* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of base DLNA profile resolver class for image
* files.
// system includes
#include <imageconversion.h>
#include <caf/caftypes.h> // ContentAccess
#include <badesca.h> // CDesC16ArrayFlat
// user includes
#include "upnpimagesolverbase.h"
_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "dlnaprofiler.txt");
#include "upnplog.h"
// constants
_LIT8( KImageJpeg, "image/jpeg" );
_LIT( KJpeg_sm, "JPEG_SM" );
_LIT( KJpeg_med, "JPEG_MED" );
_LIT( KJpeg_lrg, "JPEG_LRG" );
_LIT( KJpeg_tn, "JPEG_TN" );
_LIT( KJpeg_lrg_ico, "JPEG_LRG_ICO" );
_LIT( KJpeg_sm_ico, "JPEG_SM_ICO" );
_LIT8( KImagePng, "image/png" );
_LIT( KPngLrg, "PNG_LRG" );
const TInt KJpeg_smico_max_width = 48;
const TInt KJpeg_smico_max_height = 48;
const TInt KJpeg_lrgico_max_width = 120;
const TInt KJpeg_lrgico_max_height = 120;
const TInt KJpeg_tn_max_width = 160;
const TInt KJpeg_tn_max_height = 160;
const TInt KJpeg_sm_max_width = 640;
const TInt KJpeg_sm_max_height = 480;
const TInt KJpeg_med_max_width = 1024;
const TInt KJpeg_med_max_height = 768;
const TInt KJpeg_lrg_max_width = 4096;
const TInt KJpeg_lrg_max_height = 4096;
const TInt KPng_lrg_max_width = 4096;
const TInt KPng_lrg_max_height = 4096;
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpImageSolverBase C++ constructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase constructor" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpImageSolverBase::ConstructL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpImageSolverBase::ConstructL()
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase::ConstructL" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpImageSolverBase* CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewL()
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewL" );
CUpnpImageSolverBase* self = CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewLC
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpImageSolverBase* CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewLC()
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase::NewLC" );
CUpnpImageSolverBase* self = new( ELeave ) CUpnpImageSolverBase;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpImageSolverBase destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase destructor" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MUpnpProfiler.
// SupportedProfilesL returns DLNA profiles that are currently supported.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CUpnpImageSolverBase::SupportedProfilesL(
CDesC16ArrayFlat* aProfiles ) const
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase::\
SupportedProfilesL" );
TInt retval = KErrNone;
if ( !aProfiles )
// Invalid parameter
retval = KErrArgument;
// append all new profiles recognized by this solver
// do not allow duplicates
TInt tempPos = KErrNotFound;
if ( aProfiles->Find( KJpeg_sm(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KJpeg_sm() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KJpeg_med(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KJpeg_med() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KJpeg_lrg(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KJpeg_lrg() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KPngLrg(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KPngLrg() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KJpeg_tn(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KJpeg_tn() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KJpeg_lrg_ico(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KJpeg_lrg_ico() );
if ( aProfiles->Find( KJpeg_sm_ico(), tempPos, ECmpFolded ) )
aProfiles->AppendL( KJpeg_sm_ico() );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MUpnpProfiler.
// ProfileForFileL is for resolving a DLNA profile of a given file. Besides
// of file name, also mime type of the file is passed as a parameter in order
// to avoid re-opening the file.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CUpnpImageSolverBase::ProfileForFileL( const TDesC& /*aFilename*/,
const TDesC8& aMimetype,
RFile& aFile )
__LOG( "[UPnPDlnaProfiler] CUpnpImageSolverBase::ProfileForFileL" );
HBufC* retval = NULL;
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(
ContentAccess::EPeek );
CleanupStack::PushL( imageDecoder );
TSize imageResolution = imageDecoder->FrameInfo().iOverallSizeInPixels;
if ( aMimetype.Compare( KImageJpeg() ) == 0 )
// assuming here that thumbnails are not supported and that we do
// not use device icons or at least we do not resolve DLNA profile
// of device icons with this component.
if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KJpeg_smico_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KJpeg_smico_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KJpeg_sm_ico().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KJpeg_sm_ico() );
else if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KJpeg_lrgico_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KJpeg_lrgico_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KJpeg_lrg_ico().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KJpeg_lrg_ico() );
else if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KJpeg_tn_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KJpeg_tn_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KJpeg_tn().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KJpeg_tn() );
else if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KJpeg_sm_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KJpeg_sm_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KJpeg_sm().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KJpeg_sm() );
else if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KJpeg_med_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KJpeg_med_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KJpeg_med().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KJpeg_med() );
else if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KJpeg_lrg_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KJpeg_lrg_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KJpeg_lrg().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KJpeg_lrg() );
else if ( aMimetype.Compare( KImagePng() ) == 0 )
// assuming here that thumbnails are not supported and that we do
// not use device icons or at least we do not resolve DLNA profile
// of device icons with this component. This leads to profiling all
// png-files as PNG_LRG in case their size is less than 4096x4096.
if ( imageResolution.iWidth <= KPng_lrg_max_width &&
imageResolution.iHeight <= KPng_lrg_max_height )
retval = HBufC::NewL( KPngLrg().Length() );
retval->Des().Append( KPngLrg() );
// clean up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( imageDecoder );
return retval;
// end of file