author Sampo Huttunen <sampo.huttunen@nokia.com>
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 15:46:57 +0200
changeset 44 97caed2372ca
parent 38 5360b7ddc251
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed AVController, it was accidentally set to search only for renderers. Now also servers are added to device list. Also some minor changes in package definition xml and platform API xml definition files.

* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:      storage for devices with extended information

#include "upnpdevicerepository.h"

#include "upnpavdeviceextended.h"
#include "upnpavcontrolpoint.h"

#include <upnpservice.h>
#include <upnpdevice.h>
#include <upnpicon.h>
#include "upnpavcontrollerglobals.h"    // For KRel_Time

_LIT8( KSearch,                     "Search" );
_LIT8( KVolume,                     "Volume" );
_LIT8( KCreateObject,               "CreateObject" );
_LIT8( KPause,                      "Pause");
_LIT8( KSetVolume,                  "SetVolume");
_LIT8( KGetVolume,                  "GetVolume");
_LIT8( KGetMute,                    "GetMute");
_LIT8( KSetMute,                    "SetMute");
_LIT8( KMediaServer,                "MediaServer" );
_LIT8( KFriendlyName,               "friendlyName" );
_LIT8( KModelName,                  "modelName" );
_LIT8( KAVTransportService,         "AVTransport" );
_LIT8( KRenderingControlService,    "RenderingControl" );
_LIT8( KSetNextUri,                 "SetNextAVTransportURI" );
_LIT8( KPrepareForConnection,       "PrepareForConnection" );
_LIT8( KDestroyObject,              "DestroyObject" );
_LIT8( KDlnaDoc,                    "dlna:X_DLNADOC" );
_LIT8( KDlnaCap,                    "dlna:X_DLNACAP" );
_LIT8( KAudioUpload,                "audio-upload" );
_LIT8( KImageUpload,                "image-upload" );
_LIT8( KVideoUpload,                "av-upload" );
_LIT8( KCreateChildContainer,       "create-child-container" );
_LIT8( KDMS,                        "DMS" );
_LIT8( KDMP,                        "DMP" );
_LIT8( KDMR,                        "DMR" );
_LIT8( KJpg,                        "jpg" );
_LIT8( KJpeg,                       "jpeg" );
_LIT8( KPng,                        "png" );
// Prefer 48x48 color icons and then greater size color icons
const TInt KPreferredIconSize = 48;

// Seek mode argument type string
_LIT8( KArgumentTypeSeekMode, "A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode" );

const TInt KFirstSubscription = 1;

_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpavcontrollerserver.txt");
#include "upnplog.h"

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::NewL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUPnPDeviceRepository* CUPnPDeviceRepository::NewL
    CUpnpAVControlPoint& aControlPoint
    CUPnPDeviceRepository* rep= new(ELeave)
        CUPnPDeviceRepository( aControlPoint );
    CleanupStack::PushL( rep );
    return rep;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::~CUPnPDeviceRepository
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::CUPnPDeviceRepository
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CUpnpAVControlPoint& aControlPoint
    iControlPoint( aControlPoint ),
    iIsWlanActive( ETrue )    
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConstructL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConstructL()
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConstructL" );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddDeviceL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddDeviceL( CUpnpDevice& aDevice )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddDeviceL" );
    CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* dev = CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( dev );
    // Check if it's a dlna device
    TPtrC8 ptr = aDevice.GetProperty( KDlnaDoc );
    if( ptr.Length() > 0 )
        __LOG( "Dlna compatible device!" );
        // It's a dlna device
        dev->SetDlnaCompatible( ETrue );
        if( ptr.FindC( KDMS ) != KErrNotFound )
            dev->SetDLNADeviceType( CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::EDMS );
        else if( ptr.FindC( KDMR ) != KErrNotFound )
            dev->SetDLNADeviceType( CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::EDMR );
        else if( ptr.FindC( KDMP ) != KErrNotFound )
            dev->SetDLNADeviceType( CUpnpAVDeviceExtended::EDMP );
        // Check dlna capabilities
        ptr.Set( aDevice.GetProperty( KDlnaCap ) );
        if( ptr.Find( KAudioUpload ) != KErrNotFound )        
            __LOG( "Audio upload supported!" );
            dev->SetAudioUpload( ETrue );
        if( ptr.Find( KImageUpload ) != KErrNotFound )
            __LOG( "Image upload supported!" );
            dev->SetImageUpload( ETrue );
        if( ptr.Find( KVideoUpload ) != KErrNotFound )
            __LOG( "Video upload supported!" );
            dev->SetVideoUpload( ETrue );
        if( ptr.Find( KCreateChildContainer ) != KErrNotFound )
            __LOG( "Create child container supported!" );
            dev->SetCreateChildContainer( ETrue );
    if( aDevice.DeviceType().Find( KMediaServer ) != KErrNotFound )
        dev->SetDeviceType( CUpnpAVDevice::EMediaServer );
        dev->SetDeviceType( CUpnpAVDevice::EMediaRenderer );

