author hgs
Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:32:09 +0300
changeset 20 6bd7e2973eb9
parent 0 7f85d04be362
child 38 5360b7ddc251
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Engine for rendering images remotely


#include <e32base.h>
#include "upnpavrenderingsessionobserver.h" // base class
#include "upnpitemresolverobserver.h" // base class

class MUPnPAVController;
class MUPnPAVRenderingSession;
class MUpnpImageRenderingEngineObserver;
class MUPnPItemResolver;
class CUPnPPeriodic;

* This class defines the UpnpShowTask used in UpnpCommand component.
* @since S60 3.2
class CUpnpImageRenderingEngine
    : public CBase
    , public MUPnPItemResolverObserver
    , public MUPnPAVRenderingSessionObserver

    public: // construction

         * static constructor
         * @param aAVController avcontroller resource
         * @param aSession the rendering session to work with
         * @param aObserver the client for this engine
        static CUpnpImageRenderingEngine* NewL(
            MUPnPAVController& aAVController,
            MUPnPAVRenderingSession& aSession,
            MUpnpImageRenderingEngineObserver& aObserver);

         * destructor
        virtual ~CUpnpImageRenderingEngine();

    private: // private part of construction

         * constructor
            MUPnPAVController& aAVController,
            MUPnPAVRenderingSession& aSession,
            MUpnpImageRenderingEngineObserver& aObserver);
         * Second phase constructor
        void ConstructL();
         * Cleans up used resources
        void Cleanup();

    public: // the interface

         * Requests to start rendering. This will cause the engine to query
         * the media to render using the callback interface.
         * This method can be called in all states and all conditions
         * and subsequently very fast. The engine will keep track of
         * states and indicate errors etc.
        void PlayL();

         * Requests to stop rendering. This method can be called in all states.
        void StopL();

    protected: // Call back methods of MUPnPAVRenderingSessionObserver

         * UPnP AV Controller calls this method to return the result for the
         * 'set uri' request.
         * @since Series 60 3.1
         * @param aError error code
         * @return None
        void SetURIResult( TInt aError );

         * UPnP AV Controller calls this method to indicate that the requested
         * interaction operation (play, stop, etc.) is complete. In other
         * words, the target rendering device has changed it's state 
         * accordingly.
         * @since Series 60 3.1
         * @param aError (TInt) error code
         * @param aOperation (TAVInteractOperation) operation Id
        void InteractOperationComplete( TInt aError,
            TUPnPAVInteractOperation aOperation );

         * Notifies that the Media Renderer we have a session with has
         * disappeared. Session is now unusable and must be closed. 
         * @since Series 60 3.1
         * @param aReason (TUPnPDeviceDisconnectedReason) reason code
        void MediaRendererDisappeared(
            TUPnPDeviceDisconnectedReason aReason );

        // Methods that are not used
        void VolumeResult(
                        TInt /*aError*/,
                        TInt /*aVolumeLevel*/,
                        TBool /*aActionResponse*/) {}
        void MuteResult(
                        TInt /*aError*/,
                        TBool /*aMute*/,
                        TBool /*aActionResponse*/ ) {}
        void PositionInfoResult(
                        TInt /*aError*/,
                        const TDesC8& /*aTrackPosition*/,
                        const TDesC8& /*aTrackLength*/ ) {}
        void SetNextURIResult(
                        TInt /*aError*/ ) {}
        void ReserveLocalMSServicesCompleted( TInt /*aError*/ ) {}

    protected: // Methods from MUPnPItemResolverObserver

         * See UpnpAvControllerHelper API for more info.
        void ResolveComplete(
            const MUPnPItemResolver& aResolver, TInt aError );

    public: // methods for the timer

         * the timeout callback
        static TInt Timer( TAny* aArg );

         * handles the timeout internally
        void RunTimerL();

         * handles errors in the timeout callback body
        TInt RunError( TInt );
         * checks if wlan is active
        TBool IsWlanActive();
    private: // Private methods

         * Handles the initiation of rendering (SetUri or video player 
         * launching).
         * @since S60 3.2
        void InitiateShowingL();

         * Handles the start up of the item resolving.
         * @since S60 3.2
        void StartResolvingL();
         * Sends an acknowledgement
		void SendRenderAck( TInt aError );

    private: // Data members

        // avcontroller
        MUPnPAVController&          iAVController;
        // the rendering session
        MUPnPAVRenderingSession&    iRenderingSession;

        // The observer interface
        MUpnpImageRenderingEngineObserver&  iObserver;

        // internal states
        enum TRenderingState
            EIdle = 100,            // doing nothing
            EResolvingItem,         // resolving (preparing the item to be played)
            EResolveComplete,       // resolve done succesfully. Starting to play
            EStopping,              // calling Stop (for previoysly playing item)
            ESettingUri,            // calling SetAVTransportURI
            EStartingPlay,          // calling Play
            EPlaying,               // play OK, just displaying the image :-)

        // internal state
        TRenderingState             iState;

        // current resolver. owned.
        MUPnPItemResolver*          iCurrentResolver;

        // Buffered next resolver. Owned.
        MUPnPItemResolver*          iBufferedResolver;

        // flag that indicates a new image is in buffer
        TBool                       iBufferingNewImage;

		// timer support
		CUPnPPeriodic*              iTimer;
		TBool                       iWlanActive;



// End of File