000;
const TInt KAac_iso_max_samplerate = 48000;
const TInt KAac_iso_max_bitrate = 576000;
const TInt KWmabase_max_bitrate = 192999;
const TInt KWmafull_max_bitrate = 385000;
const TInt KWmapro_max_bitrate = 1500000;
const TInt KWmabase_max_samplerate = 48000;
const TInt KWmafull_max_samplerate = 48000;
const TInt KWmapro_max_samplerate = 96000;
const TInt KTwo_Channels = 2;
const TInt KSix_Channels = 6;
const TInt KEight_Channels = 8;
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpAudioSolverBase C++ constructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase Constructor" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpAudioSolverBase::ConstructL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpAudioSolverBase::ConstructL()
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::ConstructL" );
iWait = new( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpAudioSolverBase* CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewL()
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewL" );
CUpnpAudioSolverBase* self = CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewLC
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpAudioSolverBase* CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewLC()
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::NewLC" );
CUpnpAudioSolverBase* self = new( ELeave ) CUpnpAudioSolverBase;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpAudioSolverBase destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::Destructor" );
delete iAudioconverter;
delete iWait;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MUpnpProfiler.
// SupportedProfilesL returns DLNA profiles that are currently supported.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CUpnpAudioSolverBase::SupportedProfilesL(
CDesC16ArrayFlat* aProfiles ) const
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::\
SupportedProfilesL" );
TInt retval = KErrNone;
if ( !aProfiles )
// Invalid parameter
retval = KErrArgument;
// append all new profiles recognized by this solver
// do not allow duplicates
TInt tempPos = KErrNotFound;
if ( aProfiles->Find( KLpcm(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KLpcm() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KMp3(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KMp3() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KAac_iso(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KAac_iso() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KAac_iso_320(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KAac_iso_320() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KAac_mult5_iso(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KAac_mult5_iso() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KWmabase(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KWmabase() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KWmafull(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KWmafull() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KWmapro(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KWmapro() );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MUpnpProfiler.
// ProfileForFileL is for resolving a DLNA profile of a given file. Besides
// of file name, also mime type of the file is passed as a parameter in
// order to avoid re-opening the file.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CUpnpAudioSolverBase::ProfileForFileL( const TDesC& aFilename,
const TDesC8& aMimetype,
RFile& /*aFile*/ )
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::ProfileForFileL" );
HBufC* retval = NULL;
if ( aMimetype.Compare( KAudioMpeg() ) == 0 )
// Note that MP3X profile is currently not supported.
retval = HBufC::NewL( KMp3().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KMp3() );
else if ( aMimetype.Compare( KAudioMp4() ) == 0 )
// obtain bitrate and channel count information from the file
GetAudioFileInformationL( aFilename );
retval = DetermineMp4ProfileL();
else if ( aMimetype.Compare( KAudio3gpp() ) == 0 )
// obtain bitrate and channel count information from the file
GetAudioFileInformationL( aFilename );
retval = Determine3GppProfileL();
else if ( aMimetype.Left( KAudioL16().Length() ).Compare(
KAudioL16() ) == 0 )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KLpcm().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KLpcm() );
else if ( aMimetype.Compare( KAudioWma() ) == 0 )
// obtain bitrate and channel count information from the file
GetAudioFileInformationL( aFilename );
retval = DetermineWmaProfileL();
else if ( aMimetype.Compare( KAudioAdts() ) == 0 )
// no audio/vnd.dlna.adts profiles currently supported
// obtain bitrate and channel count information from the file
//GetAudioFileInformationL( aFilename );
//retval = DetermineAdtsProfileL();
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver.
// MoscoStateChangeEvent callback is called after a call to
// CMdaAudioConvertUtility::OpenL has completed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpAudioSolverBase::MoscoStateChangeEvent( CBase */*aObject*/,
TInt /*aPreviousState*/,
TInt /*aCurrentState*/,
TInt aErrorCode )
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::\
MoscoStateChangeEvent" );
if( KErrNone == aErrorCode )
// get bit rate and channel count of the file. Trap because this
// method may not leave. TRAP_IGNORE because there is nothing we
// can do in case of leave.