    dev->SetFriendlyNameL( aDevice.DescriptionProperty( KFriendlyName ) );

    dev->SetModelNameL( aDevice.DescriptionProperty( KModelName ) );
    dev->SetUuidL( aDevice.Uuid() );   
    dev->SetLocal( aDevice.Local() );

    ParseDeviceServicesL( aDevice, *dev );

    SelectDeviceIconL( aDevice, *dev );

    CleanupStack::Pop( dev );
    iDevices.AppendL( dev );
    return *dev;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddProtocolInfoL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddProtocolInfoL(
    const TDesC8& aUuid, const TDesC8& aSource, const TDesC8& aSink )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::AddProtocolInfoL" );
    // Find the device
    TInt count = iDevices.Count();
    CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* dev = NULL;
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        if( iDevices[ i ]->Uuid() == aUuid )
            dev = iDevices[ i ];
            i = count;
    if( dev )
        if( dev->DeviceType() == CUpnpAVDevice::EMediaServer )
            dev->SetSourceProtocolInfoL( aSource );
            dev->SetSinkProtocolInfoL( aSink );
            dev->SetCapabilitiesBySupportedMimeTypesL( aSource );
            dev->SetSourceProtocolInfoL( aSource );
            dev->SetSinkProtocolInfoL( aSink );
            dev->SetCapabilitiesBySupportedMimeTypesL( aSink );    
        dev->SetPInfoReceived( ETrue );        
        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
    return *dev;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::Remove
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::Remove( const TDesC8& aUuid )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::Remove" );
    TInt count = iDevices.Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        if( iDevices[ i ]->Uuid() == aUuid )
            delete iDevices[ i ];
            iDevices.Remove( i );
            i = count;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::FindDeviceL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& CUPnPDeviceRepository::FindDeviceL(
    const TDesC8& aUuid )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::FindDeviceL" );
    CUpnpAVDeviceExtended* tmp = NULL;
    TInt count = iDevices.Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        if( iDevices[ i ]->Uuid() == aUuid )
            tmp = iDevices[ i ];
            i = count;
    if( !tmp )
        __LOG( "FindDeviceL - not found" );
        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
    return *tmp;    

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::DeviceList
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const RPointerArray<CUpnpAVDeviceExtended>&
    CUPnPDeviceRepository::DeviceList() const
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::DeviceList" );
    return iDevices;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::SubscribeDeviceL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::SubscribeDeviceL( const TDesC8& aUuid )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SubscribeDeviceL" );
    __LOG8( aUuid );
    // Find the device and increase subscription count/check if we have
    // subscribed already
    TInt count = iDevices.Count();
    TInt subscriptionCount = KErrNotFound;
    TInt index;
    for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        if( aUuid.Compare( iDevices[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )
            subscriptionCount = iDevices[ index ]->IncreaseSubscriptionCount();
            index = count;
    if( subscriptionCount == KFirstSubscription )
        __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - First subscription" ); 
        // Start subsciption for AVTransport and RenderingControl services
        // Find the device
        const RPointerArray<CUpnpDevice>& devList =
        count = devList.Count();
        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            if( aUuid.Compare( devList[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )

