* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Source file for CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask class.
// system
#include <utf.h> // ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L
// upnp stack api
#include <upnpitem.h> // CUpnpItem
#include <upnpobject.h> // CUpnpObject (cast)
// upnp framework / avcontroller api
#include "upnpavcontrollerfactory.h" // UPnPAVControllerFactory
#include "upnpavcontroller.h" // MUPnPAVController
#include "upnpavbrowsingsession.h" // MUPnPAVBrowsingSession
#include "upnpavsessionobserverbase.h" // MUPnPAVSessionObserverBase
#include "upnpavdevice.h" // CUpnpAVDevice
// upnp framework / common utils api
#include "upnpcommonutils.h" // TUPnPItemType
#include "upnpmetadatafetcher.h" // UPnPMetadataFetcher
// upnp framework / fte
#include "upnpfiletransferengine.h" // CUpnpFileTransferEngine
// upnp framework / common ui
#include "upnpcommonui.h" // CUpnpCommonUI
// upnpcommand internal
#include "upnpfilepipe.h" // CUpnpFilePipe
#include "upnpcommandparameters.h" // CUpnpCommandParameters
#include "upnptaskhandler.h" // MUpnpTaskHandler
#include "upnpnotehandler.h" // CUpnpNoteHandler
#include "upnpcommand.h" // CUpnpCommand
#include "upnptaskresourceallocator.h" // CUpnpTaskResourceAllocator
#include "upnpfiletransferbasetask.h" // CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask
_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpcommand.log");
#include "upnplog.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask
// First phase construction.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::Constructor" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::Destructor" );
// delete the resource allocator
// Local mediaserver and AVController resources will be freed.
delete iResourceAllocator;
delete iCommonUI;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::AllocateFileTransferResourcesL
// Allocates the Upnp Fw resources.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::AllocateFileTransferResourcesL( TInt aMode)
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::AllocateResourcesL" );
// create common UI
iCommonUI = CUPnPCommonUI::NewL();
// create the resource allocator
iResourceAllocator = CUpnpTaskResourceAllocator::NewL(
*iCommonUI, aMode);
iState = EStateConnected;
iResourceAllocator->SetNoteHandlerL( NoteHandler() );
// now allocate!
// start a browsing session
iBrowsingSession =
iResourceAllocator->SelectedDevice() );
iBrowsingSession->SetObserver( *this );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::ResourceAllocator
// Executes the task.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpTaskResourceAllocator* CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::ResourceAllocator()
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::ResourceAllocator" );
return iResourceAllocator;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::ExecuteFileTransferL
// Executes the task.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::ExecuteFileTransferL( TBool aRemoveFiles,
TInt& aTransferredFiles)
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::ExecuteL" );
// Leave if command has not been allocated yet
if( !FilePipe() ||
!CommandParameters() ||
!NoteHandler() ||
!iBrowsingSession ||
!iResourceAllocator )
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::\
ExecuteFileTransferL resources not allocated, leave" );
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// reset drm-note calculator ( note is shown once per operation )
TInt status = KErrNone;
TInt origFileCount = FilePipe()->Count();
TInt failedFileCount = 0;
// Initialise and execute the UpnpFileTransferEngine
CUpnpFileTransferEngine* ftEngine = NULL;
ftEngine = CUpnpFileTransferEngine::NewL( iBrowsingSession );
if( status == KErrNone &&
ftEngine )
CleanupStack::PushL( ftEngine );
// move operation
if( aRemoveFiles )
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask, move files" );
&FilePipe()->AsArray() );
// copy operation
// Read the collection name (if any)
const TDesC& collectionName =
CommandParameters()->Get( UpnpCommand::EParamCollectionName );
// If collection name is not set, the operation is file copy
if( collectionName != KNullDesC )
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask,\
copy playlist" );
collectionName, &FilePipe()->AsArray() );
// If collection name is set, the operation is playlist copy
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask,\
copy files" );
&FilePipe()->AsArray() );
// Clean up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ftEngine );
ftEngine = NULL;
// calculate number of transferred files based on original file count and
// items remaining in filepipe (those were NOT transferred)
failedFileCount = FilePipe()->Count();
aTransferredFiles = origFileCount - failedFileCount;
// check if connection was lost during transfer
if( iState != EStateConnected )
status = KErrDisconnected;
__LOG1( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::\
ExecuteL done status %d", status );
// If there was an error, leave
if( status != KErrNone )
User::Leave( status );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::MediaServerDisappeared
// Notifies that the Media Renderer we have a session with has disappeared.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::MediaServerDisappeared(
TUPnPDeviceDisconnectedReason aReason )
__LOG1( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::\
MediaServerDisappeared aReason %d", aReason );
// need to know if wlan or server was lost
if( aReason == MUPnPAVSessionObserverBase::EWLANLost )
iState = EStateWLANLost;
iState = EStateMSLost;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::IsWlanActive
// Returns connection state
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::IsWlanActive()
__LOG( "[UpnpCommand]\t CUpnpFileTransferBaseTask::IsWlanActive" );
return (iState != EStateWLANLost);
// End of File