author Sampo Huttunen <sampo.huttunen@nokia.com>
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 15:46:57 +0200 (2010-11-18)
changeset 44 97caed2372ca
parent 40 08b5eae9f9ff
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed AVController, it was accidentally set to search only for renderers. Now also servers are added to device list. Also some minor changes in package definition xml and platform API xml definition files.
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description:  CUpnpCdsReaderAO class implementation

#include <upnpfilesharing.h>
#include <upnpobject.h>

#include "upnpcdsreaderao.h"
#include "upnpsharingalgorithmconstants.h"
#include "upnplog.h"
#include "upnpcommonutils.h"
#include "upnpcdsliteobjectarray.h"
#include "upnpbrowsecriteria.h"
#include "upnpcontainerlist.h"
#include "upnpitemlist.h"

const TInt KDefaultBrowseReqCount( 50 );
const TInt KLoopLimit( 3 );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpSecAccessController::NewL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpCdsReaderAO* CUpnpCdsReaderAO::NewL(
    CUpnpCdsLiteObjectArray& aUpnpCdsLiteObjects )
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::NewL" );

    CUpnpCdsReaderAO* self = new ( ELeave ) CUpnpCdsReaderAO(
        aUpnpCdsLiteObjects );
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::ConstructL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::ConstructL()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::ConstructL" );

    if ( !CActiveScheduler::Current() )
        iScheduler = new ( ELeave ) CActiveScheduler;
        CActiveScheduler::Install( iScheduler );
    // Add this active object to the active scheduler.
    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );

    iFileSharing = CUpnpFileSharing::NewL();
    iWaitRequest = new ( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::~CUpnpCdsReaderAO
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::~CUpnpCdsReaderAO" );

    delete iFileSharing;
    delete iWaitRequest;

    if ( CActiveScheduler::Current() == iScheduler )
        CActiveScheduler::Install( NULL );
    delete iScheduler;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::ReadCdsStructureL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::ReadCdsStructureL()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::ReadCdsStructureL" );

    // Start reading from root container
    GetContainersL( KRootContainer );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::GetContainersL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::GetContainersL( const TDesC8& aContainerId )
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::GetContainersL" );

    // Get all items of container with id aContainerId
    GetItemsL( aContainerId );

    // Number of found items. Count is initialized as KDefaultBrowseReqCount
    // to get into the while loop. Loop ends, when GetSharedItemListL
    // request does not get new objects
    TInt count( KDefaultBrowseReqCount );
    TInt startingIndex( 0 );
    TInt loopCounter( 0 );

    while ( startingIndex < count )
        count = 0;

        CUpnpContainerList* containerList = CUpnpContainerList::NewL();
        CleanupStack::PushL( containerList );

        CUpnpBrowseCriteria* browseCriteria = CUpnpBrowseCriteria::NewLC();
        browseCriteria->SetRequestedCount( KDefaultBrowseReqCount );
        browseCriteria->SetStartingIndex( startingIndex );
        browseCriteria->SetFilterL( KBrowseCriteriaFilter );

        // Query all items and containers with container id aContainerId
            UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt( aContainerId ),
            iStatus );

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( browseCriteria );

        // Wait for the request to complete

        // Leave, if GetSharedContainerListL gives continuously zero items
        if ( !containerList->ObjectCount() )
            loopCounter += 1;
            if ( loopCounter >= KLoopLimit )
                User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
            loopCounter = 0;

        for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < containerList->ObjectCount(); index++ )
            // Append container to the objects array
            iUpnpCdsLiteObjects.AppendL( ( *containerList )[ index ] );
            // Call object search recursively for each found container
            GetContainersL( ( *containerList )[ index ]->Id() );

        startingIndex += containerList->ObjectCount();

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( containerList );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::GetItemsL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::GetItemsL( const TDesC8& aContainerId )
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::GetItemsL" );

    // Number of found items. Count is initialized as KDefaultBrowseReqCount
    // to get into the while loop. Loop ends, when GetSharedItemListL
    // request does not get new objects
    TInt count( KDefaultBrowseReqCount );
    TInt startingIndex( 0 );
    TInt loopCounter( 0 );

    while ( startingIndex < count )
        count = 0;

        CUpnpItemList* itemList = CUpnpItemList::NewL();
        CleanupStack::PushL( itemList );

        CUpnpBrowseCriteria* browseCriteria = CUpnpBrowseCriteria::NewLC();
        browseCriteria->SetRequestedCount( KDefaultBrowseReqCount );
        browseCriteria->SetStartingIndex( startingIndex );
        browseCriteria->SetFilterL( KBrowseCriteriaFilter );

        // Query all items of container with container id aContainerId
            UPnPCommonUtils::DesC8ToInt( aContainerId ),
            iStatus );

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( browseCriteria );

        // Wait for the request to complete

        // Leave, if GetSharedContainerListL gives continuously zero items
        if ( !itemList->ObjectCount() )
            loopCounter += 1;
            if ( loopCounter >= KLoopLimit )
                User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
            loopCounter = 0;

        // Append files to the objects array
        for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < itemList->ObjectCount(); index++ )
            // Local media applications store temporary items under
            // root container. Therefore items whose parent container
            // is root, are not appended to the objects array.
            if ( ( *itemList )[ index ]->ParentId().Match( KRootContainer )
                == KErrNotFound )
                iUpnpCdsLiteObjects.AppendL( ( *itemList )[ index ] );

        startingIndex += itemList->ObjectCount();

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( itemList );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::RunL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::RunL()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::RunL" );

    // Request completed - no need to wait anymore
    // Let ao caller to continue

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::DoCancel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::DoCancel()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::DoCancel" );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::WaitRequestToComplete
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::WaitRequestToComplete()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::\
WaitRequestToComplete" );

    // Wait for a request to complete
    if ( iWaitRequest && !iWaitRequest->IsStarted() )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::StopWaitingRequestComplete
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::StopWaitingRequestComplete()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::\
StopWaitingRequestComplete" );

    // Stop waiting process after query has been completed
    if ( iWaitRequest && iWaitRequest->IsStarted() )

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpCdsReaderAO::CompleteRequestL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpCdsReaderAO::CompleteRequestL()
    __LOG( "[CUpnpSharingAlgorithm]\t CUpnpCdsReaderAO::\
CompleteRequestL" );

    if ( !IsActive() )
        User::Leave( KErrInUse );

    // Wait for request to complete

    // Leave if error happens
    if ( iStatus.Int() != KErrNone &&
         iStatus.Int() != KErrNotFound )
        User::Leave( iStatus.Int() );

//  End of File