        // Find the AVTransport service and subscribe
        RPointerArray<CUpnpService>& servList =
            devList[ index ]->ServiceList();
        count = servList.Count();
        CUpnpService* tempService = NULL;
        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
                KAVTransportService ) >= 0 )
                tempService = servList[ index ];
                index = count;
        if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
            // AVTransport service found for the device, subscribe
            __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - Subscribe for AVTransport" ); 
            iControlPoint.SubscribeL( tempService ); 
            // Service not found, can't subscribe
            __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - AVTransport service not found" );
        tempService = NULL;
        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
                KRenderingControlService ) >= 0 )
                tempService = servList[ index ];
                index = count;
        if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
            // RenderingControl service found for the device, subscribe
            __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - Subscribe for RenderingControl" ); 
            iControlPoint.SubscribeL( tempService ); 
            // Service not found, can't subscribe
            __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - RenderingControl service not found" );
    else if( subscriptionCount == KErrNotFound ) 
        __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - device not found" );
        // Subscribed already, do nothing
        __LOG( "SubscribeDeviceL - Subscription done already, ignoring!" ); 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::UnSubscribeDeviceL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::UnSubscribeDeviceL( const TDesC8& aUuid )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::UnSubscribeDeviceL" );
    __LOG8( aUuid );
    // Find the device and decrease subscription count/check if it's needed
    // to unsubscribe
    TInt count = iDevices.Count();
    TInt subscriptionCount = KErrNotFound;
    TInt index;
    for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        if( aUuid.Compare( iDevices[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )
            subscriptionCount = 
                iDevices[ index ]->DecreaseSubscriptionCount();
            index = count;
    if( subscriptionCount == 0 )
        // Start unsubsciption for AVTransport and RenderingControl services
        // Find the device
        const RPointerArray<CUpnpDevice>& devList =
        count = devList.Count();
        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            if( aUuid.Compare( devList[ index ]->Uuid() ) == 0 )

        // Find the AVTransport service and unsubscribe
        RPointerArray<CUpnpService>& servList =
            devList[ index ]->ServiceList();
        count = servList.Count();
        CUpnpService* tempService = NULL;
        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
                KAVTransportService ) >= 0 )
                tempService = servList[ index ];
                index = count;
        if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
            // AVTransport service found for the device, unsubscribe
            __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - UnSubscribe AVTransport" ); 
            iControlPoint.UnsubscribeL( tempService ); 
            // Service not found, can't unsubscribe
            __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - AVTransport service not found" );
        tempService = NULL;
        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            if( servList[ index ]->ServiceType().Find(
                KRenderingControlService ) >= 0 )
                tempService = servList[ index ];
                index = count;
        if( tempService && iIsWlanActive )
            // RenderingControl service found for the device, subscribe
            __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - UnSubscribe RenderingControl" ); 
            iControlPoint.UnsubscribeL( tempService ); 
            // Service not found, can't subscribe
            __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - RenderingControl service not\
found" );
    else if( subscriptionCount == KErrNotFound ) 
        __LOG( "UnSubscribeDeviceL - device not found" );
        // No need to unsubscibe

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConnectionLost
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConnectionLost()
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::ConnectionLost" );
    iIsWlanActive = EFalse;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::IsWlanActive
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUPnPDeviceRepository::IsWlanActive()
    __LOG1( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::IsWlanActive, %d", (TInt)iIsWlanActive );
    return iIsWlanActive;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::SetMaxVolume
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::SetMaxVolume(CUpnpStateVariable* aVolumeState,
        CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& aTarget)
    if( aVolumeState )
        // If volume info found, save it to the device
        TInt maxVolume = aVolumeState->MaxValue();
        // If max volume not defined, it is set to 100
        if( maxVolume == KErrNotFound )
            maxVolume = 100;
        aTarget.SetMaxVolume( maxVolume );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::SetSeekCapabilityL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::SetSeekCapabilityL(CUpnpStateVariable* seekModeStateVariable,
        CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& aTarget)
    if ( seekModeStateVariable ) 
        CDesC8Array* allowedSeekModes = 
        if ( allowedSeekModes ) 
            for ( TInt i=0 ; i < allowedSeekModes->Count() ; i++ ) 
                if ( 0 == allowedSeekModes->
                            operator[](i).CompareC( KRel_Time() ) )
                    aTarget.SetSeekCapability( CUpnpAVDevice::ERelTime );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( allowedSeekModes );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::ParseDeviceServicesL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::ParseDeviceServicesL( CUpnpDevice& aSource,
    CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& aTarget )
    __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::ParseDeviceServicesL" );
    TBool createObjectSupported = EFalse;
    TBool getMuteSupported = EFalse;
    TBool setMuteSupported = EFalse;
    TBool getVolumeSupported = EFalse;
    TBool setVolumeSupported = EFalse;

    RPointerArray<CUpnpService>& services = aSource.ServiceList();

    TInt i;
    TInt count = services.Count(); 
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
       CUpnpStateVariable* volumeState = 
                services[ i ]->StateVariable( KVolume );

       SetMaxVolume(volumeState, aTarget);

        CUpnpStateVariable* seekModeStateVariable = 
            services[i]->StateVariable( KArgumentTypeSeekMode() );
        SetSeekCapabilityL(seekModeStateVariable, aTarget);

        // Get the actions
        RPointerArray<CUpnpAction> actions;
        // 'actions' cannot be closed, it is the same instance that is inside 'service'
        services[ i ]->GetActionList( actions );