TRAP_IGNORE( iBitrate = iAudioconverter->SourceBitRateL() );
TRAP_IGNORE( iChannelCount =
iAudioconverter->SourceNumberOfChannelsL() );
TRAP_IGNORE( iSampleRate =
iAudioconverter->SourceSampleRateL() );
// continue execution in ProfileForFileL-method by stopping
// ActiveSchedulerWait
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetAudioFileInformationL is for resolving audio file attributes by using
// CMdaAudioConvertUtility.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CUpnpAudioSolverBase::GetAudioFileInformationL( const TDesC& aFilename )
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::\
GetAudioFileInformationL" );
TInt retval = KErrNone;
// create audioconverter if it does not exist
if ( !iAudioconverter )
iAudioconverter = CMdaAudioConvertUtility::NewL( *this );
// Create iWait if it does not exist. Create it here rather than after
// OpenL-call so that there will be no problems if somehow OpenL calls
// MoscoStateChangeEvent-callback before iWait is created and started.
if ( !iWait )
iWait = new( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait;
// Open file specified in aFilename. This is an asynchronic operation.
// Calls MoscoStateChangeEvent callback after completed.
TMdaFileClipLocation sinkFile( KTargetAudioFile() );
TMdaRawAudioClipFormat sinkformat;
iAudioconverter->OpenL( aFilename, &sinkFile, &sinkformat );
// start CActiveSchedulerWait which is completed in MoscoStateChangeEvent
// openL + MoscoStateChangeEvent callback executed now
delete iAudioconverter;
iAudioconverter = NULL;
delete iWait;
iWait = NULL;
// delete temporary file
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Delete( KTargetAudioFile() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fs );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine3GppProfileL is for determining profile for 3gpp audio files
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CUpnpAudioSolverBase::Determine3GppProfileL() const
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::\
Determine3GppProfileL" );
HBufC* retval = NULL;
if ( iBitrate <= KAac_iso_320_max_bitrate &&
iSampleRate <= KAac_iso_max_samplerate &&
iChannelCount <= KTwo_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KAac_iso_320().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KAac_iso_320() );
else if ( iSampleRate <= KAac_iso_max_samplerate &&
iChannelCount <= KTwo_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KAac_iso().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KAac_iso() );
else if ( iSampleRate <= KAac_iso_max_samplerate &&
iChannelCount <= KSix_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KAac_mult5_iso().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KAac_mult5_iso() );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DetermineWmaProfileL is for determining profile for wma files
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CUpnpAudioSolverBase::DetermineWmaProfileL() const
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::\
DetermineWmaProfileL" );
HBufC* retval = NULL;
if ( iBitrate <= KWmabase_max_bitrate &&
iSampleRate <= KWmabase_max_samplerate &&
iChannelCount <= KTwo_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KWmabase().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KWmabase() );
else if ( iBitrate <= KWmafull_max_bitrate &&
iSampleRate <= KWmafull_max_samplerate &&
iChannelCount <= KTwo_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KWmafull().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KWmafull() );
else if ( iBitrate <= KWmapro_max_bitrate &&
iSampleRate <= KWmapro_max_samplerate &&
iChannelCount <= KEight_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KWmapro().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KWmapro() );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DetermineMp4ProfileL is for determining profile for mp4 audio files
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CUpnpAudioSolverBase::DetermineMp4ProfileL() const
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpAudioSolverBase::\
DetermineMp4ProfileL" );
HBufC* retval = NULL;
if ( iBitrate <= KAac_iso_320_max_bitrate &&
iChannelCount <= KTwo_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KAac_iso_320().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KAac_iso_320() );
else if ( iBitrate <= KAac_iso_max_bitrate &&
iChannelCount <= KTwo_Channels )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KAac_iso().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KAac_iso() );
return retval;
// end of file