        // Go through the action elements
        TInt j;
        TInt count2 = actions.Count();
        for( j = 0; j < count2; j++ )
            TDesC8& actionName = actions[ j ]->Name();

            if( actionName != KNullDesC8 )
                if( actionName.Find( KCreateObject ) >= 0 )
                    createObjectSupported = ETrue;
                if( actionName.Compare( KSearch ) == 0 )
                    aTarget.SetSearchCapability( ETrue );
                if( actionName.Find( KPause ) >= 0 )
                    aTarget.SetPauseCapability( ETrue );
                if( actionName.Find( KGetVolume ) >= 0 )
                    getVolumeSupported = ETrue;
                if( actionName.Find( KSetVolume ) >= 0 )
                    setVolumeSupported = ETrue;
                if( actionName.Find( KGetMute ) >= 0 )
                    getMuteSupported = ETrue;
                if( actionName.Find( KSetMute ) >= 0 )
                    setMuteSupported = ETrue;
                if( actionName.Find( KSetNextUri ) >= 0 )
                    aTarget.SetNextAVTransportUri( ETrue );
                if( actionName.Find( KDestroyObject ) >= 0 )
                    aTarget.SetDestroyObject( ETrue );
                if( actionName.Find( KPrepareForConnection ) >= 0 )
                    aTarget.SetPrepareForConnection( ETrue );

    // Set copy support
    if( createObjectSupported )
        aTarget.SetCopyCapability( ETrue );

    // Set volume support
    if( getVolumeSupported &&
        setVolumeSupported )
        aTarget.SetVolumeCapability( ETrue );

    // Set mute support
    if( getMuteSupported &&
        setMuteSupported )
        aTarget.SetMuteCapability( ETrue );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL
// See upnpdevicerepository.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL( CUpnpDevice& aSource,
    CUpnpAVDeviceExtended& aTarget )
    // Icon selection rules:
    // 1. Select any if none selected
    // 2. Select the most colorful
    // 3. Select greater until preferred size reached
    // 4. Select the closest greater size after preferred size has passed
    TPtrC8 deviceName( aTarget.FriendlyName() );
    __LOG8_1( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL - Device: %S", &deviceName );
    RPointerArray< CUpnpIcon >& icons( aSource.Icons() );
    TInt iconCount( icons.Count() );
    CUpnpIcon* selectedIcon = NULL;
    TInt selectedDepth( 0 );
    TInt selectedWd( 0 );
    TInt selectedHd( 0 );
    TInt selectedWhdSquare( 0 );
    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iconCount; ++i )
        CUpnpIcon* icon = icons[ i ];
        TPtrC8 iconMimeType( icon->MimeType() );
        __LOG8_1( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL - Found: %S", &iconMimeType );
        __LOG3( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL - Width: %d Height: %d Depth: %d",
                icon->Width(), icon->Height(), icon->Depth() );
        if ( iconMimeType.FindF( KJpg ) != KErrNotFound ||
             iconMimeType.FindF( KJpeg ) != KErrNotFound ||
             iconMimeType.FindF( KPng ) != KErrNotFound )
            TInt depth( icon->Depth() );
            TInt wd( icon->Width() - KPreferredIconSize ); // Width diff to preferred size
            TInt hd( icon->Height() - KPreferredIconSize ); // Height diff to preferred size
            TInt whdSquare( wd * wd + hd * hd ); // Diffs combined
            if ( !selectedIcon || // Rule 1
                 ( depth >= selectedDepth && // Rule 2
                   ( ( selectedWd < 0 && selectedWd < 0 && ( wd > selectedWd || hd > selectedHd ) ) || // Rule 3
                     ( whdSquare < selectedWhdSquare && ( wd >= 0 || hd >= 0 ) ) ) // Rule 4
                selectedIcon = icon;
                selectedDepth = depth;
                selectedWd = wd;
                selectedHd = hd;
                selectedWhdSquare = whdSquare;
    if ( selectedIcon )
        TPtrC8 iconMimeType( selectedIcon->MimeType() );
        __LOG8_1( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL - Selected: %S", &iconMimeType );
        __LOG3( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL - Width: %d Height: %d Depth: %d",
                selectedIcon->Width(), selectedIcon->Height(), selectedIcon->Depth() );
        aTarget.SetIconUrlL( aSource.Address(), aSource.UrlBase(), selectedIcon->Url() );
        __LOG( "CUPnPDeviceRepository::SelectDeviceIconL - None selected" );

// end of file